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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. I totally feel your pain on this one---those entitled assholes who speed ahead of all the other cars and don't bother merge until the very last possible moment are the WORST. They mess up the traffic flow and cause potential accidents. And yes, you were smart to let him in because those guys are usually hardcore road ragers. Speaking of which, I've had two incidents with road raging assholes in the distant past((I was in my early 20's and not the greatest driver)) that still haunt me to this day. The first one was when I was trying to find a certain shop during my lunch hour. I was driving quickly and was in the left lane trying to find the place---I had several false starts and there wasn't a turning lane, so I was admittedly being horribly inconsiderate to the folks behind me and even waved back at them several times in apology. I finally found the place and turned left into their parking area, only to see this car behind me turn to park right beside me as I opened my car door to go inside. The guy driving came right up to me, pinned me against my car, and was shouting and cursing at me for literally two or three minutes before he finally stomped back to his car muttering to himself. I remember just shaking in shock, wondering if he was off to go beat up his wife or something. The other time was several years later, when I accidentally cut a guy off on my way to the movie theater. I was running late to meet a friend at a movie and was speeding, but this guy literally sped up and tailgated me all the way into the parking garage; I just couldn't shake the weirdo! Every time I'd try to park, he'd park right beside me and start yelling at me. He finally drove off when I grabbed my cellphone and yelled back, "I'm calling 911, you psycho!" So yeah, just be careful out there and drive kindly. Driving seems to turn some folks((particularly men)) into wild animals.
  2. I just saw the episode again where Rose and the gals competed in that bowling tournament; I'd forgotten how completely psycho Rose was with her hyper-competitive streak and how she ditched Rose and Dorothy both as bowling team partners just to make sure she could win. To be as sweet as she was otherwise, Rose was a total crazy bitch when it came to competition.
  3. @Zola, I like you---anyone who parties as hard as you do is a friend of mine. I've woke up hungover and not remembering my night's previous events((save for embarrassing video footage, which I've usually added to my Instagram stories like a dumbass)) way too many times, so this fellow party animal is toasting a pint your way, mate. That being said, I'm so sorry about the gal who decided to take advantage of you in that state. However, I'm willing to give her a hard pass because she was probably pretty tipsy herself and went with the flow when she noticed you were hot to trot as well...she might've even felt a bit guilty about it upon reflection, hence the breakfast tray of remorse she kindly offered you. Just curious now---were you able to smooth things over with the client and did you maintain contact with the naughty woman?
  4. Yes!!! Fishwife is a great way to describe her---she just comes off as sooooo cold and asexual. If you told me which of these sad couples had sex the least, I'd totally buy that the Bubbas((ugh..)) do it even less than Sandoval and Nugget. I've never remotely liked Katie and have always been perplexed as to how she made it into this cast considering how blah lookswise and personality void she is...oh wait, she does show a shred of bitchy personality when she's raging at Schwartz and/or deep into her tequila haze. Although I did love it when she basically told Stassi to fuck off that one season when Stassi thought she was better than everyone else and tried to leave the group((before pathetically groveling back up everyone's ass next season)). And then inviting her on their honeymoon? Gross. That just speaks volumes, doesn't it??
  5. Yeah, Scheana was extra smug and desperate tonight. That bitch is just such a self-centered mess, trash-talking her ex-husband and their former life, desperately clinging to and bragging to whomever about her super new life with her super rich new dude, "joking" about marriage with him and referring to "their house" like the parasite she truly is, ugh...turn the faucet off a bit there with that extra thirst, girl! I now know what to get my husband for our anniversary thanks to Jax: a motorized cooler. Who knew? Brilliant!! Brittany probably got it for Jax to zip out of there extra conveniently on all those nights she kicks him out. Poor pathetic Schwartz, pouting without his blackout sippy cups of the sweet nectar. Maybe he needs to start doing edibles with his wifey. Wow, Kristen got a memorable talking head tonight. Maybe they're not phasing her out like I suspect after all?
