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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Same here!! And I always felt so left out of extra family fun thanks to never having aunts/uncles/cousins. Not only are both of my parents only children, but then when my mom remarried she married yet *another* only child! And weirdly enough, all three of my grandfathers were only children too. My grandparents and biological father are now long gone, my brother never had children and I'm ChildFree as well, so yeah, I have a tiny little immediate family. Thank God I'm married to a man who has 8 siblings and a shitload of nieces/nephews so that I'm at least getting to finally experience the joys of large family gatherings. Because as a child of only children, I seriously envy folks with larger families---never having to worry about being alone in times of sickness and health, for holidays and celebrations or whenever else is a very undervalued trait---it's like having a built-in social network!
  2. I really am loving Tinsley with this cast and she's proving to be a nice and refreshing addition to this group. Lord knows we needed some fresh new youthful blood and she fits in with these gals so much better than the likes of Jules or Kristin. And I do feel terribly for Tinsley---the gal was repeatedly beaten by an abusive boyfriend. She's a battered woman who is lucky that she was able to get out of that relationship without being physically hurt long term. Maybe she lashed out at him physically/verbally as well, but there's absolutely no excuse whatsoever for what he did to her, even if she did act crazy during their regular fights. Getting hurt that badly by a lover isn't something you're going to get over quickly and she's obviously still suffering from symptoms of PTSD. She'll likely need a great amount of therapy just to get her confidence back and start feeling more like her old self again. It breaks my heart to see the way the other women aren't more sensitive to her plight and understanding of just how damaged she still is. And I know Carole meant well when she was encouraging Tinsley to change up her look and her zip code and start fresh((and I agree with Carole: a fresher new start would really do Tins a world of good)), but she's still not ready to make those changes and is at a touchy stage where she finds comfort in her familiar old ways pre-abuse. And Bethenny is just being a stone cold bitch if she's telling Tinsley to shutup about her past demons---that's pretty rich coming from a woman still boo-hooing about her messy divorce all these years later. Pot, meet kettle!!
  3. Thank you for bringing this up, because I'd almost forgotten this hilarious moment---I gasped out loud in shock because my mom orders this *exact same* drink at Mexican restaurants!! Only she asks for it in a chilled mug and "poured all the way to the top" instead of asking for a double. And with a straw. This is because my mom is a cheap old wino who discovered this trick for getting more wine for less thanks to her favorite ever waiter, Diego. Go figure that Craig likes cheap wine poured up in a mug too---although this is a guy who also embroiders baby clothes, talks to cats and chews tobacco, so I suppose anything is possible with that one.
  4. Oh I forgot to mention the scene of blackout drunk Ashley barfing all over herself on Hannah's dad's sofa. Classy broad, that gal---I don't even think we've seen the "Vanderpump Rules" cast members puke on themselves yet.
  5. As usual, even while supposedly as sober as a nun, Kathryn managed to *once again* show up to the reunion looking like a desperate bordello drag queen. The dramatic ballgowns at reunions are only meant for the Real Housewives, not the minor Bravo players! I thought her hair and makeup looked nice the other night on WWHL, but that sequined holiday hooker dress was a bit of a mess. Then again, Kathryn's style has always been ridiculously trashy...lest we forget the very first time she ever graced our television screens wearing her Slutty Little Mermaid chic:
  6. Dipping/chewing tobacco is so taboo for a myriad of reasons, number one being that it literally involves someone putting a pile of nasty tobacco between one's gums and then spitting it out in a cup. Maybe your nasty levels are higher than mine, but I sure wouldn't want to be anywhere around anyone's spat out, smelly old oozing chewing cud. It's also considered a bit of a white trash habit, not to mention the fact that it's medically proven to rapidly rot out one's gums and teeth. It's a gross habit that just doesn't jive with Craig's meterosexual prettyboy image. As for the anti-smoking image the rest of the guys are attempting to present, I guess it's just due to the fact that at least in this country, smoking has become very taboo and un-PC. It's not as fashionable as it used to be and it sure doesn't pair well with their other drinking vices. But I know in Europe and the entertainment/fashion world that smoking is still quite accepted since it suppresses the appetite, despite it being considered a nasty habit overall.
