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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Okay, so I just watched the first three episodes of this series out of sheer boredom---and now I wanna know why *more* people aren't watching this show, because it's such a goofy premise and so stupidly funny! How do we live in a world where bile like "Two And a Half-Men" is successful for so many seasons yet this barely seems to be holding on?! I generally don't laugh at sitcoms(("Golden Girls" is the only show that can get genuine laugher out of me)), but this one has actually made me giggle and snort repeatedly; you can tell the team from "Anchorman" is behind this because it's got the same kind of ridiculously silly humor and characters. Speaking of characters, who knew Dylan McDermott could play such a hilarious sleazeball? He's just like Ron Burgundy became a pilot, only with twice the smarminess---his line delivery just tickled me quite a few times, like when he was knocking on the airline bathroom door grossly asking, "You two bangin' in there?" Or when he was busting out those "mordetai" attack moves behind the dude on the plane in the first episode...and then whoever convinced Dulmert Mulroney to come play his rival pilot was a casting genius!! The lead actress is also pretty great and I honestly don't mind the token swishy gay guy and his stereotypical wisecracks. Ditto the awkward co-pilot. The gal playing the lead dancer at Grapefruits is pretty damned awesome---love her earnestly innocent delivery as she describes her other dancers and the hilarious hijinks found all around Grapefruits(("she had super gonnorea but she can take it!")). I'm not as sold on the uptight British dude and the foreign gambler, but I'm sure I'll warm up to them in time. Hope this show gets the love it deserves, but I'm not so sure yet...reminds me of yet another sadly short-lived but stupidly silly sitcom I fell in love with as a kid in the 80's, "Sledgehammer"...I guess my kind of goofy potty humor isn't sophisticated enough for most viewers!
  2. And now I'm convinced that his stepdad must be Ron Swanson.
  3. Yes indeed! I've also had to unfollow multiple friends at Facebook due to committing both those sins repeatedly: vaguebooking AND multiple selfies. It's annoying enough to see younger folks doing this, but when you see folks in their 30's-40's doing that shit? Oh no, that's unacceptable---you need to know better than that by that age. Which brings me to a huge pet-peeve via Instagram: people who dump 5 or more photos there in a row in separate posts!! I had a friend who literally posted 23 pics on there in one night((yes, I counted))...she didn't seem to understand that Instagram works as an ongoing daily feed to scroll and she was literally clogging up mine with her endless parade of dark, blurry bar pics. Never mind that Instagram has an awesome option now to post multiple pics onto one large post; some people are just too damned lazy/annoying to figure out just how that works. Maybe I'm just weirder about it because I feel that Instagram is far more visual and therefore photos posted there need to be carefully curated, unlike silly throwaway pics you can just throw onto Facebook---I simply believe Instagram should be more quality over quantity, which is why I actually post less frequently there than Facebook. And then there's Instagram stories---I absolutely love them. It's like getting fun little glimpses of people's lives, where you can go from a wedding, to a vacation to a show or wherever and feel like you were actually there too! Admittedly, I've grown a following based on my own silly IG stories, although I think it's mostly due to my drunken antics out on the town. But again, you can't go overboard on those there either; when the top of your story screen looks like a caravan of ants, you probably need to learn how to edit. It is rather addictive though... On the flipside, according to Kylie Jenner, Snapchat is old news. I'm good with that---it always felt like something strictly meant for teenagers anyway.
  4. Agreed---it would explain a lot of his current ambivalent, anti-social behavior. Jax just seems downright depressed this season, and it likely is far more than just his unsatisfactory relationship and the fact that he's finally facing the reality of his actual age and situation around this crew. Maybe he just didn't feel comfortable discussing such private family matters onscreen; or maybe his family doesn't want their business aired on national television---have we ever even seen his family featured on this show? It's a shame it isn't being discussed though because that would've admittedly humanized him a bit and given him a more sympathetic storyline, at least.
  5. Why would he think LaLa even want to be involved with him after his nasty outbursts and spats with her? He REALLY overestimates himself and his appeal as a partner, that's for sure. His lack of wealth/status notwithstanding, just his nasty outbursts, temper tantrums and downright mentally abusive behavior would be reason enough for her to not want to get with him romantically. Add in his ambiguously gay tendencies, and even a fat old married dude starts looking like a better prospect. I don't blame LaLa for taking advantage of her current situation, although she's insane if she thinks this sad whorish relationship has a real future for her.
