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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. Probably for the same reason they all say "marscapone."
  2. I've only seen about 15 minutes of this new season, but boy, D'Andra has had some work done. That neck situation seems to have been cleared up. Travis is really ticking off all the boxes on the midlife-crisis affair checklist.
  3. Thanks. I know that. I just thought the new season was premiering on Netflix. I think I misread Season 2 for Season 3, because it was late and my work-addled brain was malfunctioning.
  4. Welcome to Primetimer, @KCWhite! Too bad you came to the one topic where the biggest thing going on is the resounding silence. 😉 But please stick around. We desperately need someone to talk to.
  5. Oh, good! I'm so glad I'm not clinging to this floating board all alone in the middle of Lake Erie. I already find myself wondering if the "mistake" we'll be seeing next week, that gives away his true identity, wasn't deliberate. I mean, who signs his last name on an email to someone who's already become a friend and co-worker? I guess the three of us will see together! (Since my own husband has zero interest.)
  6. Apparently I am the only person in America watching this show now. I wonder if that will get me into the Guinness Book of World Records. Oh, well, it's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.
  7. It's interesting that Karen is calling out Ashley for something Ashley's husband did (and I was pretty clear in my earlier post that I think he did it, so no misinterpreting a dismissal of the case as an innocent verdict at this end) but wanted to remain completely immune from questions and accusations when Ray was dealing with failure to pay his taxes. And we know for a fact he was guilty of that offense. Now she's the arbiter of guilt and innocence and how the spouses of accused men should be treated by the rest of the group. It's all a matter of whose ox happens to be gored at the moment. But then again if it weren't for short-term memory loss among these women, we wouldn't have a show at all.
  8. Because she's desperate for a storyline? I'm no great fan of Ashley and Michael, but as you say, the case has already been closed. Karen has nothing else going on, really. Her daughter isn't going to be the next Cardi B (or even the next Candi D), she can't continue grieving her parents indefinitely, the dodgy issue of where she really lives is something she'd like to downplay, and she wants to promote her fragrance as much as she can without talking about what her role in creating/financing La' Dame actually is. (And what's that completely superfluous apostrophe or accent mark doing there anyway? Both wrong.) So she gets up on her victim soapbox and equates grabbing someone's butt with full-on rape--similar, but hardly the same--and demands to have the case readjudicated to her satisfaction. I guess it's a shiny distraction for a minute or two. But she can't keep pivoting every time Ashley counters her ludicrous logic. Not forever anyway. Apropos of nothing, I have those same chairs on my deck that they had at the resort. Mine aren't stool height and they aren't black, but they're the same design. I love them. I also loved Robyn's glittery bathing suit. Put a sequin on it and I'm there for it. Re Michael, I meant to add: Gay, bi, or anywhere along whatever spectrum, he needs to keep his damn hands to himself. What the F is his problem? No gay man I've ever known has behaved like that. And none of them were on TV.
  9. I have a Drinkmate. I bought it after buying the Fizzini, which I don't think is made anymore. I thought the Fizzini would be easier on counter space, which it was, but it went through CO2 cartridges the way a Hummer goes through gasoline. I like the Drinkmate, but you can only make so much fizzy water at a time, since the bottle's size limits you. So the alternative is to get multiple bottles (say, for a party) or forget it and buy a soda siphon, which I think is my next purchase (along with a whipped-cream siphon, but that's a whole other story). Maybe I should just start stockpiling seltzer.
  10. Not sure if I'm in the right place for this question, but . . . Is there a thread for the Live Rescue spinoff? I saw a few episodes, but my Dish guide isn't showing me any new ones in the next week or so. Is that still on the air? Ashleigh Banfield is a bit annoying, but I find I prefer to watch people being helped rather than busted, and I'd miss it if it were gone.
