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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. Except for the fact that mine doesn't tell me at all, even after the item is completely used up (or he leaves like a teaspoon's worth so he has plausible deniability), we could be involved in some kind of weird interstate bigamy situation. But I'll be generous and let you keep him.
  2. I put my finger over your toe area, and when you don't see the uni-toe (now the official name), they really don't look that shiny. Do they make a model called something other than Neon? Like maybe Incandescent? I have a few pairs of tights meant to be warm in the winter--they have a sort of fleece lining that's very soft and non-scratchy. And they're not shiny at all on the outside. I don't get the connection between shiny/outside, soft/inside. And P.S. You have good legs, so that's what people will be looking at, not your shiny tights.
  3. Why is it so amazing? Maybe they think she's a good kid and a good cook. Or maybe they're just nice people who want to boost the girl's confidence rather than rip her apart. I'd say in either case that's admirable.
  4. Well, maybe I misunderstood, but that seemed to be what was implied either at the end of the last show or in a promo for the next one. I wouldn't waste a lot of time researching it, though. In two days you'll know one way or the other.
  5. So we'll let time take care of the husband, and then the dog can do his worst when the wife's on her own. Problem solved.
  6. Sure, I get that. It's pretty much exactly what I meant when I said TLC made him an offer he chose not to refuse. Maybe he forgot he had the option to say no to making his ex's new guy feel bad. What with all that smartness crowding out the more mundane stuff in his brain. Maybe after he gets crazy rich patenting a process for cold fusion, he can give back the money and call it atonement. 😇 But most of the time I share your cynicism, @Auntie Anxiety.
  7. I'll agree to disagree. I don't think it's merely silly. I think it's mean to Ari's (almost as dim-witted but not unkind) current partner, and in the most public way. Just because strangers on social media do even cheesier things, that doesn't excuse a behavior that even a moron could predict would make someone else (someone whose hospitality you're about to take advantage of) feel embarrassed and threatened. But mileage varies.
  8. My stupid peeve involves those email notifications to let you know when an item you want is back in stock. So we were planning to have a party around now (we won't because the crappy weather and the delta variant set everything back), and I decided to get a couple of those beverage dispensers with the spout. I found one that I really liked, and although it's branded as BH&G, it's distributed by Walmart and only Walmart. Apparently everyone else likes it, too, so every time I went to order, they were out of stock. I signed up for an email notification starting months ago, and each time I got a notification, as soon as I went to snap them up, they were out of stock again. Sometimes I'd get an email at two in the morning and go to the site if I happened to be awake, and within five minutes I'd get the "Out of Stock" sign again. Somehow I eventually managed to snag two of them, in two separate orders. One of them has already been delivered, so they can't take that away from me. Then today I get an email saying that the other one is back-ordered. Either I'll get a notice telling me when it will be delivered or . . . letting me know the order's been canceled. Canceled? After all that work?! I know this is a very First World problem, but why do they tell people the item is back in stock if they've restocked with maybe half a dozen of them and they know the demand is high? Nothing goes out of stock within five minutes if there are enough of them on the shelves. This is a ridiculously long post for such a petty problem, but jeez.
  9. So these people are putting the burden on you and everyone else in the neighborhood to adjust your behavior because they're unwilling to do what they're supposed to do. And that will continue until all of you decide to use the law and whatever other means you have to push back on them. I hope you do. That's no way to live. Besides, if they're really elderly, how hard would it be to knock them over? 😈
  10. Are you trying to make Jenny's head explode with all these really hard questions?!? 😉 I think my version of a living nightmare might be walking through an airport and suddenly being advanced on by a dancing, chanting Jenny wearing a saffron robe and clicking a pair of finger cymbals in my face. What number sign of the Apocalypse would that be?
  11. If Leandro were the nice guy he appears to be, when the request for bras was made, he should've said, "You know what? I don't think it's appropriate for a man to buy intimate apparel for a woman he's not married to (a woman who has a child with another man), especially if the man bringing the bras now has another woman in his life). So I'll pass." TLC must have made him an offer he decided not to refuse. He may be an astrophysicist, or whatever he is, but he seems to have his price, too, like all these other less-brainy clowns.
  12. So if I understand this correctly, they're all going to be back in the studio as of the next episode? And the reason that Sunny's been giving for staying outside thus far is she's concerned about catching COVID, yes? (Also that her home is her sanctuary, but we know she filmed in her home plenty of times pre-COVID. And if invading her home was objectionable, going into the studio these last couple of months didn't involve being in her home, but she still wanted to distance herself from the others. ) So now that the delta variant is tearing through the population and we have more variants on the horizon--NOW is when she feels safe to go back inside? Somebody tell me where I'm getting it wrong. The assorted cover stories are mixing together. My head is kind of spinning. This should be interesting.
  13. Maybe you're pressing too hard. I've never had that problem.
  14. Oh, you definitely don't need perfectly peeled garlic if you're going to chop it or grate it or mince it. But if you're using whole cloves or if you plan to slice it (with my teeny guillotine), then it's really nice not to have to deface it to get the papery bits off. And I'm not at all jealous of your good knife skills. I can do British cryptic crosswords. Everybody's got some kind of talent. Even me. 😉
  15. And stupid, but also cunning. He knows that if he tells her he'll never marry her, his comfortable new life (I'm assuming he quit the call center sometime ago) will come to a screeching halt, so he's dragging it out as long as possible. Plus, there's always the chance that Bollywood will come a-callin', looking for their newest suave leading man. So there's that.
  16. This was what happened with our boy as well. Came on out of nowhere and passed away after the surgery. It's like being hit over the head with a two-by-four. My deepest sympathies to you and to his other people. His sweet face says he had a very happy life.
  17. I know all too well about spleen tumors in a dog. Sincere good wishes to your smiling furry avatar. Hope he fattens up very quick.
  18. To me it usually looks like she wears fishnets. But maybe she wears those over all the other tights. Actually, I think many female performers wear fishnets. I would guess it's because they let your legs breathe but kind of hold them together so you don't have a lot of loose flesh wobbling around while you dance. You don't have to be fat for that to happen. P.S. Isn't the name Neon a clue that those tights are going to be shiny?
  19. Congratulations on your new gizmo! Cleaning it is no work at all. Just rinsing it under running water usually washes out all the papery stuff. If something sticks, I guess a bottle brush might be useful, but I've never needed one. And I've also never noticed that it holds any kind of odor. Happy peeling! (My husband is counting on your vote for that Nobel Prize nomination.)
  20. I was thinking from the get-go this was a BS story. She wanted to be on TV and go to the islands and get laid on TLC's dime. I guess I'm a bad person.
  21. Thanks so much, @Texasmom1970. My DVR recording seemed to skip from all that rain we were having, and I was really hoping it turned out well for her.
  22. Did they do a revisit of the woman with the brow bump? I think all we saw was her outside the office with a dressing on her head, but maybe I missed it. I agree that drawing out the results for so long was not kind. I don't think she knew them beforehand, based on how nervous she looked.
  23. Yup, that's exactly what it is. Pretty clever, no?
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