  7. Thanks to my creepy habit of Instagram snooping, I've just learned that Danni was happily living with this guy as early as mid-2015? Gradually she had moved to a beautiful new home on the water((his place, most likely)), and was suddenly being taken on glamorous outings around the world and/or going to very upscale events and VIP-style areas. And then she got engaged in Greece just last summer. I'd seen a few pics of them together before now and gathered that while he wasn't a conventional-appearing match for her, he seems like a nice dude who treats her well and likely takes very good care of her. And she seems quite happy with him too. It also probably helps that his family owns one of the oldest and most successful jewelry businesses in Charleston, right on King Street. So yeah, I think he's got some nice cheddar of his own; pretty little Southern girls from good families know how to get their biscuits buttered! As for Whitney being covered up at the beach, as a fellow pasty person who hides from the sun as well, I understand his hesitance to even attempt tanning---sunburns suck and skin cancer is worse; some of us are just more prone to sun damage. And from what I've read of his mom's book, she instilled in him her youthful lifetime secret of sun-hiding as well and seems to regard natural tanning as a bit bougie.
  8. Yawn... Plastic Ashley continues to weep and create random drama at a gathering yet again. UnHappy remains unhappy and Bitchy Hannah remains bitchy. Balding Lyle and Drunk Catherine obliviously eat pizza---Vinny-A-GoGo's is where the local Savannah drunks go to sober up, coincidentally. Sock King has a forgettable manly-man chat in a random bar. Gay Nelson manages to priss along without offending anyone anywhere, least of all Hairy Daniel. Grown adults excitedly play cornhole and obnoxiously poke holes in beer cans and greedily drink the spewing beer like college kids. Farewell soon, pointless show. Goodbye hopefully forever, unlikable cast. My eternal apologies to Savannah, GA for this shitfest.
  9. She looked nice...but not like her usual self. I think she just finally took out all her long extensions and went for a darker red color closer to the darker red color she sported in the first season. Her face looked the same to me, just longer false eyelashes and long sideswept bangs. Maybe she's lost some weight? Or dare I say it...she might already be dabbling in "preventative" Botox that many girls in their 20's sadly do nowadays; she definitely seemed a bit stiff in more ways than one.
  10. Wonder what the Hell happened to Landon in Key West that got her so pissy at Thomas? I'm guessing it was a combination of too many drinks along with not feeling very welcomed by most everyone else---Chelsea and Cameron were practically joined at the hip, Jen and Dani were staying tight, the couples were cozied up, while Thomas and the other single guys were mostly hanging all together along with Kathryn, so Landon likely was feeling a bit slighted and took it out mostly on Thomas. Not a good look and her bitchy side was on full display to the other gals; she definitely shouldn't have barked at Chelsea the way she did. She could've just as easily explained herself without getting so angry and defensive. And she definitely didn't need to be distancing herself from the gals any further by obnoxiously flirting it up with Austen. Speaking of her flirt-game...asking Austen if he saw wrinkles in her face? Yikes...step away from the sun and the pool drinks, girl...how embarrassing. But Thomas definitely called out two very important facts this episode: yep, Landon is a total flip-flopper((look how easily she's turned on her longtime friend Shep this season)) and yep, Kathryn definitely hasn't changed much. Craig & Naomi looked absolutely miserable together this entire episode. I just think their original spark has gone out and they're officially over each other. They're probably only still together to save face and for mutually exclusive benefits. Or for Gizmo's sake. And wow, way to call out Craig's dirty little secret of chewing tobacco on national television, Naomi! He looked horrified that she finally revealed to the world that he does indeed chew. Maybe that's why she doesn't seem to like him anymore---a guy who chews would completely turn me off too. Ugh, that's just so disgusting... Shep at least makes a point to right his wrongs and apologize when he's been a drunken asshole. The guy's oddly endearing enough to get away with his charming apologies still; wonder how much longer he can pull that off. Whitney side-eyeing T-Rav after he awkwardly slurred about doing the mannequin challenge was a truly golden moment. It's almost as golden as last season's other golden moment between those two, when T-Rav awkwardly attempted to high-five Whitney in an Asheville bar after he slurred, "I fuckin' hate bluegrass!" Nice to see Kathryn taking her sobriety so seriously! $32k for a fugly golden elephant clock..beside another fugly golden clock on a crowded mantel. So Patricia is apparently also an insanely wealthy and bored hoarder with often questionable taste in knickknacks. Dani's engaged and about to be married; was that extra guy along with the group her fiancé? I'm with JD on excitedly ditching the restaurant for getting hammered at a bar: that birthday dinner looked excruciating. Looks like the night vastly improved afterwards, at least---worth all their painful morning hangovers, I hope?