  6. I just can't believe they put all that on one tab; I've spent 2 days in a cabin with my rowdy drunk friends too, but we at least make a point to split it all up so none of us is stuck with a ridiculous tab like that. Stassi's fake crying was so awkward---I loved how the other girls barely paid attention to her histrionics and were all, 'Whatever, we're over it. Just pay up, shut up and decorate your goddamned scooter already.' Also...going to a tarot card reader for relationship advice? Puh-leaaaaase. James' girlfriend is pathetic. Almost as pathetic as Brittany. But at least Jax doesn't constantly flirt with his male roomie and female best friend...homegirl needs to catch a clue. Speaking of which, Scheana being so insane about all things Rob...good lord, she's tiring.
  7. Oh God, YES---I *loathe* that actress!!! Who in the Hell told her it was remotely believable, natural or acceptable to portray someone blind by keeping her eyes closed?? It really is annoying and weird, and with the character herself already being super annoying and needy, the eye-closed portrayal is just so irksome.
  8. Ditto. I used to love to hate Stassi and in a way I still do((her segments/talking heads are often more enjoyable than the others)), but I err more on the side of hate than love, because beneath that snarky, pretty exterior is a truly hateful and ignorant human being. One look at her crazed drunken tantrum at her birthday made it plainly obvious that she hasn't changed much from her original evil princess self. James had her pegged when he made fun of how pathetic she was at that reunion when she came crawling back onto the show begging to be part of her original social group she stupidly thought she had left behind. Had her life with Patrick worked out and he'd made her the wealthy kept housewife she was determined to be, she'd never even bothered with this crew. Hard-worker?! Please...she's just doing what she can to keep the easy paychecks coming in while she parties it up until she finally meets a rich man she can finally hitch herself onto.
  9. Agreed, guys---I really liked her original nose and thought she was such a unique beauty, very European...now she just looks more generic, less distinctively pretty. I applaud her for being open about her surgery on her Instagram, but she practically looks like a different person now.
  10. Agreed, and I say this as a hardcore fan---we're coming up on the 5th season of SC Charleston. How many more stories need to be told about this cast? Seems like they're all played out by now: T-Rav and Kathryn are currently raising the kids separately and are both moving on with their separate lives, abandoning their crazy public outbursts for the sanity of stability. Cameron is settling into full-time motherhood with her doctor husband. Craig is likely busier pursuing new projects for his career. Landon left town to go be a realtor while Whitney is still living his weird LA producer life and checking in on his mom and her caftan biz/butler/dogs now and then. Shep and Austen are still out boozing and chasing random chicks at bars. Likely after this season it'd be a good idea to wrap the original show up and focus on the newer casts/cities for the franchise; maybe just offer an annual reunion special/segment to peek at the original cast's current lives, if necessary. "Shahs of Sunset" just wrapped up its fifth season and it had a very necessary sense of finality---the cast just seemed tired and mostly over each other. And unlike the constantly evolving casts/relationships of the Housewives shows, I think focusing on mostly the same folks in these ensemble casts after 5 seasons is long enough for a good full run, otherwise things just get stale and everything feels extra forced.
  11. Didn't know where else to post these here, but I'm genuinely stoked about the early buzz on SC NOLA so far---these are some tips courtesy of various Instagrams, and even Patricia is touting a far more accomplished and diverse cast than the sleaze SC Savannah provided((but then again, Whitney had nothing to do with the casting or production of that shitfest)): And in other random SC news, Naomi's new nose job is giving her shades of Jennifer Grey unrecognizability...
  12. What a psycho!! Sorry you had to deal with that madness here, @Quof; I've always thought these boards weren't home to such crazies, which is one reason why I really enjoy it around here---we can safely share our opinions and everyone is expected to respectfully agree or disagree without getting remotely personal or divisive. I've escaped several online boards for various reasons, most of them being the insanity of overly-sensitive posters like that. The minute name-calling, superiority issues or random snark goes down, I'm out; that goes for the moderators too---in fact, I know we longtime posters can all admit that these boards are run so much more fairly than they were back when the megalomaniacal staff of Television Without Pity ran things...((shudder))... And now my evil side is dying to know exactly which poster gave @Quof such Hell---and on behalf of all women everywhere, that crazy commenter doesn't need to speak for the rest of us women.
  13. @Zola, that was WRONG of your office to request that of you. Borderline sexually inappropriate with obvious gender bias, if you ask me. You can't help it if an imprint of your nipple((gasp! Horrors!!)) happens to protrude through your clothes. Who would someone even bother to complain about something so trivial? Like someone had that much time on his/her hands---why are you looking at *anyone's* nipples at work?? Good lord, I'll never understand the weirdly uptight overreaction to shit like that courtesy of so many Americans---this is one of many reasons why Europeans laugh at us. Like just look at how Janet Jackson was so villanized for daring to bare a part of her nipple for half a second on the Super Bowl 10 years ago...so ridiculous that some people are *still* so scandalized by seeing a woman's goddamned nipple, even just protruding through fabric or with a baby rightfully attached to it.
