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Everything posted by LilWharveyGal

  1. RECAP is in the spoiler box to avoid the dreaded wall o' text:
  2. I'm suddenly reminded of the wicked witch, the scarecrow, the cowardly lion, Dorothy, and the tin can, er, man.
  3. Wacky. Well, for now I'll keep the episode numbers that match the TLC schedule but we can play it by ear, @the-grey-lady. If it airs on the 5th with Episode 1 I can recap it, and if it airs on the 9th it's all yours.
  4. I see you, @the-grey-lady. No takebacks! 😚 TLC is kicking off the season in a slightly bizarre fashion and is airing Episode 2 at 8 am on a Thursday. So far I've got... 1/5 - Episode 1, "Kicked Out" - @LilWharveyGal 1/9 - Episode 2, "Happier Alone" - @the-grey-lady 1/12 - Episode 3, "Lonely in Flagstaff" - @the-grey-lady
  5. There is no way on earth Janelle's tub is that clean. Once again, I'm blissfully relieved that she used a stock photo.
  6. It's still a step up from Janelle's dark hovel, and judging by his presence maybe Hunter agrees. And thrones! Don't forget the thrones!
  7. It's a new year and a new season is about to start! Like last year, my schedule will not permit me to recap every every episode so this will be the place for me to find suckers volunteers and for everyone else to find a quick and easy link to the recaps. How this thread works: As the season schedule becomes available I'll post the episode dates and titles and ask for writing volunteers. If you would like to write recaps: That's great! The only requirement is that you be able to post your recap reasonably soon after the episode airs, say within a couple of days. There is a bit of time involved - I'd say it takes me approximately an hour to write a recap on top of watching the episode. So volunteer here for a date that works for you, post your recap in the episode thread, and I'll put a link to it here. If you would like to read recaps: This is the place! Here is where you'll find the links that take you directly to the recaps so that you don't have to search through pages and pages of the episode thread. Let's keep episode and other Brown-related discussion in those other threads so that this one will be brief and simple to scroll through to find the links. And finally, nobody died and made me recap god. I've done this for a few years and learned a few things along the way, but I'm just a boring monogamist, so what do I know? Other ideas are totally welcome! The way I see it, those of us who recap so that others don't have to watch are doing the Lord's work. 😇
  8. It's like they consciously decided to live out one of my favorite Catherine O'Hara scenes (starts at about :42).
  9. Ah yes, Meri bellowing, "You forgot the rings, but whatever!" was the hallmark of a discreet professional. 😆 My prediction: Meri will absolutely go to the mat in fambly meetings to get Mariah the biggest bridal budget ever. Mariah will take every penny but other than that Meri's input will not be welcome.
  10. ...The stockings were hung on the piano with care, in hopes that Saint Nicholas (with a gift card to Photo Composition 101) soon would be there...
  11. Sorry to be a dunce but can someone explain Ubbe's decision to me? Ubbe suggests sending Hvitserk on a mission and Hvitserk is excited and eager to do a good job. We next see Hvitserk in a locked wooden structure, presumably to dry out, while his female friend/minder looks on. He is vomiting and begging to be let out. The next time we see him, he is back in his usual tent/hut and is taken to see a disappointed Ubbe who says he just blew his chance. So did he break out and drink again? Or were his withdrawals just so severe that he was still seriously ill by the time the delegation was leaving? If it's the latter, I was surprised that Ubbe would be so harsh if Hvitserk was locked up away from alcohol all that time.
  12. So we're supposed to feel our feelings, but if our feelings go against the woke stance du jour then we should be "impeached." Got it. Again I wonder how on earth she's someday going to be able to support clients who might not share her worldview down to the letter. (And I'm willing to bet that at least 2 of the white women who voted for Trump are married to Mariah's father. Would the keyboard warrior dare say that to their faces?) But by all means, clean up that mop.
  13. I guess a gay male in the hand is worth two vegan millionaires in the bush.
  14. Ah yes, Janelle's "caplets." 😆
  15. OMG, you're killing me over here! 😄 Guess it's about time to resurrect the Recap thread.
  16. Wow, three years! Have the residents of St. George recovered their hearing after Christine's singingk yet? That first picture is so, so awkward.
  17. Personally, I'm thrilled that she used a stock photo. 🙂 While scrolling through the hip manifesto I was bracing myself for the inevitable off-center, blurry photo of a banged up foam roller on a dirty carpet at the end.
  18. Heavy is the head that wears the wokest crown. More self-care, natch! No offense to anyone else who has a septum piercing but this is all I can see...
  19. This is certainly possible, but I also wonder if using filters is a directive from The Powers That Be.
  20. Woof, this pose!! I guess love means never having to say you're sorry (for posting pictures that make your young girlfriend look middle aged and overweight).
  21. Is it just me, or does it look like she's laughing at the coat? If I only saw the picture I'd imagine the caption to be something like, "Get a load of this ridiculously small coat somebody made out of their grandma's upholstery from the '70's!"
  22. Did Brother #2 remind anyone else of Roger Federer? The resemblance was distracting to me.
  23. If Janelle is the one who prepares the meal I'll eat my hat.
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