  11. Agreed---Kathryn really does tend to believe her own hype and seems to think she's far more fascinating, funny and fashionable than she actually is; you can gather that just from her hyper-affected/melodramatic talking heads alone. She's just so insanely EXTRA for those, but that just doesn't translate very well for live television, as we've seen. I'd much rather see the likes Cameron and/or Patricia on WWHL. I think having all Kathryn's "fans" backing her up on social media from S1 onwards went straight to her head, but she's the youngest famewhore on this entire series so it's not surprising that she considers herself to be the glamorous breakout star of the cast. Adding the regular drug cocktails to her own inflated ego, and the "hillbilly femme fatale" continues to infect this series with her own special blend of stank skank.
  12. Reminds me of how several of my family members gasp and act horrified whenever they see I'm eating a handful of Fuego-style Takis, those insanely delightful red-spiced corn chips once only found in Hispanic groceries. Please, they're friggin' store-bought hot corn chips, not fresh Carolina Reaper peppers: don't worry, it'll be okay!
  13. As we here in some parts of the US joke, there's regular hot, and then there's "white people hot." It's kinda embarrassing to witness how scared white folks get over a little natural heat, actually; gives those of us who are more adventurous with our flavor profiles a bad rap. I'm a Nashville, TN native, home of legendary hot chicken. Actually, it's been around since the 30's but it only gained international fame a few years ago. But those of us who grew up around here eating it over the past few decades usually like it so hot that we're crying/sweating. Mind you, with the notoriety that hot chicken has recently gained, we're getting the cheap hot chicken competitors coming around. Or as some of us here joke, "tourist/white people/gentrified" hot chicken---yes, hot chicken was mostly considered food for black people back in the day. As a white woman I sometimes have had to just roll my eyes and chuckle when I go into the old school hot chicken joints and they automatically assume that I can only handle mild or medium; nope, I came for hot chicken, not mild chicken. Anyways, racially off as it may sound, it's oddly satisfying when the staff at these places sees me eating hot or even extra hot chicken and remains shocked that a white person can gladly handle extra hot/spicy flavors. Yes, not all of us white folks only want the bland stuff---this food masochist wants her food to hurt her and hurt her good!
  14. Hahahhh!!! I remember there was a commenter on one of my favorite long gone reality TV message boards who used to refer to Kelly as "Leatherette." I finally get that name now.
  15. What's up with this trend I'm seeing in new kitchens of open cabinets? Why would you want all your cups and dishes laying out looking all cluttery and collecting dust?? It's enough to just go along with the endless "open concept" living room/kitchen/dining room trend but to add the open cabinet thing to that madness? It's all too much.
  16. Agreed! I was squeeing with envy over those caricature ornaments---I want one!!! Seriously considering somehow finding an artist on Etsy who does that and giving them out to friends/family next Christmas, because I thought that was a darling and unique gift idea. So kadooze to Bethenny on such thoughtful party favors, and too bad Ramona missed out on that flair thanks to her big drunken mouth.
  17. So in other words, Jill is the same miserable twat we always knew she was. Got it!
  18. It's currently one of the most godawful reality shows on TV, therefore my brother and I have gradually grown to enjoy hate-watching it and ripping it apart to each other on the phone the next day. Our favorite targets are Balding Lyle((aka Q-Ball)) and Drunk Catherine, although Plastic Ashley and Gay Nelson are often mentioned as well. We can't wait to see Hairy Daniel awkwardly hitting on chicks again and Bitchy Hannah whining to Sock King about why she's not the next Carolina Herrera with her amazing dress sketches. Don't forget UnHappy and her fiancée The Quiet One.
