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Everything posted by Mulva

  1. Here's another UO: I don't blame Anna Nardini for not telling Luke she was pregnant. I wouldn't want to be tied to that dreary, joyless, bitter, negative, perpetually angry killjoy for the next 18 years either, and I certainly wouldn't trust my child to someone with his violent tendencies.
  2. My UO: I think Mia's actions in hiring Lorelei as a maid and housing her and Rory in a potting shed were downright criminal. How the hell does someone see a teenaged girl with an infant and think, "Gee, I could contact her wealthy family and send her back home where she and the baby will be well provided for. Nah, I'll put her to work scrubbing toilets and let her and the young'un live in squalor." That's not doing her a favor, it's explotation. Lorelei should have been in school, not doing grunt work while Rory sat strapped in a car seat. More to the point, why did Richard and Emily allow that to happen? Or for that matter, why did the townspeople not do anything? I also don't buy that Lorelei would have lasted more than a few days. In real life, she would have become quickly disenchanted with cleaning strangers' bodily fluids and come back home.
  3. The Magicians. I gave up after two episodes. There wasn't one likeable character or a lighthearted moment, just grimdark and a bunch of joyless jerks.
  4. When you're listening to Richard Cheese's lounge versions of heavy metal, rap and classic rock songs and you find yourself wondering if Dean would think like them or think they're sacrilege.
  5. And what he didn't actually do, or what he might have done, and every action was subject to the worst interpretation. I'm still not sure just how and why Sam is solely responsible for the apocalypse when everyone else was actively trying to kill Lilith.
  6. I loved Rowena and I want to see her in hell, bedeviling Crowley. I still don't care for Casifer. I'm sorry, but Misha isn't pulling it off. They should have gotten rid of the character years ago - he adds nothing.
  7. Any reason Hunter couldn't have cleaned up? It always irks me when the menfolk whine about the mess but don't do anything to keep the house clean.
  8. And there is never any backlash against the killings. Sure, there's the obligatory scene with Internal Affairs where where the killer cop indignantly states, "It was a righteous shoot", but that's the end of it, and the IA officer is always portrayed as a petty, vindictive jackhole who wants to take our hero down out of spite. In real life, most cops never even draw their gun in their entire careers, and do I need to mention Ferguson, MO?
  9. If the library has the TARDIS, where's the doctor?
  10. Sam has been the writers' whipping boy since S4. Everything he does is wrong, when he trusts a monster he's always wrong, every decision he makes backfires in some way. He's nobodies favorite, people feel free to joke about his personal tragedies, and he gets all the blame for situations that had many causes and other people's involvement. It's really getting old.
  11. Now I want to see Crowley as a wee, little puppet man.
  12. Don't hold your breath. I spent most of S8 waiting for the big reveal that Amelia was a hallucination/witch/demon/angel/whatever but nope, that whole situation was exactly what it was presented to be.
  13. That was a total POS. What happened to the intriguing show I originally enjoyed?
  14. That's exactly how I feel. I've always felt that the show was better before all the Heaven/Hell/Angel politics came on the scene. It was good to see the show focused on the brothers. It's about time the writers remembered that Sam is a main character.
  15. Damn, why did they have to kill the bull? Sure, the cow had a bull calf, but that would mean serious inbreeding. I have mixed feelings about Melissa's anger at Todd. On one hand, it's not as if there are a lot of other options, but his hoarding the bacon was pretty low. I'd wonder what else he was hiding, the last can of gas, the last bottle of penicillin?
  16. Count me in with the people who love season 11. It's amazing how much better the show is when you cut out the boring Angel politics and give Sam something to do.
  17. Watching Boogertron get a beat down was most satisfactory.
  18. I think it's funny that whenever a contestant listens to Tim, the judges hate the results.
  19. The show has been using Bob Seger songs since S1. They used "Lucifer" and "2+2" in S1, "Rock and Roll Never Forgets" in S5's Swap Meet episode, "Beautiful Loser" in the S6 opener and "The Famous Final Scene" in S8. That's just off the top of my head. I'm not sure why there's so much outrage over using a classic rock musician's music on a show featuring a character who loves classic rock.
  20. I really enjoyed this episode. I liked that the focus was on the boys, not boring angel politics.
  21. I feel I should have liked the eps more than I did. Cassandra and Ezekiel really ruin it for me. They should focus more on Christian Kane - he's the best thing about the show.
  22. Exactly! I hate the way she acted all hurt because those big fat meanieheads didn't immediately wuv her. Then they all forgot what she did. If I'd been there, I'd have taken her out to the woods and put a bullet in her brain.
  23. Excellent analysis, Crim. I can't think of anything to add. I just wish she'd go away and take Ezekiel with her. I hate grown women acting all cutesy-wootsy. The show would be much better without them.
  24. Well if you're going to hoard food, why not make it something tasty?
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