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Everything posted by Mulva

  1. Jessica Fletcher: America's Most Successful Serial Killer - at least that's my theory. I can't get into The Good Wife. It's just too lifetime movie for my tastes.
  2. Ain't that the truth! Dean's frequently a dick, and he got turned into a demon by his own chosen behavior, but any criticism of his actions, or pointing out his massive hypocrisy, means you're an 'Extreme Sam Girl'.
  3. That's exactly how I feel about that show. It's not in the least bit funny to me, just a bunch of idiots being nasty to one another.
  4. Grimm I loved Buffy, Angel, and Supernatural, and I even liked Charmed until it got to ridiculous, but I can't stand Grimm, primarily because the two leads are black holes that suck all the charisma out of the show.
  5. I never understood the writers' infatuation with Taub. He wasn't funny, he wasn't interesting, he treated his wife like crap, and there's no way in hell that ugly little troll was a ladies man. But for some reason, the writers kept telling me that he was hilarious and wildly successful with women. Of course, the worst thing on House was having House drive his car into Cuddy's home. He could easily have killed somebody. The character never recovered for me after that.
  6. Firefly didn't fail because FOX aired the eps out of order, it failed because the premise was stupid. We don't dress or talk like 1870's pioneers now, why the hell would people 600 years in the future dress like Little House On The Prairie and talk like some dime western intermixed with ramdom Chinese curse words? They can traverse the interstellar void and terraform planets but can't come up with electric lights? Cattle rustling in space? Really? You'd think that vat-grown meat would be a hell of a lot more practical than animals that need feed, living quarters, veterinary care, and that produce waste. If Whedon had NOT gone for a literal 'space western', it might have had a chance.
  7. I'd like to see the follow up where they give up and sell the place to another sucker 3 months later.
  8. I can't stand the Twelth Doctor either. He's as nasty as Six at his worse. I like Clara just fine. At least she has a personality beyond 'Scottish Grouch'. You just described a small but vocal part of the Supernatural fandom. They keep insisting that despite 10 years of seeing Dean bang women, hit on women, dream about women, live with women, collect titty magazines, visit strip clubs and massage parlors, that he's either gay or bi and that the show will acknowledge this any year now. I wouldn't care, but when they hassle Jensen Ackles (Dean) at conventions and accuse him and the writers of being homophobic, which could negatively affect his career, because he stated that the character is straight, then I have issues with them.
  9. John is an interesting, complex character, and I wish we'd seen more of him. That being said, I don't get the claims that the later seasons 'ruined John'. We learned in the pilot that he disowned Sam for accepting the scholarship to Stanford. The rest of S1 showed us John not bothering to return Sam's frantic calls when Dean was dying in Faith, the flashbacks to the Shtriga episode where we found out that John routinely left Sam and Dean alone for days in sleazy motels when they were under 10, and he was probably using them for bait, and John not helping them in Home. I don't buy that John was against eighteen year old, combat trained Sam going to college to 'protect him', seeing that he'd leave five year old Sam in the care of a nine year old.
  10. The whole premise of Maude was that even though Maude was an old woman, there was still life in her, and she wasn't ready to be put on the shelf. She was 47!
  11. I'm tired of hearing the same crap about how the guy who gets twice as much screentime and lines, nearly all the scenes with the guest stars, the entire POV, and whose every action is whitewashed while his co-star is excoriated for doing the exact same thing, is being 'shortchanged' by TPTB. It's ridiculous that we're simultaneously told that 1) Lester is a vile POS who richly deserved death at St. Dean's hands, and 2) Lester is a poor woobie who was led into perdition by Evil Sam. You can't have it both ways. If Lester was basically an innocent led astray by Sam, then Dean is a monster for murdering him. If Lester is a scumbag who would have most likely hired some biker to kill his wife, then that lets Sam off the hook morally. Seeing that Lester showed up at the house, not to stop Dean, but to gleefully watch his wife ripped apart by a demon, and he was perfectly sober at the time, I'll take #2.
  12. You mean Linda Evans in The Big Valley with her blue eyeshadow and her 'flip' hairdo wasn't historically accurate? Umpossible!
  13. In my headcanon, Sandy's parents were appalled, and promptly packed her off to Australia where she met some nice Aussie guy and forgot about Danny a week later. As for It's A Wonderful Life, I can't feel too sorry for a man who inherited a bank, had a beautiful wife, a lovely, spacious home, lots of friends and a brood of adorable children. And yes, Potterville seemed like a lot of fun.
  14. I watched an episode of Columbo recently, and dear lord, it was sooooo slooooow. It was a two hour movie with about 45 minutes of plot. Endless scene after endless scene, with obvious padding of people walking down corridors. There's no way that show would be successful these days.
  15. I agree, and I think its partly because that by S5 on Buffy the characters had changed and grown apart so much there was precious little friendship left and no reason for them to all hang out together constantly. The Angel characters all worked together, so it made sense for them to still be together even after the personal arguments and rifts, because Angel Investigations and later, W&H was their jobs.
  16. Amen! I am so beyond caring about angel politics and Crowley's machinations. Just send the angels back to heaven and seal hell. There's plenty of vampires, werewolves, wendigos, etc. for the boys to hunt.
  17. This isn't quite a different role, but this article on Office Ninjas about what not to do at the holiday office party has a video of Dean doing karaoke. The author must be a Supernatural fan. http://officeninjas.com/2014/12/03/office-party-getting-fired-end-game/?w
  18. . But it's sweet and it's funny and Rickman is magnificent. I cracked up when Rickman's ghost friends showed up at her place to watch movies and rearranged all her furniture every day.
  19. I've never understood the female Peter thing. I remember watching the Mary Martin version as a wee child and being irritated that they expected me to buy this woman as a boy.
  20. My UO is that Sam was not an ungrateful bastard for being angry that Dean stuck an angel in him, especially after his prior experiences with possession, and that his speech to Dean in The Purge if anything, was mild. Of course it had a negative impact on their relationship.
  21. I honestly have never seen Sam as having any of those traits. I've seen Sam be far more forgiving, especially to Cas, than most people would be, I saw him jump into hell to redeem himself for the apocalypse Dean started, and as for 'selfish', he gave up his friends, his schooling and his career for Dean.
  22. Adam Rove is your typical 'Nice Guy', feigning friendship with a girl to get into her panties instead of asking her out directly, then turning nasty when it doesn't work.
  23. I was talking about Dean's snit-fit about Sam's year with Amelia. Especially his, "How many people DIED, Sam?". Um, probably the same number of people who died during Dean's yearlong hiatus from hunting. BTW, going to college isn't 'running away', it's simply going to college.
  24. Yup, and Dean gets far more screen time with the guest stars, and even when he's a demon, doesn't do anything really evil. Meanwhile, Sam gets raked over the coals for daring to live a normal life for a year, when Dean did the exact same thing and it was seen as tragic that he left the normal life. Yeah, if that's 'pimping Sam', I'd like to see what their idea of tearing him down is.
  25. I think you and I are watching the same show! I've never gotten the "Poor Dean" thing at all. Of course, I still don't understand why Sam accepting a scholarship to a prestigious university is considered negative or a character flaw. On the contrary, I always felt that Dean's extreme butthurt was ridiculous.
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