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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. As annoyed as I am at Tom if this indeed true((seriously dude, you couldn't even keep it together while your new wife's season was airing? What is *wrong* with you?! Get some help!!)), I feel no sympathy for Lu over any of his public indiscretions. She knew what kind of man he was and was warned by numerous folks about his character but she still didn't care---she was too blinded by his upscale lifestyle and was so determined to prove to the world the awesomeness of her pussy power could finally tame his playboy ways. Honestly, I think if he is indeed playing around on her that he's got serious issues; there's a very good chance he's a full on sex-addict who needs therapy or something. To still be that determined to hump around at his age and stage in life just seems sad and unnatural. Reminds me of my mom's second marriage---at 40 she quickly met/married a successful 40-something doctor and known local womanizer just because she was blinded by his lifestyle. And like Lu, figured she'd finally get him settled and their marriage would "change" him. Two weeks later she caught him on a date with another woman and she delivered a similar public smackdown. His response: "You knew who I was when you married me; did you think I'd change that quickly?" Womanizers, sex-addicts and cheaters don't ever change, Lu. At least not while their sex organs are still fully functioning.
  2. I didn't get that either, unless Brianna was forced to go by producers and/or she wanted to get her sons fed and happily entertained for an hour or so. And I REALLY didn't get why Tamra felt the need to defriend Brianna on Facebook and not talk to her anymore---that wasn't cool since they were once close and had a good relationship separate from Vicki. If Tamra was having a beef only with Vikki she didn't have to drag Brianna into it. To claim to be such a reborn "Christian" woman and all((such a crock of shit---she's the same evil twat she always was, she just needed an image rehaul/storyline)), it just seemed really petty to completely ignore Brianna at the party and not be a more forgiving and welcoming hostess; she could've at least greeted her and acknowledged her and her sons' presence. But then again, that's tacky Tamra for you. I liked Lydia her first season; I dunno when she got so annoying to me, even though I don't mind her standing up for Vicki when faced with the combined Mean Girls cray of Tamra/Shannon. The new couple comes off so tacky new money. I actually get uncomfortable watching these Housewives get overpriced bling like that unless they're on the Beverly Hills cast---we've seen way too much forced fronting like that in the other cities. Megan: "Wow, motherhood is so tough and I'm so overwhelmed!" Gee, thanks for that, Captain Obvious; did this reality ever remotely occur to your dumb ass when you were sitting around uselessly dreaming of baby showers and cute onesies to buy? In other news, water is wet. And your basic new mommy antics are basic. Oh Shannon...she's so sad to watch now; menopause is really doing a tough number on her. She just blew up like a balloon so rapidly, poor thing! I still can't help but like her even though her anti-Vicki self righteousness annoys me, and she's a shrill nag who's nuttier than a fruitcake. And her cheater husband is obviously miserable; you just wait, he's so gonna split as soon as all those girls go off to college, just like Ramona Singer's cheater husband. Can't wait to see her plate-tossing public meltdown next week though---anyone who uses Kelly for target practice is cool with me!
  3. Am I the lone viewer who's actually kinda stoked about Shep's upcoming show? I'm looking forward to seeing him traveling around the country acting like his usual bumbling, goofy drunk horndog self. It'll at least help me miss the cast less while waiting around for yet another likely season of SC. But then again, aside from the drunken Chelsea-grabbing incident((which he profusely apologized for)), Shep doesn't bug me all that much. Yeah, so he's an aimless rich partyboy who doesn't know how to have a healthy adult relationship; yeah, so he picks on Craig for being an annoying know-it-all. He seems harmlessly amiable enough otherwise and liked by many, he just needs to grow up a bit. I quit watching "The Bachelor" years ago because I couldn't take watching anymore obvious famewhores looking for entertainment careers, not actual romance. And yet I loved "Rock/Flavor of Love" on VH1---I'm hoping this will at least be a nice lighthearted combo of the irreverence of those shows mixed with some glamorous "fantasy dates" and extra Charleston scenery porn along the way. And if that assclown Jax from "Vanderpump Rules" can get his own Bravo spinoff, I suppose anything is possible. This reunion was quite possibly the most boring one yet. Whitney and Cameron barely even spoke. I think this show might have one last season in it before it sputters out into shark-jumping land, but it's tough to tell after this tepid duo of reunions.
