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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. And that was awkward AF—-basically her reciting lines, drumming up fake enthusiasm for the extended Bravo previews that are already online and playing the “straight man” to an extra cheesy Jerry O’Connell totally hamming it up. Oh well. She looked pretty, at least.
  2. Ditto. And even though she's a raging, smug bitch who typically gets on my last nerve, I can't hate her either because she can be fairly witty and astute with her snarky talking heads. She's kinda like a younger and saner Ramona Singer for me...with much better style! Oh Scheana....she's just beyond awkward with her painfully creepy Rob-session. And after watching the second season over again on the marathon today, I'd forgotten how much prettier and fresher she once was, before she morphed into this alien bobblehead divorcée with desperate mutant claws to sink into unsuspecting meatheads.
  3. To all of you supposedly unphotogenic people, here's a random silver lining: I'll bet you look fabulous in real life and/or video! Me, I have the exact opposite problem: I'm actually very photogenic(used to model, so I know all my best angles/positions, "smizing" and all that), but I cringe in horror whenever I see myself filmed live or watch myself in motion. My still photos never match my typically goofy, spastic real life self. One of many reasons I quit modeling was because I was told that I "didn't match" my photos. I've even met (rude) people in person who told me my photos looked better. And it's not that I pull the "MySpace angle" trick or Facetune/photoshop my photos either...it's just that I actually don't mind photos and usually feel comfortable enough to relax in front of a camera. I guess years of my mom constantly shoving cameras in my face when growing up got me used to knowing how to look my best in pictures. I also had a photographer tell me once to look down and then up before a photo is snapped. And to also lovingly gaze into the camera like I'd lovingly gaze at my significant other...or fresh pizza.
  4. Not gonna lie: I think Tinsley has had a far more positive effect on Carole and been a much more supportive friend to her than Bethenny has been. I'm guessing Tins and Carole have far more in common and have better suited personalities as well. Plus, I doubt Tinsley would as subtly snark on Carole in her talking heads as Beth has(making cutting comments about Carole's apartment, her relationship, being boring/unevolved, etc...). I also definitely think Beth always has a problem with most new Housewives who join the show, especially the younger/prettier ones(just like how she sparred with Kristen, Heather, the Asian/Jewish gal, etc.)---you can tell she was seething inside watching Carole and Tinsley getting closer and it bothered her to notice her influence on Carole gradually diminishing. I'm always bummed out when two established friends on these shows have a falling out, but it's almost inevitable with Beth that she eventually loses her onscreen bestie after a while. I honestly wonder if she even knows how to have a true friend at this point.
  5. Accidentally scrolled past this the first time, @JTMacc99: thank you! Oh how he truly speaks the truth!!
  6. Preach it, sister!!!! Nothing worse than the folks who are pretty much making a labored art project about what should be simple stop at the salad bar. I think this should be the general rule at *any* salad bar/buffet area: 1-2 quick scoops per item and then MOVE ON. I've irked many a buffet slowpoke by cutting past their slow-yet-rude asses, but there's no excuse to take more than 10 seconds to service yourself at a buffet area. And if you can't move that quickly, ask for help or wave people past you. Half the people I pass are literally just gawking around at the food as if they're taking in the goddamned Grand Canyon for the first time anyway. Reminds me of how I actually had to quit escorting my mom to her senior citizen cooking classes because the insanely slow-moving folks backing up the insanely long food lines at the end were practically giving me brain aneurisms. And most people at buffets/salad bars/self-service party tables *always* overserve themselves too much; as someone who absolutely loathes wasting food, it pains me to see how many people don't know how to serve themselves wisely. One big or small scoop---you don't need 3-4 scoops of anything at a damned buffet. Then move on. Really not that difficult, folks.
  7. Oh I ALWAYS got that vibe from Carrie---she was like the small town girl who came to the big city of Manhattan to live out her sophisticated fashionista/experimental journalist dreams. She tried so hard to be as cool, experienced and confident as Samantha, and as snarky and wisely cynical as Miranda, but deep down she was mostly a Charlotte at heart, only without the modern innocence and open aspirations of becoming a rich housewife. I honestly thought she was an interesting mixture of all the girls lumped into a wacky package, but at her core I felt she was mostly a Charlotte, even though Miranda appeared to be her closest confidante.
  8. So out of sheer boredom and nostalgia, I watched "Pretty Woman" on TV again for the umpteenth time. Goddamned if it ain't cheesy and dated as Hell---just goes to show you how much times have changed that it was such a huge hit back in 1990. And it's so wild that Julia Roberts was only 21 when she filmed it; she was so oddly mature-looking and sexy, yet coltish and cute all at once. Anyways, it shocked me to learn about the actors who were up for Richard Gere's role in it---Daniel Day Lewis and Sam Neil among others, the most shocking choice being Al Pacino(!!) who even went so far as to do a line reading with Julia Roberts, could you imagine?! Julia obviously wasn't the first choice either and actresses offered the part included Diane Lane, Michelle Pfeiffer, Molly Ringwald and Darryl Hannah. Winona Ryder and Jennifer Connolly also read for her part but were considered too young. In the end it was Julia's random chemistry with a very reluctant Richard Gere((supposedly Julia later begged him to accept the role)) in their screen tests that won them both the parts.
