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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. This was truly one of her most idiotic rulings. So say she shows up to tape three or four days' worth of cases and the cameras break down and the big bosses tell her she doesn't get paid for those days because she didn't complete the job. I wonder how that would go over. Total nonsense. The guy takes the job on the assumption that the bus is roadworthy and figures that at the normal trip length of four days, he's making $375 a day. Bad weather, flat tire--something minor and expected happens and it takes him another day or two. So now he's making $250 a day. He wouldn't be happy, but it would still be an acceptable rate of pay and there's an end in sight. In this case the repair was supposed to take up to a month! He's a driver, not an unpaid bus monitor. And now he's making $50 a day and having to reach into his own pocket for lodging and food, which is about three times what he's earning per day. Or sleep in the bus. Sorry, Charlie, you didn't complete the job. Too bad for you. Outrageous!
  2. But on the upside, there are groups in almost every state now that help to free these poor pups. I just looked at YouTube to see if I could still find the video of Mona, the first dog we chipped in for, and to my amazement it's still there! I can't watch without choking up. Some people are just cruel, but some want to have a dog, don't have money for a fence, and maybe don't know any better about how to be proper owners. (I'm being generous here.) So these angels step in, put up a fence and a doghouse, and cut the chain. It's a great feeling to watch the dogs take their first playful leaps of freedom.
  3. Boy, when this friendship went south, it went really south. Leanne and D'Andra seem to deserve each other. They both have a pretty deep capacity for nastiness. (And so does Kary.) I say that we send Leanne to sensitivity training and make Mexico pay for it. 🌮
  4. Plus, if you know you're going to have to make drinks, there's this little tool called Google where you can look up some of the more basic cocktail recipes, either before you report for duty on the boat or once you're there and realize that this is a skill you need to have. Unless, of course, you were hired specifically for your cluelessness, which is a very real possibility. She is an odd one, though, no matter which is the case.
  5. Your secret is safe with me, I promise. (And thanks for letting me take you off topic for a minute. I love learning the inside details of how things work that I'd otherwise have no access to.) I'd say it's a long way when women don't have to be embarrassed to shop for necessary items by speaking the words they have to speak in a drugstore. Very different from not having discretion online. I looked at the little boys in the vandalism case and saw Gary Busey and Brad Pitt (with a little dental work) in about thirty years, except not as themselves but as a couple of thugs on the run in a bad-buddy movie. Gary's mom seemed like a total moron, and Brad's was enabling him in all the worst ways. JJ really dropped the ball on those two. Their potential for mayhem definitely scared me.
  6. This is so interesting, @SRTouch! I had no idea there was so much info-gathering going on in my local pizza place! Do you know if these practices are pretty widespread or just limited to the larger chains with computerized ordering systems? You'd think people would be smart enough not to try the same thing repeatedly at the same pizzeria, but we've all watched JJ long enough to know how far that particular assumption gets you.
  7. Probably to sow dissent, suspicion, and competitiveness among the uninvited. Just to ramp up the usual Bravo drama. You never know when it'll come in handy. 🎭
  8. This is what's known in legal circles as the Modess Defense. (I just Googled Modess pads to see if they were still sold. They are. And I found this, in reference to how taboo the whole subject of menstruation was: "Johnson & Johnson devised creative advertising strategies, including silent purchase coupons. The coupons allowed women to simply hand the voucher to the sale associate and the buy the pads without uttering a single word." I guess we have come a long way.) Did it look to anyone else as if the Scammer/Liar/Thief was pregnant again? Just what the world needs more of. The little girl in the Jack Russell case was exquisitely beautiful, but she had a rather odd affect, I thought. Not that it will stop the offers of modeling contracts from pouring in--if she isn't already doing that. JJ does understand that when you watch Honeymooners reruns on TV, they're in black and white because that's how they were filmed, doesn't she? I'm never really sure how much of that techno-ignorance is genuine and how much is put on for comedy's sake.
  9. Just guessing: facial hair--Shavr trimmed nails--Bluntr french milled soap--Lathr pasta without tomato sauce--Naked Noodlr I hope this helps your . . . friend. There really is a lid for every pot.
  10. Me, too. The gap between how I wish my thighs looked and how they actually do. 🥓
  11. I was pulling for him to tack "but live and learn" onto that sum-up so I could award him the highly coveted (and rarely bestowed) Cliché and Nothing But Cliché Award. Sadly, he faltered at the finish line. You can't win 'em all.
