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Everything posted by QuelleC

  1. I didn't miss that we didn't see Roman's reaction to Kill Will. Although he can sympathize with Sami with the best of them, I expected he'd be mush mouthed and useless. But it was worse. I rewound a few times to make sure Roman really said he's in a better place now. How effing insulting. I get it they're all supposed to be Religous but it wasn't like Will was ill and suffering. So he's in a better place not being with Sami and Sonny and his daughter? Then I had to laugh when she turned away from him and fell into Kate's arms with genuine expressions on their faces. Meanwhile RoboMar looked clinically on. Sure, her scenes are great when she's shrinking someone because she only gasps emotively for Jawn. I'm sooooo happy to see Creepy go. Unfortunately we don't get to see his punishment. I expect it had to do with (yet another) shift in writing. But lately when I feel we are missing some important scenes I think back on the weeks of Moaning Eve we had to endure. An entire episode should have been given to Will's funeral instead. My understanding of how the show is taped is that they schedule certain actors to come in on certain days so it's not like the entire cast is there. Then they record many many scenes. I think that's why people aren't seen changing clothes for days like they used to. And sometimes I catch hair being longer or someone looking very different as if they had a few weeks off between tapings. I've said before I've spent more time at St Luke's than I've ever spent in a real church since I grew up. He should have had a huge funeral and they eulogies were mostly bad propping but I don't think that opinion is unpopular here. Also, Sonny sitting second row and wondering if he should talk. Um, is show not taking their marriage seriously? While I was very glad to see Joe there, did Jenn really have to sit between him and JJ? That's weird although they seem to have placed her so she'd show up in shots between the front row. Why. Also, I've always liked Gabi. But I wonder how Rafe can keep affording her wardrobe. And I want Trollop to miscarry. At the same time I think she's only conveniently ill. She should be past the fainting and morning sickness by now, and toxemia normally shows up at the end.
  2. Because of all the switcheroos I lost interest in Tony/Andre years ago because I felt tricked. And I wasn't reading SOD back then let alone have internet. How offhandedly did Andre mention his mother sent him an email telling him he was Stefano's son? Lame. OTOH I enjoy his soapy acting and walking into the wake to stir things up like a classic Dimera villain. Contrast that with Creepy who started the whole Dark Salem thing, if you ask me. I guess James Read thought he was in an episode of Law and Order.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/200865143289759/photos/a.943713542338245.1073741829.200865143289759/964189003624032/?type=3 Baby/toddler Will. I remember these little boys so well and it made me sad to find this picture! Only on a soap can you watch multiple characters be born and age through the years. He was born a couple of years after my own No matter what arguments they had (Will was really snotty for a while) she always loved him. I don't think she was a bad parent. In the morgue when they were saying they should have been better parents I was thinking how they shouldn't have protected him so much or he might have a clue about Psycho Ben. Baby Will looks a lot like GW in the pic of Maggie holding him.
  4. https://www.facebook.com/200865143289759/photos/a.943713542338245.1073741829.200865143289759/967169763325956/?type=3 Bryan was cute, and he still is.
  5. The first soap I ever watched was the pregnant teen Greta storyline on The Doctors when I was about her age..
  6. Eeyore is ready to accuse Chad based on appearances and not facts just as Eeyore himself was blamed for appearing to have consensual sex with Kristen. His experience and vocation! should have taught him not to be so quick to judge. Eeyore's major flaw is that he always leaps to judgement and only slowly forgives, then bounces back to judgment depending on the time of day.
  7. I pull my hair back when I cook and it still ends in food and I find it disgusting because half the time I'm pulling it out of my mouth. And it's only polite to tie your hair back when cooking for someone else. Hanging hair has always bothered me on these shows. Christine's isn't too long but it should be pulled back. Frances does it.
  8. After the fourth time the song was not cute anymore and I didn't like it in the first place. It wasted the whole premise. I could have seen them popping up from time to time now that there's a comic store set again. But without a second song you know it's over. Something we can dance to? If they'd have broken into Private Idaho I'd have peed my pants. I'd also like Penny to put the dining table back up now that the room is cleared out. But yeah, one more episode of 2003 would be great. Leonard didn't look too happy about the compromise. Good for Sheldon for going to see Bernadette. Good for Amy to turn down the roommate offer that she so recently wanted when it began to dawn on Sheldon that living arrangements would have to change. Kaley's hair was cute. I love the 70's Wolowitz furniture is still in the comic book store.
