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Everything posted by mytmo

  1. Kody does not look at his wives or children as family but as followers. Numerous times he mentions loyalty - not love. Wonder if he still does his pretend church at Robyn's?
  2. I really didn't think I would cry but I did when they sang their wedding song. At first I thought wow this is so obtrusive but then they all do love the camera (Babs included) so weirdly seem appropriate.
  3. Well if Gene Simmons (scary as he is) can claim to have had sex with 5,000 women, I guess Sarper can claim 2,500. How utterly romantic that Sarper proclaims how magical it was having sex with Shekinah after having sex with 2 other girls. He had energy because more than likely does none of the work and is a 2 pump chump. They are a match made in selfie heaven.
  4. In the hot tub Grangela's swimsuit made it look like she had 3 boobs. Sorry would love to see if Ed can fall down or does he just wobble.
  5. Culver seemed so nonchalant and non-involved when the boat hit the dock. Why didn't he try to help move the fender? He also seemed nonchalant as the tender was swinging all over and he did not have control at all! No way he could be in charge.
  6. Luke exhibited predatory behavior prior to this incident. It really showed with his insistence on staying in Margot's bunk. I had a similar incident when I was 16 and drank a pint of 101 Peppermint Schnapps as a dare. I don't remember any details after arriving at the roller rink but was told I was canoodling with a certain bad boy (nothing sexual) and passed out in the back seat of a car. I was told he was kicked out of the car before anything happened but he circled the car like a shark until my friends drove me home. If it wasn't for friends staying with me in the car who knows what would've happened. Never drank Peppermint Schnapps again and the thought makes me ill. Still embarases me to this day and this happened in 1985! By the way that bad boy ended up going to prison for murder. I did not know I could like Captain Jason more. I shudder to think how Captain Sandy would've handled it.
  7. Really there is no other bosun to replace childish Gary? Being so involved with the stupid "love triangle", he did not even show his crew how to do anything and their contempt showed. I hope Alex and Mads did not get together. I have a crush on Capt. Jason so I'll probably cruise over to Down Under.
  8. I believe they are trying to model after Lebron's I Promise in Akron, OH. They work with Akron City Schools and have a complete program for at risk youths and their families including housing, counseling and education. It's a pretty neat campus right in the inner city of Akron. Good luck to them and I mean that sincerely.
  9. Boy this was bust “love” wise. Island boy in Wyoming is not going to happen. Hope to never see Lydia or her spawn ever again. It would’ve been more fitting seeing her lounging on a garbage barge.
  10. Secrets revealed my ass. Should've been named Shit Off the Cutting Room Floor.
  11. My apologies for my remarks on Amanda's keeping of the ashes and incorporating them into daily life. My culture (Native American) believes one travels in the first 3 days after passing and keep a fire going outside to light their way. We bury them with things to help in their journey. In my mom's case in her buckskin bag there was a small hatchet, matches and her favorite once a year drink, a bottle of Jack Daniels (never know who you'll run into :). The immediate family does not keep personal belongings as we believe the spirit won't move on or the living. We do honor them every year however with a day long ghost supper and in various other ceremonies during the year. The spirit is always traveling and we always keep them in our thoughts and believe they visit us to help provide comfort if not guidance especially when we have an issue to work through. I apologize for my lack of understanding.
  12. Amanda has only been with one man. She got the attention of a hot man online and now she is dickmatized. Mr Mytmo says that I would carry his ashes to the places he would never take me while he was alive. Nope. Won't give him that satisfaction. I do think it is creepy and traumatizing to the kids having Daddy ashes always around. How can anyone move on?
  13. Stanika is the only one that seems to be open and willing to experience another culture and looks like she is having a good time and I'm glad she is taking us along. Major props for trying the goat head. I also like how she dresses so far. Harold (yes I know he is autistic) at least admitted he is looking for Barbie and that he is not Ken. He could at least try but like every one else, he wants a subservient model but brings nothing to the table. He lies about his height. He lies about working out. He dresses like he is about to host a children's show. There are comfortable clothes that are stylish too. I'm sure a perfectly lovely non-Barbie would love to date him if he gave her a chance. Speaking of subservient, here comes Mark acting all surprised that the culture that encourages submissive women would be restrictive in how they act in public. And to be surprised he would be the main provider? Another one that believes he is above any cultural practices. Susan was set up with her male version. She is picking a partner like she is picking out lunch on the menu. I was picky like that in my teens but learned later that love doesn't work like that. She should've figured that out 30 years ago.
  14. This is way out in left field but thought I'd ask, if Scheana was served a restraining order could there be a possibility of child protective services becoming involved? No I don't think Scheana is a threat to anyone but the minor altercation could show her as a violent person? I can't think of anything else making her burst out in tears like that. ETA: So glad I'm wrong
  15. The one side of the "couch" was getting very lippy with LVP. Ariana did try to walk it back though. Yes none of them work at a LVP lounge anymore but the show still says Vanderpump Rules. Once the smoke clears here on Scandoval is there enough interest for a whole season? Can Scandoval carry the entire next season alone? Maybe because I've been watching since day 1 I really have no interest in any of them. I am here for the snark however.
  16. Sandoval wanted a young groupie and in his eyes, Ariana aged out. Kristin looks desperate for that VP Rules money and fame. To see Kristin clomping back in her slides to comfort Ariana and watching Kristin's breakdown during her breakup with Sandoval in season 2 (thanks Bravo for showing the previous seasons 😃) I am surprised she's back playing the comforting, wise ex-girlfriend. Is Jax coming back next? Stassi? How about getting the unknown person Sandoval hooked up like they did with "Miami Girl"? Could Schwartz be more self-centered? It was funny while Sandoval was blubbering, Schwartz asks Sandoval to issue a statement that he was not complicit with the affair. Both Schwartz and James are so desperate to be liked by the group. James' phone call to Raquel was more like an immature crank call.
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