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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. I'm actually digging the addition of Shep 2.0 aka Austen---he's not as quick-witted and goofy as Shep and definitely not as well-bred/rich, but I think that dynamic will make for a more interesting spin on the competitive bromance angle that Shep usually has as a storyline, especially since Craig is so busy playing house with Naomi now. Oh Craig...I think Shep had him somewhat pegged as well. He figured the quickest way to shoot up the professional/social ranks was to be a slick young lawyer((maybe he watched "The Firm" one too many times)), but he just seems a bit lost still to me. I think they all butt into his business because the guy has such promise and is still young enough to seemingly take well-meaning advice. Still love me some Cameron and how easygoing her onscreen charm is. She really was made for reality television and her confident wit still carries this show. Tons of screen time for Landon. She seems a little more grounded and less giggly---maybe she's taken a lot of comments about her onscreen behavior to heart finally. Not much Whitney turned out to be perfect. Not nearly enough Patricia. But somehow their scenes together are always pretty awkwardly golden. T-Rav was so "T-Ravving it up"!! Oh my word, that's priceless; he's such a hilariously dirty old man. Seeing him just drunkenly drooling himself at the pool party flanked by young drunk chicks was like vintage shades of Hugh Heffner shuffling in to make his appearances at the Mansion pool parties on "Girls Next Door" episodes. Not gonna lie though: drunk T-Rav on the prowl T-Ravving it up makes me laugh. That dude is probably a hella fun drunk when he's not around Kathryn. As for Kathryn...I didn't miss her crazy ass one bit. God I love this show.
  2. Landon is getting quite a colorful collection of comments on her recent "friendship" post on Instagram: She even tagged Kathryn on it originally. I found the whole post oddly amusing.
  3. Following Bethenny on Snapchat myself, I'm not even gonna lie: Bethenny's life looks hella fun and luxurious. Must be nice to have that kind of money, nasty ex-husband/custody battles/family traumas notwithstanding.
  4. Wow, what an awful wreck!! And yet even though I know the Camero driver was the one who caused that pointless accident, I still think the pickup driver was being even more of an asshole and directly provoked that Camero driver to go apeshit. I have huge issues with slow left lane drivers who block traffic, especially when a semi truck is blocking the other lane so no one else can even pass. In fact, I've often heard that the biggest cause of car wrecks is people who block the natural flow of traffic. Talk about directly inviting road rage too...road ragers are quite a frightening breed. I've had several incidents in the past with angry white men((and I say this as a white woman---it just always seems like half the white guys on the road are about two seconds away from going all Michael Douglas in "Falling Down" on the world)) who have literally chased, stalked and threatened me after I passed them or wasn't going fast enough for them. This was pre-cellphone era---one of these psychos actually followed me into a store parking lot, trapped me against my car as I shook in fear and literally shouted in my face for five minutes about what a stupid bitch who couldn't drive I was. Another one decided to chase my car around a movie theater parking garage, repeatedly parking beside me and screaming obscenities. Mind you, I was barely out of my teens at this time; really manly men there scaring a frightened young woman, lemme tell ya. Probably went home and beat their wives after scaring the shit out of some random chick in a sedan who was just innocently going about her own business. Most of these road ragers carry guns now, so I've learned to just stay out of any seemingly aggressive drivers' way and let shit go---it just ain't worth wrecking or getting shot simply because you wanted to teach another driver a lesson.
  5. Quit trying to make LaLa happen, Andy!!
  6. Wow, it looks truly godawful and that comparatively unattractive cast seems about as charming as bad dinner theater---and I say this as a regular Savannah visitor who was looking quite forward to this spin-off. Hope it plays out better than that trailer comes off, because those folks seem to reek of cheap cologne/desperation.
