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Everything posted by Mulva

  1. Exactly. Sure it created interesting conflicts, but the show and much of the fandom have always taken the position that 18 year old Sam was wrong to 'abandon' his 23 year old, car owning brother. Anyhoodle, another TV trope I hate is The Designated Hero and The Designated Villain. If you want me to believe that X is a good/bad guy, you have to show me, not tell me, show me, that X is better/worse than X's antagonist.
  2. Thank you! I've always hated both of those tropes and I don't understand why TV writers, who presumably are erudite people with college degrees, constantly tell us that being erudite and going to college is snobbish! It's always bothered me on Supernatural that Sam is considered to be disloyal to his family because he accepted a scholarship to Stanford. Going to school is not abandoning your family, especially when said family live out of their car and can visit you at any time they want. I think the prevalence of 'dark and gritty' explains the longevity of House Hunters. It's about the only show on that doesn't feature nonstop gloom and despair.
  3. Well I like it! Just having a SPN ep that actually featured Sam and Dean with no boring angel politics makes it a winner for me. I still don't give a crap about Lester - Sam didn't force him to do anything.
  4. Spike from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Funny, charming, with cheekbones to die for. Loved him on the screen, but I'd run from him in real life even if he weren't a vampire. House, of course, if I were terminally I'll I'd see him, but I wouldn't want to date him.
  5. Sadly, the show is off the air. I loved Real Estate Intervention where Mike Aubrey would try to knock some sense into delusional sellers.
  6. I think it's funny that all these folks are certain that the paperwork is correct when all it would take is one affair to completely invalidate the research.
  7. No, the Rainforest Condo Lady was a lunatic who bought a windowless condo in a building in Montreal that featured an indoor atrium with a rainforest. She decorated that place in a truly bizarre fashion, including leopard-print wallpaper on the ceilings, antique Japanese chests instead of kitchen cabinets and rice paper screens - in the kitchen! She then thought she'd advertise at a price of $888,888.88 in a Chinese newspaper because "the Chinese think the number 8 is lucky". Meanwhile, a comparable condo in the building with spectacular city views and sane decoration was listed at $500,000. I'd love to see a follow up on that one.
  8. I still miss Buy Me. Nothing beats the Rainforest Condo Crazy Lady. As for House Hunters, I'm sick and tired of these spoiled brats who reject a perfectly nice house because the master bedroom's en suite bath doesn't come with a giant soaking tub and a 50 sq ft shower.
  9. True, I forgot that 2014 was in Detroit. Now I wish Sam had tracked Dean to Detroit and had a showdown there.
  10. I wish they'd had Sam and Dean fight it out in Stull Cemetery. It is 2014, after all.
  11. Once again Sam is portrayed as the worst of the worst while Dean's actions are whitewashed. Deamon!Dean was no different from regular Dean and his demonic actions consisted of butchering bad songs while we're told that Sam is EVIL!11! because he told Sleazy!Lester about crossroad demons. Never mind that Sam didn't put the desire for revenge into Lester's mind and that he tried to stop Lester from making the deal, and that Lester knew damn well what he was doing, it's all Sam's fault and he's worse than the guy who tried to beat him to death while being human enough to walk out of a devil's trap. I'd just like to see some balance for a change.
  12. Thank you Hana, I've been baffled as to why Sam gets the blame for everything, we never see his POV and the double standards in both the show and fandom. As for Mary, I hope we'll find out she went straight to hell - she certainly deserved it.
  13. I'm also bitter about offing Hendrickson. This show has systematically exterminated all the interesting side characters for some reason I can't fathom. I'm bitter about Sam getting 100% for 'starting the apocolypse'. Gee, you'd think that he deliberately broke all 66 seals by himself, instead of unwittingly breaking one. Meanwhile, that other guy on the show, who broke the first seal, and the angel who knew that Lillith was seal #66, exhorted Sam to kill her and let him out of the panic room, get off scot-free.
  14. I still can't see any difference between Deanmon and regular Dean. JP did a great job of showing Sam's exhaustion and despair. Loved Crowley getting all sad about his bromance ending. Angels - still boring.
  15. I can't believe that Sam wasn't the least bit suspicious of the guy who came out of nowhere when his car suddenly died. Demon Dean is exactly like regular Dean.
  16. Well I guess they out-clevered themselves because I have no intention to get over my distaste for the name. Life's too short, and there's too much on to bother with that.
  17. Selfie The title alone has put me off, and the promos aren't helping. I'm sick and tired of the "super hot girl is socially awkward" trope.
  18. This is true. A cop I know told me about the guy who stole a car, then took selfies sitting on the hood of the car, license plate showing, brandishing a machine gun. Easiest arrest he ever made. What I learned from TV: Take the EZ Pass thingy out of the car before you drive into Manhattan to kill someone. Better yet, use someone else's car and disguise yourself so the cops can't ID you from the security footage from the toll plaza.
  19. For a moment, I thought Dale was going to pull out that icon at the tribal council. Watching Twinnie get the first boot was fun. Here's to the other one getting booted next.
  20. My least favorite trope is when to show that one of the legs in a love triangle is repulsive and generally unworthy, they make them wear glasses and have seasonal allergies. The 'Twu Wuv' naturally has 20/20 vision and no sensitivity to ragweed. Gee, I didn't realize that having the equivalent of a mild cold for a few weeks in the fall was actually a character flaw. A related annoying trope: Asthma is a disease that strikes the cool and uncool alike. It is NOT a character trait indicating that someone is a weakling and/or a nerd.
  21. I like Clara. Her upbeat personality is a breath of fresh air after sour, dour, Amy.
  22. That's not blasphemy to me. I stopped being a Dean fan around S4, and I never cared that much about Castiel. I don't hate reality show or think that they portend the end of civilization. If you don't like them, don't watch them. I'll make an exception for the kiddie exploitation shows - every adult involved in them should be horsewhipped. I really like Clara on Doctor Who. She's upbeat, pleasant, polite to everyone, and doesn't screech. In short, she's the Anti-Amy.
  23. I've tried to watch Blade Runner three times and can't make it past 15 minutes. I've tried the version with narration, and without narration, and it's still a dull, dreary, depressing mess.
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