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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. I really hope that they don't use the Lazarus Pits and make Ra's al Ghul a younger guy - who could then be a potential love interest for one of the ladies on the show. That would just make it too CW for me and completely diminish the Ra's al Ghul character.
  2. Equal time for DC from SDCC 2014 (two different videos of same intro). Ben Affleck must've been working out because he looks bigger than Henry Cavill, and Gal Gadot looks like a cross between Angelina Jolie and Ashley Judd... TFP Comic Con 2014: BATMAN v SUPERMAN (Panel Footage) BATMAN V SUPERMAN Panel, Comic Con 2014; feat: ZACK SNYDER, BEN AFFLICK, HENRY CAVILL
  3. John Barrowman Interview - Arrow Season 3 John Barrowman "Arrow" Interview at Comic-Con 2014 - TVLine
  4. A little spoilery... Some video clips from the Sleepy Hollow panel at SDCC 2014: Tom Mison and Nicole Beharie "Sleepy Hollow" Interview Nicole Beharie and Tom Mison on the overwhelming fan response for 'Sleepy Hollow' Comic-Con 2014: Panel | SLEEPY HOLLOW | FOX BROADCASTING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxdU7rxuPnM
  5. Lenny will probably win, but I still find him and Sarah really fake.
  6. From SDCC 2014: Ben McKenzie says 'Gotham' is the opposite of the original Batman Cast of Gotham Talks Batman's Origins - Comic Con 2014 "Gotham" Interview at Comic-Con 2014 - TVLine
  7. I find Lexi's fake blonde hair very off-putting. Wasn't the half-alien child in the old V series also cocooned and transformed? The dream scene of Ben and Maggie made me want to gag. The age gap was really apparent. I would feel the same if Maggie was a guy and Ben & Hal were girls. I also really hate brother-swapping (or sister-swapping). When Tom was defending Lexi against the mob and said that he would do the same for anyone else, he was lying. A minute later, when Hal confronts him about killing Karen, Tom says 'but Lexi's your sister'. So clearly, Tom is willing to kill someone who's a danger as long as that person isn't a Mason.
  8. Ben McKenzie says 'Gotham' is the opposite of the original Batman Cast of Gotham Talks Batman's Origins - Comic Con 2014 "Gotham" Interview at Comic-Con 2014 - TVLine
  9. I remember watching an earlier interview with EBR (on Youtube) when she said that she found herself taking on more characteristics of Felicity the longer she played her. You have to remember she's only 23 and relatively new to acting and stardom. Felicity is older than EBR. Brandon Routh is 34, SA is 33, and GG is 24. So to EBR, BR would seem like a man while GG seems like a boy her age.
  10. I've been watching the comic con interviews and there were two things that SA said that really struck me. In one interview (SDCC Arrow panel or DC WB panel), someone asked him if Oliver was going to be the sarcastic Oliver Queen of the comics. SA answered something like Oliver's character has to change over the course of the series - he can't start off as a cartoon character and remain static. It's about a journey - his character changes from pre-island Oliver to vigilante to Arrow and eventually to Green Arrow. In another interview (Nerd HQ), SA said that he doesn't care if you love or hate Oliver, as long as you aren't indifferent. So if Oliver is going to be a realistic, three-dimensional character, then he'll do stupid things, learn from his mistakes, and evolve into a better human being.
  11. In that Nerd HQ interview, I liked that SA said that his favorite Olicity scene, aside from one in the Season 3 premiere, was the first scene that he shot with EBR (his first guest star) and also that that scene will be referenced in the Season 3 premiere. SA is a funny and charming guy, OK, it's no secret that I don't like the Laurel character, but I can understand why AK feels that KC and WH need to be 'rewarded'. When Arrow first debuted, it was pretty clear that Laurel was intended to be both the hero's main love interest and the future Black Canary. However, as Season 1 transitioned into Season 2, a new character, Sara Lance (CL), became both Oliver's love interest and the Canary, and in Season 3, an originally recurring character, Felicity (EBR), will be Oliver's love interest. Laurel did get a lot of story lines in the past two seasons, though, so I don't think KC's being rewarded for getting messed up story lines. I think she's getting rewarded for having her character's original role usurped by other characters. On the other hand, WH's character, Thea, who was also an original cast member, has had reduced screen time in Season 2, so I think WH is being rewarded for that. Using AK's baseball analogy, KC and WH signed on to the show to be the starting first baseman and shortstop, respectively (SA is the pitcher), but KC was switched around to different positions around the field, while WH was reduced to a benchwarmer who came off the bench from time to time. Now while I may disagree on whether or not an actress hit a single, double or homer, AK seems pretty loyal to his cast. So maybe he's just saying that he believes they give 100% with what they're given. I'm sorry to hear that some Laurel/KC fans are villifying SA for saying what he said. My response is that no one is forcing you to watch the show. If you don't like what's happening, change the channel, If the show ever stops being enjoyable for me, I'll just stop watching it. The comic book canon offense/defense argument really makes no sense. Comic book "canon" changes. As already noted ad nauseum, Black Canary isn't even connected to Green Arrow in the comic books any more. Also, did you see the recent Marvel comic headlines about changes to Thor and Captain America? So comic book canon is not inviolable.