  4. Just like his buddy Trump, Thomas really needs to completely step away from social media since he regularly makes such a bigger ass of himself than usual on there. To his very slight credit, at least he usually acknowledges and apologizes, but it's just so hilariously awkward and sad that he has such a glaring lack of online decorum, especially when he's obviously drunk and goofing off online.
  5. Admittedly, I can't imagine this show being nearly as good and watchable without Thomas in the cast. His and Kathryn's ongoing issues have always been the main draw storylinewise and otherwise. He brings that old Charleston family lineage and wealth/real estate porn to the fold and offers a wider age range to an otherwise youthful cast; I just don't think Shep and Patricia alone could easily carry that burden if he were gone, especially if Shep's other show takes off and he's focusing more on that. And now that Thomas is supposedly not even living in downtown Charleston anymore or seeing the rest of the cast regularly, it might already have an adverse effect on future filming. If Thomas is indeed finally fed up enough to quit this show for good((and @RedHawk you're so right: it's like Groundhog Day every season with T-Rav's constant threats of quitting)), hopefully "Southern Charm New Orleans" will save face for this series if it starts sputtering on life support with a boring new Thomas-free cast.
  6. Oh my word, Thomas was going apeshit on his Instagram earlier this morning. I think it's a combo of severe drunkenness and a certain blog supposedly being fed what he says is total bullshit about him being "an evil abortionist"---he said in the comments earlier that Pat knew who it was who leaked the info but wouldn't tell him who it was. I'd bet money it's Craig/Naomi. Yeah, there's a reason we didn't see Kathryn offhandedly mention him supposedly telling her to get an abortion/s on air after it was on Bravo.com---according to one of his comments in reply to folks on his IG, he apparently threatened Bravo if they dared air that footage. Here's the screenshot of some of the madness, in case he deletes it all as soon as he sobers up. Hilarious that he refers to some of his cast mates as Yankee assholes "not even from Charleston" and mentions that their salary from the show "wouldn't even cover the feed bill for my polo hobby." He's such a snobby elitist at heart, probably more so than even Whitney.
  7. MJ is such a sad mess. I really hope she gets her life together eventually. Although she really needs to lay off Asa already; her jealousy and pettiness concerning Asa's lifestyle and relationship is ridiculous and not a good look. That hideously tight jumpsuit was also not a good look on her, but that's nothing new with MJ---girlfriend always looks like she shares Miss Piggy's stylist.
  8. Ouch...Craig didn't really mince any words concerning his feelings for Landon: I’m rooting for her and love her to death, but you don’t catch too many flies with vinegar. Now I’m like, “Landon what are you doing babe, just be a little nicer or more understanding.” It’s a tough one, but it’s starting to get more bizarre. I think she’s a little delusional.
  9. Seriously, I feel the exact same way, no kids here either. So I admittedly want to stomp my Baby Boomer mom's head into the ground when she starts lecturing me about my finances. Like geez, sorry I had to go back to school and get myself 20k in debt just to get my current "real" job that barely pays me enough for any money left over after I pay my mortgage and my credit card debt. No my husband can't "just take care of me", we both have to work because life these days is fucking expensive. Now go back to your half a million dollar house that your mom bought you for 70k in 1980, enjoy that nice Social Security check I'm paying into monthly that will likely be all gone by the time I'm finally able to enjoy it myself, and shut your stupid mouth---you have no idea how goddamned hard it is for those of us born past 1970.
  10. Sun-Bun


    He wasn't exactly my dream dude, but he was way too sweet and down to earth for her. I especially thought it was so unfair when she got all mad at him for eating that bucket of KFC and just wanting to chill at home. Big deal if he just wanted to spend one night at home binging on chicken, sheesh!!
