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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Finally got it. Interesting swerve . . . it seems that TPTB want to win back fans of the old status quo. And then they throw in something that's bound to piss a lot of people off. Like trying to get a lightning bolt between the eyes without saying "SHAZAM!"
  2. Forgot about Remnant Barry. Hey, we were going to get a Crisis On Infinite Earths shout-out one of these days.
  3. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Maybe Matt is on cocaine. That explained the drop-off Dwight Gooden had in 1986.
  4. Three things to share before comments: 1. "Run, you clever boy . . . and remember." "Whaaaaaaa?" 2. :"My name is Barry Allen. For the past two years, I have gone on many adventures. Made new friends. Visited new worlds. And learned what family is all about. And because I feel hollow inside, I'm going to choose not to learn any lessons and recreate Flashpoint. You know, the launching pad for a company-wide reboot that would led to another reboot inside five years. Right now, I'm looking to surpass Rip Hunter as the worst time traveler in the CWverse. That's Rip Hunter, a man who recruited Leonard Snart to save his wife and son, then took Mick Rory because why not?" 3. "DING!" "What was that?" "Well, Jay, I invented a device that goes 'ding' anytime Barry Allen makes a poor life decision. Five minutes . . . looks like Jesse owes me a Ekoc." "What's that?" "It's like Coke on Earth-1." "Is that anything like Crystal Pepsi on my world?" "Ye Gods . . . " Didn't get chills seeing John Wesley Shipp in a hero outfit, but I'm glad "Jay Garrick" is a name for an actual hero. And I'm happy Barry wound up winning without somebody on the cast committing suicide to pull out the victory. Of course, I'm thinking the writers got desperate and ripped off the ending of Ghost.
  5. I was recording the episode when I found out it was a repeat. Wound up getting it when I set up for The Detour. Lucky me. Anybody else flash back to the "Prom Night Dumpster Baby" bit from Family Guy seeing the animation? Just me??
  6. I'm getting the books from the library again. I'm not put off by the deviation from the source material. I'm wondering if John Wayne will be dropping by. Or the Saint of Killers. Or any of the action in Heaven.
  7. That was . . . different. I don't think we'll be neck-deep in misery porn like with TWD, but I can see how people might be turned off. Garth Ennis is a popular writer, but he's a bit of an acquired taste. If you're not into this show, you probably wouldn't like Hitman. Or The Boys. Or Adventures In The Rifle Brigade. I was expecting more blasphemy off the bat, and I wasn't anticipating Tulip and Cassidy showing up at Jesse's sermon. I guess liberties can be taken to the point where Cassidy kills a bunch of dudes and jumps out of an airplane at 30,000 feet without a parachute. Thankfully, Arseface still has subtitles. He's like Tai from Survivor, in the sense that I can understand most of what he's saying, but I'm thankful that they're there. Tom Cruise went boom. That's gonna piss off some people, but I don't care.
  8. That was fun. Granted, there's not much depth to be found, but I think chaos works for this show. Also, you can compare Gotham City to Central City and Star City as to which is the worst place to live (National City gets a pass . . . for now). I could have used a few S3 episode with Basil Gordon. I was thinking Harvey would figure it out on his own, but then Barbara put two and two together faster. I couldn't make out any of the "monsters." I was expecting Talons. Then again, I was also expecting white face masks with no visible means to breathe. Damn, how did Hugo live? I'm glad he did, because he's a lot of fun. Anybody else get a flashback to an episode of The Flash where Barry gets iced and flamed at the same time? And hey . . . Victor's gun actually freezes stuff. Snart would be so jealous, but "not giving a fuck" is his baseline. I'm also good with Fish living. Even with an outlandish costume and over-the-top mojo, she's fun to watch.
  9. "This will be more fucking real than anything you'll ever have!!"
  10. Good news: I got a job. Bad news: It's middling busywork with a lot of walking, and I have to check it around 8 a.m., meaning I get up before 5:30. Also, I have to devour from the DVR in order to record more stuff, and I'm only guaranteed two windows to get online on my iPad because I'm not a WiFi subscriber. ETA: I changed avatars. This is J'onn J'onzz from the late Darwyn Cooke, the only sketch I ever got from him. I'll switch back to the Tenth Doctor eventually.