  19. Followed by T-Rav and the boys going out and getting sloppy drunk at various local watering holes and awkwardly hitting on various disgusted women. With bits of Patricia drinking at home while making witty quips to Michael and the dogs.
  20. Seriously!! I cannot fathom why these idiot producers completely canned T-Rav's hilarious dinner party roast((that clip on Bravo of it was a hoot)) and Carson Kressley's soirée hosted at Patricia's in favor of yet more white trashy "Teen Mom"-esque moments overwrought with Kathryn whining/boo-hoo'ing over how she "can't be there" for her preferred baby meal ticket. Never mind that the chick is a full on drug addict mental case who lost custody of her kids due to this, just drag her out to add some unnecessary tension to an otherwise happy little show about Southern rich folks! Please, she's had her moment to shine on here. Her scenes are officially awkward and uncomfortable to watch. 90% of the cast can barely stand her and her onscreen snark she shares over those in the cast just trying to support her because they think she's in recovery is completely off base. She sticks out like a sore thumb and not in a good way. And she actually makes me root for Landon in their few scenes together, which makes me want her to go away all the more.
  21. Chemistry is everything though---even though both of them were having nice new relationships with seemingly more attractive and more successful folks, there's something to be said for the undeniable chemistry a couple needs in order to remain effortlessly drawn to each other despite all else. And you gotta admit, Miranda and Steve((and also the actors playing them)) have always had that certain something, that chemical allure drawing them together perfectly.
  22. According to Landon's Home Tour on Bravo's website, she only has one bedroom, so she must indeed have one of those broken-up-apartments-in-one-house situations. The house looks much larger otherwise and has a winding balcony veranda that she never points out, so it makes sense. The courtyard she shows is likely shared communal space for all the residents in there: http://www.bravotv.com/southern-charm/season-4/videos/landon-clements-charming-house-tour I did think her weeping about her precious little website and doing something "on her own" was beyond babyish. Girl, you can *still* run a very strong website while working another job on the side---her dad gave her a sweet damned deal that sounds like it barely requires much work, so what's the problem??!! Ugh...her entitled attitude just grates. She wants some super successful website that makes her big money but still gives her an open schedule that allows for her usual shopping and lunching and partying and traveling?? Forget Naomi being the so-called "child" of this cast, Lando literally sounded like a teenage girl whining to daddy about not wanting to get a job over summer break because she wants to sit around and piddle the days away on a blog instead. Grow up and get real---her dad's right that she needs to wake up and find a way to pay her own bills...*especially* at her age/situation! I kinda like Chelsea, but yeah, she totally was shit-stirring in that car scene with Austen, acting like the damsel in distress that mean old Shep dared to kiss her! Yep, she definitely likes the idea of men fighting over her.