  14. Or another gripe for me as a big-breasted/medium-framed woman is a women's button-down shirt that actually has some give in the breast area---nothing bugs me more than a typical button-down shirt that fits me everywhere else perfectly, yet there's that little gaping hole in the breast area that I inevitably have to safety pin closed. How about just designing a shirt that is naturally a hint roomier in that particular area? Most of us need shirts that have some give in the chest area! Speaking of ladies' shirts, I'm pet-peeving a bit today because my big red n'black heart shirt has a big open neckline and I keep having to constantly check that my white bra strap isn't showing. If I'd bothered to throw on a black or red bra I wouldn't have been as peeved, but this is what I get for not doing my laundry this week.
  15. OKay, Stassi's party just looked so dingy and stinky and gross to me. I'm sure it was way more fun overall than the royal douchelords party of Arianna's((if only to laugh at Patrick O'Greasybun taking potshots at drunk Stassi)), but murder themes and dead zombies hanging in what looked like a rotting shed with a ratty ranch fountain and sad pizza boxes just ain't my bag...at least pretty people flaunting summer bodies are more pleasant to look at. Although that hideous boyband at the end of Arianna's shindig, da fuq was that shit all about? I'd rather see "Good As Gold" lip-synched by Jax in gold lamae booty shorts! Speaking of Arianna...I loved how my husband walked into the room during the scene where she's talking about hating her vagina and said "Oh, I'm sure her vagina isn't that bad! She needs to just show it off and let the rest of us be the judge." Note to all: if your "boyfriend" is blocking your number while he vacations solo? Girl, he ain't your boyfriend! Obviously homeboy completely dickmatized Stassi's dumb ass.
  16. Or as they say, "He's a-dork-able!" And I so agree---he's my favorite of all the husbands because he just seems so darned sweet and lovable and treats Char like a goddess. Plus, it helps that he's a successful lawyer just to balance out the rest of his shluby charms. Charlotte did *really* well to snag him.
  17. Ditto so hard on that. I used to buy two concert tickets all the time, assuming friends or family, SOMEONE would wanna join me. I had two so-called friends flake out on me at the last minute for several of those instances((one even indignantly snotted back to me, "I don't even LIKE that singer!")). After that I never bothered to get two tickets again and have since enjoyed quite a few concerts alone; thank god my husband is a live music junkie who is game to join me for most any random show. But I sure as hell don't expect anyone else to be my live show buddy otherwise---once bitten, twice shy!! Which brings me to hair bands: I miss their tacky delights so much. They just make my inner Child of the 80's so happy. I didn't care that much for their music, but their style and videos sure were hilarious...there is something just so delightfully comforting about their cheesy rock stylings. I did get dragged to a Def Leppard show with a friend once and was fascinated by the madness of it all---it was 1997 but it might as well have been 1987 the way half those concert goers were dressed!
  18. I dunno why, but I never liked Saul(was that his name?), that crusty old dude Sophia married. He just bugged me, and I hated the way he was such a shitty houseguest when he was living with the girls(the scene where he accidentally jumped in the shower with Dorothy while asking "Ready to play 'Connect the Freckle'?" and then stomping out bareass naked in front of all the gals still grosses me out---what a dick). And then they just flippantly agreed to not be married anymore, just like suddenly deciding not to order up a pizza? Just like that?? I kept wondering if they actually bothered to get divorced and/or anull the marriage even. That just felt like such an oddly random storyline for her that just fell flat...probably because he was such an asshole. Speaking of which, even though she had some funny lines here and there, I always thought Sophia was an asshole---an abusively cruel asshole. The fact that she married a jerk like her did at least ring true with her overall character.
  19. Uh-oh, Carole! Apparently Halsey was sporting your "thing" recently; is bitch stealing your look a'la LuAnne with the cape incident?!
  20. Ooof...even though I'm still Team Kim as well, I really wish she hadn't have put this out there and had just graciously stayed silent. Maybe discuss it on a less public forum even. This just makes her look every bit as petty and mean as SJP. It reeks of bitterness; I really hoped she could have risen above SJP's bait, not taken it and immediately wrestled down in the mud with her. I'm disappointed in both ladies now; hopefully this at least puts the third SaTC movie to rest finally.
  21. Oh goodness YES. It's so unfair to the children; just let them be children and enjoy their youth, then they can decide when they're older! Like I taught a couple of young Jehovah's Witness siblings once. They would look so sad whenever we had class holiday parties or birthday celebrations/celebratory treads/Christmas gatherings, and say that they "weren't allowed" to celebrate such things. They always looked close to tears because you could tell they wanted so desperately to join in with the rest of the students, but their stupid family had forced such bullshit beliefs on them. Shit like that is just so cruel and unnecessary to those poor kids and other hapless JW children.
