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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Indeed! From what I've heard from those where know her, she's truly a genuine and kind lady. Just based on how she basically has adopted the creator of her biggest social media fansite((from the Instagram page "welovepatriciaatachul")), I'd say she's a class act---what with the way Pat's welcomed that IG page owner to her house to stay for a few days, sent her extravagant care packages, possibly even gifted her with a secret Birkin bag, it makes me almost wish I'd started that page first!
  2. Admittedly, sometimes it's tough for some parents to help that; I remember when my mom used to take my brother and me shopping with her and they were sooooo slow trying on clothes/paying bills that I'd inevitably end up wandering to another department to check out toys or look at jewelry. I never tore up displays or messed up anything, but I remember being shocked when I was trying on hats one time and some old lady shouted at me, "QUIT PLAYING WITH THE HATS!!!" I found it baffling since I was typically an easygoing kid who kept to myself and always put things away, but she wasn't the first old lady who shouted at me for random reasons. Hell, I'll probably morph into that old lady eventually given how wild kids act in public nowadays.
  3. Oh god....I'd be mortified to dare even make such horrid statements, let alone put them out in the world. She just issued an apology via her Instagram/social media, but that's too little too late. I get that she was upset with the Al Franken situation((I actually agree with her somewhat there)), but the other statements were just way too much and so disgustingly insensitive. And yeah, I get that she's "unfiltered" and that's her schtick, but she also needs to remember her audience and that lots of young gals listen to her podcast. At least she could've educated herself on Net Neutrality((please don't tell me she's a Trump supporter, ugh...)).
  4. Definitely hit Republic if you hope to get drunken cast sightings---it's one of their faves! Shep's bars Palace Hotel and The Commodore are also supposedly worth hitting for sightings, ditto The Gin Joint and Home Team BBQ. They've filmed at all the major restaurants around there like Husk, Poogan's Porch, Hominy Grille, Queen 88, Shrimp Shack, etc...I'd check out Naomi's family's new restaurant NICO too. They've filmed at several posh rooftop bars around The Battery. If you stop by his pop-up store The Hidden Countship, you just may get the treat of meeting Cooper, who is a delight. As far as other fun sights, last time I was there I googled T-Rav's two downtown homes featured on the show((both since sold to new owners, of course)) and drove by just to see them for myself---both are GORGEOUS homes....his second downtown house featured on the show is a few blocks down from Patricia's place at the historic Isaac Jenkins Mikell House. She actually loves the fans and often waves down at them if she's upstairs on her landing enjoying her evening medicine. Damned shame about Sermet's/Gentry's being closed though; I liked that place a lot, even before the show was filmed there. Great vibe, fun bartenders and fab martinis.
  5. My pet-peeve is currently my mom and her hyper-judgement of my marital lifestyle choices. For instance, my husband and I like to travel---we have no kids and work hard, so I feel like we've earn the right to do this. Yet my mom loves to toss the "you'd have more money if you stayed home more" insult at us. My husband and I like to eat out at local restaurants and support our city's food scene. Yet my mom loves to toss the "you'd have more money if you ate at home more" insult at us. My husband and I like to host parties and get togethers at our place. Yet my mom loves to toss the "you'd have more money if you didn't host all those gatherings" insult at us. Yes mom, I guess we should just stay at home and do nothing, like you. I guess being a miserable miser hermit is her idea of paradise? She is a spoiled only child baby boomer though, so I've grown accustomed to hearing her disparage my work hard/play hard lifestyle while she stores away all her wads of money as she roams the halls of a large house that was all but handed to her. She wonders why my husband and I literally escape for a vacation every Thanksgiving---she always hated hosting dinners when I was growing up, yet she refuses to show up for past Thanksgiving dinners my husband and I have attempted for her((and my husband is an awesome cook/host!)). One Christmas she even refused to come out of the house, so my husband and brother and I were literal "Christmas orphans" left to go to dinner at a local Irish pub. I sometimes wonder if my mother is a relative of Ebeneser Scrooge.
