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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. For allTerminator fans... ‘Terminator: Genisys’ is Official Title of the Next Terminator Film http://nerdrepository.com/terminator-genisys-official-title-film/ I loved the first Terminator movie. I loved Sarah Connor (played by Linda Hamilton) and Kyle Reese (played by Michael Biehn). Arnold Schwarzennegger was perfectly cast for his part as well because he just had to act like a robot and not talk much. I liked the second film mostly because of the awesome Linda Hamilton and was okay with AS' beefed up role in his interactions with John. I hated the third Terminator movie. I was okay with Terminator:Salvation because I like Christian Bale. But now I really don't see how AS can still play a Terminator - he's way too old. Despite the fact that I can't stand AS because he seems to have an ego the size of the universe (and there's that whole housekeeper love child thing), I will probably see this new film because it also stars Emilia Clarke and Matt Smith(!).
  2. Of course, Ben, as a Mason, can easily come and go from an Espheni location. He had to first find Lexi so that she could conveniently tell him about the Espheni plans and then he had to return to the 2nd Mass just in time so that he could conveniently contribute his spikes and later participate in the love triangle with Hal and Maggie. The Espheni ship sounds like it may be a partially living ship (shades of Battlestar Galactica and Farscape). The highlight of the buried-under-rubble scene was the terrific acting by the guy who portrayed Dingaan. I'm sure no one seriously believed that Tom was ever in danger of dying. I think part of my problem with Tom is Noah Wyle's acting. All of the characters I've ever seen him play on TV (from ER to the Librarian movies to Falling Skies) have that same kinda obnoxious know-it-all characteristic. I remember first watching Falling Skies in season 1 and having such hopes for the show and for the Tom Mason character - a history professor who would use lessons from past wars to fight the alien invasion. Now it just seems such a hot mess. Regarding the episode title, I believe it may be referencing a poem by Emily Dickinson: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/171619 So maybe the theme of this episode was Hope. But I could be wrong.
  3. I just don't buy this big love affair between Julia and Barbie. Her crying, yelling and wringing her hands over Barbie's "death" was cringe-inducing. Barbie's willing to risk death to get back to Julia in the Dome was not believable. It's not like they've been married for 20 years and can't live without each other. Maybe it's the lack of chemistry between the two actors, but it never seemed like more like a casual hook-up to me. When Barbie fell down the hole and landed in the city, I first thought he fell into Lost's Purgatory world. But no - when it turned out to be the real world, I thought, great, the show's over. Just send a message to the Dome people and have them all jump into the hole and get out of the Dome. But, with the hand tremors (as someone else mentioned above), it's probably not going to be that simple. Maybe the Dome let these three guys out for a specific purpose and once they do what they're supposed to do (provide information to the viewers?), the Dome will magically suck them back in.
  4. I remember Veronica Mars. The problem with Duncan, in my opinion, is that he didn't seem sharp enough for Veronica - like he couldn't keep up with her. I don't mean book-smart necessarily, but Veronica was very witty and quick-thinking. Logan seemed better able to keep up with her (as BkWurm1 said). Their chemistry was a surprise because Jason Dohring isn't good-looking in that usual TV way. I don't know anything about behind-the-scenes conflicts but when the cast reunited for that Kickstarter movie, they seemed happy to see each other - at least it appeared that way from the interviews and video clips that I saw. There's a difference between bland and quiet. There are good actors who can play reserved characters of few words and still have a lot of on-screen presence. There are bad actors who can play loud, colorful characters and still be forgettable. And sometimes you need the right project for the actor to shine. I remember seeing Stephen Amell in some Hallmark movie a few years back and he was bland and forgettable. Yet, on Arrow, he's like a completely different actor - giving Oliver a lot of layers and depth and emotion. Sorry to hear about Robin Williams - a genuine talent.
  5. Some interesting behind-the-scenes, background info about Arrow (warning: the introductory paragraph mentions the )... 15 Things You Didn’t Know about Arrow By Tim Gerstenberger on Aug 11, 2014 http://www.tvovermind.com/arrow/15-things-didnt-know-arrow-237702
  6. One hour of filler... ending with yet another reason for me not to watch The Food Network.
  7. Catrox14, after you finish watching all four seasons of Farscape, make sure you also watch the special movie that follows - Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars, if you want to see the conclusion of the John/Aeryn love story.
