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Everything posted by Giuseppe

  1. They could change it so that you can't knowingly U-turn a team in front of you. So if either one of Gary/D'Angelo or Beard Bros had used it on Eswar and Aparna, it would have forced the other to either U-turn Hung/Chee or the boyfriends, or just opt to not use it, giving Eswar and Aparna the chance to save themselves by using the second U-turn.
  2. Yup. Seriously, this whole 'we're all on the same flight' thing every leg has got to stop. They're not racing around the world. They're being chartered around the world. That said, this was the first episode this season that I actually liked, challenge-wise and editing-wise, despite the outcome (I kind of liked Eswar and Aparna). Felt more like a leg from older seasons. But I really don't care for anyone left. I guess I'm rooting for Team NFL.
  3. I know, but my point was TAR has been to India (and many other cities for that matter) where they've frequently used rickshaws, and referred to them as such. I just would have thought a super fan would know what one is, lol.
  4. JJ might be my favorite character ever on DAYS, largely because of Casey Moss's portrayal. I hope he comes back again.
  5. That's not Skye. Junior's girlfriend is named Olivia. Not the same actress/character that he met on Grown-ish. Was there any mention of the pandemic on tonight's episode? If there was, I missed it. Kids back in school, talk of Jack making out with someone behind the bleachers or whatever...maybe COVID is over now in Black-ish world.
  6. Also, how can they be such big fans and not know what a rickshaw is? When has this show gone to India and NOT used a rickshaw as a means of transport? I know that's petty, but whatever, lol. The denture task almost seemed like a callback to another season - one that Margie and Luke were on I think - where they also had to fit dentures to customers. But if I remember correctly, they had to choose from several pairs and try them on different customers until they found a match. That task was disgusting, too. Fully on board with the blondes getting a second chance on another season.
  7. I wonder what happened to the mat when the blondes checked in at the pit stop? It was gone
  8. Add me to the list of those who came mainly for Ryan, lol. I'll watch most anything he's in, so I was excited to think he was gonna be in a new series that looked pretty intriguing. Oh well. Hopeful for flashbacks. RE: the pandemic mentions, I was assuming that most of this was filmed before covid emerged, but they re-shot some scenes or additional scenes, or dubbed in some lines mentioning it because they didn't want the show to feel out of touch or something. Or, perhaps they wanna treat it as if covid is recently in the past, but some effects are still lingering (I wasn't paying TOO much attention so I could have missed dialogue that proved it was on-going). I for one would have been fine with this being one show that completely ignored it. Didn't really care for either of the female leads, but, I suppose I'll keep watching, because I generally enjoy shows like this.
  9. Has anyone brought up the commercial for some loan company, where at the end, this little girl picks up a phone I guess, and in a sing-songy voice calls out "Daaadddyyy! It's for yooouuu!" It's super annoying to me for some reason. So of course, I hear it twenty times a day.
  10. This might sound weird, but I was actually kinda disappointed that new shows started today, lol. I've loved watching TPIR since I was in kindergarten (1983!), and over the years whenever I was home from school and especially during summers. Since adulthood and working every day, I've always taken a small delight in getting to watch the show whenever I'm home during the day. And since I've been working from home since March, I was enjoying getting to watch every day and seeing shows that I've missed over the years ( I almost wish they had run shows from when Bob hosted to really feed my nostalgia, but I guess that era's over). Anyway, I'm glad they've found a way to make the show work, but it's not the same without the audience, and to be honest, I'd rather keep watching the re-runs, haha. I could be mis-remembering, but I feel like I hated Drew as host when he first started. I think I felt like he wasn't into it...too low-key or something, like he didn't wanna be there. But now I love him. He's doing a fantastic job.
  11. We'll see what happens in future episodes, but it seems like they've taken out showing the actual 'travel' part of the show. We see them at the airport, then running out of the airport, and then a little taxi footage. I hope to see some self-driving, too, and other forms of transportation. Maybe they're waiting for fewer teams. Speaking of running out of the airports, though, it even seems as if they're holding up all the teams at customs or something, and then releasing them once everyone is cleared because I think in every leg so far, we've seen all the teams running out of the airport doors at once. I can't recall that ever happening before. Maybe there's a reason for it, but it almost feels like the producers decided that this frantic rush of 100 people running out of the airport at once makes for a cool shot.
  12. It was fun seeing that Bow's lunch companions were Neela and Carla from ER and Scrubs, haha!
  13. Typically I skip these clip shows, but this one actually was kinda fun. What was with the shot of Dr. Will yawning in his underwear up on the balcony? Foreshadowing his return, or just another unseen clip from his first appearance?
  14. Yes! I loved when they got zapped into original Ducktails! I can't remember what that original episode was about, but I definitely remember Scrooge screaming "A sea monster ate my ice cream!!!" I just can't get over how well-done this entire re-boot has been. Are there cartoon Emmys? Cuz this show/episode surely deserves one!
  15. My point was, the teams probably assumed that the horn was already working. They weren't, as far as I could see, assembling any other operational parts of the truck, so hearing the other teams' horns go off didn't signal to them, oh we need to hook that up. They likely just thought, when we're finished decorating, the judge will come over and honk the horn to let us know we're done.
  16. I am super over the Kit Kat commercial with Dracula waking up inside a Kit Kat coffin and then screaming "I'm up! I'm Up! Five more minutes!" . I hate the stupid "yawn" sound he makes, along with the annoying screechy alarm clock blaring over him. It's like a cacophony of shrillness. Plus, the whole commercial just doesn't make much since. Of course, it airs during every commercial break of whatever show I'm watching.