  11. I didn't think you were. I was just using my Noo Yawk mouth. No offense taken.
  12. Sue me. It was new to me. I don't hang with priests.
  13. Pretty lonely in here. Well, this is getting less and less believable every minute. Glenn must have some magical persuasive powers to con all these people into doing his bidding without pay, brew him a designer beer, lease him a $5K restaurant space with no credit history under his fake name, and on and on. I don't know why I'm still watching. Hoping to see if the new pitmaster can get a good bark on her brisket, I guess.
  14. You must be a very even-tempered person, @mlp. 'Cause Laith annoys the fuck out of me. I'm so tired of his extended audition for voice-over work that I could thcuh-REEEEEEAM! (That's my Daffy Duck, complete with lisp.) Tonight made my editor nerves a little twitchy. I get that some people just don't know when it's "Anne and I" versus "Anne and me," but Bobby got it wrong at least twice tonight. Just take the name out and you know which pronoun to use. And the fact that Chef Anne doesn't know how to pronounce Groo-YARE is bad enough, but she kept correcting people to mispronounce it. It's not Groy-air, for Pierre's sake. Father Adam's joke about making water holy by boiling the hell out of it actually made me laugh out loud.
  15. She looks like she has a case of conjunctivitis so bad that it's spreading from her eyes out to the rest of her face. Including her lips. And speaking of makeup, although probably OT, there was a promo for RHoD during this episode showing Brandi talking to one of her two girls (Brooklyn or the Bronx or Broadway or whatever their names are), and the child had dark orange foundation on her face over a neck as white as typing paper. Do they actually make up the kids for filming? Or is that household even crazier than I think it is? (Rhetorical questions, obviously.) Katie clearly needs this paycheck, but I feel complicit in something very exploitative watching her on TV.
  16. So this means I made slightly more money off those books than you did! Just slightly. ✍️
  17. Now my head is starting to hurt. So it still is on TruTV for its initial airing? No, don't tell me. I think that's what I said, but it really, really doesn't matter.
  18. Yeah, I didn't see a date either, but what I wasn't clear about was which network it's going to be on. Doesn't matter, though. I'll find it when the time comes, I'm sure.
  19. I agree that that's exactly what she meant, although the way she said it was funny. The implication is that when you're talking behind someone's back, you're saying things you wouldn't say to that person's face. We know that Katie is 100% willing to say the exact same thing to Ashley's face--because she did! And good for her for that.
  20. That's good news! Are you sure it's Netflix, though, @biakbiak? I just Googled, and all the hits seem to say it's still on TruTV. It could be season 1 that's on Netflix. Either way, I'm happy it's coming back! (Still waiting for the blind guy in the coffee shop to be outed.)
  21. Very good point. I hadn't seen the second episode yet when I posted above. I wonder how many of these people on the unpaid team would've signed up to be part of the business without the presence of cameras. I don't really think this is all that credible, but I'm still interested enough to watch.
  22. This isn't the kind of thing I normally watch, but something about the previews sucked me in. I was liking Glenn and finding the story pretty believable till he got sick and had to go to the emergency room. At that point I was thinking, uh-oh, this is where it falls apart--he won't have health insurance, and there goes what's left of his bankroll. But I guess he used his actual name and insurance card to get treated, or am I misunderstanding something? I also felt a little cynical about the tire transaction. Why would he have the buyer come to the yard where he'd just culled those tires for free so the buyer could see where/how he got them? And why would the buyer pay $1400 for tires he could've taken for free himself? There are some holes in this scenario that are making it hard for me to buy into the whole deal.
  23. He did a serious look (but also with jokes) at discrimination in medical care and research, which is worth watching just on the strength of that. And he managed to work in a very funny reference to RHoNY. Here you go:
  24. Thanks, @wilsie, that's very sweet of you! We've been gorging on fiddleheads for years now. We live surrounded by native Mainers who are experts on them, we buy them from a very reliable forager, plus we both researched ferociously before we first cooked them and then before we first froze them (which we had heard wasn't a good thing to do, but if you do it right, it's fine). Fiddlehead Fred (not his real name) eats them all year long and hasn't keeled over yet. This is a pretty good summary of how to prepare them. Anyone who has a bad result can blame Canada. 🤢
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