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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. And her knees look like sonogram fetuses, bless her heart.
  2. Oh, it looks every bit as bad as it sounds—-our homegirl was all aboard the hot mess express:
  3. I never thought I’d actually be PROUD of Kathryn on this show, yet she’s *finally* conducting herself with a modicum of dignity, grace and class! And actually blending well with the other gals too. Wow...sobriety is treating her nicely, apparently. Glad Patricia is finally seeing this and they’ve apparently made up offscreen. On the flip side, Thomas is extra skeevy this season; and I say this as a begrudging T-Rav fan((I just find him unintentionally funny as shit, like a drunken Foghorn Leghorn))...pathetic wannabe golddigger Ashley is upping his sleaze factor as well. She’s a 30-something supposed nurse who still acts like a vapid sorority girl—-I think we all were collectively cringing along with Thomas when she was giggling over those “mugshot” signs. Way to not read the room, girl. So if you watched “Relationshep”, you knew Peyton was obviously on the show just for a big shot at reality fame; gross to see she’s proving our suspicions correctly now that she’s prominently guest starring all over this show. And she moved all the way to Charleston from LA too?! Ugh...she needs to join Team Thirst right alongside Ashley. I so wanted to join the Bitter Betty girl slumber party! Their suite was gorgeous and it’d be fun to go get drunk and talk shit with those lovely ladies. Made me a bit sad to look at such beautiful women whining about such pathetic dudes; Chucktown is apparently an abysmal place to date if you’re a female over 25. Also, I’d so love to drink beer and fish on the beach with Chelt-sea and dog and her fun dad. She may be a ball-buster, but Chelt definitely seems like a cool chick.
  4. You’re right, that’s her awesome driver!! He’s great; a real gentleman whom I could see doing something that thoughtful for her and her daughter. She sure doesn’t treat him like an elitist either.
  5. Okay, so maybe BACK THEN she didn’t put up with elitist bullshit. She’s worked hard since then to make her millions and has completely earned the right to hire a bodyguard to hold an umbrella over her and her daughter, which doesn’t seem all that elitist to me anyway, but whatever.
  6. I think Bethenny was completely within her right to hate Kelly from the first moment that loon appeared on the show with her—-she’d already met Kelly multiple times at various events, but according to Bethenny she wasn’t “famous enough” for a shameless starfucker like Kelly to remember. Kelly acted like a totally superficial diva at that charity meeting Bethenny attended, which is why Bethenny made her “clearly she’s Madonna” comment to the lady next to her who asked, “Who IS she?” in shocked response to Kel’s off-putting behavior. And then there was the infamous meeting at The Brass Monkey in which kuckoo Kelly arrived there late just to poorly attempt to humiliate Beth by calling her crazy, berating her and blurting our the insanely rude “I’m up here, you’re down there” commentary. In summation, Bethenny doesn’t put up with elitist bullshit. And Kelly has always reeked of it.
  7. Oh Lord, guys—-just when I thought these two couldn’t sink any lower, she’s now pimping out her IVF “journey” all over her Instagram. Literally taking pics at the office before/after, getting filmed getting various shots. It just reeks of pathetic desperation and is very uncomfortable to watch. She’s no spring chicken and he’s an older guy with a vasectomy and two children he can barely support, so WHY is she even going through this sad “journey”?! I’d really respect her maternal instincts more if she simply adopted an infant/child, not go through this mess in the vain attempt to bring yet more Smiley spawn into the world.
  8. Oh god, me too! I used to adore reading about all those swanky young Manhattan socialites back in the day, which is why I’ve always been such a fan of Tinsley for so long—-she was the undisputed queen of the pack, but I loved the fact that by all accounts she wasn’t remotely snobby and just wanted to have fun, be glam and get her pic taken. You’d see her pretty pics on all the main party pic sites along with the main gals in her pack; it was all so very “Gossip Girl.” I dug hearing and learning all about “the socials” via websites like Gawker, Guest of a Guest, Page 6, etc; The Socialite Rank website fiasco was also hilarious but kinda cruel to her supposed rival Olivia Palermo((and I’d LOVE to see OP join the cast too, but she’s so successful and has supposedly sworn off reality TV for good after her bitchy stint on “The City”)): http://stylecaster.com/tinsley-mortimer-socialite/ “High Society” was a bit of a disaster((and pretty much ruined Tinsley’s original NYC social standing; she was shunned a bit afterwards)), but I still watched it. That was the beginning of the end for “the socials” generation. I liked her book “Southern Charm” though, even if it was basically her life and obviously she used a ghost writer.
