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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. I'm joining the minority. I found this debut episode a bit disappointing and didn't care for the new Doctor. The beginning of the episode with the dinosaur was a bit silly and didn't improve. Also, Clara shouldn't have had a problem with an older Doctor. Even when Matt Smith's Doctor grew old in Christmas, you could tell she still loved him. As others have mentioned, the script was pretty heavy-handed throughout with its blatant pleas to Clara (really directed to viewers) to accept the older Doctor. I don't have a problem with the age of the new Doctor. I think Peter Capaldi is a good actor but he showed little on-screen charisma in this episode. David Tennant and Matt Smith had charisma as the Doctor, and I enjoyed watching both of them. It's not an age thing. John Hurt, Tom Baker and Christopher Eccleston were older Doctors and had charisma as well. Also, Peter Capaldi's Doctor and Clara had no chemistry. I'm not talking about romantic chemistry (I couldn't stand the Rose Tyler romantic beats). Even before Tennant and Smith, past Doctors have had a kind of 'companion chemistry' with their companions. But I'll give the new Doctor time to grow on me....
  2. This is kinda interesting... Predicting the Next Five Superhero Franchises to Get Live-Action TV Shows By Paul on Aug 22, 2014 http://www.tvovermind.com/lists/predicting-next-five-superhero-franchises-get-live-action-tv-shows-238816
  3. A few years from now, this show will be renamed Dancing with the Stars starring Derek and Julianne Hough...
  4. Regarding the continuing "redemption" of Junior - furthered this episode by being the beloved son that his mother and uncle want to save, I read somewhere (don't recall where) that the actor who portrays Junior - Alexander Koch - is proving quite popular with young female fans... so maybe that's why they're trying to make him a good guy.
  5. Wow, that's a great possibility - esp. given the Vegas location. Ironic, if true, because Donna Walker was the Queen of the Royal Flush Gang ... and Oliver Queen ;) -- http://dcanimated.wikia.com/wiki/Queen_(Walker_Family) Donna Walker was blonde and blue-eyed (like Charlotte Ross) and had a husband (King), a son (Jack) and a daughter (Melanie Walker, Ten). Melanie was also blonde and blue-eyed, and her abilities were: security systems expert, and hand to hand combatant. Sound familiar? For additional information on Ten: http://dcanimated.wikia.com/wiki/Melanie_Walker EDITED TO ADD: Even though they've already done the Royal Flush Gang on the show, there have been different versions of this gang in the comics. Alternatively, the EPs could do their own version of the Walker Family's Royal Flush Gang and call it something else (since the EPs are not following the comics strictly).
  6. For Castle fans... ABC developing drama based on Derrick Storm novels from 'Castle' By Natalie Abrams on Aug 20, 2014 at 10:10PM http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/08/20/abc-castle-derrick-storm/
  7. Some fan's pretty awesome cosplay outfit... http://www.blastr.com/2014-3-21/cosplay-we-love-straight-awesome-arrow-outfit
  8. I didn't read the comments. I thought the poll results would be more of an 80-20 split.
  9. Fall TV Preview - Wednesdays Posted by Oma bin at Thursday, August 21, 2014 http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/08/fall-tv-preview-wednesdays.html
  10. Closer than I expected... USD POLL : Who should become Arrow's official Black Canary until the show is done? Posted by DarkUFO at Thursday, August 21, 2014 http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/08/usd-poll-who-should-become-arrows.html
  11. Unbelievable... TV ratings: CBS' 'Under the Dome' most watched of night AUGUST 19, 2014, 10:28 AM http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-tv-ratings-cbs-under-the-dome-20140819-story.html
  12. Even if the EPs come up with some motivation for Laurel to walk Sara's vigilante path, are they going to address the hypocrisy of being a DA during the day (someone charged with enforcing laws and prosecuting those who break laws) and a vigilante at night (someone who breaks laws)? Or are they just going to hand-wave away the legal and ethical obligations that come with being a DA?
