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Everything posted by LilWharveyGal

  1. I just caught this on DVD. These ladies are old enough to be my grandmother but how I wish I could go hang out with them! The one thing that bugged me was all of the time wasted on set-up shots and chatting with the crew. Getting settled outdoors, then oops it's raining, and walking back inside, arranging pillows, touching up makeup, etc. I wanted all the content I could get!
  2. Do any of the sons not named Sol have a good relationship with Kody? Talk about Lost Boys.
  3. Thanks @Sandy W. I didn't consider that they'd need to provide their own set for the couch sessions. I just couldn't imagine that they'd need even more room for Kody and "Brian" to scheme, or Meri and Christine to share LLR racks (that'd be abusive), or Robyn to doodle her latest jewelry, or Janelle to strive to get out of her bathrobe, etc.
  4. That's the first I'm hearing of this. What on earth do they need an office for?!?
  5. Mariah's Big Announcement: Ooh, could it be she's finally going to comb her hair?! RECAP is in the spoiler box:
  6. I have anxiety because I can never remember which one is Sludge and which one is Pudge. Then I burn some sage, do a savasana, and realize that it doesn't matter because the descriptions are interchangeable. Om.
  7. I can just hear Audge off-camera, "Crank the font size up to 72! I can't see how woke you are!"
  8. Nah, "Moonlight Serenade" will probably be the only dance song allowed. 😆
  9. This was almost exactly me too! I immediately pictured the actress from Murdoch, only for some reason I thought her name was "Rosa."
  10. LOL, I'm with y'all. And if someone had told me during Pillars Of The Earth or The Borgias that someday I'd actually hope for a David Oakes appearance, I'd have laughed my head off.
  11. Did anyone catch where/if Hannah's hats are available for sale? Because I might need to check a few of those out... Out of all the heinous things to come out of Kody's mouth over the years, he hit a new low when he said Seattle and Portland were practically the same. How dare you, sir! ETA: Oh yeah, forgot one more thing I meant to mention. In general Robyn should keep her gob shut because she's either repeating verbatim something someone else already said, or she's inserting herself into someone else's experiences. But she needed to tone down the 'tude when the producer asked if the reason why they don't walk down the aisle in their religion is to avoid upstaging the other wives. Defensive much, Robyn? The entire premise of your show is that you live a much different lifestyle than the rest of us ignorant monogamists, so when the opportunity arises you should be prepared to describe those differences in an educational way and understand that the rest of us simply aren't familiar with your traditions. A straightforward, "We perform a sacred temple ceremony, which we keep private, and a walk down the aisle is simply not part of the proceedings," which is where Christine seemed to be going, would suffice. I thought the producer's question was perfectly reasonable.
  12. Great! And I'll be a few days late but I can cover 2/24.
  13. Someday, if I can find an old pair of pants whose thighs I'm willing to shred, I just might have to take you up on that... 🤣
  14. 🎵"Oom pa pa, oom pa pa, oom papa, ohhhhhh what the hell is that hair..."🎵
  15. Mike Rinder's response to Aaron Smith-Levin's video explaining $cientology's attempted shenanigans at the Aftermath Foundation.
  16. Oh geez, I have something in common with Mariah?! I use Imperfect Produce and like it a lot, but it never occurred to me to "artfully" pose with my vegetables. With a little tyke in the house I rarely get to the store anymore, and the box means I always have extra fruits and veggies on hand to mash up for baby food. (Hint hint, Mariah: they regularly offer avocados so there's no need to go out to a restaurant for toast.) If anyone would like a promo code that comes from a boring monogamist, I can hook you up. 🙂
  17. That is bonkers! I mean, it's $cientology, so what do we expect, but still. Here's a link to Tony's where you can also see a video of the OT8 in question in action. I'm sure we'll all look at her and think, "I'll have what she's having." Not.
  18. Here is @Spiderella2's Episode 4 Recap! And looking forward: 2/24/19 Episode 5: Mariah's Big Announcement - @LilWharveyGal 3/3/19 Episode 6: Flagstaff Flirtation - @Spiderella2 Any takers?
  19. Here's Tony Ortega's take on Beck's probability of leaving the Co$ now that he's divorcing Marissa Ribisi. And wow, I'd never recognize Marissa without her big red Dazed And Confused 'do.
  20. LOL, I bet they did and settled on Arizona when they couldn't find "Y"oming! Me, too. Where did that rumor come from?
  21. Back when Mykelti was dress shopping, Mariah made an offhand comment that she would want to get married in a wedding romper, which led to a couch segment where the wives defined a romper and shared their thoughts. My brain cells have never recovered, so Mariah better darn well be wearing that romper!
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