  9. The loss of Will is huge. I remember when he was born and when Sami and Lucas struggled to coparent their son. I remember mop head Will trying to keep his parents together. Will living in that little apartment with Safe and helping parent his three siblings. The struggles over his feelings with Mia and his conversations over a year with Marlena which stand out as some of the best on this show, ever. Sonny longing for Will but keeping it to himself and letting Will find his way. If Will was written out because he was irredeemable the writers have themselves to blame. At least we're rid of Sparkle. As much as i loathe the Trollop, he was her only friend. Gabi's relationship with him was very strong and with Sonny they gave the baby a wonderful life. Poor Ari without her father. I thought Frankie Frame's death that I can't forget, was more graphic but damn him laying there with his eyes open was shocking. (Although I saw his eyes and mouth move.) To have Effing Ben be responsible? I went on another forum and the conversation was yay, now we can have Chabby. Ugh! I would love for this to make Sami and Lucas closer although they're on great terms anyway. Damnit that he has to grieve with Adrienne. I completely agree that Rafe was wedged in between Lumi and I'll never forgive him or the show for that, among other reasons I dislike GG (although he's tolerable with Hope). If Suddenly Southern got a whole day to scream and cry and throw things, well weeks really, certainly this event deserved more than one scene. I agree with whomever said Will should have been doing some real writing/investigating and with his usual stupidity, tried to confront Ben Doll. He should have been warning Trollop. JJ and Jenn should have been warning Trollop. But nooooo, she's clueless therefore innocent. I think not. JJ tells her at the cop shop Creepy is very bad news, a drug lord, and she goes home and has psycho sex with Psycho. I can't put into words how insulting that is to the audience to mix that shit up with grief over Will. Did you notice Trollop is wearing a pillow? It is creepy as hell the way he always has his hands all over her. Please let Kate shoot Creepy after having a big showdown. A scene made for fantasy Days. As for Psycho Ben I could take care of him myself.
  10. Denise is the worst. Her son was being respectful and calmly explaining himself. At least she seemed to learn a little something in the 30 min time out. I hoped for their sake they'd lose and go home where he should continue to backburner Denise in his life. And we'd still have the dancers. I thought other pairs were shouting instructions too. Why people couldn't figure out bones out is beyond me. Good lesson in reading clues today.
  11. I doubt they know ahead of time, But we're in the wrong topic to discuss that.
  12. As I recall they were grabbing each other's arms and shaking each other. Nicole was on the higher step and lost her balance so I can see how Jenn would take responsibility. The baby switch came during the first pregnancy. Nicole miscarried and wore a pillow for months while living with EJ. She took Sydney so she'd still be raising EJ's child and Sami took home Mia's baby, Grace. Nicole made the doctor (they were giving birth in some small town clinic, not even a hospital) tell Mia her baby had died. Mia started dating Will and got to know Grace before she got ill and died. Chad never knew about Grace until after she died. Will had problems getting physically intimate with Mia, she got fed up and moved to NY to become a dancer. Chad was being raised at the time by a woman (lawyer?) who back in the day was a prostitute with Kate. She disapproved of the relationship with Mia I think they sent him to boarding school. Soon after Chad's mother died and his father wanted nothing to do with him and admitted Chad wasn't his bio child that's how Chad found out he was a Dimera. Whew. After Sami got her baby back - Grace's death and funeral was very, very sad - Nicole became involved with EJ again and that's when she kidnapped Sydney and they went on the run. I don't remember exactly what EJ knew and when. When Sami left for LA they had a very nice talk on the Dimera sex couch because Nicole wanted to say goodbye to Sydney. It was revealed Sami lets Sydney call her Mommy Nicole. I thought it was very big of Sami to acknowledge Sydney had a relationship with Nicole for Sydney's sake. Nicole was a very good mother to Sydney and Johnny. EJ became mayor and Nicole was a conniving wife during the election and it looked like they had a great time together. Then Eej started sniffing around Sami again and knew he'd always prefer Sami when Nicole found out she was pregnant for the second time. She didn't want EJ to have anything to do with the baby so she got Dan to pretend it was his. Then, of course, it didn't survive. So as awful as Nicole has been it's sad she wants a baby so much but has never been able to have one. Gosh, and this is off the top of my head.