  9. I'm kinda baffled to this day as to why Bethenny wanted to be a mom so desperately that she "settled" for a risky shotgun baby with some sketchy dork like Jason....other than the way she dotes on her dogs, she just never struck me as the maternal type. She's always been a career-first sort of woman always trying to climb the professional/social ladder even higher. And with the way she was brought up by such uncaring parents and a cold mother, I would've thought she'd recoil at the idea of making the same mistake with a child of her own before investing in some hardcore therapy. I wish she'd opted to wait to get all her shit together emotionally and then had adopted rather than quickly have an oops pregnancy with someone she seemingly barely knew. Given the way she publicly trashes him, chips away at his relationship with Bryn by keeping her from him and likely talks shit about daddy to/in front of her daughter, I'm not too confident that she should've ever had a child with anyone, despite all her wealth. Jason's still the kid's father and if he wants to be involved in her life and help raise her well, Beth needs to respect that. He's obviously no picnic either with his own set of issues, so it just makes me sad for Bryn in the end---I honestly have always felt that Bethenny only pushed to have a random kid strictly for status' sake, to have her accessory child she felt she was supposed to have in order to prove that she'd "made it." Jason probably just went along with it all because he knew he'd be set for life. It's just such a shame that the poor kid is being fought over like a chess piece in their ugly battle of wills.
  10. She's always gotta hoist them big tittays up, looking just like the puffer pigeon she's become!
  11. Oh god YES---that cheesy moment is made of pure cringe-worthy awkwardness. Dial the thirst down there a bit, buddy; only Flavor Flav can get away with yelling stupid shit in his talking heads.
  12. Ughhhh....((shudder))...yeah. I kinda hate women like those; who could even wear such a cap without a hint of irony? You just know she's all smug about the day and has been planning this overbloated celebration for most of her life and is likely the shrieking bridezilla from Hell to her poor bridesmaids. Probably wept into a puddle of her own barf during her trashy bachelorette party. Sorry about your wedding party woes, @Bastet. I for one find it incredibly tacky that so many brides expect their maids to dress a certain way in fugly dresses they staunchly pick out, yet they don't even help fund the efforts. All that for a disposable dress indeed. Hopefully you can drink her dry at the reception's open bar in silent retaliation.
  13. This is true, so thanks for the warning, @rho; J-Law and I better watch it---this is the spirit of Tupac we're dealing with here, after all.
  14. Agreed---I wish Carol would grow out her hair at least just below her shoulders and ease up on the excessive blonde coloring. That's not a very flattering style on her at all; kadooz to her for not clinging to the desperate extensions like most Real Housewives, but she needs a bit more bounce and body. She probably had to go lighter because she had grays in her brunette color, but an even darker, dirtier blonde caramel color would look so much better on her than that current buttery blonde color she's sporting that is washing her out. As for Tinsley, I do like her long curls and appreciate that it's her "thing"((I'm about her age and cling to my long blonde waves too)), but she has such an angular face that she could easily pull off an edgy long bob or the long straight hair she used to rock now and then like in the above pic. I wish she'd experiment more with her look and not get stuck on that same droopy curls/parted-in-the-middle style. Even if she went lighter or darker blonde or added some chunky highlights/lowlights, that'd at least modernize her tired look. Thak God Ramona is finally back to shorter hair---she looks so much younger and fresher like that than with the clownish extensions she favors.
  15. Maybe she's embarrassed by his hideous face?Because not only is he fat but ugly too?? Doesn't like to reveal just how much of a shameless golddigger she truly is to actually sleep with such a beast??? Afraid that his troll-like face will take away from her own stunning looks in the photos???? The possibilities for her face-hiding him are endless. I just hope the lifestyle and the dick are all worth it for her or that he has an amazing personality otherwise; looks to me like she already is taking a myriad of bullets for "her man."
  16. I've been in shock about two things from this promo pic since I first saw it: -Shep looks like complete dogshit in this photo. I know it's been 5 seasons now and everyone looks a bit rougher around the edges(check the Season 1 pic out below for comparison---time hasn't been too kind to Whitney either), but he definitely has aged the most, even over ol' T-Rav. -Chelsea is definitely vamping it up now that she's a full-time cast member. I honestly thought that was Thomas's hot new girlfriend at first glance.
