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Everything posted by mytmo

  1. I knew he wasn't going to make it when Schmidt and Helm were assigned. Christmas wish - fire Schmidt and Helm
  2. I truly thought the meet and greet was going to be van side with the door open for Tammy.
  3. One of my favorite scenes of all time
  4. Why can't we just have 2 colleagues just be friends without the sexual overtone? Can't they recreate the witty, fun banter Meredith had with Christine? Still hoping for a tragedy that takes out Glasses and Helm.
  5. I don't really see Heather working hard. Heather is always shown working at a leisurely pace while Jess is being called up from every part of the boat. Sure Heather can manage but I thought she still had to work hard since there are only 3 of them? I don't think we've seen Heather break a sweat once. Also Captain Lee once said (don't remember when) almost the same thing as Rachel about prefer being dragged through broken glass than something yada yada yada. Not sure why she decided to repeat it.
  6. So out of that huge house the party took place in the foyer? Talk about cold mausoleum look. And Our Lady of Perpetual Surprise resorts to body shaming of course. Shannon's lumbering in those ridiculously high heels did nothing for her along with the ridiculously long braid on the new girl. Could Dr. Jen possibly be a beard? I don't blame Gina kissing up to Heather. Heather is an institution just like her home.
  7. 2 slices of pizza and a bacon cheeseburger shouldn't constitute a 15lb weight gain in a month. She complains she cannot walk to the mailbox but sure can walk the distance to get to the motel room? And for her brother getting all sanctimonious and he gained like 34lbs? And please quit showing that open wound the brother had. Even though he could not exercise (how about upper body?) couldn't he had followed the diet? When going through the freezer he was worried about the chicken sizes but really that is the very least of concern for his diet unless he plans on heavily breading and deep frying or covering with heavy cream sauce or cheese. To have a dirty pot from a meal that you cannot remember when you had it? How can you miss that sink filth when you are filling bottles? Bless those ladies that had to organize that home. Hope they can help Amy develop some type of schedule. Although it is a nice thought of the husband pitching in we know that is not going to happen but really Amy is home all day! The excuses are all over the place.
  8. I did one sweat and it was incredible and indescribable. It was truly more than just sweating. The one I went to was in Madison Wisconsin in February.
  9. Two things I say every week that probably drives Mr Mytmo nuts is get the broads out of the bunk house and get rid of Monica. I hate they have an Asian girl playing a Native American but really her character sucks.
  10. Since they are in the south why wouldn't they include some type of iced tea beverage? I saw online on the BBC website on throwing a high tea that suggested a cold tea could be included in the summer months.
  11. Tammy's pelvic floor muscles must be shot so it made sense that Tissa was introducing the idea of Kegel exercises to at least help with incontinence. I probably would've tied a knot in Tammy's oxygen hose by now. I just started watching this show while putting up my tree. Mr. Mytmo had to leave the room.
  12. I read he was friends with Jeffrey Epstein and damn near had his own seat on the Jeffrey Epstein plane. It'll be interesting if anything comes out of the Ghislaine Maxwell upcoming trial.
  13. These characters are ridiculous. I've seen better characters in porn. Are Billie's nipples erect 24/7?
  14. Fancy is truly a name for that type of dance - not being used as an adjective. I was one a long time ago. Sometimes know as shawl. They have women's traditional and I believe they had one there as well. Burial sites are more restricted. There are ceremonies for the departed but usually with much limited access. I thought it was a calf that was shot then the women field dressed as they were hungry? I didn't see too well what they pulled out of the trench. I missed the buffalo. I'll have to watch again.
  15. So are the bones that were dug up possibly be the man the natives asked to be buried in the 1883 clip? The lady with the grey hair (don't know her name) will be waiting for some time to get the ok to continue if at all. That is a sacred site now. I can see the drum being at that site but not the men's and women's fancy dancers though. Must've been for the visual.
  16. The actor portraying Bill Clinton makes him appear scary and not charismatic in a sexual way. The actress portraying Monica is making her more like a deer in the headlights all the time. I don't know however who would make better replacements. And I can believe Monica being manipulated by Linda Tripp. Unfortunately there are a number of older women that play the role of mentor that are really just patting your back looking for the soft spot to place the knife. I've known it personally starting out in my career. I'm just 4 years older than Monica and back then the beauty standard was Monica and Rachel from Friends. At a size 14 you might as well have been the size of a house. So out of context. Weight Watchers and Slimfast were diet staples in most women's diets. Today is much more accepting of a woman with curves thank God!
  17. Salaries to employees (and other liabilities like paying utilities, taxes, etc.) would not be considered under funds to be paid back as restitution Erika however as a trustee and beneficiary of holdings and trusts and assets would have monetary and non-monetary (art, etc.) items received considered.
  18. I'd watch her navigate the single life. This whole experience has had to have shaken up her polygamous belief system and I would like to see how she moves on from there. Go Christine! Your settling days are over!
  19. Buddy 2 words - hazard pay. Jessica forget all about NOBSActive or whatever BS name for the app/business venture. Get the girl Whit "trained" for 5 minutes, make a deal with her and train her online both workout and nutrition under your gym name showing your training skills. I would sign up for that any day than to see Whitney flopping around all sweaty, breathless and not in shape staying the same size if not bigger.
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