  6. Dear God...Bella's vocal fry was making me stabby. Why do millennial chicks like her do this?! She sounded like a croaking frog as she hopped on out of the mansion that morning. Not sexy, just annoying AF. Yeah, Shep ain't into any of these chicks. You can tell he's just phoning it in at this point. If he wasn't being filmed for this "dating" show I'm sure he would've already drunkenly gotten into all their panties by now.
  7. Sun-Bun


    Seriously! And then she had to go blurt out her cheating to Aiden the DAY OF Charlotte's wedding? Comon now...that was definitely a big "Carrie is a selfish cow" moment in my book. Homegirl could've at least held it together for one extra damned day just for her friend's sake, but oh no, her "guilt" just couldn't be denied any longer!
  8. Hahahhh, this is so true! We could always use an extra beefy repeat of their timeless "tutu foo-foo" dance.
  9. Mama Elsa was so beautiful once, back when she still looked vaguely human! Her plastic surgery massacre still hurts my heart...
  10. Yikes...that picture of Scheana is just...wow, she looks so plastic now. And her lips look ridiculously inflated.
  11. Adriana looks rather scary skinny. Yes, most reality show "mactors" are rather small, but she's always seemed slightly unhealthy to me with her even slighter figure. Glad to see the show is exploring this further.
  12. Damn...Simon really has porked out Down Under! I guess too many long nights of studying have taken their toll; no more shimmying around in little red vinyl pants for him!
  13. I guarantee you she wouldn't be remotely as into that dude if he wasn't so attractive. She probably once figured she was hella lucky to bag a prettyboy model type like him---unfortunately, he really is just a boy. His personality is just so wishy-washy and immature that he always has come off like a teenage dude stuck in arrested development to me: 35 going on 19. That shit was probably cute and oddly endearing when he was in his 20's, not so much now that he's well on his way to the 40's and still aimlessly partying it up like a frat brother. The fact that Katie actually still wants to breed with the loser shows me that she must only be looking at this from an aesthetic standpoint because he's certainly NOT a provider this far.
  14. Haven't watched the whole episode yet, although I saw a clip of the gals not being thrilled to meet Landon((unlike the far more well-received Cameron)), particularly the Brazilian chick who exclaimed, "What a weirdo!" Landon really has a way of completely turning other women off her, for whatever reason...too bad she squicks out Shep romantically as well since she's likely the only woman who'd put up with his bullshit.
  15. This surely must be Asian-sizing. I got suckered into buying a haul of clothes from one of those crazy cheap online retailers PopJulia last summer---the clothes looked absolutely adorable and were so affordable! I know Asian sizes run smaller so I checked the measurements accordingly before I ordered. Made sure to go for L in the looser tops despite wearing a S-M typically. Then I get the clothes nearly a month later...and they don't look like they do in the pictures. They sure as Hell don't fit like I thought they would. I felt so fat and disgruntled as I packed everything back up to re-send to Japan. Never mind that I'm *still* waiting on my refund....yeah, fool me once---no more Asian clothing hauls for me after that!!
  16. Sun-Bun


    I just re-watched the episode of Carrie reconsidering her relationship with "The Russian" because he told her he was too old and officially done having children. She was 38 and still wondering if she wanted to have a baby...seeing how her character ended up in the movies, all shacked up living her rich and materialistic lifestyle with Big, it just seems so weird to even see her once seriously questioning/considering motherhood...as shallow and self-centered as she was even back then, the idea of Carrie raising a child seems insane. She never projected the selfless maternal warmth of either Charlotte or even Miranda((who showed such tremendous character growth throughout the series' run))...and although it was annoying the way Charlotte kept encouraging her to be a "baby person", that very much was how baby-crazy Char's character was. I guess like Carrie said in that actual episode, she was caught up in the "should" consideration of motherhood versus actually wanting to be a mother. I remember another episode where she had a pregnancy scare with Big and was similarly conflicted. It just never rang true to me that her character was so intrigued with potential motherhood---I wish her character had been able to fully embrace the ChildFree lifestyle a'la Samantha who owned her personal choices and never wavered. The whole motherhood confusion of her character seemed like a convenient plot device to me, almost a cop-out for the writers. Of course, it's always squicked me out how most television shows are so pro-natal and the reality of ChildFree choices and abortion is hardly ever explored or discussed. Carrie would've been a true model of the "modern woman" of that era had her character come right out and admitted that she didn't want to ever be a mother and was okay with that. Thank God Samantha gladly took on that role with such gusto!!
