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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. I'm not sorry to hear this! Thanks for the heads-up!
  2. And now I'm out of this discussion. I set myself a limit of three posts per issue, and I think I may already have exceeded it. I don't want to be in danger of becoming pathetic or boring. 😎 ETA: I swear I'm not replying to myself. There really were posts between these two of mine. Either that or I've come down with Primetimer's disease.
  3. We know that Jason apologized immediately and that Bethenny sent Sunny an assortment of SkinnyGirl products, both of which seem to be acknowledgments of being in the wrong. And, as already mentioned, Bethenny never denied Sunny's account of events. Which you know she does when she feels unjustly accused. So I'm going with what Sunny said as being pretty close to factual.
  4. I was wondering the same thing. And weren't the lights on in that room when she couldn't get the drill to work so she assumed there was no power? She really isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.
  5. But that's not the story that Hostin told, and the story that Hostin told was never denied by Frankel. Which was that each family was renting a beach house, the houses were adjacent to each other, and Hostin's kid was playing in the yard of the house they were renting, while Frankel's kid was napping in the house they were renting. No one ever mentioned Hostin's kid as screaming, except for here, by people who would have no way of knowing. Absolutely never any mention of Hostin's "screaming" kid being on any property except the one he was entitled to be on. So Frankel had no more beachfront rights than Hostin did. And Hostin's kid had as much right to play as Frankel's kid had to nap. Normal people can work out this kind of conflict without going completely ham.
  6. As long as the lights are still on, @film noire, can you see to hand me those sunglasses? And that face? And, if I'm honest, that cigarette? (No, no, I quit, but some days . . .)
  7. I'm just curious to understand how we could possibly know, without having physically been there, with enough certainty to state it as a fact, that Bethenny was not screaming but that Hostin's kid was.
  8. My only experience with assisted living is the place my mom was in for a few months, so I don't know how similar they are to one another, @BW Manilowe. In hers, each group of four bedrooms shared a small kitchen, so if residents were physically able, they had the means to cook for themselves. If your room has a kitchen attached, maybe a friend or family member could come over to cook for you (or bring you something s/he had cooked at home). It's such a simple thing, one would think it wouldn't be that hard to make it happen, but you obviously know best about your own situation. I'm on board with @Mindthinkr--if you were anywhere near me, I'd be more than happy to deliver your noodles. You have all my good wishes.
  9. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say she's been down for the count quite a few times. Sorry. No excuse for that. 😬
  10. It suddenly got very crowded on my little island. But in a good way. Really good.
  11. That was really my main goal all along, so thank you for noticing my great beauty and splendid isolation, @film noire. You are most discerning. 💔
  12. Would someone here even bother to wave at me going by as I stand alone on my rocky, barren, windswept little island and say that I harbor a molecule or two of suspicion that Sonja is putting on about 75% or more of her overacting, hysterical babbling? What else can she do to get this kind of attention and camera time, with no storyline, no Miss Havisham house, no romantic relationship, no business? No waves? Okay, I'll just stand here by myself looking all Gothic and godforsaken. In other news, Bethenny just wanted everyone to see she could drop $10 g's without blinking an eye on a sign anyone could've DIY'd with ten bucks' worth of green paint and a stencil. And no, they shouldn't have asked for gifts from the artists for their absent friends. You want the goody bag, you show up.
  13. I saw that, too, and you're right. I guess the difference is that drawing Ashley's blood doesn't cost Candiace anything. Land a blow on Mama and she could find herself homeless.
  14. What's the recipe? (Or am I missing some earlier reference?)
  15. Mine usually fall apart before they can do that kind of damage. I'd never use them on my car anyway. But I always use a light touch till I'm sure they're not exceeding their authority.
  16. Semantics, IMO. A distinction without a difference.
  17. It sounds like they just screwed up. I love those Magic Erasers, too. I buy them as generic melamine sponges on eBay for a fraction of the branded price. Not much they can't do.
  18. I know you didn't. I said "credulous morons," not "incredulous." The two words mean the opposite of each other.
  19. Until Harding's goons attacked Kerrigan, there would've been no reason to play them against each other. Harding herself and/or her cohorts handed them the opportunity. I've read interviews with Harding (see the link to the Times article I posted above), so I reject the notion that I've been "spoonfed" what to believe by the media. People who hold views other than the ones you hold aren't necessarily credulous morons. Except she said she did it "this time," when she had more help than she did preparing any previous meal on the show. So how does that make sense, unless it's a sly reference to some other event? Because she absolutely didn't cook the final meal without help, quite the contrary.
  20. It's not an inappropriate thing to call him. He was basically calling her Minnie the Moocher, after all. Monique was dead-on. You can see just where Gizelle got it.
  21. Too bad Alec didn't think to kneecap her on their way into the kitchen.
  22. This might not be only about her parenting style. It might be about her wifing style, if the persistent rumors about Mauricio going outside the marriage have any validity, and if she's known about them. It's hard to imagine a more effective, and punitive, barrier against sex than a couple of little girls in bed between you and your husband. Kind of awful to think about using your kids that way, but stranger things have happened.
  23. Actually, I do remember seeing that on Martha Bakes not too long ago, and I was thinking it would be fun to make for a potluck or a party. Now I can say I "know" someone who had a crack at it. Thanks for the reminder, @MargeGunderson! I think yours came out fabulous.
  24. When I first started watching this season, I thought maybe I was being unfair to Tonya (spelled correctly!), so I did some Googling around and found this piece from the NY Times, which felt very evenhanded to me. I knew before reading that a lot of the reaction to Harding was based on class, and since I'm someone from a blue-collar background, I didn't want to be class-biased against her. I feel sorry for what she went through, and it's inspiring to see a person transcend her upbringing, but I don't think she genuinely takes responsibility or expresses true remorse for what was done to a competitor in her name and what she pled to a felony charge for actually doing herself. I think she got away with being more involved than she ever admitted to. Do I think she needs to be a whipping boy for the rest of her life for what happened decades ago? No, of course not. But do I think she's entitled to eternal celebrity and to having a job in show business and being on TV regardless of having or not having any talent for it? No. I don't want to keep seeing these efforts to make Tonya Harding happen and happen again. She's had plenty of time to find another career and train herself to do it. I wish she would.
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