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Everything posted by mytmo

  1. I watch all these series with a substantial grain of salt and hand waiving. Sure I believe Production works to create a situation and choose a cast that will act in the most entertaining manner possible if not over the top. There is editing of course. The boat and mechanics are real although I believe the shadow crew (or as we call them in our house the below below deck crew) really are the operators. I go along with it and don't take what I view as gospel. It's all just entertainment to me to not take seriously.
  2. This is classic. I am so stealing this.
  3. I watched and read everything about this case back in the day like it was my job! I was visiting my sister in N Michigan when the Bronco chase happened and was watching that and a massive group of wild turkeys that took over the road in front of her house. Both were strangely riveting. Anyway, the ineptness of Marcia Clark and her blaming the witness for blowing her case and then harassing her to the point she needed to hire an attorney? Why didn't she inform the witness to not discuss with the media? The witness (like anyone) is fallible but there was so much more she should've focused on in the prosecution like having the jury be educated on domestic violence and its effects, OJ having keys to Nicole's residence (that he lied about), counteracting the defense' dismissal of OJ's blood evidence at the crime scene and OJ's, Nicole's and Ron Goldman's blood in the bronco and his residence and the whole glove scenario to name a few. Even her decision to change her hair style mid-trial may seem shallow but people put trust in familiarity especially in appearance. I don't think she had any idea how to select a jury and felt confidence on gender alone which reverts back to understanding domestic violence. Nicole was failed in so many ways.
  4. Just like Jesse and Michelle and Jax and Brittany this show is 1 and done.
  5. We thought it was odd that Daniel went on the trip but didn't show up for anything. Mr. Mytmo thinks there is someone else being kept in the dark. I ruined him having him watch these perpetual cheaters that he thinks everyone on the show is a cheater.
  6. Do they really think getting rid of Kristin would be beneficial? She brings the crazy and we love it. Nobody cares about the non-former VPR cast. On WWHL Scheanna said she just bought a house in the Valley so they better watch out. Janet is too annoying to be a villain.
  7. No surprise why RHONY does not want her back.
  8. Seems funny that on multiple occasions when an event is at Mauricio's house someone asks if this is a Kyle event and they don't seem happy about it. This series seems the most real. I've worked for a few family owned businesses and the characters are very similar. There's always a non-related female that is a regular bitch. A couple of douche bags in sales that think they are God's gift. And the nepotism will never be breakable with the laziest, dumbest people on the planet will never get in trouble nonetheless lose their jobs.
  9. Bye Cat and Jared - big crybabies!
  10. I'll watch. My self-respect in regard to what I watch left me years ago.
  11. First time watcher. Am a little flabbergasted by this character Garrick and I thought I've seen all the wackos including the fundie christians but he is unique. So if they tested any female that had sex with a male, the males' dna becomes an integral part of the female on a cellular level? I am not a biologist or criminologist but wouldn't that negate all the dna used in in crime investigations? He is taking the 2 become 1 literally. Ridiculous.
  12. So I have a meeting with the bosses next week that will probably involve taking on more work. I plan on fainting and after seeing Wendy Williams and now Sutton, do I make a big jolt then collapse or just collapse?
  13. The Me Party including theme song! Can I have Kyle house in the divorce?
  14. I got all nostalgic seeing Sandoval and Scheana exchanging words in the alley.
  15. This is the best stripper the sister could come up with? Not even worth getting in trouble.
  16. All the family had to do was secure the keys to the vehicles since Amy can't drive. Maybe lock her out of the house? We did that to my teen brother when we were growing up.
  17. Ok so I am missing how Angie could be part of the "Greek Mafia" because she had a bankruptcy and a lien on her property? I know people that had both but never thought they were in some kind of mafia. Heather accusing Production? I see her getting the ole bad edit next season.
  18. This has to be the most exciting piece of info over anything that RHOP has ever shown. I would love to know the story if you are willing to share.
  19. Did I hear right where Amy said Michael is staying at his mother's? Why is she crammed up at Tammy's when her own house is free? I know I know she needs help but what happened to the part-time nanny option? She has to be the most immature person I've seen on tv.
  20. Now that was a Scooby Doo ending! I see a few others thought so too
  21. Despite my better judgement I watched the Happy Merry Christmastime episode. So Hope's tree nutcracker monstrosity wins over an actual tree with a train running through it? Oh that's right the hokey marry me sign is what did it. And Charmaine hooks up with the mutt of the town out of spite to Jack? 3 pushes in what looks like somebody's kitchen produces clean shiny twins? I had more of a mess in my kitchen making cookies. Oh and lets wait until the last 5 minutes to throw out any story lines. Were actually interesting story lines getting in the away of the diabetic coma inducing merriment and fun? I can get more from watching a telenovela and I don't speak Spanish.
  22. Just saying Michael is going to lose his shit when he sees the balance. Looks like next week at the attorney's office will be an eye opener. Usually is.
  23. If Amy believes she can leave Michael with only $1,000 as overheard at the bank she is in for a rude awakening.
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