  13. Nicole had just found out her baby with EJ died in utero. She was fighting with Jen on some steep outside steps and fell down them. She accused Jen of killing her baby although she didn't.
  14. Yes, I recall that but I'm not sure who he is!
  15. Whoa that is crazy. People who worry about "the children" when it's their own twisted thoughts that are the problem. Having said that, I could do with fewer male anatomy jokes. They're mostly not funny anymore. I found the episode referenced about Howard getting stuck in the mechanical hand funny because of the Winnie the Pooh in the honey tree comparison. The lady who complained about a commercial on TBBT that mentioned her aunt's names and alleges somehow TBBT got her aunt's names? Wowsers. And read Lorre's vanity cards at your peril. I can only imagine the complaints Lorre's other show 2 1/2 Men got,
  16. I agree, Howard knew what he was doing. I was wondering if they should try to stand on the wrench. The key to this is, I think, this was a neglected van from the 70's and it was rusted on. Probably all that could be done is to have it cut off and maybe the threads retooled. Nerd shaming? Had it been a newer van it probably would have been ok. I can't imagine why they'd trust that hunk of junk but oh well. Brilliant but no common sense. I'd have expected Leonard to say something though. Maybe he did, not sure. Yes, it seemed like an old timey episode with the guys but I enjoyed the girls more. I would love to see them take Amy out and have her try things on, she could do with a makeover. But I'm glad they pierced her ears and it was so high schoolish to have Penny do it, so I enjoyed Amy getting to make up for experiences she missed. Although it was just a piercing it's symbolic for Amy's changes, inside and out. I didn't have any big laughs but it was fun. The initial comments here took me by surprise seeing as I almost quit this forum over so many complaints last week. I considered starting a I Hate This Show and I'm Going to Stop Watching topic. I think Kaley's hair is cute. Yes it's growing out but it explains the awful thing they did for her wedding pretending it was still short. I used to do tech support for ATT. They use sim cards for the very reason of international travel and security. I'm not sure about CDMA phones (Sprint) access to international data. Data out of the US is VERY expensive, $20 a mb. You should call ahead and set up a plan for the dates you'll be gone, you buy a set number of mb's. Same for texting. Now that I think about it, the last time I looked into it ATT makes you buy a whole month's data but texting might still be prorated. What often happens, if people go over, billing will bring you up to a plan covering your use and you just pay the difference instead of hundreds of dollars. Imagine the calls I took from parents whose kids go over the border without telling them and rack up charges. Or they have a friend in another country and send them hundreds of texts. Then they argue about needing to set up international texting, ugh. Although there is one carrier advertising no addl charges for Canada and Mexico now. The reason is, so they say, your signal bounces off towers that ATT doesn't own, they get billed and add that onto your bill. It can take 60 days for it to show up. And no, I don't have the job anymore, they fired 250 of us.
  17. I thought the same thing about Ruby but when I thought about it, when confronted with someone like Paul, who I thought had some harsh comments and glares, I might admit my mistakes up front rather than hear it from him. Just to get it over with. Trust me, it doesn't work. When they were tasting the towers there were a lot of cuts. I was concerned more fell down than I thought, but Mary and Paul must have divided/destroyed the things before they tasted them and all we saw was the tasting. And good lord Sue shut it with the BAAAAKE I think Mel is there just to make her look relatively normal although she's awfully impressed with her own puns. Basically, I'm watching the show for the contestants and Mary only. I think her pants are what we call boyfriend jeans.
  18. Ah, Lastwaltz just made the same comment. I don't think it's too unpopular! My UO is I dislike Bo with Hope; if he has to be back I'd just as soon let him stay incoherent but yeah, enough torture already.