  11. I had this one crazy ex-friend who used to proudly announce monthly as her Facebook statuses: "I just deleted 350 people! Wow, I feel so much freer!! No more bullshit on my feed!!!" I wanted to tell her that she looked like a total nutcase for sharing that kind of info, and also slightly pathetic for basically announcing that she had the time/patience to regularly sift through her endless friends list like that. Why would you accept that many requests and befriend that many folks in the first place if you're only going to ditch them later if they don't interact with you to your preferences on there? I think she deleted and then requested back my husband at least 6 or 7 times in 8 years. If you've got that much time to be so weird about your Facebook quota, you probably don't need that many friends in your life period.
  12. I wasn't a big fan of this episode. I've long since accepted that it's meant to be campy, silly good fun, but I didn't care for all the child-centered focus this episode or the usual "little girl-turned-sexpot" plotline either. And the mother-in-law secretly having a wild sex party in her son's apartment? Nahhh. Stupidly unfunny. I'm trying my best to still overlook Jill's OTT acting-style, but she's always blown straight off the screen by the far more talented Abby Elliott, who honestly seems to steal every single show with her wisely more subtle humor.
  13. I'm actually NOT a long hair-hater; I'm over 40 and still have long natural hair that hangs down to the middle of my back. My mom is nearly 73 and still rocks her shoulder-length curls. Unlike Dorinda, I don't believe every woman should automatically cut her hair just because she's over a certain age---mom and I take good care of our natural hair and make sure that it has plenty of bounce and volume; the minute my hair starts looking like limp/thin hay is when I'll start going shorter. Sadly, a lot of these Housewives desperately cling to their long locks/ratty extensions, and it just looks frumpy and dated, not fresh and healthy. Tamarah Judge and her tired old extensions from OC immediately comes to mind; she looked sooooo much better with her cute faux bob the other night on WWHL! And Ramona looked so much sassier and more youthful with her own shorter hair. Bethenny's current cut looks fabulous on her. And although I actually preferred her with her original longer extensions, I'm proud of Carole for finally taking them out and rocking her natural hair again. Sonja's length seems just fine to me, being long enough without being too long, and she seems to get regular trims so it works. Sure, Tinsley shouldn't automatically get rid of her long extensions just because she's older now, but just because her curls just look so tired and limp and it weighs her face/look down overall. Even if she just went about 2-3 inches shorter and got some bangs and maybe added some highlights/lowlights it would totally boost her style and give her more of a youthful edge. She doesn't have to get that now ubiquitous long bob every other woman is getting, but she could just stand to update her look a lil' bit. The tired old Little BoPeep/Alice In Wonderland/Baby Jane style is just so old hat and boring on her now, and she's got the face/body to really rock something edgier! Whoever said that the only woman who seems to rock the super long blonde extensions is Erika Jayne is damned right---but she has the style team/money/attitude equipped to keep all that faux hair looking fabulously on point. Hell, even Kyle was wise enough to get a necessary trim last season.
  14. Agreed so hard! No one cares---just move on quietly; no need to dramatically announce how butthurt you are over a tv show. The same could be said for the people who also dramatically announce that they're leaving Facebook. So stupid and self-glorifying; it's far more understandable to send a private message out to certain friends/family on there, but whenever I see a "friend" post one's great Facebook departure and eventually slink back on there again((because they always do)), I'm always reminded of this meme:
  15. Yep, the whole "used TP on the floor/in the trashcan" thing is indeed cultural, either out of habit and/or plumbing necessities from the old country. I used to work at an Egyptian school and this was an ongoing issue---let's just say that the stench from that stuff marinating over the weekend in our public bathrooms was almost unbearable. On the flipside, I desperately wanted to take some of them aside and say, "Our plumbing here in this American city is quite good! Please, feel free to flush your used TP into the toilet!!" But I wanted to be sensitive too; they had their reasons for being that way. I had several Spanish/Asian roommates once who did that too. Anyone else who knows better? Yuck, please make sure your stuff flushes behind you---just use your foot if you don't wanna touch the handle.