  12. A little spoilery so I'm putting it here... EP Andrew Kreisberg talks about Season 3 at SDCC 2014 (video link below). -- This season is all about human identity. Can Oliver be both the Arrow and Oliver Queen? The O/F date is a "microcosm" of that season-long struggle for him. -- The episode where Felicity crosses over to The Flash "comes at a point when Felicity and Oliver have had a discussion" and "she finds it's the right time for her to take a trip to Central City". -- As bad as the date is, Felicity says "I've had worse" and "the way Emily delivers the line, you're almost not sure if she's kidding". -- We meet Katana in the premiere episode, and AK loves her new costume. -- We meet Ray Palmer, played by Brandon Routh, "who we know one day becomes The Atom". -- Because of their familial losses (son Tommy, mother Moira), "the three of them [Malcolm, Thea and Oliver] are sort of the only family they have left, in an odd way... it's a really messed up family". -- -- This season is a "reward" to KC and WH for being a "team player" in past seasons. AK feels that both WH and KC have been "such amazing team players" and "whenever we needed them to hit a double or a triple, they both of them hit grand slams.... This season in a way is their reward" and "for the audience as well who have been impatient for some aspects of both of their characters, that this season is really going to see people excited for their character journeys". -- CL is booked for 3 episodes, they just came up with a 4th, and there's always the possibility of more. -- Last year they started doing flashbacks out of sequence. They'll be doing even more of those flashbacks this season. Flashbacks will include Felicity when she's in college. Arrow Season 3: What To Expect
  13. Some more video tidbits from SDCC .... Paul Blackthorne Interview - Arrow Season 3 Colton Haynes Interview - Arrow Season 3 Colton Haynes "Arrow" Talks Arsenal Outfit & Future with Thea - Comic-Con 2014 Willa Holland "Arrow" Talks Thea's Return - Comic Con 2014
  14. I was going to put this in the Public Appearances thread, except SA says something about Episode 1 of Season 3: Stephen Amell "Arrow" Talks Oliver/Felicity Relationship & IVs - Comic-Con 2014
  15. Arrow Cast Interview - Roy Harper, Felicity Smoak, and Thea Queen - Comic Con 2014 Arrow Cast Interview - Black Canary, John Diggle, and Detective Lance - Comic Con 2014
  16. For anyone who's interested (no Arrow actors on this panel)... Comic Con 2014: TV Guide Fan Favorites, Part 1 Comic Con 2014: TV Guide Fan Favorites, Part 2
  17. Includes some spoilery stuff... "Sleepy Hollow" Season 2 Preview at Comic-Con 2014 - TVLine
  18. My correction: The actress playing Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot, is contracted to appear in the Batman v. Superman movie, a solo Wonder Woman movie, and probably the Justice League movie. http://www.hypable.com/2014/07/26/first-look-gal-gadot-wonder-woman-batman-v-superman/ Kate Bosworth played Lois Lane in Superman Returns.
  19. I think they just haven't cast Ted Grant yet. They're probably still doing chemistry tests of actors with KC. Once they pick someone, they'll announce the new casting with more details. I have to say, I love the expression on Oliver's face when he looks at Felicity in the #1 pic in this article: http://www.mtv.com/news/1880066/arrow-season-3-comic-con-trailer-olicity/
  20. I loved all the Marvel movies. I think they've done a great job so far in connecting their different superhero franchises, while still maintaining separate identities for them. On the DC side - While I loved the last three Batman movies, I thought Man of Steel was one-half of a good movie and I'm skeptical of the upcoming Batman v. Superman movie. I also don't like the fact that the studios are reluctant to give Wonder Woman her own movie. Maybe with the box office success of Lucy this weekend, they'll reconsider a female superhero movie.
  21. I just watched the entire DC WB comic con panel video on YouTube. Stephen Amell is pretty funny. I think Geoff Johns(?) was joking when he said that the Episode 8 Arrow-Flash crossover episode would be called "Flash v. Arrow" (playing off the Superman v. Batman movie title). He said it after someone asked the question of who would win a fight among Arrow, Flash and Constantine.
  22. Wow, wow, and triple wow! Regarding the Season 3 trailer and the scene where we see an injured, unconscious Felicity - What if she suffers short-term amnesia and doesn't remember the date at all? Oliver may then decide not to tell her because he's changed his mind about trying to have a private life due to the new danger. I hope she means as an ADA who is charged with enforcing the laws and not as a vigilante who breaks those laws. But if Ted Grant and Ra's Al Ghul are coming and if one of them trains Laurel, well... Laurel has shown a willingness to bend or break the rules even though she's a sworn lawyer. I don't think Stephen Amell knows anything past Season 3. Remember his changing comments about whether Oliver was jealous of Barry from early Season 2 to late Season 2? I doubt that the EPs would commit for the rest of the series this early on. The words "this year" are a major qualifier. I honestly don't think the EPs have completely given up on Laurel and Oliver. They have planned for 5 years. I think they realize that they have to make Laurel more likeable and acceptable to a lot of fans - so they first ease her into Team Arrow in Season 3 and then they ease her into the Black Canary role in Season 4 (while slowly phasing Sara out). I'd bet that they have roughly plotted a future season episode titled "Dinah" where Laurel will transform into BC and adopt her first name for some reason. Then in Season 5, depending on how the series has developed so far, ratings, and fan reaction, Laurel may or may not reunite with Oliver for some reason. I'm just a little gun-shy when it comes to these EPs after Season 2 - when it started so promisingly the first half and then changed into a bit of a mess the second half.
  23. I have to admit, I get all fan-girly about these guys... Avengers: Age of Ultron Panel, Comic-Con 2014; feat. Entire Cast
  24. Chris Hardwicke is a great. This show has some quirky fans. Walking Dead Comic Con 2014 Panel - Part 1 Published July 25, 2014 by Emergency Awesome Walking Dead Comic Con 2014 Panel - Part 2
  25. Just finished watching these clips - thanks for the links! Such a fun cast. Odd that there were no fan questions or even mentions of KC or Laurel (except as part of Lance's daughters), considering that KC is the second name in the credits. Again, can people please stop using the term "fan pandering"?! It's just a way to insult other fans - and I thought that was prohibited on these boards: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/8618-notes-from-the-mods-read-before-posting/#entry211379
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