  17. This was of the best episodes yet!! Just so many goofy lines/moments in this one that had me snorting(Alan stuck in the overhead bins, "this bro-tissery chicken is already on the rack and rolling", the fellas huffing the oxygen, their drunken Spin Doctors karaoke, etc). My favorite LOL moment of the episode: Alan- "What are you guys talking about?" Capt. Dave- "Your mom." Alan- "Oh, what a slut, right?" And that was such a fun subplot between Ronnie and Nicole, those two getting all gussied up going out on the town in Vegas with the douchey Penn & Teller generic duo. Loved how the sweet hipster "sell-out" chef is a potential romantic interest for Ronnie; she deserves better than that cute-but-uptight British professor. Dylan M is just killing it with his cheesy Captain Dave schtick("Its officially Cool o'Clock!"); I'm starting to suddenly find myself crushing hard on him when he's all suited up...and recommending the latest sleazy stripclub du'jour via the plane intercom.
  18. Agreed!!! I'm really glad they finally got some African-American representation on this show((even if it is reading just like another take on "Married To Medicine" and *of course* it's going to be shown on Sunday nights)), but it would've been nice to see some openly gay locals featured, especially since New Orleans has such a vast and interesting GLTBQ community there. The jury is out on this show for me so far...it looks better than the Savannah version((at least these people are far prettier, wittier and more accomplished)), but it also looks like the typical new generation of reality show participants/stock drama, with everyone all thirsting to create wild drunken scenes and perform clearly rehearsed/"witty" talking heads. Lots of open shirts with these guys. I'm loving all the man-action but I can see that this show is clearly going for more of an eye-candy aspect for the female viewers. Although the former football player's weird hair hurts my soul((it is sweet that he and his wife appear to be crazy dog people though)). Here's hoping they at least included a catchy theme song for the opening!
  19. Yikes, he was a mess. I know it was his birthday and all, but while everyone just seemed to be harmlessly partying it up and having good drunken fun at the club, he genuinely looked like he was staging a one-man performance of "Leaving Las Vegas", complete with anguished bottle-guzzling and pained-looking drunken desperation. He just looked like he wasn't even having a good time anymore because he was too polluted to function. Judging by his behavior the next day he must've had an epic hangover---not the best way to impress a boss who's co-funding his future business venture. Brittany's droopy big boobs, holy Hell! They literally look like bloated cow udders, not professionally "enhanced" at all. Jax must've gotten some her cut-rate foobs or maybe she just gained some weight since the first surgery, but they don't look good at all, especially flopping all out of her grossly unsupportive hoochie-wear. And homegirl desperately needs to invest in birth control if she hasn't already---get an IUD already! It's safe, it's easy and it's cheap. And rubbers too, because your man is skanky. Speaking of skanky, keep spreading those legs and flying, LaLa.
  20. Cindy Barshop ranks as my least favorite Real Housewife *ever.* She was just so damned unlikable and boring, not to mention unattractive in every way---she had a constant snarl on her resting bitch face. And her condescending attitude towards Sonja was just plain mean. Then there was her poor mothering skills, her stupid waxing business, her fugly apartment, her creepy relationship with her brother...she quite literally made me uncomfortable in every single scene she was in. Such a dud!!
  21. Oh yeah, the show definitely wore out its welcome by Season 6-7---the gals were just plain mean to each other and the jokes/wisecracks had taken a much nastier undertone by then. And agreed, the storylines had gotten so much sillier and more ludicrous. There were several episodes beyond the secret lovechild one and the moonlight madness one that really bugged me; I remember LOATHING the episode where Dorothy brought home the Beatlemania guy...and he was in her nightie...it just didn't seem remotely believable...wasn't that the same episode where Blanche went on a date with the guy who made her feel "like a lady?" After she tried to jump his bones at that cheesy/sleazy motel?? Cringeworthy. I also hated that "dream" episode, where Blache dreamed that George was still alive and that Dorothy had Sony Bono and that Lyle-dude fighting over her?? Another cringeworthy one from that era, in my book.
  22. I don't think Carole is nearly as well-off as people think she is. She might make enough to keep up her lifestyle and scrape by, but she's nowhere near the lady-who-lunches Radziwill type. She's even made mention of the fact that she has to work to pay bills and that the rumors of the Radzwill fortune are "vastly overrated." That said, I don't mind that she's selling stuff online for extra dough. Makes sense and why shouldn't she make a quick buck on unused clothing? Although I dunno if I'd be doing it myself in her own apartment like she is; just looks a little low-rent for a semi-celeb cast member of a successful reality show. At least get an assistant and/or friend to handle the promotions and presentation aspect of it.
  23. What, so you don't wear your boyfriend's initial on a necklace after a mere three months of dating?
  24. Let's not forget that this is the same trashy bitch who actually expected half of her wedding party/guests to clean up the huge mess from from her wedding reception the next morning! Scheana is all about Scheana. She didn't even really love Rob when they were together, just the luxe lifestyle and studly rebound husband vision she imagined for herself. She truly does live in some strange hyper-idyllic fairy tale world where she is the innocent, pure princess who deserves the royal romance with her prince...and all the world is filled with her loyal subjects and jealous haters. It's all happening indeed!! And if it hasn't been said enough: James' girlfriend is an even bigger dumbass than Brittany.
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