  22. That's brilliant, @emma675; avoid those messy invitation expectations automatically that way! And that's exactly why I wanted to either elope or go far away to marry; I love my mom, but she's a drama queen who would've drank too much and picked apart the entire evening((we heard enough snarky comments from her when she later picked apart all our professional photos from the day)). I just couldn't have relaxed or felt at ease with her there, ditto the rest of my small but cray family, so sometimes you just gotta listen to your head and remember what a wedding is really supposed to be about. As long as we're on the subject of wedding pet peeves, some other things really also bug me about big weddings: --Cake smashing!!! So the cake smashing thing seems crude and childish. What's remotely cute or amusing about two grown adults shoving expensive cake into each other's faces?! --Dry weddings. I don't care if you or your family or your church congregation don't drink. Most of us do, and if your guests just bought you everything from designer dish towels to a $100 waffle iron that'll likely collect dust, then your guests deserve some kind of alcoholic treat for dressing up and sitting through your ridiculously lavish lovefest. That just comes down to being thoughtful hosts. And don't cheap out with a cash bar either because that's just tacky; if you can't afford wine or beer for your guests then save up or slice down the guest list. --Holiday weddings. I've been to a Valentines Day wedding. I've been to an Easter wedding. But the weirdest was the New Year's Eve wedding. It was a lovely wedding, but I hated feeling like I had to choose between attending a family wedding or enjoying the holiday out of town with friends like I normally do. Why put your guests in an awkward position like that?
  23. Thanks so much, @DeLurker and @ZaldamoWilder!! And yes, I cannot recommend destination weddings more((easy come, easy go)), expecially if you stress up front to all guests that you understand if they can't make it but if they can, you appreciate their presence but the travel expenses are *their* responsibility. Now some couples can either offer their guests a discount at the nearest hotel or some are just rich enough to take care of a few close family/friends, but we certainly couldn't afford either option and figured that the people who genuinely cared about us the most would make a point to be there((and they were)). Which reminds me of another pet peeve of mine---bachelorette parties!!! I had several girlfriends offer to toss one for me, which I quickly nixed in favor of everyone enjoying several tastefully inclusive engagement parties. Just the idea of screeching around downtown covered in stupid sashes and penis necklaces and getting endless shots poured down one's throat is a nightmare scenario; after age 28 it just seems extra sad. There's just something a little creepy and weird about the whole group mentality of bachelorette parties; my city is one of the top bachelorette party places in the country, and they've gradually gained a reputation as being more of a nuisance than a revenue-booster. Noisy, annoying women clogging up all the streets, peddle taverns and bar stools, trashing up local AirB&B's, infesting gay clubs with their gross behavior(like grabbing men's asses/crotches and copping feels of drag queens)....there are several bars/tours that have actually banned them because the women often act so obnoxious and insane---go figure, bachelor parties are considered far more manageable and more welcome than all the squawking bachelorettes!
  24. Lord, preach on!! I go to 1-3 weddings per year((multiple nieces/nephews and friends)), and as fun as they are for me, I'm always beyond shocked by just how much money and effort was sunk into these stupidly crazy elaborate parties for folks who aren't even rich. In the ten years I've been with my husband we've seen at least three of those couples whose huge wedding ceremonies we attended split up...and I'm willing to bet each couple paid *at least* 25,000k on their own wedding days...what a waste! I've never been a big wedding type and am always baffled by the women who seemingly dream of being a big royal bride for a day, taking away precious hours of their lives picking out tablecloth colors, invitations, cakes, flowers, dresses, DJ's/bands, etc...way too much time, effort and money for me, but to each her peach, eh? If I'd had my way, my husband and I simply would've eloped in Vegas, cheesy Elvis chapel and all. Turns out my husband was a closet groomzilla and wanted at least a few folks there((his first wedding 15 years earlier had cost them $35,000k)), so I relented enough to agree to him planning out a beachside wedding in St. Thomas and we allowed anyone to join us who wanted to via a Facebook invite. I found a practically new Betsey Johnson cocktail dress on eBay for $150, while he opted for a seersucker suit from a consignment shop. We had a handful of family/friends, partied it up on the beach and then a nearby beach restaurant for our reception, used the next 4 days as our honeymoon and probably spent a total of $3000 when all was said and done...and even *that* seemed way too extravagant for my tastes, but it made him so happy to plan everything out for us that it made the effort worth it. Over ten years later though and I'm still so glad he talked me into our 'fancy' wedding. ;)
  25. That was "a thing" back in the early 90's. Said "thing" needs to stay back in the early 90's where it belongs.
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