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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. Absolutely correct. It's called the double genitive, and it's been a perfectly acceptable form of the possessive for more than two hundred years. It's not that hard to look these things up before calling people out without foundation. P.S. "Catabolism" is already a word. And "coining a new word" is redundant.
  2. I have no prior associations with him, but now I have to go look up Nightwatch. He definitely seems like a sweet guy (and I love dogs, too), but it would be nice to have a woman as part of this. I can't figure out what happened to Ashleigh Banfield. I remember her running for her life down by the Trade Centers on 9/11 and still managing to keep reporting. Very impressive. And then she had that crime show on HLN. Somewhere she morphed into whatever that was on LR. It seemed so out of character--either she made a very bad decision or they directed her to act that way and then cut her off at the knees when it didn't work. 🤷‍♀️
  3. This "she's resting in peace" BS really pissed me off as well. I find I hate it in general when people presume to speak for the dead. You can tell us how something makes you feel, but please stop with that nonsense. Your loss, tragic as it is, doesn't give you the right.
  4. Me, too, though maybe not for the same reason? I actually covet a lot of the jewelry she wears (managing to overlook the wardrobe and makeup that go with it). I spent about an hour trying to figure out what that stone was. I'm a disappointment to myself, but I can't help it. I'm a jewelry slut.
  5. I agree with all of this ^^^. I saw only a few episodes of Ashleigh hosting (don't know how many there were, since that's when I'd first just started watching), and I was shocked at how inappropriately she was behaving, all weirdly flirtatious and girly and joking about things that weren't funny. They could've replaced her with another woman, but that didn't happen. Matt has grown on me, and his background as a doctor brings a set of qualifications it would be hard to find in another host. Agree about Dan (he likes dogs!), too. He's nice enough, but that chair could be filled with someone who actually contributes. Any of the onetime women they've had on brought more to the party than he does.
  6. It's possible to bash Simone for being lousy at her job without being a "Kate fan." People really can keep two opposing thoughts in their head at the same time. I can't find a thread for the 100th-episode special, but after watching it I was thinking that if BD fans had some recurring show-themed nightmares, two of them could easily involve eating a meal prepared by Rocky and getting a massage from Rocky--and they're both real life! Run!!!!
  7. This is exactly the term I was coming here to post. If you were taking a course in documentary filmmaking and were about to miss your deadline for submitting a film on toxic masculinity, you could just turn in this episode, and that would say it all. There wasn't a single man visible who conducted himself in an admirable way. Just the opposite. And Captain Coulda-Woulda-Shoulda, who would've done the right thing if he'd only known what was going on . . . Well, maybe he'd know what was going on if he didn't sit around twirling his fidget spinner all day, or whatever he does. The fish stinks from the head down, so ultimately this climate of male toxicity falls on him. The fact that he still has one leg to stand on is no thanks to his own competence. Why he was rewarded for almost killing himself with the bosun's job is still a mystery to me.
  8. If Alton's shtick through the whole season is going to be shock, pain, and regret, I predict that'll get old pretty fast. I hope he starts bringing something else to the table very soon. Also, chicken-skin sandwich sounds as disgusting as something one of these recruits would come up with. I was totally shocked when Alton was tasting them without checking first to see if the skin looked fully cooked. Then again, maybe he was trying to find a way out, and salmonella poisoning is as good as any.
  9. I'll take that as a compliment, coming from you. 😇 But I'll also assume that most people would recognize it as a joke.
  10. Simone kept saying she preferred to be doing laundry, but then when she was taken at her word, she complained and was resentful about being relegated to the duty she said she preferred. When Kate and/or Courtney tried to teach her things like how to pour a glass of beer (!), she rudely brushed off the instruction. She was a stew for a year (allegedly), yet didn't know how to operate a corkscrew. I've known toddlers who could cut up citrus fruit cleaner than she sliced those lemons. It's almost like she showed up on the boat with negative skills. Educated people tend to love learning new things, especially if those things advance them in their job. Simone actively blows off being taught new things. But she feels as if the upper-stew position is somehow her due. Search me. 🤷‍♀️ If I were Kate, I'd not only have promoted Courtney in front of Simone, I'd have pulled off Simone's epaulets, ripped off her brass buttons, turned her uniform inside out, broken her sword in half, and then snapped the drumsticks they used to drum her out. Why not go all the way with it, as long as we love the drama? ⚔️
  11. I wouldn't have shared a bed with a stranger either. But I don't understand why the boat doesn't keep an air mattress or a cot on board for situations like this. Or send a crew member ashore to buy one before setting sail. It certainly beats making someone sleep out in a public space--which I wouldn't have volunteered to do either, especially to accommodate an entitled brat like Jamie, the authority on beauty in some alternate universe.