  6. Ugh...welp, this kid has no chance. Even at her young age, she's already being groomed into a white trash mess just like her skanky mother and sisters. Just when I think this family couldn't possibly repulse me any more, they just keep on finding new ways to disgust the masses.
  7. As annoying as she is, I do find her oddly fascinating. She is so affected and cartoonish that I'm waiting to see if/when she finally drops the Elle Woods act.
  8. I would gladly watch this show, if only to see the cast of boys who supposedly suck the dicks of heterosexual men in Dallas.
  9. LeeAnne is a crazy twatwaffle who legitimately scares me, but I can't imagine this show without her---she's fun to hate and great TV, plus she's actually weirdly funny. But my heart belongs to D'Andra after an awesome first season. She's sane and attempts to keep everyone else sane and respectful as well. Even despite the fact that she needs a serious makeunder with her Crystal Gail stylings, her easygoing attitude is refreshing. Hopefully she won't change if she and this show get another season.
  10. This is probably a very drunken pet peeve from having just scrolled through my Instagram feed and gasped in horror at my 19-year-old niece's latest posting featuring her homely girlfriend, but WTF is up with this gross hairy eyebrow trend among the millennial chicks these days? Girlfriend seriously looks like an anxiously constipated Groucho Marx. It's just not the look and that chick needs all the help she can get. But it's a trend I've noticed among other gals aged 18-34 these past several years that I absolutely loathe. I'm not saying we need to go back to the overplucked pencil brow days of the 90's or the Golden Age, but goddamned if I prefer that extreme look over the extreme wooly worms I'm seeing residing on many young ladies' faces these days. And I say this as a Child of the 80's who used to admire the lush brows of Brooke Shields or early Madonna. Sorry, but I doubt I'm alone in appreciation for a clean, feminine brow. I'm not asking for much, but unibrows and caterpillars will never be attractive no matter *what* fashion dictates otherwise, girls---we ain't CroMagnum's anymore, for crissakes.
  11. Okay, I snorted when I saw this hilarious brilliance via Twitter:
  12. Thanks for posting, @Jezebel97; I am indeed pretty stoked. Although it looks like Scheana and Kristen are barely even featured much this season---that's probably a good thing because it looks like everyone else brought their A-game this season. Katie and LaLa are suddenly homies? Ehhh, I dunno what to even say about that weirdness. Speaking of weirdness, I will say that I'm kinda loving the Jax and James bromance. I guess when you're competing with the likes of TomTom for screentime, J-squared might as well give them some creepy competition. Ariana isn't nearly as pretty with that basic bitch bob---I miss her lovely long hair, even if it was likely extensions. For a moment there I almost wondered if Stassi was going back to beg for a job at SUR. Even though it's a bit pathetic the way she and Kristen still desperately cling to this crew/cast, those two and Schwartz really do have the best situation among this crew. They don't even have to pretend to work regular shifts at SUR to be full-time cast members!
  13. Seriously!! That was a shocker---I was looking for some bedazzled, angry gypsy woman type, not some mild-mannered church lady who looks like she knits sweaters for her 4 cats. D'Andra seriously needs to cut her hair at least a good 4-5 inches; that Crystal Gale look is aging her((Kyle from RH of BH is the only one who can really pull that look off, and even *that's* a stretch in recent years)) and its dragging her lovely face down right along with those big fake lashes. I love her otherwise and found her last scene with her mother so touching...even despite that lil' ingredient goof of hers. Barely any Kameron is enough for me. And her nosejob is so fugly. Speaking of fugly, that Birkin Cary got for her anniversary? Yikes...money can't buy you class indeed. I just can't quit Brandi and Stephanie, despite their mean girl tendencies and squeaky mouse voices...I dunno, I still just find myself rooting for them, even though the way they ruthlessly ganged up on LeeAnne at her bridal brunch was completely inappropriate and untimely. I actually felt bad for LeeAnne; she looked pretty shocked and hurt during what was supposed to be a happy and celebratory day for her. But that's just Real Housewife get-togethers for you! Good luck with the wedding, LeeAnne. You make for great TV but you still scare the shit out of me. Nice cotton candy wall though. Okay, and that was one damned depressing season finale.