  16. Oh yes, I forgot all about those weirdoes who call you back demanding to know who you are and/or why you called because they "got a call from your number"!! It's usually some creepy old paranoid coot who has way too much time on his/her hands. Just a month ago I kept getting this strange number that called me at least 8 times in one day. I finally decided to answer after a couple of wines at happy hour, when this crazed-sounding old lady immediately crackled from the other line, "I got a call from this number! Who is this??" To which I said, "unless the ghost in my house decided to call random numbers on my cell, I can assure you that your number was never dialed from this phone." Crazed old lady argues back, "Oh no, you called this number((repeats my number)), I know it! Who is this?!" Again I assured her crazy ass that it was logistically impossible for me to dial a number that I'd never even dialed, but thanks for an amusing exchange. I finally had to tell her to lose my number forever and give my regards to her handlers after I hung up on her psychotic blubbering. Then I promptly blocked that number. Please, don't ever be like that crazy old psycho lady. Misdials and wrong numbers happen. And then there's just crazy. Don't be crazy: if there's no voicemail there's no reason to call back.
  17. Hey, I get the no voicemail thing in certain instances; I don't leave them usually for my mom or brother, because they're weirdos who will repeatedly listen to/save voicemails to see if someone "sounds drunk" or sounds remotely pissy/accusatory. So they know to call me back later if they see my number as a missed call. But any other time, especially if you're calling a new number or it's business-related, please just leave a voicemail. DO NOT repeatedly call me until I answer, because that just creeps me out more and I will therefore not even bother to answer the phone if I see that creepy number keep coming up. Because that proves to me you're either a stalker or a salesman/scammer. On the flipside, keep it short and to the point when you leave a message. I have one friend who seemingly lives to deliver long and dramatic soliloquies on my voicemail. She's lucky I adore her or I'd have blocked her number years ago!
  18. Looking HARD at you, Craig/Naomi and Kathryn!!! Hahah! Love it: Cameron is awesome and good for her not hustling a damned thing. I was a bit miffed when supposed hip NY "Housewife" Carole Radziwill was caught peddling all that garbage, but I was completely aghast when I saw multi-millionaire herself LISA VANDERPUMP is actually promoting those damned flat tummy teas too!! My only hope is that she's donating those dollars to various dog shelters/rescues, because lord knows she of all folks doesn't need that extra income.
  19. "Moved in"? Nahhhh, more like spent a night or two. Spent the weekend. She didn't want to make the long drive back to MC so she brought a few outfits along with her((that she'd likely tossed into the car before she split from home)) in the meantime until she had to bounce. That's not a relationship or living with someone, that's a quick fling or an extended hookup. How do I know this? I was a messy 21-year-old skank once too.
  20. I think the whole "Patricia Doesn't Like Kathryn Because She Reminds Her of Her Younger Self" theory is pure and utter horseshit that was all started by the town gossip Cooper((and I say that as someone who likes and misses Cooper's presence on the show---but he sure hoodwinked Kathryn bigtime with that hooey)). I *loved* that Patricia article though and especially appreciated her classy response to such horseshit: Patricia responded, 'I would like to go on the record to say that when I was her age I was in graduate school. I became a professor. I had a career. I was married for 15 years. I did not do drugs and I had no illegitimate children. I don't see any similarity except that we're both women.'
  21. That priceless gif: thanks for that, @KungFuBunny!! Some people tend to never evolve past their self-perceived era of greatness, or when they were truly their happiest/most successful. See also Sonja Morgan---it's very ironic that Tinsley was living with Sonja, especially given that Sonja is probably the least evolved overall of all the other ladies and they both have had similar social trajectories. Those two really are living the "Gray Gardens"/"Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" dream right before our very eyes.