  12. Don't be mad at her for that. At first I also thought she'd said "small people," but it was so odd that I rewound and read her lips (also had on closed caption). What she really said was that she didn't like "slow people." Which, being from NY, I sort of understand, although I've grown kinder about it over the years. 😴 So you would choose not to marry someone you loved and who shared your values, not his family's, because of what other people in his life had done? It might be an easier choice in some respects, but that's a big price to pay. I would like to know one bit of knowledge that Sergio possesses that nobody else does, a pearl of unmatched wisdom that would die along with him if he didn't share it. Just one.
  13. It is a great book. Women especially need to read it.
  14. Apparently when the victim is a man, things happen. And that's even when it's "just" grabbing an ass rather than sticking your tongue down someone's throat--multiple times. That was me. I was starting to think no one had noticed. Ash-hole seems like a very real possibility for being a steroid-abuse case. Whenever a guy's neck is as wide as his head, you have to wonder.
  15. When it comes to slamming crew members for being incompetent around ropes, it's probably worth remembering that Ashton was the moron who stepped into that tangle of lines that almost cost him his own life. I guess he forgot. If I were Rhylee, I'd be reminding him every once in a while. But in a very sweet tone of voice.
  16. At least 50 points. I couldn't believe they were coming back for more, after having arguably the worst charter experience ever in the history of the show, culminating in one of their kids having his foot cut up by broken glass. All I could think was, somebody really wants to be on TV, bad. I don't know what their agenda is--showing off their money or showing off their kids (for acting work? who knows?)--but they definitely have one. I wouldn't have gone for round two even if Bravo comped me the whole shebang.
  17. Usually (I think) people who have a terrifyingly close call with death and are saved to live out the rest of their life take that as an opportunity to reassess and try to make themselves better humans, out of gratitude at being given a second chance. What more precious gift is there, and what more powerful message from the universe? Ashton apparently doesn't see it that way. He took the opportunity to become more self-important, egotistical, and loathsome. It occurred to me watching that video that he might have issues with 'roid rage, he's so ludicrously over the top. He thinks Kate was making fun of his mother for writing the crew a letter thanking them for saving her son's life??? Okay . . . In other news, Kevin really is a schmuck.
  18. I've sent you two DMs, but I guess you haven't seen them yet!
  19. I completely agree with this. Huge leaps to firm conclusions are being made on almost no evidence. I also think that financial independence doesn't come from someone handing you money. You're not independent if your wealth comes as a gift or via coercion or guilting someone else. You'll always be obligated on some level to the person who "gave" you your independence. You make your own independence by creating it yourself. I don't know what's been stopping her, other than some strange sort of entitlement. Surely with such a rich husband, Kary's had nannies to take care of the kids. So why not go out and get a job? It sure beats the "make me independent or I'll hold my breath till I turn blue" strategy.
  20. Thanks for posting that link, @Pepper Mostly. She seems like a very smart, nice person. Didn't get to see enough of her on the show. She was on Morning Express the other day, showing Robin Meade how to wrap different kinds of gifts. My favorite was a basketball--she cut the paper into strips, which I thought was so smart.
  21. I usually watch Live Rescue, not this, but I took a short break from work and saw the turmoil in Terre Haute. The only thing I can add is that it looked to me as if the father in this crew literally threw himself down on the ground so the cops could cuff him. As if going to jail would be a welcome little vacation from his daily family life--especially that battle-ax wife. Can't really say I blame him. Must've been fun there at Thanksgiving! 🍗🔪
  22. Didn't LeeAnne say that Kary's necklaces looked like anal beads before the whole business with the dress happened? (I'm talking about the first time she said this, not after, when she bizarrely asked how Kary would feel if LeeAnne said her jewelry looked like anal beads--which she already did say. LeeAnne's such a lunatic that when you repeat her behavior back, it makes you sound like a mental case.) The point being that what they did with the dress was nasty, but they didn't fire the first shot at someone else's business. You can't get all self-righteous about a sin you've already committed. Unless you're LeeAnne. So spare me the tender feelings about coming for somebody's living. (Which in both their cases is kind of a stretch. How many dresses and necklaces has each of them sold so far?)
  23. Same here again--me at B, him at C.
  24. Adrienne was a rare case of champagne budget, beer taste.
  25. Me, too, Gussie! I've been having all the same thoughts you describe. The first thing I said to my husband when the story came on the news was, "What the hell was she doing down there?!" I think in the whole time I lived uptown, I was in that park a total of once--just passing through--and I wasn't alone. Of all the idiotic chances I took, that wasn't one of them, and it seems like the sort of place that gentrification hasn't changed much. I don't know if Barnard and Columbia do any kind of neighborhood orientation for freshmen these days, but these kids from more naive parts of the country have to get some serious advice on what is and isn't safe in Manhattan. This case has really been haunting me, 'cause it could easily have been me or any of my friends, despite the advantage we all had of being native NYers.
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