  14. I dunno...as cringe-worthy and oversharey as those Snapchats are, I still felt bad for Bethenny and can understand why she felt helpless enough to share her pain with the world like that---she's so used to sharing intimate issues in her life and she probably needed another adult to talk to but didn't know where to turn, or maybe it was simply a therapeutic and instant reaction for her. Sometimes reaching out to strangers online or otherwise and sharing your pain can be oddly healing and helpful. So I can't hate on her too much for this; Cookie is like her first daughter in a way((Cookie is a female so I dunno why she addressed her as a "he" in that tweet, unless an assistant typed that mistakenly)), and they've been through a lot together. It's no wonder Beth is barely holding it together; her support system is probably small enough as it is...losing her longtime pet must be devastating for her.
  15. Honestly, back when I was a 15-year-old brand new grocery store clerk, this exact same embarrassing scenario occurred---people would hand me extra change just so I could give them back an even dollar amount, and I was so sadly lost...it took me about a month or so before it finally clicked, but I never was the brightest bulb, especially back when I was still struggling with high school algebra. Granted, the cash registers back in the early 90's weren't nearly as sophisticated as today's registers, but nevertheless, it was a valuable lesson in change counting that I never forgot. Actually, now that I teach teenagers myself, I'm kinda astounded by the severe lack of change-counting skills they display...cell phones with calculators have been a blessing and a curse for kids.
  16. That was so baffling!! Really bugged me...was it literally just set decoration? Fake food?? And I thought they'd at least get a nice catered spread from a craft services table, not sad boxed lunches they quickly gobbled up in their dressing rooms. Despite the fact that I no longer like her too much after this season, I thought Asa gave some very diplomatic and legit answers to the questioning about why she wanted to be on this show. It didn't seem fair to hold her onscreen business promotions against her when most of her cast mates and nearly every Real Housewife has promoted their collective businesses onscreen. Bringing her "art" onscreen may seem shallow and superficial to Mike, but it's no more shallow and superficial than his failed sneaker line and real estate partnership with Reza he was pimping out in past seasons. Or his gross drinking habits. I'm on the fence as to whether or not Asa will be invited back on this cast, but I have no doubt that she still wants to be on this show; she's benefited way too much from it financially. I'm still in shock that I somehow ended up liking GG after this season---I actually am rooting for her now and hope she somehow gets her act together finally. She may still be nuttier than a fruitcake, but she's definitely shown the most emotional growth out of this entire cast over the past few seasons. On that note, I'm so glad this season is over; it was such a shitty and BORING one. If this show wasn't renewed I honestly wouldn't care.
  17. Because unfortunately, many people are assholes. Sad but true. It's those frustrating moments stuck on trains, planes and automobiles when you really see people loudly displaying their assholery.
  18. Seriously. I think one reason she looks so especially weird is because her hair color doesn't match her skin tone at all. She's obviously a bottle blonde and it shows---she'd look so much better with a darker shade of blonde or just some lowlights, because the platinum blonde is as fake, gaudy and unflattering as the rest of her whole...schtick... All that money and fuss over sparkly pink dog food. In the world of shitty Real Housewives products, this just might be the shittiest, most pointless product of them all. Hell, maybe even the most pointless product of all the Bravo shows yet! Although Diamond Water and Drink Hankies are down there in the darkest corners as well... It's so shady and immature to expect other friends to not be friends with someone you happen to be fighting with---what is this, middle school?!