  11. Funny . . . two shows on Toonami this evening have characters running from pigs. Check here and here. They should have aired the episode of Naruto where he arrives at the next stage of the chunin exams after getting chased by pigs. Or am I not remembering that correctly? In case you didn't see the commercial, there's going to be a Samurai Champloo marathon next Saturday.
  12. In light of the latest mission and the fallout with women rubbing themselves raw on soapy poles, I ask: What has been the worst mission for females to compete? The one that I keep thinking about is the ice endurance mission from Battle Of The Sexes. Sure, the guys had to wear Speedos, but none of them had to be carried off the way Melissa was. Yes, but this was the time between Challenge 2000 and The Gauntlet, where Veronica resembled a human being.
  13. Indeed. If the anime is as nuts as the manga, I think Toonami should give space to Toriko.
  14. This week: The applicants fight and cook comically oversized boars, only to fail en masse at the hands of a demanding gourmet hunter. This is also the first time I've seen a woman in this arc, aside from the monster test Gon and friends took. Anyway, a bigwig determines that she's being too harsh, and everybody gets a second chance by retrieving spider eagle eggs from Split Mountain. The kicker . . . they have to get those from a crevice with updrafts, which doesn't happen all the time. Cue the would-be hunters plummeting to their deaths. Between those suckers and those that didn't take part (including Todo the wrestler, who also got knocked the hell out by the pudgy judge), 42 candidates remain. Bad news: no new episode next week, as we get a Samurai Champloo marathon for Memorial Day weekend.
  15. Not a problem. I'm curious as to how DC will double down on the insanity. Last year, for Free Comic Book Day, they were all, "Guess what?!? Everybody knows Clark Kent is Superman, and Jim Gordon pilots a mecha Batman suit!!"
  16. I'm going to remain spoiler-free before getting the issue Tuesday night. Right now, the only title I'm thinking of picking up is Deathstroke.
  17. I figured they were unofficially a couple after "Pocket Listing." I figure Archer would have found a way to screw things up, even if Lana hadn't found Katya's vagina in the sink.
  18. Are the "stars" competing for prizes as well, or just the contestants? Because
  19. Jenna is exasperating. There's no other word for her. She's a trainwreck of a human being, and she's hard to watch. Once again, I'd take her over Dione, but that isn't saying much. What wouldn't he do to stay in the house? I laughed harder than I should have watching the scary clown chase Ceejai. Clown was determined.
  20. Did not think the solider was Frank Rock. I don't know if a TV show can capture his essence, because he was just too awesome. Maybe the slain guy was polishing his helmet.
  21. I like Slater as an official unofficial foil. You know, like Barry was before he got bionic parts. Of course Archer would skip out on getting waterboarded. Because he's a weasel. And of course Kreiger would have clones/robots looking like the cast. Why not? I did love how Malory went off on him. A heel to the shoulder was too good for him.
  22. Forgot to mention Ruve's death was, as commented, a lot like Tommy's. A more fitting end would have been if somebody took off her boots and proceeded to beat her to death with them. ETA: In terms of being drugged, anybody want to ship Thea and Jax from Legends of Tomorrow? "Man, I can't believe Grey roofied me! Twice!" "Yeah, but did he make you kill somebody? Granted, she came back to life, but I'm still pissed off."
  23. No more Vandal Savage. The Hawks are off the show (though they could still pop up for guest spots). And we have the Justice Society of America to anticipate. Talk about going off on a high note! And there's still the possibility of Snart coming back to life for the express purpose of making fun of Hourman. "Are you a Time Master as well?" "No. Western Union." Moving on . . . Once again, Vandal Savage is dead. Thank goodness. Seriously, Crump was more skeezy than sinister in his role. When the Savages met in 1958, I kept thinking they'd make out with each other. I suppose that's what fan fiction is for . . . disgusting, poorly-written fan fiction. I feel a little bad for Sara. She's died three times, yet Laurel is the one that bites it. I wonder if Sara will go back to black, especially if nobody in 2016 takes up the mantle. Great that Firestorm leveled up with canon powers. Granted, they're not going to be as "showy" as in comics because the show has a budget, but it gives Jax/Martin something extra. Besides, Mick should be the guy that sets fire to people
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