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Everything posted by Giuseppe

  1. Julie...read the room, girl. Nobody's in the mood for your 'nana pancakes. I can't believe she asked Jennifer 'what's wrong', and Jennifer didn't respond with "What's wrong?? We're burying my mother today, you insensitive cow!!" I called myself listening for something like this, but I guess I missed it. What was said about them? I don't know if it was because of COVID-restricted filming measures, but seems like a few more people could've attended the funeral...Lucas should've been there for his sister. Someone upthread mentioned Marlena's friendship with Laura. Maggie could've gone. Just seemed like such a sad little sendoff.
  2. So wait, Rhodes thinks Orpheus is Vincent? Or was he really going to meet Vincent, but Orpheus showed up instead? I guess we'll find out, but that threw me. I really hate when characters do that ridiculous thing where they turn their back to the door/"dead" villain to call the cops/heroic rescuer. At least at first they had Ciara repeatedly turning to look at the door while she called (and how did she get past Rhodes' passcode?), but dammit, just keep your eyes on the door/villain so you can see if they're coming back/waking up! And then you don't give yourself whiplash turning your head back and forth!
  3. I was coming here to post a similar article. I'm stupid excited about this. I can't believe they actually got them to reunite in the original loft.
  4. Heck no, that is not my style at all, lol.
  5. "Final episodes". 😭 UGH! I feel like they're just getting started!
  6. I might have missed the explanation, but what resources did Zoey have to be able to produce that many jumpsuits at the last minute like that? Aaron's interview...yeesh, lol. I loved Angela Rye's expression when Aaron called her Angie-ange, or whatever it was.
  7. Living in Atlanta, I can confirm...yes, we are overflowing with luxury condos at the moment, lol. I shouldn't be surprised, but I still was, that they didn't go down the addiction path with Devon. This show has a history of not doing cliched storylines even when it seemed unavoidable, but I thought this was going to be the exception. I guess there's still time, but I was super happy to see him give the pills back to Nic and then have a real-talk with his mom. Also glad to see that that relationship doesn't appear it will be the typical overbearing mom-son conflict. I thought the moment at the end with the two of them in the kitchen was very sweet. I really love Mina and AJ. Before Covid, I saw Malcolm-Jamal Warner every week or so working out at my gym. Never wanted to bother him, but I hope he's still there whenever I decide to go back. He always seemed very approachable, and I'd love to just let him know how much I'm enjoying him and Shaunette Wilson together, as well as the show in general. This continues to be one of my favorite shows on right now.
  8. My impression as well. And I kinda get it. Jacob is my favorite name for a guy. If I had a son, I'd want to name him Jacob, but I'd hate people calling him Jake, lol. Anyway...so, in the space of...what, a couple hours of convincing from Ivan, Vivian went from "get these stupid babies out of here" to "OMG daydreaming about the futures of these precious children is all I can think about!!!" And Lani and Eli forget ALL their cop training because Ivan threatened the babies...using his words? That Ivan is certainly one smooth talker. I enjoyed the Chloe and Philip scenes, at least.
  9. I can't recall if this has come up before, but isn't it way too soon for Darlene to get this type of promotion? They've only been working there for a few months, right? And when they first started, she made herself an outcast. I know Robin took her under her wing, but it still just feels very rushed. I liked seeing Dan and Chuck together. Always nice to have some of the old school recurring characters show up here. I doubt we'll ever see Crystal, Ann Marie, or Nancy again, even if they did show up previously in the reboot. Hope I'm wrong, though.
  10. And I learned her name is Rula Lenska, not Rue LaLenska, as I had assumed, lol. What I can't stand about this commercial is that awful "zoom zoom zoom! zah zah zah!" song that accompanies it. IT'S HORRIBLE. And speaking of annoying music, the AllState commercial with the guy driving around with the fishtank on his car and what I believe is some French operatic song playing underneath. I have no idea what it is, but good lord is it an assault on my ears. And while I'm here, Jimmy Dean sausage may be tasty, but I HATE that screechy country harmonica music in their commercials. Cannot hit mute fast enough.