  8. For you WH fans, it looks like TV Overmind talked to Willa as well... SDCC 2014: Arrow’s Willa Holland Talks Thea Queen’s Arc in Season 3 http://www.tvovermind.com/arrow/sdcc-2014-arrows-willa-holland-talks-thea-queens-arc-season-3-237829
  9. Skye's long-lost father has been cast... Kyle MacLachlan Cast in Major Role for Season 2 of ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ http://nerdrepository.com/kyle-maclachlan-cast-major-role-season-2-agents-shield/
  10. From the EW Spoiler Room: http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/08/08/spoiler-room-dallas-arrow-the-mindy-project/2/
  11. Interview: Grant Gustin on Becoming ‘The Flash’ Posted by: Kyle Wilson 2 days ago http://nerdrepository.com/interview-grant-gustin-becoming-the-flash/
  12. I agree with both wonderwall and dancingnancy. It would be nice to get Oliver settled in his romantic relationship and end all the shipping wars, which tend to overshadow fan discussions of the show. However, I don't think the EPs will stabilize his romantic life - if they ever do - unless and until they stabilize his mental and emotional state. If Oliver's 'hero' journey also means his character journey - from weak asshole to strong fighter to vigilante to Arrow to Green Arrow, then his inner turmoil also needs to go through that arc so that he can come to peace with himself and actually maintain a stable relationship. If the EPs planned for his hero journey to take 5 years, then they may also have him screwing up his relationships (while slowly improving) for at least 4 years. I don't know. I suppose they could have him settled enough to have a stable relationship after 3 years and still continue his hero journey for another 2 years. Regarding the couples on the other shows mentioned above, I don't know if any of those characters had to go through as drastic a change (or as horrendous an experience) as Oliver has and will have to before all is said and done.
  13. I don't think this has been posted yet... SDCC 2014: Arrow’s Colton Haynes Talks Roy/Thea Relationship, Easter Eggs and More http://www.tvovermind.com/arrow/sdcc-2014-arrows-colton-haynes-talks-roythea-relationship-easter-eggs-237711
  14. Another pic of EBR in her Felicity outfit for that Flash crossover episode: https://twitter.com/chinoiskai/status/498272243789463554/photo/1
  15. Here's one more pic from the comics: Source: ‘Arrow’ EP shares sneak peek at Felicity and Diggle in digital tie-in comics Posted on August 9, 2014, by The CW Source http://cwtvsource.com/2014/08/09/arrow-ep-shares-sneak-peek-at-felicity-smoak-in-digital-tie-in-comics/
  16. SpoilerTV.com has more pics of Felicity and Barry from the shooting of The Flash, Episode 1.04: "Going Rogue" - http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/08/the-flash-episode-104-going-rogue-bts.html
  17. I want to qualify what I posted above. While I like seeing more Felicity on the show and love that she's a regular cast member, I'm concerned that they're going to go overboard with her character and create a fan backlash. At the same time, I didn't like seeing her and Team Arrow sidelined for so much of the back half of Season 2. I realize it's a difficult balancing act when you have so many characters on the show.
  18. Oliver had sex with Sara while he had feelings for Felicity, and Felicity isn't allowed to kiss Barry? And, yes, I'm assuming that Oliver loved Felicity way before "Unthinkable". If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. It just sounds like they're spreading Felicity all over the place and using her to prop up whoever they think needs propping up. Felicity's popular with a lot of fans so 'Felicity, your mission, if you choose to accept it': Laurel - make her more likeable. Barry Allen - draw more Arrow viewers over to The Flash. Ray Palmer - show how charismatic he can be... whatever.
  19. I don't think this has been posted yet - but if it has, I apologize for posting it again... The Walking Dead - "They're fucking with the wrong people" - UNCENSORED
  20. She was also talking back to the judges on the runway (albeit in a friendly way) like they were nuts to criticize her design.
  21. I didn't like Sandhya's design but agree that, at least, it was different. I also felt like I had seen all of the other contestants' outfits before. I think they sent Angela home over the guy who did the burlap sack dress because she was so fragile - they were probably concerned about liability. This season seems especially mean-spirited to me. Not just the judges - but every contestant's confessional to the camera was to say negative things about other contestants' designs. Maybe it was editing. I recall that in past seasons, they would also show contestants saying positive things about other designs.
  22. LOL... that Frozen reference is hilarious and so spot on. I confess I watched this last episode with a kind of horrified fascination. I'm glad Alex left Vega - yes, just get away from that whole horrible bunch of self-centered, power-hungry people masking themselves as do-gooders - even if it's to go to Gabriel's lair. I don't like either MIchael or Gabriel - or Evelyn or Uriel for that matter. I don't like William or his father Whele, Riesen or Clare - she's deluding herself if she really doesn't think she wants the power. Her intention to keep the baby secret from Alex was unforgiveable as well. I kept waiting for someone to kill William. At the end, I was surprised to find that the only people I liked were Alex and Doma.
  23. I thought the significance was the headline of the article and how MG's arguably ambiguous statement was interpreted by a website that appears to be affiliated with The CW - but I could be wrong.
  24. Interview: Clark Gregg on Taking Over ‘S.H.I.E.L.D.’ for Season 2 http://nerdrepository.com/interview-clark-gregg-shield-season-2/ Also, the gag reel video is hilarious.
  25. Here they are all in one place... ‘Arrow’ boss shares sneak peeks at digital tie-in comics http://cwtvsource.com/2014/08/01/arrow-boss-shares-sneak-peeks-at-digital-tie-in-comics/
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