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Everything posted by Giuseppe

  1. Love that! Funny, cuz "Creep" was the first thing I thought of when I saw them all in their jammies.
  2. Yeah, that's what I figured as well. Darlene and/or Roseanne probably mentioned to David that she was sleeping in DJ's old room during a recent text convo or something.
  3. I've always loved Nate since he had his design/talk show a while back. His voice is soooo soothing and he's superhandsome. Jeremiah's adorable, but I do not like the way he dresses. He looks like he raided a 60-year-old man's wardrobe. A trendy 60-year-old, but still. The no belt look, shirt tucked into just the front of the pants, stretchy cardigans, backless loafers...maybe I'm just out of the loop but none of that looks good to me. Congrats to the two of them on the new addition!
  4. I don't really get this show. Is it about the struggles of keeping an underperforming gym open in a competitive environment, or is it about the struggles of a befuddled father raising his gay son with the help of his sweet but dim-witted brother? The two premises...just don't seem to go together. That said, I think it's gotten better the past few episodes, but like others, I really don't like Michael very much. I don't care that he's into stereotypical gay things or mannerisms, I care that he's an obnoxious little spoiled brat. I'll keep watching, but won't miss it if it's cancelled.
  5. Darius is braver than me. I woulda left after dude ate the ostrich egg. That episode was creepy.as.fuck. I didn't even realize there were no commercials until I came here.
  6. And I'm tickled that there is somebody else out there who immediately thought of Popeye the Movie when the Olive Oyl song came on! Seriously, are you me? Because I also watched that movie about 80 times when I was around that age. I love that movie! As for this episode, it was a lot of fun. I'm not sure how I get that the older lady didn't see her OWN reflection when looking at the reflection of the intruder, but it for sure was creepy AF. I thought it was going to end up being some mannequin or dummy , or a coat hung up on a coat rack or something, lol.
  7. And she also played an incompetent nurse on ER early in its run. If I remember correctly, her character was brought in to help after budget cuts waylaid most of the ER nurses? Kind of a cute touch. Anyway, I can't tell if I'm liking this show, or if it's the Atlanta eye-candy. I wasn't going to watch until I read that it took place in my city. It's so rare to have a TV drama actually use Atlanta as its location, and not just film here to pass off as another city. I'm tickled that they are using the High Museum as the hospital. I wondered if those plane mobiles at the old couple's wedding were once an exhibit of some sort. I'm intrigued with whatever's going on at Lane's clinic. Is she overly medicating the patients to make them sicker so they keep having to come back, thus more money for the clinic? That sounds too on the nose, so I'm hoping it's something a bit more sinister.
  8. Yeah, I couldn't tell if I kind of liked it, or if my odd crush on Glenn Howerton colored my perception. Parts were funny, parts were not. What was funny wasn't all THAT funny, but I could see the potential if the writing is tightened up. One thing I really didn't like was the "let's everyone begin to shut up. Let's everyone begin to take your seats" lines that seem like will be a recurring thing whenever he enters the classroom. Just sounds so clunky and not terribly funny. I'll keep watching for a bit. I hope they change up his wardrobe, though. The sweats with the cardigan is not flattering.
  9. I don't pay much attention to the whole garment construction process, and when I saw his dress, I was thinking it looked like he stitched a bunch of odor-eaters together. Took me a second to remember that they were using balls, haha. That dress was a mess.
  10. Ah, ok. Everytime I see that episode, I think we've already been introduced to her and I missed it. Makes sense now that I think about it. Thanks Chocolatine.
  11. Guys, when DID Nancy first appear? I swear I've watched every episode umpteen times on every channel that airs it, but I can never seem to pinpoint her first appearance.
  12. As nice as Team Well Strung is to look at, they don't seem to be the best racers, so I was hoping Tim and Joey would beat 'em out. I felt really bad when they were eliminated. This season has been fun, so far. Still, I don't like how each leg is basically a reset with everyone being on equal footing due to all being on the same flight or a forced bunch. I miss the old days when there were multiple flight options and they had to scramble to get the best ones. I hope we get to see some of that at some point in the season.
  13. Has Dina had a kid before? There's a lot of surrogacy going on on TV these days, and one thing I thought I learned was that having successfully carried a child to term before is one of the requirements. Anyway, I love this stupid little show. Confession: I must have missed it early on in the series, but until this season, every time Glenn mentioned Jerusha, I thought he was referencing like his oldest foster son. I knew it was a Biblical name, but to me it always sounded more masculine, so I assumed he was talking about a boy, lol. Clearly, I did not pay enough attention in Sunday School. Did Jeff say he was 40? That kinda makes me sad since I'm turning 40 this year, lol. I love the actor, but I would've thought he was closer to 50. I've always been bad about guessing people's ages.
  14. I feel like everyone knows what 'vocal fry' is except for me. I do love the Bachelor skits, though. I don't watch the actual show, and these skits tell me it's probably a good idea that I don't, lol. I used to love the Chad sketches, but now they're just 'okay' Luke Null is the new Sasheer...invited to the party, but nobody really knows why.