  17. Oh I definitely know that dreck of which you type---I had the TV on in the background when that commercial came on and remember thinking to myself, 'Goddamnit that's annoying...' I think that gal is actually singing "Dayyy-uck, dayyy-uk, dayyy-uk..." in that ultra twee and annoying hipster lilt that we're hearing more and more female commercial jingle singers affecting. Gotta sound extra hip to get those millennial kids' attention, after all!! I actually complained about this trend on the commercial forums here---there was some chick who sang a similarly rage-inducing version of "If I Only Had a Brain" for the University of Phoenix commercials using that same ultra-affected lilt. I was about ready to hire a bounty hunter to find her so I could personally throat-punch her for that hot mess. Speaking of holiday commercials, I thankfully haven't noticed any other new ones yet that get me as ragey as usual. And there are a handful of classic holiday commercials that have been shown for at least 20 or more years that get me all giddy with holiday cheer: the Norelco razor Santa, the Hershey's kisses ringing bells, the Foldgers commercial featuring golden child "PEETERRR!!" coming home, and the 'Oh Christmas Tree' Corona commercial.
  18. I still adore the "Amazing Ariana" nickname someone suggested, to echo the Amazing Amy comparison from the "Gone Girl" book/movie....because that whole "cool girl" speech Amy gives in the book/movie is exactly who Adriana is. I mean beyond the sexual stuff, the similarities are so eerily spot on: Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding. Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl.
  19. I think it's a combo of her creaky old lady voice, aged stylings and the way she toddles around in those insanely high heels---that gal is in FuckMe pumps practically every scene! Which I wouldn't mind so much if she actually walked in them gracefully...she's probably lived in heels for so long that her body is begging for mercy.
  20. I've always enjoyed Erika as a cast member since day 1, but she's definitely started to lose her allure for me now that she's so smugly lost in her own popstar narrative---Teddy has got her pegged: she's truly become that annoying cliche of "cool girl" and her haughty demeanor around the other girls has gone into overdrive. Sure, good for her to be enjoying the fruits of her labor and some success in her mid-40's, but no need to lord it over everyone else like she's Madonna or something. She's exactly like another typical Bravo "cool girl", Adriana from "Vanderpump Rules": cold and aloof, unwilling to get off her throne and just get silly, frosty with new folks, takes her ART "very seriously", etc...Erika definitely makes you realize that if she didn't have the wild costumes and hair courtesy of her glittery gay glam squad, and her deliberately "controversial" bitchy quips, she really wouldn't have much else going on personally...because what else is there to her anyway? She's way too guarded to be remotely interesting or charismatic otherwise. Meanwhile, I'm falling back into love with Lisa V and Kyle---they're just too damned cute together, especially when they get drunk and silly. Thank GOD Kim is off the show, because it forces Kyle to relax and not suddenly go into wounded, protective sister mode. And I can't believe it---Dorit didn't annoy me! I found her oddly likable this episode, bad wigs, stupid accent and all. Maybe she can finally stop trying so damned hard and relax a bit when her girlcrush Erika finally initiates her into her one person cool girl clique. I'm liking Teddy okay so far, although she still gives me Eden-like vibes with her celebrity lineage and tough fit blonde persona. Hopefully she has some chill game and doesn't start showing a creepy, boundaries-lacking vibe a'la Eden. She's very pretty though and has a pretty little home and family to match, so there's that. I can't help but love seeing Camille hanging out with these gals. She may be a stealth bitch who had a hideous first season edit, but she must also be a good friend and fun as Hell if the gals are still wanting to hang out with her and include her in the action. And she's always dressed so elegantly sexy. Plus, I'm so ready to see her bring back those classic Club MTV stripper moves!! Rinna is a crazy twat with no loyalty, but I admittedly still have a love/hate thing for her---she's so ridiculously spastic and such a hustler with an impressive work ethic that I just can't quit her. She's a busybody for sure, but I loved that she was the only one who had the balls to stand up to Kim and call her on her mean girl addict bullshit. And then there's bunnygate...fuck Kim giving her back that "bad energy" bunny; that was a bitchy move, regardless of what she thought Rinna's intentions were. It was a nice gesture, so just leave it at that, drama queen. The Rinna girls, on the other hand...they're not special. They're definitely not model material. And they're entitled AF. No thanks.