  9. I will NEVER believe this line of thought, sorry. Yes, Patricia herself was a scion and beautiful young woman who did indeed have a child with a wealthy and well-established man also, but that’s where the comparison ends. People seem to forget that Patricia is also well-traveled and extremely educated—-she obtained a B.A. Magna Cum Laude in 1964 and then a master's degree in 1965, both in Art History and Archaeology. She was a lecturer in art history at George Washington University and lived for many years in Georgetown, where she later owned and ran Arcadia, a private art dealership that handled major paintings. She’s also a world-class entertainer and has won numerous awards for her philanthropy and notable works around the community and otherwise. Unlike Kathryn, she also wasn’t a baby mama; she married three times to three great men and by all accounts her first two divorces were amicable; her final marriage to her now deceased husband was almost like a fairy-tale, at least according to her book. I love me some Patricia, so it just feels like an insult to see such an admirable lady compared to a trashy baby mama with no job or education.
  10. I wonder if the show is gradually attempting to phase Scheana out, because she’s obviously not all that missed. Other than her insane pre/post-divorce Robsession this season, she really has no other storyline. And then there she’s randomly shown at the near end of the episode, lumbering in while hanging onto Rob, merely uttering “I feel short” to him like the brilliant conversationalist she truly is. And then gazing up at LaLa like the green-eyed monster she is, whining about how she misses her own pathetic showcases while sputtering on about her two lame singles. LaLa’s not exactly the next Erika Jayne, but for a gal who claims that up until a few years ago she didn’t even sing, I thought she hilariously blew poor old Scheana out of the water! To quote that other self-absorbed Bravolebrity hag Kim Zolziak-Bierrman, “Jealousy is a disease so get well, bitch.” Speaking of a disease, I feel sick and infected just looking at this bullshit((yes, this is real and from an actual photoshoot Rob/Scheana did back in happier days)):
  11. It was always so weird to me that out of allllll the endless, random continuity errors on this show, one of the few random details that the writers all stuck to was how Rose’s husband passed away while they were having sex. It was almost like a running punchline with her! Oh yes, and there was also Dorothy’s mysterious brother Phil the crossdresser. Talk about yet another oddly random story that they stuck with throughout the show’s run.
  12. John’s “life” party looked beyond lame—-basically it was one of those cheesy wine-and-paint gatherings that so many bachelorette parties like to book, only a sleazy dude version. And who serves all that booze without any munchies? Some fine host he is! Yeah, he’s just a bit too stuck on himself, very douchey; I did enjoy seeing Jason roasting his pretentious little statements in that talking head segment. On the flip side, I really dig Jeff so far; he just seems like a big ol sweetheart; I always have a soft spot for the gentle giant footballers—-too bad he apparently has a little angry drunk meltdown the next episode. But I guess most folks would if they had Reagan angrily yapping into their ear. How scripted was that, having Reagan & Tamica walking in on the paint party? Come on now... Adored that French Quarter apartment that Reagan looked at—-so lovely! Although why doesn’t she just refer to it simply as a city crash pad for she and her hubs both?? Just odd. Kind of a “meh” episode overall. And hello there, Mr. Tamica’s ass!!
  13. Okay, Naomi getting so swiftly shut down by Patricia was truly a thing of beauty!!!! Yes, it was awkward AF for both of them, but Jesus, even my semi-cultured ass knows that you don’t confront a hostess about an uninvited guest DURING the actual event! If she cared that goddamned much about smoothing things over between Pat & Kat, she should’ve spoken with Patricia either before or after said event, maybe even offer a casual mediation of sorts. Or better yet, DON’T GO TO THE PARTY if you feel that bad about it; otherwise, just shut the hell up and eat some bloody vagina cake, Naomi. I don’t blame Patricia one bit for sticking to her guns and not letting Katherine anywhere near her place; the gal has acted unhinged at one too many events Patricia has also attended. After leaving such poor first impressions with this group, it’s refreshing to see someone on this cast just completely peace out on her crazy ass. Because it doesn’t matter how much someone claims to have changed if that someone repeatedly has acted the fool and left a bad taste in someone else’s mouth. Speaking of leaving a bad taste, what IS up with Whitney suddenly acting all sedated and only wearing that tracksuit everywhere? Makes me wonder if he filmed all his scenes in that red suit in one day and the scenes are just going to be scattered throughout the season. The dude used to be so stylish and concerned about his tailor-made suits; what the Hell happened? These young guys not working and just living like they’re on permanent vacation...it seems sad. I do enjoy Austen’s scenes out at bars because I’m also a fellow craft beer snob/expert and I’ve tried every single one of those brews he drinks. If he was sick of being a mere beer rep, maybe he needs to go apprentice at a local brewery and gain some knowledge on the craft if he really is that passionate about the tasting, brewing and marketing of beer. And he should go back to school and get a certification for being a master brewer and/or beer sommelier for a local restaurant if that’s his true passion. But then again, that would take actual WORK... Cameron said on her Instastory last night that she was only having one child and that this was her last one. And that she cried every day the first month of her pregnancy. So let’s be honest: I think she genuinely never wanted kids and only caved in out of love for her husband and to keep him happy/protect her marriage. I’m sure she’s a good mother and all, but as a ChildFree woman who had to dump quite a few great guys I loved because I felt so strongly about my decision to not have children, I’m still side-eyeing her a bit. Way too much Naomi this season. She’s just such a kill-joy Bitter Betty, burning bridges left and right. She needs to get over herself. And that baby shower was the first one I’ve *ever* seen that made me actually want to attend; what a hoot!! Ashley is just gross and pathetic. Yikes. Slow your roll there, Species.
