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Everything posted by LilWharveyGal

  1. Are you kiddingk?! Considering they needed a freaking audience for their proposal, there's no way the side yard at the B&B would hold all the adoring masses they'd invite to the actual nuptials.
  2. Thank you all for the input. I have not been a cat co-parent for long and have never had leather furniture, so had no clue if it would work or be durable.
  3. I have a question for all you cat folks. My husband brought a cat to our marriage and I brought a fabric-upholstered couch. We've kept a cover on it but the cover has never laid nicely and is now starting to get snagged. Kitty's not a big scratcher, luckily, but she does like to "knead" before she curls up. In general, how do cats do with leather furniture? I'm dying to get a nicer looking couch/seating area set up but it needs to be one that she can't destroy.
  4. Is this the same "unisex" shirt that Kody and Christine were recently wearing? She's really got to stop standing like a quarterback awaiting the snap.
  5. Hey Janelle - when you finally get those taxes put together don't forget to PAY THEM!
  6. All of these squinty photos are starting to look alike. I could swear that one of them posted this exact same pic within the past few months.
  7. @ginger90 you deserve hazard pay!
  8. Hey, guess what, kids?! You know THE one and only Mariah Brown? Well, this morning she went into an unfinished basement in Chicago, Illinois, and she - now this is really special - she dedicated her yoga session to you!!! And here's the best part - she didn't even capitalize her post when she humblebragged about it online! That makes everything better now, right?!
  9. Dare I say it? On Kody it's not horrible. On Christine? Just no.
  10. Gotta love Brown revisionist history! Is "self care" code for access to black hair dye and woke sneakers? Because this young lady looks pretty well cared for...and less smelly.
  11. Yes! It's a must because they cook and entertain all. the. time. Where are all these people IRL and why aren't they inviting me over to dinner parties?
  12. Just speaking for myself - by Maddie's stage it's absolutely for comfort and support. You'll do anything to lift that weight off your pelvis for a little while. Earlier on? Yeah...I think it can be a bit of an affectation.
  13. Making sis don the ugly stuff and assume the prayer position is laying it on a bit thick, Mer. And this family lived in California but never went to the coast? 🤔
  14. Holy cow, that is one unflattering outfit. Meri must have picked it out for Mariah before she left.
  15. It doesn't even fit him!
  16. Hold the phone! Does that mean that someone else gets the privilege of raising Gabe for a month? *faints* And I suppose her ayurvedic mumbo jumbo is the "school," but what is the "work?" More posts like this nonsense?
  17. That's the most beautiful tv theme ever, IMO. RIP, sir.
  18. But, but, but...Darla was the only one Nova blessed with an alias, so it's all going to be ok! Uhuh. I had to laugh at Charley seductively bending over her desk in her bulky mom jeans. If that's her game, girl needs to work on it.
  19. Are Mark Strong and Colin Firth always a package deal nowadays? Not that I'm complaining...
  20. What an amazing nugget of wisdom. So tomorrow, when I sleep in and my boss calls to see where I am, I can respond, "How dare you lazy-shame me? I'm honoring my sleep. Get #woke to being asleep!"
  21. A massive party with is. Guys, a massive party with is! WTF?
  22. Yes, actually! I distinctly remember a photo of Kody walking Axel down a sidewalk. I flipped back several pages and couldn't find it, so maybe it was in the Kody or Janelle thread. ETA: Yep, found it in the Janelle thread.
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