  22. It really is fascinating to watch those old HS episodes again, isn't it? Campy post-recession Manhattan social arrogance at its worst! Funny how that "socials" scene and gossiping about those types of shameless NYC climbers isn't really even a thing anymore after its '05-'14 online/print heyday---I'm still slightly nostalgic for that era. Tinsley hasn't *remotely* evolved since then---I didn't even notice so much until I rewatched these episodes once again. Even with her current PTSD suffering due to dealing with her recent arrest/abuse/fall from grace, it's just a variation of the same "Poor Tinsley the victim" theme from this show highlighting her suffering from her recent separation and struggling to rebuild herself socially/mentally. She looks the same, dresses the same and acts the same: still smooching on random younger men, still whining about her recent struggles, still spinning her social wheels while shopping/partying her cares away....although at least she secured herself that fabulous loft apartment in Midtown/Chelsea back then---I still intensely covet that place, antiques and all. I'm guessing it was only a 1-2 year lease or so since she left to move down to Florida not too much longer after that. Still beats living in a hotel or living in Sonia's daughter's bedroom; and what about Tinsley's multiple chihuahuas? Where are they staying these days?? I still like her and all, but Tinsley really could stand to freshen things up and try on a new style and attitude already. Say what you will about the other women on RHofNYC, but they've all definitely evolved in a variety of ways in the past 7-8 seasons.
  23. Damn, I feel your pain, @Only Zola---maybe not so much on the good dresser part((because I do get compliments on my colorful vintage looks)), but it's tough indeed to get those fashions looking their most fabulous when you're a busy professional adult, isn't it? However, I admittedly have an issue with keeping my clothing items as clean and tidy as I should more regularly. I hate ironing and literally just hang wrinkled items in the bathroom to soak in the steam instead. I'll literally staple up a stray hem or slight hole in a seam before I'll eventually get around to mending it. I'm cheap about dry-cleaning and have so many fragile vintage items I'm scared to launder myself, so I usually just spot-clean them between long wears. Main issue through all this NOT being my personal hygiene, just my messy nature---it's amazing how easy it is for me to drop or splatter anything on my clothing at any given moment. Inevitably though, there will be times when I'm in a hurry to meet a friend, or I'm late for a social brunch, and therefore my lack of time to post-spotcheck my clothing comes back to hauntingly embarrass me. Like the time I had to explain to a very bemused guyfriend that the white stains I didn't even notice all over the side of my dress were NOT jizz stains!!!((dried roll-on deodorant drops have that look, apparently)) I'm still living that one down since he sometimes calls me "Monica" in jest. Or worst moment of all, the time I'd thrown on a bright fascia sundress to meet a group of gal-pals for brunch, only for them to burst out laughing when they saw me turn around and it looked like I'd pooped on the back of my dress((it was chocolate cake from a child's birthday party I'd attended in that dress a few days before!!))....lesson learned: clean your clothes regularly, even if they do "smell okay."
  24. I didn't bother to look it up((because it may have likely already been taken down)), but it was on one of the reunion preview clips on Bravo's website. While Thomas was discussing how he had a case of Down syndrome in his immediate family and that Jennifer was so brave to have her son despite his early prognosis when many folks opt to abort pregnancies with such issues, Kathryn was shown muttering to a non-reactive Craig that Thomas told her to get an abortion "both times." Given her usual tendency to exaggerate and embellish, I'm not so sure I buy that comment((I'm willing to buy that Thomas offered that up as a possibility if she was interested, just for her sake, but I have my doubts that he encouraged that outcome)). At any rate, I would've kept that to myself if I were Kathryn, and definitely not air out such a damaging comment on national television. But then again, Kathryn only cares about Kathryn, so it doesn't surprise me that she tossed that out so flippantly. Seriously! Kathryn can sure dish it but she can never take it. Such a hypocrite---and I hate the way she orders Landon to stop doing things; kudos to Landon for at least standing up for herself and telling Kathryn that she has no right to boss her around the way she does. I doubt I could stay quiet if I had to deal with the ongoing wrath of the "hillbilly femme fatale" either.
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