  14. I just wanna know what kinda hoodoo-voodoo Marlo is doing to be able to land a millionaire who buys her a house and cars and all else—-she’s a batshit crazy felon and not even all that attractive, so I’d sure like to know her magical secrets for entrapping such a wealthy suitor. But then again, I said the same thing about Kim back when she was getting homes/cars bought for her by Big Daddy, so maybe confident golddiggers are naturally more homely and rich men are infinitely more desperate in Atlanta. And apparently I’m in the wrong line of work!
  15. I actually love the budding romance between Ronnie and the chef; he appears to adore her and it’s beyond sweet that he actually flies her airline some weekends just to see her. That being said though, he appears to have a LOT of extra time for a supposedly successful executive chef; not that this show is remotely based in reality, but that just seems rather odd overall. Hopefully those two work out and she gets to move in with a sweet guy who cooks for her and pampers her otherwise. There’s just way too much tension between her and Colin, despite the ongoing romantic tension the show keeps trying to sneak into their friendship. Alan’s not-so-secret mancrush on Captain Dave cracks me up!! He’s gotta be the most delightfully enigmatic character on this show: is he just a goofy yet lovable weirdo, or is he merely a personal potpourri of endlessly questionable layers(bisexual aspiring dancer bowling pro with a drug problem)??? Artem directing his own warped version of “The Room”—-just imagine the possibilities! Poor Dave just can’t catch a romantic break. Given his marital history, it’s no surprise; and he had zero chemistry with Nichole’s mom. He just needs to find a laidback bimbo who appreciates his brand of cheesy charms. Truly digging this silly show still; it’s rare that I make a point to dial up sitcoms to watch. Hopefully it gets picked up for another season because this charismatic cast is such a hoot!
  16. Oh I love hearing from local folks who have actual connections to the reality “stars” we regularly laugh at—-you always get the best scoop that way! So I’m genuinely curious, since I also have known quite a few folks who have appeared on reality shows((all of the shows were one season flops and swiftly cancelled, go figure)); are these folks mostly being themselves so far, or are they being complete caricatures of their usual selves and acting out more for the cameras? One of my neighbors was on a reality show with another lovely girlfriend of mine, and he acted like a complete drunken buffoon(he was coached to amp up his party boy persona) while she came off like a busybody bitch. Another former friend on his reality show got so into his “crazy socialite” character that he ended up moving out of state to go to rehab and be a minister. One gal I knew whom I once truly respected and found so charming and funny just came off like an off-putting psycho on her show. A very sweet co-worker friend of mine just returned to work from competing in the upcoming season of “Master Chef” and I told him I’m just praying they edited him every bit as nicely as he is in real life because he’s a genuinely great dude. I know you’re expected to amp up your typical personality for the cameras, but still, editors can be shitty enough to completely destroy your typical character if it means it’ll get the action more sensationalized and move the plot along. Which means I’d be way too fearful to ever put myself out there like that—-signing up for a reality show is such a gamble.
  17. Like many reality stars you may occasionally encounter in the wild, I can attest that he’s even finer in person—-tall(6’2 or 6’3) and slim, plus his skin looks much better off camera. He may be a whiner millennial type on the show, but he’s very kind to fans, which scores him fairly high in my book.