  23. @hoosier80, I'm so sorry about your situation. Sounds like a doozy, and the inclusion of Mr. Wonderful, the brother who can do NO wrong((because he's a man, right? Her Awesome Man who knows everything and can do everything better than anyone, right??)) is exactly the tough sort of situation that some moms unfortunately stir up with passive-aggressive glee. I hope you're able to hold up and stay sane and bite that tongue whenever you're forced to have such ongoing interactions. You sound like you have your own valued methods of protection, so hang in there and know you're not alone. At any rate, sounds like you're a truly stellar daughter who goes above and beyond for her often ungrateful ass, and for that alone you deserve major props. Your situation sounds very similar to mine, Mr. Wonderful brother included. I've tried to have a healthy relationship with mom all my life and also go above and beyond for her, but it's just never enough. I'm also trying to get to a comfortable place financially and therefore often get the brunt of her verbal barbs about it---never mind that I went into debt to get a degree towards my current successful career. Maybe if I'd been savvy enough to marry/divorce a doctor I'd be as "successful" as her((never mind that she's an only child and her late mom spoiled her with oodles of money and cars and even bought her the house she still lives in. But you think she ever offers to help or give me any money? Hah!)). And yes, why wouldn't I want to one day live with her and Mr. Wonderful in HER neighborhood in the house of HER choice? Forget my life with my husband and neighbors/friends and workplace here in our downtown neighborhood in our comfy condo---we should all just sell and move in together to a big suburban house so we can just take care of her! Of course she hates my husband and takes every opportunity possible to cut him down. Never mind how kind he is to her and all he does to help her when he can. He's not a rich man who can take care of me and all our bills and we are happily ChildFree and enjoy our life together, therefore according to her we're selfish spendthrifts who will never amount to anything and die penniless. Meanwhile, darling Mr. Wonderful can do no wrong. He goes out to dinner with her and spends time with her because he truly loves his mother, and he's single because he's "smart enough to avoid people who take advantage of him"((her exact words. Yes, those two divorces and endless messy breakups weren't his fault at all! He's such a "catch" that no educated woman over 25 wants anything to do with him, yep)). He does house/yardwork and handles her banking for her because he "knows how to handle that stuff." But I don't---I'm just the idiot with two bachelor degrees, an MFA and professional teaching licensure in 2 states. I can help her with mending clothes and other domestic/creative tasks because I'm just a worthless female. Did I mention Mr. Wonderful is a college dropout and a former felon? Or that he was sent to reform school for pulling a knife on my stepfather, involvement in several armed robberies and forging checks on my late grandmother as a teenager?? Yep. Not to mention a pathological liar. But he's her man and he's grown up since then and he knows everything and he wouldn't ever lie to her!((except when he does)) I'm on Day 4 of mom's latest silent poutfest with me. Because I went on an all day wine tour this past Friday with my husband((a Valentines Day gift from him to me)) instead of meeting her for a boozy lunch invite. Never mind all the time I spent with her this past week otherwise. Yes, mom has a bit of an alcohol abuse issue as well---she drinks until she's a staggering, slobbering mess. I've seen her drink 2 bottles worth of wine in less than 2 hours. It doesn't help that she drinks and drives because Lyft/Uber are a "waste of money". She won't let me drive because I "don't drive well"((I had two minor accidents in my 20's, thanks to two careless drivers who slammed into me)). This woman is loaded yet she lives like a penniless miser, and her second husband graciously gave her a credit card to use at her whim. Lyft/Uber are wastes of money but drinking $50 worth of booze and driving home afterwards is totally rational to her. This is our biggest point of contention---she could kill herself or someone else with that stupidly pointless, destructive behavior. I gave up drinking with her a few years ago due to her awful habit. I've literally dragged her out of restaurants in a stupor since I was a teenager, and at age 40 I'm longsince over her alcohol-drenched antics. It's why she and her second husband finally separated. It's why my husband genuinely worries for me when I do agree to meet her socially. Despite all attempted interventions though, she doesn't feel she has a problem. And this is a problem. So anyways...I feel your pain on difficult, demanding, irrational mothers...and the darling brothers who can do no wrong. And being made to feel like nothing you do is ever good enough for her. I've been told by many well-meaning friends to ditch her, but the sad part is that I don't have anyone else in my immediate family, so I feel like I have to somehow maintain peace for my own inner-peace. But sometimes I really do wonder why I even bother. Or how I've somehow managed to avoid therapy while vaguely appearing as sane as I supposedly am.
  24. Just from Gilles' very limited scenes with the young models he shot in the first few seasons of ANTM, he came off as a really creepy, demanding and dirty old man. The girls would often laugh it off, but he just had this pervy vibe about him that probably was one of the many reasons he wasn't featured on that show very long. I wouldn't be surprised if Kelly fell under his spell as a very young model and simply figured she'd happily be a kept woman. But I actually give her credit for eventually getting away from him while still managing to keep the peace and not burn too many bridges along the way. She got him to take care of her and her daughters for life and still got all the contacts and opportunities he probably allowed for her along the way. Not such a bad deal for her overall, although part of me wonders if maybe he felt like he was taking advantage of not only a much younger woman, but a much dumber/impaired person also, hence his generosity and goodwill for her since their divorce. Or maybe it's just hush-money!!
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