  13. JB as Malcolm Merlyn brings to the show what EBR as Felicity brings to the show - but in a different way. Let me explain. Felicity brings a light cheeky humor to the show, while Malcolm brings a dark cheeky humor to the show. Without them, we would've been left with a pretty humorless cast of characters headed by dour Oliver, bitter Laurel, sad Thea, wooden Roy, tortured Sara and serious Quentin - okay, maybe the occasional quip from Diggle. (To clarify, I am not talking about or comparing acting abilities at all, I'm only talking about the characters.)
  14. Sean Bean is still mesmerizing to watch. I kinda wished they would've introduced the personal family drama later on in the series because it does seem to drag down the episode. I don't know if it's the writing or the acting, but Ali Larter's character is just so annoying. It shouldn't be that difficult to write a strong female character who clashes with the hero but is still likeable. Other TV shows do it all the time.
  15. I still believe that Ricky is the best dancer left and I'm rooting for him, but I think Zach will win. I think it's going to be like the Benji vs. Travis showdown when Travis was the better dancer but Benji was more popular.
  16. First Look at Paul Rudd in ‘Ant-Man’ Posted by: Brent Hankins 1 day ago http://nerdrepository.com/paul-rudd-antman/
  17. BBC America is running a marathon of Doctor Who episodes this week (leading up to the new Doctor, Peter Capaldi, debuting the end of the week). Last night, they aired reruns of three episodes from David Tennant's tenure as the Doctor in which John Barrowman played Captain Jack Harkness. Even though this was only seven years ago, JB looked much younger then. Even now, it's difficult to believe he's playing someone who could be the father of 28-year-old Tommy Merlyn. Malcolm had to have married young.
  18. If Sara dies early in the season, she could still appear in flashbacks. In fact, I can see them doing parallels of Nyssa training Sara in flashbacks with Nyssa training Laurel in the present day - hence, that EP interview comment about Laurel seeing if she can walk in her sister's shoes.
  19. There are a lot of attention-seeking, PR stunt-doing celebrities - BUT there are also a lot of celebrities who use their fame to do good things for other people and to raise money and awareness for good causes. Yes, the ice bucket challenge is a waste of water, but the water aspect is what makes the stunt funny and what gets more people to watch those videos, so I guess it's a balance. If it wasn't so funny (famous people getting soaked - ha, ha), then the videos probably wouldn't be as viral and they probably wouldn't be raising as much money for the charity. (It's like the dunking booth at the state fair - people like to dunk other people in water.) If it was the money bucket challenge, do we really want to watch a bunch of celebrities dumping cash on themselves? We know they have plenty of money - dumping it just seems like they're showing off that they have money. The important thing is that they donate the money. Anyway, just my opinion.
  20. I guess in the Arrow-verse, both doctors and lawyers have zero to little ethical obligations. Again, Felicity had the best lines - the one about not getting the eyeholes in her face mask to line up, whether she can put bomber on her resume, and the one about Barry being in a coma and still moving on.
  21. More details on Episodes 11 and 12 (season finale) and video interview with EP David Eick: Falling Skies Season 4 2-Part Finale Synopsis http://www.threeifbyspace.net/2014/08/falling-skies-season-4-2-part-finale-synopsis/#.U_NPi_ldUuQ
  22. Nothing much new, but I thought this quote by David Ramsey was interesting (a lot of DR quotes in this article).... AMELL, KREISBERG & MORE ON HOW "ARROW" CONTINUES TO GROW THE DC UNIVERSE Posted: 21 hours ago | Updated: 21 hours ago http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=54915 The EPs really love their Hollywood screen legends. So far, in different interviews, they've compared SA to Clark Gable and John Wayne, and they've compared BR to Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant, and Humphrey Bogart. Those are all vastly different types of men, so I don't know what the EPs are talking about. EDITED TO ADD: Sorry, I didn't realize @Morrigan2575 had already posted this article link above when I posted this reply.
  23. This is kinda interesting... Warner Bros. Moving Forward With ‘Suicide Squad’ Movie? Published 1 hour ago by Andrew Dyce http://screenrant.com/harley-quinn-suicide-squad-movie-discussion/
  24. The first TV couple I ever shipped was Mulder and Scully from The X-Files. Since then, I've shipped many TV couples. Bit of trivia: http://fanlore.org/wiki/Shipping http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Shipping
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