  18. Me too, @Mu Shu!! The irony is, I really liked her pre-Slade; she had a spunky, witty personality and was like the darkhorse you rooted for to outwit the mean girls like “Tam-ruhhh”((her naked wasted antics still make me laugh)). Then she immediately became weirdly self-righteous, snarky and insufferable the minute she and Slade hooked up. It’s a damned shame and such a waste—-she really could’ve found such a better man with real cash and status and no vasectomy/baggage. Which proves that she really must love that doofus somehow.
  19. She was actually engaged the first season; it was all rather hush-hush at first and she didn’t really mention him much if at all until the second season. If memory serves me right, she got married in a beautiful ceremony just before the second season aired—-it was actually sweet to see that Whitney, Shep, Craig and Danni all attended the lovely outdoor nuptials, as the photos were actually shared on Bravo and People online.
  20. I completely agree—I’ve *always* wanted to live in NYC. With the caveat that I could live there in the upscale fashion/style/addresses in which these women and other ladies who lunch live there, of course((aka I’ll probably never end up there unless I won the lottery, so there’s that)). But it’s a tough city otherwise, even if you have money. It’s dirty, loud, and requires constant money and stamina to deal with the endless flow of energy and activity the city demands. I have several friends who moved there to pursue Broadway careers and after a few years they had to come back home because they ran out of money and simply couldn’t handle the struggle and pace of Manhattan/Brooklyn living. And easy chores we take so for granted otherwise, like going to the store to get groceries or going shopping and shlepping your bags on and off the subways or taxis was always an ordeal. I think that’s why these particular women are so interestingly strong and resilient compared to all the other Real Housewives: you gotta be a pretty tough broad to handle the required rigors of NYC. On the plus side, you can also drink more living within the insular safety of Manhattan bars, at least!
  21. Not to remotely take away from such an impressive accomplishment indeed, but Carole did have one slight advantage in this case: she was already so skinny/petite and light on her feet that running was already going to be easier for her than most women her age at an average/larger size. I guess I’m slightly envious in that respect because my size D tits are usually slinging every which way as soon as I hit my running stride after two minutes on the treadmill. Speaking of which, I’ve tried every sports bra on the market and even have to double layer them, but freakishly large tits even at a size 4-6 are the “gift” that genetics gave me; makes me wonder why Ramona ever bothered to enlarge her own formerly perky breasts into her current puffer pigeon post-divorce look. Or Bethenny rocking those insane bolt-on’s. As someone who wishes she had the cash/recovery time for a breast reduction, I’m baffled by women who want bigger tits; the regular maintenance on them alone is insane enough as it is. I’d take Carole or even Tinsley’s petite bodies any day over the boobtacular look the other gals sport.
  22. There aren't many folks who can match the wits/timing of Kenya—-she may be a crafty, crazy bitch, but she’s also smart as Hell and can read someone across town and back. She does make me laugh now and then with her clapbacks so that I usually end up siding with her during every reunion. And she usually brings it at every reunion too! I barely even watched this season and am mostly over the Atlanta series, but I tune in now and then due to old habit—-try as I might, I still can’t quit NeNe. I always have enjoyed Kandi and her no BS hustle. I feel an odd connection with Kenya and Cynthia is as gorgeous as she is classy and well-spoken so I LIVED for her smack down of Kim: just boom!!! Kim is such a hideously disgusting, idiotic creature in a scary wig and fright mask now. Really sad how she’s ruined herself, burned so many bridges and taken Kroy and her child army right down with her. I liked her for a hot minute back when she and NeNe were buddies back in the early seasons, but those days are long gone. Wish she’d just go take those slimy slug lips and slither on back to obscurity already. Porsha always has annoyed me with her spoiled princess temper tantrums and hyper-materialistic shallowness. Wish she’d go too.
  23. It IS extremely selfish of parents to do this! I’ll never forget visiting Biltmore Winery for the first time when I toured the Biltmore Mansion in Asheville, NC—-there were some parents there with older children(they looked between 8-13), standing at one of the booths beside mine doing a wine tasting. Their three kids were just standing there in obvious boredom with nothing to do but stare at their parents sipping away at wine. It was every bit as awkward and weird as it sounds and I felt pretty bad for those kids...my parents would have the odd beer or wine at meals around me, but they sure as Hell never forced me to join them at wineries or breweries. Actually, as a frequent brewery visitor I’m always curious about why they’ve grown so “family-friendly” in recent years. There’s ongoing debates on either side and I actually applaud the breweries who have taken a stance on not allowing kids in their places. At least limit the hours of children being there or something. This article was an interesting take on the overall sentiment: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/taranurin/2018/03/05/parents-think-twice-before-bringing-your-babies-to-breweries-and-bars/amp/
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