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Everything posted by Giuseppe

  1. I asked nearly this exact same question way back in this thread somewhere, lol. It bugs me, too. I figure the others must know that she ran around town a bit doing other errands but realize Sophia doesn't think it important enough to mention or something like that. I really don't know. But another thing that bugs me that also regards communication: There are at least two or three episodes where Dorothy and/or Sophia comes home from a funeral, and the others ask if they've come from a funeral or who died. I don't get it...as much talking as they all do, it didn't come up in the preceding days that a friend died and they had to attend a funeral?? It's not like going to one is like a spontaneous trip to the mall.
  2. I don't think so. I've been watching and I had no idea what they were talking about, either. Yeah I came here to ask who the hell is this housekeeper because I've seen every episode of Black-ish and recall no Maritza. Maybe it's a storyline in the upcoming season? Doesn't make any sense.
  3. Well, he's Allie's twin brother, so it'd be kinda weird if they weren't the same age ;)
  4. So obviously we're just in an alternate universe here where Covid didn't emerge until summer 2020, ended (completely!) by Spring 2021, and Zoey spent that time cooped up at home with Bow and Dre despite never seeing her (that I can remember) on Black-ish during the brief few episodes where they addressed the pandemic. Ok then. Also, the Olympics took place in summer 2020 as planned and Sky is...still in Tokyo? I missed where they said she was this ep, but last ep they said she was still there. I mean... I didn't quite understand the point of showing Vivek's interaction with that guy at the community service bus or why he told Vivek to choose the pressure washer over the scrubber or whatever it was if we didn't see what actually happened. Nor did I understand the purpose of making his afternoon "sound really gay" if there wasn't gonna be any follow up. I don't have any other real thoughts on this episode. Just watching now to see how it all wraps up.
  5. Ha, I said over in the Anticipation thread that I hoped the houseguests would call them Big D and Little D. I guess that's close enough, lol. Though, after seeing Derek X on the episode, Little D doesn't fit him anyway...dude's tall and ripped. I actually brought my laptop to the office this morning so I can discreetly listen to the feeds while I "work". Gonna be a productive Thursday (not!) haha.
  6. I'll be really disappointed if the houseguests don't refer to the two Derek's as Big D and L'il D, haha.
  7. After watching that cast interviews video and the seeing the house tour pictures, my only big takeaways are Brent is way more soft-spoken than I thought he'd be, and the beds in the "reef" room seem really awkwardly laid out...like two people are gonna have to climb over the other beds to get to their beds or exit the room.
  8. I read your comment, and literally said to myself 'well, I'M not gonna do that. I really do just want to see the first few minutes', and then I sat there and watched it all, too, lol.
  9. What puzzles me about this exchange is that when Blanche notes that M-I-A-M-I spells Miami, not Miami Beach (a silly thing to criticize, if you ask me), and Rose points out that she told her so, Dorothy says fine, you name something that rhymes with Miami. Rose's resulting "hootnanny" suggestion is funny, but the rest of the lyrics they sang didn't rhyme anything with 'Beach', either. So why couldn't they have just left it at Miami?? The word Miami sounds so strange now that I've typed it so many times.
  10. I just startled all of my co-workers by laughing too loud at this! But, agreed, haha. I'm actually encouraged by this cast! Looks like a pretty good group, and MOST of them seem to have some good knowledge of BB past, so maybe they got mostly fans this year and fewer recruits? Though I'm disappointed that nobody listed Janelle and Kaysar as their favorite duo. Rooting for Azah right now solely because she stated that she couldn't stand showmances. Me either, girl!
  11. Oh is it? Wow, well in that case I really don't understand why they need to do all the tedious dragging out. But as i said, I didn't last past the first commercial break, lol. I guess if they're just doing one match per game, it makes sense. But it's still annoying!
  12. I was coming here to say this same thing. I never saw this new version of Card Sharks until last night, but I got kinda hooked on the 80s version over the past year while working from home due to Covid and watching the Buzzr channel (bring back Classic Concentration!!!). I decided to check out the new show and realized I wasn't gonna make it past the first commercial break for all the reasons you stated. The fast pace of the contestant's shouting "higher!" "lower!" "Freeze!" is a lot more fun than them having them ask the family members "what should I do? Should I play?", set to overdramatic music, and then having a damn near party after every time they guess right. There's just no reason for this show to be an hour long.