  7. I do applaud Ariana for having the most seemingly mature outlook of this entire cast---it's completely okay to not want the marriage/children scenario and it's so damned refreshing to see that normality presented on a reality show((because lord knows we get enough pro-natal bullshit thrown at us on almost every other reality show)). What I don't appreciate is seeing people like Lisa Vanderpump trying to talk her out of her views and questioning why she doesn't care to procreate; that scene with her badgering Ariana at the horse barns about it really bugged me---Ariana's feelings are quite valid and it's completely fine if not everyone feels the need to breed! Maybe I'm extra sensitive to her situation just because I myself knew from a very young age that *I* never wanted children either. And I dealt with many similarly confused older females badgering me the same way Vanderpump drilled Adriana, but I always stood firm, even broke up a few relationships over my refusal to have kids, and am quite happily ChildFree with a husband who gladly supports my views on that. Which brings me to Sandoval's talking head of him giddily describing having a family with Adriana. I *really* hope she stands firm with her views and doesn't string him along with any false hopes of fatherhood. Hopefully they've had intelligent discussions about their future together and the issue of her likely not changing her mind on parenthood. Is it a deal-breaker for him? If she truly loves the dude, she needs to be up front with him about that and be willing to let him go if he truly desires children one day. Because speaking as the daughter of a deadbeat dad, wayyyy too many folks ambivalently go into parenthood just to satisfy their partner's wishes, and the ones who end up suffering the most from these scenarios are always the children.
  8. Exactly!!! Kelly is just an elitist snob, plain and simple. She hides behind her phoney hippy-dippy "Hiiiiiiiyyyyyyyiiiieee!!!" shtick and giddy smiley act at parties/events, but she's snooty at her core. It's very telling that on her blog and social media she only deigns to pose with pretty and/or connected people. And she gloms onto anyone she deems on "her" level, like the way she was fawning all over Carole a few seasons ago at that charity event she appeared in. I'm convinced that the first S2 scene with her at the charity planning event where she breezed in late, acted aloof and dismissive, kept repeating his busy she was and how she "didn't lend her name to many charities" was the REAL Kelly. Hence the reason she was pissed at Bethenny for calling her out on her bullshit((Classic Beth line: "Clearly she's Madonna")). And you could see the rage and haughty disdain in her eyes when she later squared off with Bethenny in the "I'm up here, you're down there" scene directly after that incident---like how DARE a commoner, a peasant like Bethenny, even attempt to diss Her Highness, *the* supermodel/author/designer of all ages Kelly Killorean Bensimon!!!
  9. Not just an ass, but Shay's also a pill-popping liar. Oh sure, you're up all night in the studio totally naturally, no drugs, just for the love of the beats and being "so passionate about something!" Yeah, he's sure passionate about his Adderall, alright. I know Scheana's no picnic either and is a self-absorbed overdramatic shrew lost in her own little princess world, but she didn't deserve him completely ditching her for weeks on end and clearing out her bank account either. But because she "doesn't listen" and she doesn't support his "passion" that makes it okay? What a loser. They were together for quite a few years before getting hitched and obviously loved each other once, but apparently they grew up and grew in completely different directions...which can often happen with couples who got together too young. She should be fine though; lord knows she has better dating prospects than poor Stassi. I also think something is going on with the Schwartz triplets---they just seem a bit odd, not in an awkward way but in a special way. I definitely think they're somewhere on the spectrum too((I teach SPED and I immediately spotted a few clues)); just look at the way they seemed so clueless about dressing/preparing for such a occasion and their general interactions. Granted, that was too sweet of Tom & Jax to get them there to the wedding and brought a nice dose of kindness to the whole experience.
  10. That actually looked like a very sweet and lovely yet FUN wedding...almost made me forget about how nasty the Bubbas' fights are. Speaking of nasty fights, wow, Scheana and Shay...that was some intense awkwardness between them the entire episode and then culminating in the end like that? Geez...look at all that money blown on her own wedding just several years ago. Wonder what they did with all the blown up wedding pic canvas art?? Interesting how it was all gone from the walls in their last scene---guess they just filmed that scene strictly for the show. Not gonna lie: I'd love to see Jax and Britney get married on the show. It'd be a redneck's dream!!