  11. Same here. I thought it was a bad decision to play it as though she was perfectly aware that she was being assaulted by someone who wasn't the guy who brought her home. I was completely expecting her to be more out of it/asleep, complete with "blurred' POV shots of her looking at his face unable to determine who he was, and close-ups of a hand holding her down since she seemed to keep talking about how that was all she could really remember. Didn't get the "arrivaderci" thing...was that a callback that I don't remember? I enjoyed how there was a big British flag hanging over the bed, so that we would we wouldn't be confused about whether they were in London or not, lol.
  12. I'll have to re-watch at some point, because I missed the whole tea explanation. I did laugh heartily when, after Jackie announced she had to throw up, Neville asked "where should I throw up? Are you guys picky about that?" Enjoyed the episode overall. Made me laugh more than the last few, and it was good to finally see DJ again.
  13. Frankly, I think cameos are so silly. I don't care how much I might like a "celebrity", the thought of paying someone to send me or someone I know a two minute video to basically just say "Hi, I know you exist", is not in the least bit appealing, especially knowing that they will probably forget your name as soon as they stop recording.
  14. That's pretty much what happened. Beth was all "That's what a rapist says, too! You wanted it, baby". David had definitely been an ass prior to all this, but I honestly felt a little bad for him about this incident, because up until Beth said that, it was clear to me that he really thought they were joking around. He was in the wrong, for sure, but I agree that Beth and Irene escalated it.
  15. Over on The Challenge forum, someone posted a link to the proposed cast list for the We Want OGs season that Mark Long is heading up, but in that article was a link to another, describing how MTV was poised to reunite the first Real World season, with the possibility of other seasons to come. So far, sounds like all the original cast members want to do it, though they likely won't all be living together, but just reuniting on a stage or something giving updates. I'd LOVE if they could actually pull off having them all live together for a few weeks though.
  16. Wow, that beach house was beautiful, and makes me want to take a trip to Charleston. I've barely gone five miles from my house since last March, and a trip to the beach right now sounds wonderful. That clip of Porsha singing Amazing Grace from the reunion show 8 years ago just shows how...enhanced these ladies have become, lol.
  17. What happened to the utility worker who was standing in front of the dam when it burst? And why in god's name did he just stand there?? I kept expecting him to show up in some end-of-episode montage, but I don't think we saw him again, so maybe he didn't make it. As fun as the bus crash was, it was also pretty far-fetched (unless there's a real life case I'm not aware of). First, that the bus was pushed off a bridge and into a building in the first place (and I didn't notice any water coming in the building, not to mention the bus being bone dry after the crash), and also, how lucky that it crashed perfectly right into a floor, and not between two floors, which could've ended up collapsing the building. As it was, I'm surprised the team rode up the elevator without making sure the structural integrity of the building hadn't been compromised. But, it was a great visual/rescue so I'll forgive them, lol. Anyway, like the rest of you, very glad to have this zany show back!
  18. I may be forgetting an explanation, but what happened to the restaurant that Maggie ran? Chez Rouge? I can't remember. She also had that restaurant Tuscany a long time ago, and I can't remember what happened to that one, either.
  19. In a season 2 episode of the original series, when Dan and Roseanne went on a diet, there was a gag with Roseanne kicking Dan out of the bathroom so she could pull out potato chips from behind the toilet and snack on them, lol.
  20. The "9" was how published sources listed it; ABC's since made a correction, so, so have we! The "9" is what was confusing me, lol. Thank you.
  21. She did say she had been vaccinated (whether one dose or two, I don't know), but that may start to become a go-to line for people taking their masks off on TV, the more vaccines get rolled out. It's probably something obvious that I'm totally not getting, but what does 'Brother Daddy 9' from the episode title refer to?
  22. Sounds way too convoluted, and I personally would not like this. First of all, I don't like the intersection, and I for sure wouldn't like it if a bunch of racers I've never seen before showed up and intermingled with the teams I'd been watching for weeks. This seems like it would just be a ploy to get viewers from one show to start watching the other. And I agree this would not be a "fix" for the show, just another gimmick. YMMV, of course.
  23. Anyone know why TVLand has only been showing the Walden episodes for the past couple months? They showed some Charlie episodes, but only as part of the holiday-themed binge-a-thons. Other than that, it's been nothing but Walden.
  24. Shoot, wish I'd seen this earlier. I needed something to watch this morning before football.
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