  15. This was sooo clunky. I knew this wasn't going to be very good in the first ten seconds when Ronnie did the "Wait!" joke with the cab twice in a row and neither of them worked. Some parts were mildly amusing, but none of the jokes were very sharp, funny, or well executed. The non-pregnant stripper seemed to have the best comedic timing of anyone, including Dylan McDermot. I'm willing to chalk it up to "pilot jitters" and will check out a couple more episodes to see if the writing gets better, since I do like the concept, in theory. Also, I fly a lot for work, so I'm wondering about the whole dedicated route thing that Ronnie was hoping to get from Delta (I think it was LA to JFK?). Do flight attendants ever really get to fly a dedicated route for an extended period of time? I thought they pretty much were assigned to flights as needed and based on availability. I fly to the same city about once a month for 5-6 months and it's rare I see the same flight attendants unless it's an overnight round trip. I have gotten the same pilot several times though.
  16. Me too. It works, in that I totally think someone "meeting" Sonny and Paul for the first time would be more attracted to Paul, even if he was told Sonny was his great love. I really wanna see Will chasing after Paul, and Paul not putting up much of a fight since part of him kind of wants to get back at Sonny for dumping him. So who's the dude who is with Vivian? We didn't see him yet, right? Could it be Ivan? I can't remember where he's supposed to be.
  17. I may be the only one here who loved Crystal during the original run, so I'm really glad she's making an appearance along with Ann-Marie. Can take or leave Nancy...never really loved her but didn't hate her either. Very excited to see what Bev and Doc Brown have been up to. March 27 is my 40th birthday, so it'll be nice to have that to look forward to. Though I can't believe I'm now older than Dan and Roseanne were when the show started!
  18. I've been a fan of Casey Moss/JJ since he arrived on the show, and this storyline is proving to me how much he brings to the table. Casey is doing an amazing job. I fell in love with the JJ character when he yelled "Hello?!? Skank???" into the phone while talking to Theresa way back when. I'm really looking forward to seeing where JJ goes from here...and how, and with whom, lol. Not a fan of this rivalry brewing between Claire and Ciara. Probably mainly because I'm not buying "badass" Ciara. Get a grip, girl. I really enjoyed the refurbished Kiriakis mansion set. I love the brighter, more contemporary decor as opposed to the stuffy cognac lounge they've been living in the past 20 years. But that was one helluva quick reno! I need to hire whatever contractor Eve used to do my place!
  19. Exaactly my questions, lol. I'm just gonna fanwank it for now that Rolf fixed Kristen up after the fall, then after years of recovery/plotting, she recently snuck back into Salem and began keeping tabs on people. Overheard or found out about Will being alive and about Susan having him, and then, intrigued because of her history with Susan, followed the gang to Memphis just to see what the hell was going on. Maybe she was gonna spill the beans about EJ still being alive, but when she found out about Will, she wanted to see how that all shook out first. Can't explain that red dress, tho, except it made for a hell of a re-appearance outfit, lol.
  20. I too thought it was a really enjoyable episode. Loved all the bits everyone's already mentioned, but my absolute favorite exchange of the whole night was during the Career day sketch, when Cecily innocently joked about how she might need to become a roller coaster designer, and Aidy dismissively mentioned needing to have an engineering degree for that, and Cecily testily barked back that she was just joking. I don't know, it was just so unexpected to me and I howled at that for a good couple minutes!
  21. Dr. Rolf worked his magic and made up some miracle dentures. Lol, that was actually how everyone discovered "Kristen" was Susan...Laura was trying to confront "Kristen" about something, and just as she was about to marry John at the Elvis wedding, Laura came through, grabbed "Kristen" and started grappling with her, and Susan's fake perfect teeth went flying into someone's champagne glass, exposing her. I didn't actually see this happen, as I started watching the show maybe one or two episodes later!
  22. I know back during the initial Susan-Kristen plot, Susan impersonated Kristen for most of it, but didn't Kristen at some point also impersonate Susan, or am I misremembering? That whole storyline was so wonderfully convulted that I can't recall exactly how it all played out, plus that was when I very first started watching this show, so I couldn't yet keep everything straight. Anyway, I enjoyed today's show. I agree with whoever said that Sonny's initial reaction to seeing Will rang kind of false, but I still think all the right beats were hit. Gotta say, I'm really into this storyline. I hope this shooting/BLM storyline is well done. JJ is my favorite character, so selfishly I don't want anything to happen to him, but I also don't want him to start acting like he didn't do anything wrong. I'm glad at least so far he seems racked with guilt. I think it'd be interesting to have him admit fault without blaming the victim.
  23. I wasn't under the impression that they re-built the entire store, just a significant portion of it that was damaged by the tornado, and Sal was found in an undisturbed area. But I obviously could be wrong. Loved the episode, even though I could see the Jonah/Kelly twist coming from the minute Amy started texting her. And I liked Amy's Selena hair so much more than her regular hair, haha. I could eat candy corn all day. Sometimes, I do...
  24. Oh yeah...I guess I vaguely recall that. Thanks JBC344.
  25. I can't remember how Bonnie left the show originally...the last thing I can remember is her running a hokey christmas tree farm around the time of all the melaswen madness. Can someone refresh me? Also, where does she stand with Mimi and Patrick now? She hasn't mentioned either of them at all as far as I can tell. I remember her being very protective of them, so when she got out of jail, I half-expected her to say something about not being able to wait to contact her kids. I never really liked Mimi, but it'd be fun to have her come back looking for her mom because she couldn't reach her at the prison anymore, and have her be the one to expose "Adrienne" as Bonnie.
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