  11. From what I remember watching and her explaining onscreen, Bethenny really didn't like Kelly because she'd reportedly met Kelly various times at various events, and Kelly always acted like they'd never met. It apparently really bugged Bethenny and made her feel like she wasn't important enough for Kelly to remember((and she was probably right)), and that Kelly was a big phoney snob. I remember them even hashing it out in one scene and Kelly shushing Bethenny down claiming that she "meets so many people that she can't remember everyone", yada,yada,yada...and then Bethenny claimed that Kelly was hitting on her then boyfriend at some Tommy Hillfiger event and they both were talking about how they were close to TH's wife...Kelly seems to have great delusions of grandeur, and from the moment she first appeared onscreen with Bethenny, you could tell Beth was in no mood for her bullshit. Admittedly, I was and still am Team Bethenny on her battles with Kelly though. Judging by her interactions with everyone on the show but The Countess and Jill, Kelly probably is rather dismissive of anyone she deems inferior to her and not in her fashionable crowd. If you really wanna witness how nutty Kelly is, check out her Snapchat and/or personal blog sometime---she really does appear quite self-impressed in all her narcissism. I'm just in awe that her two daughters appear so healthy and well-adjusted despite her famewhorey ways.
  12. Well can you blame her? His penis doesn't work!
  13. "Slutwear"= known slang term for revealing clothes/accessories that resemble those of a stripper/glamour model and/or sex-worker, a'la "slutty heels" or "stripper boots". Just an FYI. And obviously I wasn't implying that Stassi herself or a gal who wears this stuff is a slut; slut-shaming is certainly not my intention here. Just saying, after all the usual half-naked shenanigans and modeling shoots on this show, it'd be oddly refreshing to see a woman keep her clothing ON and rely on seducing the camera with more than just her naked breasts/bare ass. Hell, at this point I'd be impressed if one of these chucklefucks even attempted to ace the ATC or consider gradschool, let alone gave up the chance to randomly flash one's chonies on national television.
  14. Insanity. Thats an *insane* amount of money to spend on one day, making what they do((he's barely employed and she's barely a waitress)) and having the messy excuse of a relationship that they supposedly do. But then again, I've never understood the allure of hosting big and expensive weddings, especially if the couple isn't remotely wealthy and/or famous. They could've used that money to at least save up for a down-payment on a house or something far more practical. I know it's "her day" and all, but I'm questioning Katie's general logic/intelligence more and more with each episode.
  15. Lala is such a drama queen, sitting there whining and droning on about her "anxiety" keeping her from showing up to actual job, blah,blah,blah...girl bye. You found a married mark or three to take care of you and decided to go have fun being kept arm candy/yacht girl for two months: no need for all the histrionics. Talk about someone who needs to "own it" already...funny thing is, most of us haven't even noticed her being gone. Stassi's photo shoot...she looked good from the neck up, but just once I'd like to see one of these broads do an actual photo shoot that doesn't involve getting half naked and skanking it up. I would've liked seeing her actually rocking some elegant gowns or edgy professional gear, honestly. Guess it's way too easy to simply go back to the slutwear when these gals need to "get their groove back." Scheana really overestimated her marital appeal, it looks like---like she finally got married and snagged Shay, and then gave up being a remotely supportive and hardworking partner. She seemed to have that immature marital outlook of most younger women who dive into it way too early: marriage is more than just a big ceremony and a year of pretty parties. It takes a ton of work and sacrifice and compromise. I dunno if Shay had merely overlooked the flaws in their relationship before then or maybe marriage gave him a whole new perspective on things, especially with her self-centered flippancy concerning his whole drug addiction issue. Just looking at the way she completely disregards their conversations and opinions and almost talks at him versus with him tells me all I need to know about that doomed marriage. Speaking of doomed marriages, Katie & Tom have the worst taste ever, it appears. Worse taste than worst judgement, sadly enough. Those bland bridesmaid gowns were tragic and tastelessly lowcut too. And something is up with Tom's strangely disengaged family, that's for sure; it's almost like they already have written this marriage stuff off and moved on accordingly.