  19. So sad for Tinsley---I really thought she'd found her fairy tale ending with this guy and they seemed like such a sweet, happy couple. I guess the fantasy of starting over with her big, rich teddy bear sorta guy was far better than the reality. Seems like she just needs to just chill and enjoy single life on her own already. If her high school and onwards romance with Topper was any indication, homegirl must be one of those types of women who can't live without a man by her side. Ditto Luanne. Maybe she and Lu should move into a cute little bachelorette pad together; just imagine all the drunken hyjinks those two could enjoy together!
  20. Oh that was BRILLIANT stealth shade from Andy; he served her the slowest underhand ever and she gladly took it and ran with it. Love how she tried to save herself by hastily adding, "Jermaine hasn't met the baby yet either!" Bitch be real, you don't fit into that family any more than the housekeeper. It pains me that Asa bowed out of this season on such a low note because I'd always loved her before this season and found her spacey priestess schtick to be a hilarious alternative to all the gross drunk antics on this show otherwise. Damned shame that she's turned out to be such an insufferable pregnant beast. I'm looking very forward to seeing her explain herself when GG asks her, "Why *are* you on this show anyway?!" We all know Asa is there just to promote her businesses---she couldn't care less about the rest of these fools and finally decided to prove it this season. Speaking of fools, shutup Mike; shushing down women isn't a good look whatsoever. He and Shervin have finally completed their full evolution into the typical LA Persian douche stereotypes.
  21. Awwwww, @PRgal, I feel your pain---from my teen years to mid-20's I remember feeling the *exact* same way---in fact, that sounds like a mirror image of my own experience. It's tough when you're a high school drama geek who didn't get any chances to really date or get much experience in that way, especially when you're more focused on good grades and a stellar high school/college experience. And I was a cute chick and all, but like you, I just didn't get out all that much so my dating/romance skills were pretty limited then. I'm willing to bet that plenty of other teenagers were like us and simply late bloomers. I see the chicks who were goddesses in high school, and now 20+ years later half of them resemble Jaba the Hutt---so trust me, it's far more satisfying to bloom later than to peak too early. But yes, it ticked me off too that guys didn't seek me out or seem remotely into me at that time...there were never any dance invites or prom dates for me...probably didn't help that I went to an all-girl private high school. Or maybe I just didn't give off sexy/skanky enough vibes then or something. I'd see the chicks who got dates/boyfriends and I was similarly baffled---I couldn't image what in the Hell some of those fug broads were doing to get their decent guys. As soon as I graduated college and got my heart broken by my first true love at age 25 though, I went hog wild---man, I had dudes crawling all over me! Not anybody really decent, but I sure had enough fun to make up for all those lonely nights of staying in and being good. Thank God my husband finally found me because I was starting to think I was condemned to be a big ol' ho; Samantha Jones didn't have anything on me. So are you at least enjoying the adult single life now? Hopefully plenty of fellas looking your way now that you have the mature confidence of adulthood to back you up??
  22. I'll never forget the scene from RH of Beverly Hills, when Erika Jane was looking for clothes in an Asian market and she found her size only to exclaim "EXTRA LARGE??!! Well that took the wind right out of my sails..." I had to chuckle as she glibly said that she's a size 6 in America((which I am as well)) but in Asia she's a big fat XL. I totally feel her pain---just last month I excitedly ordered a bunch of clothes from an online Asian retailer, thinking I was getting a great deal. I ordered in my size and measurements too. I finally got the clothes, tried them all on and nearly wept in horror---it was all Asian hipster-sized and I looked like a damned stuffed sausage in everything. Apparently in Japan boobs and hips don't happen.
  23. Reza comes off like the type who's shallow enough to consider divorcing someone over disrespecting a fugly Hermes blanket. That said, why in the fuck even have multiple rescue cats in your place if you're going to freak out over them possibly hurting the stuff in your condo? That gaudily overstuffed place will be trashed in no time((a'la Carole from RHofNYC's once lovely apartment she gave up for cat rescues)), so he'd better check his own damned self.
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