  19. Shut up Maggie, the last thing a woman planning her wedding wants to hear is that her ex is the love of her life. A's whiskers really annoyed today. On the other hand, Steve still has really great hair. So Theresa and Brady having a nice conversation? Wow they looked great. Shut up Eve, you pulled that crap with Paige - men will always hurt you. Poor Theresa though, I'm still upset that a teary Theresa tried to console Eve who told her to get her shit together, then proceeded to explode. I'm sorry but I found it cringeworthy, maybe it's gone on toooo long. So Eve pushes her away then Brady immediately scolds her. Now he's all nice for the moment. Excellent, Rick Kitchen pointing out how Jen thanked people for coming. It occurs to me that I thanked people at my ex's memorial when it was being held by his siblings but I was doing it on behalf of our son. In fact, I think I thanked an old gf by the way she was looking at me. I wish I had been able to talk to her a bit because she was graceful enough to come up to me but I'd never seen her before and it was a little uncomfortable. That's the great thing about soaps. When they're good they bring up issues like aging parents, parenting, family relationships, reconciliations that we can relate to. Steve and Kayla's slow reconciliation seems real to me. Maybe because the show didn't spend years destroying the characters in stupid triangles. And Yes, why did Daphne get to attend the funeral and there was no Rory or T? I know T left the show a while ago and Rory we may never see again, but still. Patsy Pease should have been here, definitely. I was looking that this funeral as being the big one for all the deaths that might still occur because we're not going to see a funeral for everyone. It's not as if the room was full of suspects eyeing each other as it should have been too. I'm pissed at Rafe for not telling Gabi because she just got out of jail. BS, the girl is as happy as it gets with her baby, planning her future, shoveling food in her mouth. If they were going to drag out the mourning surely there was room for that story too. The Law and Order murder whiteboard circa 2003 cracks me up every time. Foot fungus, HA!
  20. Yes, there are bars and squares. And then there are brownies. Thanks for the flapjack explanation, I was confused. It looked like granola when it was done and you could tell while mixing it the batter was very thick. I get a kick out of the expressions on Glen's face. But that part where he mopped his face and head with a towel was pretty gross. I think I prefer simple foods party because people aren't touching every single thing. Oh, I forgot, Glen was blowing on his tower to cool it off, wasn't he?
  21. A quick google says Paige was killed on 9/08. Yes, we've been waiting a month for the funeral that disappointed. They jumped the shark with running into PaigeGhost's arms. And since Ben Doll should have been there to look guilty, leave it to Abifail to feign illness when there hasn't been a single scene with her and her brother. I was so looking forward to this but they spun their wheels for weeks, probably for rewrite purposes, The sets were great but the writing didn't keep up. Eddie kind of took the creepy away from Clyde and gave him some time away from our screen but both of them can't leave soon enough. I know very little of AM but after his quivering chin on the first day he took a break. I want to slap him over the ridiculous live presser at the funeral. I think they've succeeded in destroying Justin. Also a DA shouldn't be doing his own investigations, interrogations and hanging out at the cop shop all day. Eff you Brady.
  22. What's confusing to me is that every pan, kettle, tray, form etc seems to be called a tin. That's damned annoying. Even canned things are tins.
  23. Cheeses, when did snark go out of style? They weren't being mean. Spare the snark etc as we used to say? TMZ chided them when it occurred in real time. I didn't need to see anything Mon night, they were still in the front row. I don't follow exit interviews so I can't answer to that.
  24. Gosh that all sounds yummy. I have a recipe for zuke/tomato gratin I've wanted to do for years. It sounds a bit soggy though, I might drain them well and do it in a breakfast strata or fritatta. It involves lining up the slices alternately. I never got any grilled zuke planks this year :(
  25. Fall weather here too, first frost might hit tonight. Today I had yesterday's dinner. I was hungry for fall time potato au gratin with bechamel and lean boneless pork loin chops cooked with it. I was doing a lot of kitchen cleanup and set toaster oven timer (see: Indepensable Kitchen Gadgets) My adult son turned it off in retaliation to my turning off his computer. I didn't, just the monitor and half the lights in the house since I owe a lot in electric. So the timer never went off, I fell asleep and baked it again today so twice the electricity. It was already baked through so I don't think I risk too much in food poisoning I guess...
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