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Everything posted by LilWharveyGal

  1. What is it that makes these shoes queer? I don't get it. And she's never owned sneakers before? Really? Sure, Jan.
  2. It's all the way across the country but I would like to see Dollywood someday. I have relatives in that area, so maybe I should schedule a "visit." 🙂 OMG, I know exactly the toy you mean. Another time I was there all the kids had these light-up, spinning Tinkerbell things. They annoyed me to no end on the dark rides.
  3. So what I'm hearing is that we should not hold our first annual Primetimer Sister Wives convention at any Disney property. Ok. How do we all feel about Parowan? 🤣
  4. @laurakaye I know what you mean! I have a small town I have to visit every summer, too, and I can totally relate to the full body exhale. @AZChristian I like that "classic" designation. Conglomeration is right! You should have seen my face when I learned that you have to line up in a cattle chute to ride a bus from park to park.
  5. The beach is around 20 miles from Anaheim. Since they also hit Universal Studios they seem to be touring all around the greater LA area.
  6. @Juliegirlj said: People's opinions on vacations and entertainment are so interesting to me. May I ask, what about it didn't they like? Or was it just not their thing? I am very "meh" on Disney in general (movies, characters, etc.) but I LOVE Disneyland. I actively hated the Magic Kingdom at Disneyworld because it wasn't just the same as Disneyland. (Though I really enjoyed parks like Animal Kingdom and Epcot that I'd never seen before.) Certainly the heat, crowds, and lines can get old very quickly, not to mention the cost of everything. I once went to Disneyland on a week that coincided with Spring Break. Never again! But I have to admit that if I had z-list celeb plyg money big LLR money Kody's credit card number I could go yearly and never get bored. Anyway, different strokes and all. I have friends whose great joy in life is camping on the same patch of land every year. I'd go nuts. 🙂
  7. What the everloving heck? "Not all parks accommodate plus size people like Disney does..." makes it sound like she's talking about infrastructure - comfortable seats for people of size and so on. So she links to a site about Disneybounding which means DRESSING UP like a character. And Disney does not "accommodate" anyone by selling these items in multiple sizes, these are generic clothes people use to design an outfit that suggests a character. In other words, if you can buy an XXL Gap t-shirt in blue to resemble Ariel at Disneyland, you can buy the same one in green to wear to Universal to resemble Princess Fiona, or whoever. So who's not accommodating her, exactly? What does the "awesome" link have to do with anything? And WTF is she trying to say?
  8. Maybe she's hoping to hear some good family gossip. Remember how Janelle was totally told by two randoms at Disneyland that Meri had bought the B&B. 🙄
  9. I have to admit my guilty secret - I'm always jealous of Meri's trips to Disneyland. Of course she's there for the Galaxy's Edge opening, and of course she's spending a day shopping in the spendiest place on earth. Meanwhile I haven't been able to take a trip there in years and it almost makes the LLR plyg life look worth it. (Kiddingk!)
  10. The only thing I find shocking is that they apparently didn't go to Disneyland with Meri.
  11. It'd be a real shame if that axe accidentally took off some of that straw hair. 😏
  12. That cup cracks me up. If Janelle doesn't have the energy to haul herself to a picnic she sure as heck isn't dealing with any "enemies." Maybe it's Gabriel's. 😆
  13. The video made me wonder just how much Meri is actually still making these days if things were already hitting the skids back in 2017. I would imagine that many of her downline who don't have the benefit of z-list celeb status have had to call it quits, which means smaller bonuses.
  14. Axe throwing is very trendy in hipster circles right now. It probably falls under her definition of "self-care" since you can blow off some steam. Maybe it gave the ESAs the night off.
  15. I'm sure her energy level is approaching zero these days, but while she was putting on those earrings she could have slapped a bit of foundation on her nose. I've suddenly got Rudolph playing in my head...
  16. Another visit already! I guess the world is one's oyster when one quites one's job.
  17. @3girlsforus - I've done Orange Theory for a couple of months now. I too dislike treadmills (and running in general) so I still inwardly groan when it's treadmill time in class. However, the instructors keep things moving along pretty nicely. You alternate frequently from your base pace to your push pace to your all-out maximum pace. Power walkers can increase intensity by altering incline rather than speed. And also (at my gym at least) a few stationary bikes are available as an alternative to the treadmills. There are a couple different class formats but in general it'll look like this: half of the time will be cardio split between treadmills and rowing machines. The other half will be strength training with weights, medicine balls, TRX bands, and so on. You alternate between activities to keep your heart rate up. I used to attend a gym that offered Body Pump, which I loved, but due to time constraints I switched to OTF which was closer to home and combined cardio into the hour. If you enjoy weights I think you too would like both Body Pump and the strength training portion of OTF, but if cardio is also a priority I'd give the edge to OTF.
  18. Oh geez. Will the shilling never end? And did Truely draw him that treasure map? 🤣
  19. Pretty good group shot, but OMG, I think I had Gwendylyn's floral overalls in 1991! And did Meri steal those shoes off a Depression-era hobo?
  20. Totally agree. I bet some kissa$$ at the studio offhandedly said, "Gosh, you're so good at yoga you could be a teacher!" Then Mariah saw the opportunity for a tropical vacation/yoga "sesh" and was off. She hasn't said a single word about wanting to introduce others to yoga, or what techniques she learned that she's excited to share with a class, or anything along those lines.
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