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Everything posted by mytmo

  1. Ugh Dave with his barnacle like clingyness. I would've thought Tash had told Dave this was just fun and games. Was he expecting more or the thought of losing a hot chick too overwhelming for Dave? Either way not a good look. Did Raygan find a uniform at a costume store for the picture showing her previous Capt. experience? With what she was displaying it looked like she had as much skills as Noah. I agree with the Primary that the boat's decor screamed Versace. Not sure why it bothered him so much. Definitely over acted.
  2. To me it was telling the way Anila treated the Nanny when it was the Nanny that cleaned up the cow shit in the house and not Anila, her husband or the mother and also how Anila was highly offended that the Nanny would pick spending time with her family over Anila's. Bet they did not give her any type of bonus after 5 years of loyal service (a car seat they were too lazy to take out of her vehicle does not count). Guess Anila needs to actually raise her own kids. Seriously how long does it take to post videos on SM?
  3. I heard braying sounds from my tv and yes it's Whitney.
  4. If I was the primary I would dictate what I want for breakfast not the other way around. Just serve it to me so I can watch Capt. Jason. His fine self wiping things down is entertainment for me. You don't even have to put out the slide.
  5. Raygan is an escape artist escaping from any work to be done. Hearing Dave cry was off putting. Is this his first boatmance? From what I've seen long term relationships are rare and Capt. Lee is the only one that was successful.
  6. All I kept thinking during Chleb's scene at the cousin's house is that are those Craig's pillows?
  7. I was curious what Kathryn made for dinner. I thought Spaghetti and meatballs but maybe it was meatball risotto? Either way I would've thrown it out. I also didn't understand what was Chleb's point in his discussion with Kathryn. He didn't even apologize for ghosting her for 5 days. He can't handle her situation? Did he ever meet Kathryn? The whole damn town talks about her so he can't say he wasn't aware.
  8. Kinda wished it was She By Sheree was at that party and handled drunken Ericka for Garcelle. Hell I wouldn't even mind if it was Marlo.
  9. I would love to see a show with a competition made up of BD chefs like Ben, Rachel, Marcos.
  10. I don't know what made me laugh harder; Caroline Stansbury and her carrying a baby close to 50 or those big clown shoes she wears.
  11. Dammit I am only just returning to the office after a bout of COVID (that nasty bitch)! I will set my DVR though for this iconic episode.
  12. Gary's your good time guy - nothing serious but looks like a lot of fun.
  13. Why would Billy Goat Colt bitch about driving Debbie to San Diego? He got paid and camera time.
  14. Seeing RHONJ men last night proves they need to be the focus and not the ladies
  15. I only just started and love this series. Love Vince and Peggy although I didn't like when Peggy was fired from the school cafeteria. So much comedy gold could've been mined there. Unapologetically laugh out loud at the non pc.
  16. Insurance companies are not stupid and have their own investigative units besides just using the police report to settle a loss. Knowing she suffered a prior large loss and the fact she has a large amount of jewelry (probably specifically insured as the policy has limitations) there may have been been specifications on the policy that there must be an operating burglar alarm. She also has to prove the value and that she actually owned the item (hope she kept a video record off site along with receipts). She may be unpleasantly surprised that she may receive less than what she was expecting.
  17. I see Dorit is wearing something from the Sofia Petrillo line of mourning/burglary wear.
  18. Delores looked like she had a golden retriever on the back of her head.
  19. They need to retool this series too. Maybe focus on the guys. Would be great to hear their taglines. What would they be holding in the intro?
  20. Gary needs to be aware of what lil Gary is doing or at least with protection. Ask Jean-Luc about that.
  21. Glenn should be a spokesperson for noise cancelling headphones
  22. Andy's problem is that he casts actresses that try so hard to make something happen and push manufactured drama instead of using ladies that had drama happen organically.
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