  21. Yes!!! Made me oddly nostalgic too because I did a "romantic spa visit" with a girlfriend once after a breakup, and we had a blast---it was especially hilarious when we took a sensual bath together in a rose petal-strewn tub. The best way to get over a shitty relationship issue/breakup is the mutual support and companionship of understanding girlfriends. Nice to see that Stassi and the gals are so sweet and kind to Brittany, although encouraging her to drunkenly call Jax to scream at him at a party was a really pointless and childish move. I'd expect no less of this bunch of emotionally immature twats though.
  22. Ugh...that is so skeevy and gross---we all know LaLa is an opportunistic whore, but to see it actually confirmed and to look at how smug and open she is about it on social media is disgusting. Karma is surely going to be cruel to LaLa; as soon as her looks start to fade, she'd better hope she has an actual career and/or saved finances to fall back on. And those "sexy" faces she makes aren't remotely hot, just derpy. As for that guy's wife, she and her young daughter needs to leave that cheating slimeball already and reclaim what's left of her dignity---he's obviously got enough money for her to get a nice fat divorce settlement and live quite well without his gross ass. But I guess in LA turning a blind eye is the usual with marriages.
  23. That's one thing you just gotta give LVP: that woman and her hubby obviously *adore* animals/dogs, so as a fellow animal-lover I gotta give her mad props on that. Say what you will about her GLTBQ support, but she has genuinely gone above and beyond with her literal pet projects. But her ridiculous wardrobe is another thing I find oddly endearing about LVP---the 80's/90's remain alive and well in her closet. Somehow she pulls off her modern day homage to Alexis Carrington, in all her gaudy pink glory. It only makes sense that she's never met a bedazzled blouse or dress she didn't like. I just don't get her love for LaLa. LVP really likes to take wayward hobags under her wing, for some reason---remember how she had a similarly odd affection for Brandi on RHofBH? Maybe she's hoping she can pawn them off on poor old Ken. Lisa is truly The Skank Whisperer. So is Katie just a full on stoner now? She seems to be relishing the role of stay-at-home half-baked wife, complete with baggy sweats. Somehow I think it's more than just Tom and his newfound sense of work ethic that's suddenly got her all Zen'ed out. I keep wondering, what does Kristen DO now? Is she still pretending to have a magical t-shirt designing empire?? Equestrianing + Arianna= Zzzzzzz....even that horse was over Arianna. I'm beginning to wonder if Sandoval is just trying to convince himself and the world that he wants to constantly bone Arianna. But by all means, continue to skeeve out her brother by discussing your stagnant sex life with his sister, Tom. Jax is still the sweaty stinking turd he always was. I wish I could feel sorry for Brittany, but I don't. She's obviously content with still being a convenient doormat to a cheating douche. I hope the new tits and reality show infamy were worth it. Even after all these seasons, every damned house party with these fuckos is still exactly the same: drink multiple shots, get naked wasted, start randomly making out with each other, someone ends up screaming at either another guest and/or someone on the phone((complete with random videos sent and/or "rage texts")), hysterical crying, awkward group bathroom trips, the end.
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