  12. ^^^ All of this is exactly what I thought. Travis seems to be trying way too hard to look like the perfect husband this season.
  13. It was nice to see Kate take a break from kidnapping the Lindbergh baby and bombing Cambodia to compliment Kevin's food (he seems to be a bottomless pit of need for compliments, though we haven't seen him compliment the service or the table settings even once), be polite to Abbi (who deserved no politeness whatsoever), offer to do whatever Tanner needed, not stab Ashton when he tried to mouth-rape her, and so on. Of course it'll be a relief once she goes back to strangling kittens, but this was a pleasant respite. And speaking of Abbi for one last time, wasn't it supposed to be in the 90s during the day when they were there? So why was she trembling inside that anorak or windbreaker or whatever it was? I guess she thought trying to look cold helped boost her unhappiness cred, along with smearing fake water tears on her face. What a loon.
  14. Me neither. Just the opposite, in fact. Which means, if she's lucky, that she doesn't have any traits in common with the bitch who birthed her.
  15. I assume that Allison Tolman was cast first, given that she's the lead. But casting Clancy Brown as her father was so brilliant. They really look as if they could be father and daughter. The only more perfect parent/child casting I can think of is Noah Beery as James Garner's dad in The Rockford Files--they not only looked alike, they felt alike, as if they knew each other from the beginning of time. This pairing has that same quality to me. If the show doesn't get picked up, I hope some other outlet saves it.
  16. Just about everything you sign away is worrisome to me, too. And the incredibly galling part is that you pay them for the privilege of giving them an eternal license to do what they will and profit from ownership of a part of your body. It's like a license to steal in perpetuity, and you pay them to do it to you. And your children and your children's children . . . Unbelievable. Always read what you sign, for sure.
  17. I don't have a problem with that part of it either. What I do have a problem with is some private database owning my DNA and profiting from it after I use their service just to get info about my heritage or predictions about my health. So, as I understand it, Ancestry.com, for example, becomes a part owner of my DNA while I'm still alive (and I can only imagine the kinds of problems that might create), and they own it in full after I die. The terms of service you agree to when you submit to DNA testing say that you “grant AncestryDNA and the Ancestry Group Companies a perpetual, royalty-free, world-wide, transferable license to use your DNA, and any DNA you submit for any person from whom you obtained legal authorization as described in this Agreement, and to use, host, sublicense and distribute the resulting analysis to the extent and in the form or context we deem appropriate on or through any media or medium and with any technology or devices now known or hereafter developed or discovered.” Thanks but no thanks. I'll live on in ignorance if that's the alternative. It's totally Brave New World territory, and no one seems to be putting the brakes on it.
  18. I'm gonna say that Monique couldn't have been serious about assaulting Candiace, because anyone who pulls that girl's hair must do so in the full expectation that it will come off instantly. Kind of like pulling Aviva's leg. More of a gesture than an actual assault.
  19. Me, too. But I always seem to violate that teaching on the Internet. So . . . All other issues temporarily aside, what was the wife in that nanny case thinking, hiring that young woman to spend all day alone at home with her husband, given the . . . I'm gonna say discrepancy in their appearances? She's lucky all that got ruined were a bunch of knives. I'll go sit next to SRTouch now.
  20. People marry across ethnic/national/religious lines all the time. My own parents did. So I don't find it unusual that he has a Spanish first name and an English surname (mother Mexican, father something else). I do find other things about him unusual, though.
  21. Which makes his lapse even weirder than if he spoke no Spanish at all. Just sayin'.
  22. But if Eduardo normally speaks to Kary in Spanish, why doesn't he know how to say "flautas"? That's like first-year middle-school stuff. I had five years of Spanish through junior high and high school, then went on to live in a succession of Latino areas and spoke Spanish with my neighbors all the time--so I was fluent. And a mistake like the one Eduardo made would have every Spanish speaker I've ever known doubled over in hysterics. There's something hinky about him that I can't quite put my finger on. (And I liked him at first, too. Better than I liked her. But he's looking really dickish at the moment.)
  23. I just Googled, and all the sites that predict these things say it's unlikely to be picked up for a second season.
  24. "Dating" clearly means different things to different people. 🤷‍♀️
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