  13. I could not make it out at all. I watched it like 10 times lol. I tried to do CC but for some reason it wasn't working. My CC said "marabou". I had no idea so I looked it up. There's a few different definitions, from birds to chocolate. Not sure what we're supposed to infer, lol. Gwen's reasoning for not calling the police/paramedics is dumb. People unexpectedly drop dead from heart attacks quite often. What's more, neither one of them can be charged with anything, even if they did admit Xander was holding the letter opener to his throat (but why would they??). I like both actors and welcome an excuse for them to get into some wacky hijinks together, but I wish they'd have found a more compelling reason for them to cover up Snyder's death. Gwen's fear of being accused of murder again might have made more sense if Snyder had hit his head when he collapsed, like Laura.
  14. I will always love the season 6 opener, if for nothing other than the 'bird on your head' jokes and the way Julia turns it around on Alison at the end of the episode. But it was my first introduction to the show, so I'm probably a bit biased in that regard as I hadn't yet seen the first five seasons. But I honestly didn't mind Alison much at all and season 6 in general I think is pretty funny.
  15. Don't know if this has been brought up here before, but this just hit me last night while watching The Case of the Libertine Bell for the 327th time...the two sibling characters in the murder mystery are named Philip and Gloria, which are also the real names of Dorothy's brother and sister. I mean, did the writers just get extra lazy here? Or was it meant to be a coincidence? If so, you'd think that it would at least get mentioned somehow as some sort of throwaway joke. Or maybe it did and it's just been edited out of syndication. In any case, weird that I just now noticed that.
  16. Sucks that Gary had to go out like that, but I'm super glad that I won't have to hear him say "delicioso!" any more!
  17. I SO wish they had played a clip from the book club meeting with everyone getting high off the donuts. That was one of the funniest scenes I have ever watched in all of my Days-viewing history!
  18. I can't speak for anyone else, but I didn't find this cast, nor this season, to be very enjoyable. I think this was the first season that I felt kinda checked out of The Real World. I mean, I still watched every subsequent season without fail (I think Ex-Plosion was the last season I watched), but this Chicago season made me realize that I was losing interest in the show.
  19. Man, I have loved Yes since Semester at Sea, and he was one of the ones I was really excited to see back for this, so I'm really happy that he won....a true old-schooler. He seems like someone that I'd like being friends with in real life. It kinda tickles me to find out he's an architect because I am, too. Agree with everyone re: the gross over-eating challenges. I usually look away during the up-chuck montages, but I have to admit I might have cackled a bit at Kelly Anne's whiplash barfing. Fun season overall. I'll take this over the newer challenges any time.
  20. I don't get it, either. I mean, I can't believe Oscar Mayer really hired a bunch of people to put on choir robes and sing the word "yum" over and over again, lol.
  21. I always hated that, too. I've noticed that in the syndicated re-runs (at least on the channels that I watch them on), they cut out the 'oxygen isn't really a word' part, and just end it on Mark celebrating his win, for which I'm glad. It was probably just cut for time, but I like to believe the editors realized how stupid and mean-spirited it was, too, and this was their way of retroactively letting Mark have his win :)
  22. Was literally replaying this in my mind thinking the exact same thing when I read your post. The clearly both leaned in to kiss each other at the end of that episode when it first happened, and I was thinking, well damn, I guess Allie is gay or bi...interesting! But then the next episode, Allie was all why'd you kiss me? No girl, y'all kissed each other. If they were gonna go with the 'Allie was surprised' route, they should've played it differently. But whatever, I'm not pressed about it one way or the other, lol. I've gone from being completely dubious about Chanel after her debut episode to completely loving her now. I'm always looking forward to her scenes, and I think the actress has brought a much needed spark to the Claire/Allie/Tripp crowd. Kinda excited to see what she gets up to next, as well as what Paulina is planning. Before today's episode, I was starting to feel like Paulina was just a means of bringing Chanel on the show, and Paulina was gonna fade away. Agree with this, too. I think the DNA-defying masks are so stupid, but it was funny watching "Kate" blow in and completely blow off Lucas, while he and Sami were all WTF. And I'm late to comment on it, but I enjoyed seeing Stan again, even if I don't remember all the particulars when it comes to that story. Dan Wells is still adorable.
  23. Um....or maybe she's just proven to be a well-liked character and actress, and that's why they're keeping her on. Not just because she's transgender.
  24. I think it's just that the phone is now available in the purple color, and purple (grape) candy is typically considered universally delicious, hence the Candy Man song. Something like that.
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