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Everything posted by mytmo

  1. Brock workin hard to pay for the Morganite Monstrosity. A quiet low key wedding for Brock and Scheana? Naw Scheana needs new mega wedding photos for the living room.
  2. I don't know my definition of glorify is to show in a way that you would want to be. All the fat shows make me want to be the opposite. TLC has the mentality of if one show is getting the ratings about _____ then 100 more shows with the very same theme the better! Fat people. Little people (sorry don't know the proper term). Desperate people dating others overseas.
  3. I wonder if in any of the crew's contracts mentioned anything about the use of negative racial language being prohibited. I'm thinking not in Bravoland.
  4. Love them on Pillow Talk. This show not so much. Guess better taken in small doses.
  5. While channel surfing last night I caught a glimpse of Tammy in the van from 1/17 episode on no other than Laura Ingraham's show. Seems she was saying the media is now glorifying being fat. Way off the mark in my book and I don't get that vibe as someone is always saying that she or someone else should lose weight.
  6. She's a non motherf$@#ing factor
  7. My heart is breaking for Gabe
  8. So Meri is legally not married. King Kody considers her as celestially not married to him. Does Meri now have to find a new king of a planet to spend eternity? There were a couple of male Mormon missionaries that were going door to door in my neighborhood a few weeks ago and I should've ask them.
  9. They were remarking on how they did not have family photos and said it was from Tammy being so difficult. I grew up with 6 siblings poor as poor could be but had an old camera from a thrift store and our family photos were grainy hap hazardly done on the fly when someone could pay for it to be developed. Sometimes it took so long no photos could be clear. My post was not intended to say a family is dysfunctional for not having a family photo. I wasn't remarking on the dysfunction for not having a professional family photo. The Slantons show their dysfunction in so many ways.
  10. The Fez story was great. His badass Grandma was great. Ashtray was savage when he took out Mouse and that other guy. I could live without Rue. Jules too. Downright boring. Classic music is the best. Better than the garbage they have now (says this old lady).
  11. I don't know why I watch this shitshow and have been since Christmas even binging past seasons. There is a family across the street not with the weight issues (except for Mom) but they scream at each other from sunup to sundown. No humor though. You'd think I wouldn't want to watch voluntarily. I need meds or therapy or both. That menu was atrocious for any healthy choices. Did every option come with bacon?! Sure you can order without the bun but the burger and all its toppings (including bacon) had to be like 2,000 calories. Unless you're Michael Phelps and plan on doing 100 laps when you get back to the hotel, that will all turn to fat. Just the fact that they had not had a single family photo since they were kids shows complete family disfunction. Can't blame Tammy for all of that! I was surprised that wheelchair could handle Tammy's weight. Now that there is an option no one should be pushing her wheelchair anymore. Poor Michael is practically horizontal when pushing that wheelchair. #savemichael
  12. She completely removed her neck in that last photo edit. This just looks so unnatural.
  13. The folding screen is to cover "The Ark of Kody"
  14. Robin's dance of the 7 veils reminded me of this
  15. Caleb should've done a little research on the mechanics of a physical relationship with Alina. I'm sure there is a porno available (as there is everything else). I'm sure Alina can instruct him. Seriously to be so taken aback after a 13 year relationship? How can you have not discussed this? For Memphis to expect a superb sexy time when Mom and sis are mere feet away in a small apartment is unrealistic. She should've told him let's hit the airport motel 1st then go see Mom. Tell the friend to meet him a few hours later. Sheesh. Jasmine is not as attractive as she thinks she is. Gino's laugh is a serious turn-off. Even wearing the hat is more acceptable. Ella is making a big mistake having Johnny as her weight loss coach/trainer and thinking she is his sexy girlfriend. In my personal experience both cannot share the same universe. He states he likes American women for their independence but then has a problem with her eating habits and the amount of time she spends ranching. Sure she wants a diet coach but she wants a boyfriend more. I don't think he can get past her size to be the attentive boyfriend she is looking for. She is doing a great disservice to herself waiting for him to be attractive to her as soon as she loses the weight.
  16. I binged all weekend Seasons 1 and 2 under the guise of getting a better understanding of the sisters and as shock treatment to get myself in order. Boy is Amy passive aggressive! Sure everyone is focused on Tammy and why won't she lose weight but has this family really taken a look at themselves? If I was at 250, 300, 400 lbs, I wouldn't say squat on someone else lack of weight loss. All 3 siblings that had gastric surgery are still in the woods as far as I am concerned. The personal examples around me have all gained almost their weight back which still amazes me. Do all of the family members have to be so focused on being so snarky to Tammy or is it Producer driven? I started out rooting for Tammy but lost interest and feel the same as her current Dr when he told her see me when you start. Too bad there isn't a drug to make you care so much that you make the sacrifice to eat right and exercise. I would empty my HSA for that drug lol!
  17. It was known that there were forced sterilizations on native women in the 1960's and 1970's not saying that couldn't have happened later. Per Time.com physicians sterilized perhaps 25% of native women of childbearing age over a 6 year period in the 1970s alone. Although Beth is white and was a teenager at the time brought in by another teenager I could see no questions were asked and fell into the same fate as a native teenager.
  18. Who would pay for a Cameo with Kody?!
  19. These are the dumbest rules when you have an outsider nanny come into your house every day. My nephew's wife made a big deal of not hugging anyone and had a socially distanced dinner at Christmas. If I was that concerned I would not have had any get together. She hugged her daughter the entire time. Makes sense except the fact that her daughter just got off her shift from Duncan Donuts. Guess who got Covid? The wife and daughter. Just saw upthread Kody got Covid? Isn't it ironic
  20. I knew he wasn't going to make it when Schmidt and Helm were assigned. Christmas wish - fire Schmidt and Helm
  21. I truly thought the meet and greet was going to be van side with the door open for Tammy.
  22. One of my favorite scenes of all time
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