  17. Lol, I was gonna say, the moon must be super bright in Salem right now. I could hardly tell the difference in lighting when the 'blackout' happened. They don't do that anymore. I miss it! When DID they stop doing that? I feel like it's been many many years.
  18. Second ep without a detour....I wonder if they've been eliminated this season, or maybe they'll just show up every few legs, like how when the FF went from being on every leg to only a couple legs per season. Seems like they probably thought blowing the horn was just the judge's way of letting them know they had completed the task properly, so they weren't thinking that they actually had to hook it up.
  19. Glad to have the show back but I was a bit underwhelmed. Maybe it's because I just binge re-watched seasons 1-21 over the past month and a half, but I didn't really feel the sense of urgency in this episode like previous seasons. I think I attribute it to the editing. It just felt slower-paced somehow...not enough tense race music or something. Anyone else kinda feel that way? Seems like this was the first time teams took a cab to the airport instead of driving themselves or taking public transit. Again, took away the sense of urgency. Was everyone on the same plane? If so, no need to sprint out the gate like that except for the "race!" illusion. I really miss the old days of the initial sprint to the airport and scramble for the best flight. I know they pretty much did that with the barrel roll task, but that's pretty much a first leg TAR staple. Was it also the first time we didn't see Phil tell each team what number they were, despite it being a 'Keep racing" leg? I missed seeing everyone's reaction to the leg not being over. Anyway, I did like the fish task and I'll look forward to seeing what's in store next!
  20. I just finished re-watching this season and I noticed that too! (I think I noticed it in the previous season as well, but maybe not...I've literally been re-watching back to back to back seasons and everything's running together now). I thought maybe they had had one too many slip and falls from people jumping on the mat, so they told the teams to not step on it. But towards the end of this race, Phil was telling teams to 'jump on that mat' when they arrived, so I have no clue. When I started this re-watch, the ONLY team I remembered was Ernie and Cindy, and that's probably because the finish line was in Atlanta where I live, and they won. But for most of this season, I really must have been barely watching when it originally aired because this entire season was a mystery to me. I vaguely remembered the body-building pose-down challenge, but that's it. Not to say it was a bad season because I actually enjoyed it a lot this time, but I agree that the finale was very lackluster...disappointing since I'd been hoping the race would start or end in Atlanta for a long time. Marcus and Amani were awesome. I wish they had raced again.
  21. Again, it does not seem at all likely that there will be a "re-start" of the halted season that was filming when COVID emerged. Since they'd already completed three legs, it would not be fair for the non-eliminated teams who could not come back, and no way would they give new participants that kind of advantage (though I guess stranger things have happened). At this point, it would logistically make better sense to start all over with a new season, though I do wonder if CBS would make every effort to re-cast every team from before. IF by some miracle, they could bring back every team, then it might be possible to start the non-eliminated teams from where they left off, or they would start the whole race over and if the first three boot order ends up being different, that's a chance the racers will take, but almost assuredly a revised route and many different tasks would have to be planned out long before the racers could begin. In any case, as the health experts have noted, the vaccine may not be widely available to the public until mid-2021, so I honestly don't expect any filming to begin until late 2021 or even 2022. Just my speculation.
  22. More cost-cutting measures? That's the only thing I can think of. Maybe a necessity to keeping DAYS on the air, but it really does make the show look and feel incredibly cheap.
  23. Man, Kieran Culkin has gotta be in his late 30s now, right? I know Macaulay just turned 40 and Kieran isn't far behind him. But damn does he still look so young! I thought Georgie looked older than his uncle, lol. This was fun to watch, and I echo everyone else who hopes to see a proper third film at some point. The original is one of my favorite movies ever. I got a little confused though, thinking Rachel was going to be the girl that Mattie danced with at Annie's wedding, since they showed Alexandra Shipp's name over a clip of that scene (I didn't know who Shipp was). Seemed a bit of an odd casting choice since she's barely older than Platt, but minor gripe, lol. I adore Steve Martin. He's just fantastic. Everyone looked great!
  24. Just finished re-watching this one. Of all the "middle" seasons, this one has always stood out to me for some reason. I just would always picture Ericka rappelling down the side of the Mandelay Bay, Mika crying at the top of the waterslide, and Sam and Dan at the muddy volleyball detour for...reasons. Did not remember this being the season of the switchback hay bales roadblock, though. But, I think this was the first season during my re-watch binge that I truly had absolutely zero recollection of some of the teams. Namely Garrett and Jessica and Lance and Keri. I even somewhat remembered the yoga teachers, but that's probably because they were completely fucked over by that stupid twist that eliminated them before they even started. But the other two? Not one memory of them. Especially odd for Lance and Keri since he was such a character and made it nearly halfway. And for some reason, I had mis-remembered Tiffany and Maria being mean girls, but they were perfectly pleasant. Sucks how they went out. Also noticeable on re-watch was this was the first season since TAR6! that didn't feature a team of like nearly identical blonde girls wearing pink, lol. Why? Would that have made you like them more? They were fine the way they were, aside from the cab-stealing and the somewhat out-of-the-blue animosity towards the Globetrotters. If we're going to tell each other to be ourselves, let's let each other be ourselves without wishing us to act more gay. I agree they were fun to look at, though! And speaking of, I don't know if I realized it originally, but this season and the previous one seemed to really up the skin quotient, with all the strip down to your underwear/bathing suit tasks. I guess production was going with the sex sells tactic for ratings around this time, haha. I was rooting for Brian and Ericka. He was so adorkable. Sorry they ended up divorcing.
  25. My point was that Pelle could 'disappear' into the compound, so he would also be presumed missing/dead along with the others he was traveling with. If the local authorities did stumble across the compound during their investigation, it would've been pretty easy for them to hide him somewhere and deny even knowing who he is.
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