  16. Landon is actually renting her house, or at least the house she was in this past season. I don't doubt that it's a high rent thanks to its location((right in the historic district near T-Rav's millions+ place)), but it looks to be cute and comfy for her now---plus, she obviously likes to entertain and have a place to work on her, ehhh, art(?), so I could see where living on a boat would have to be a rather temporary situation for a gal like her, especially one in her 30's who's looking to restart her life post-divorce. I do think she's a bit more well-off than she portrays being on the show and she either got a nice divorce settlement and/or she has a nice family trust that allows her to travel and live as freely as she does. Landon doesn't bother me all that much and I was always rooting for her when she and Kukoo Katherine would get into it, but she does have that slight bitchy streak and likely has her elitist side, same as all these other folks. The only thing that bugs me about her is the constant giggling and dolphin voice. And the idea that Kathryn actually thinks she and T-Rav had sex...just seems ridiculous---those two have about as much chemistry as a dirty dishrag.
  17. Oh no, that dude in the commercial is so not Slade; if anything, he's indeed a shlubbier looking version of Slade. As gross as I find his persona overall, Slade at least appears more physically attractive/livelier than the haggard-looking actor on that commercial. And yes, Slade & Gretchen are still the ultimate self-promoters who would never allow a commercial appearance to dare go unmentioned. I'm seriously considering quitting hate-following Gretchen on Snapchat because she's such an insufferable over-Snapper, especially on Sundays. She shares sermons and endless religious programs she claims to watch on her laptop, and her godawful home decorating/flower-arranging snaps are almost too ridiculous to believe. I just can't understand how a woman of her supposed means in life has such bad taste...
  18. Based on her Instagram stories, when she's not doing her podcast/promoting VP rules, Stassi literally doesn't appear to do anything but go out and drink too much, snap outfit of the day selfies, travel to other areas to drink too much, and watch TV. I'm guessing that's most of this cast's lifestyle, minus hitting the gym. Unlike Scheana or the guys she doesn't appear to work out, so I'm guessing she and equally workout-resistant Kristen and maybe even Katie perhaps still enjoy some Adderral adventures. Take that as you will; I'd just be shocked to see her ever get out of her comfort zone at this point. Hit an art gallery or attend the theater or a wine tasting? Maybe a hike or a bike ride?? Nahhh...she's very much a creature of comfort; that definitely wasn't her being funny for the cameras.
  19. So this was basically a 30 minutes clipshow of past clips with Cameran narrating over it all, followed by the S4 trailer thats been available for weeks already online. Got it. Guess that just was a cheap and easy ploy to get viewers((and potential new viewers)) excited about and all caught up with the new season. I was hoping they'd maybe toss in some rare or previously unseen footage, at least. Maybe throw in their old screentests/auditions for the show. Introduce the new guy. Explain the hilarious lack of explanation for boring S1 cast member Jenna King and/or what's happened to her since then. No Cooper, Jennifer or JD talking heads. An all-too-brief Patricia worship sequence....oh well. Still stoked about S4!!
  20. Nope! I was also my absolute skinniest the year I got engaged/married and wanted to look my best. What bride wants to look back at her wedding pics and not be proud of looking fit and fabulous? She's young and healthy and honestly has no excuse to be at her best shape right before she marries, but maybe she's just one of those gals who feels like now that she's got a ring and a wedding date that she can let herself go as she pleases since she snagged the ultimate prize of a big ring/wedding. I dunno, I totally saw him as one of those sweet and polite Midwestern dudes who hadn't yet become a hardened LA douche/jerk yet. He seemed unaffected and therefore pretty new to the area. Maybe he was relocated for a job in his field there. At any rate, Stassi seems way too selfish and immature to be able to sustain a healthy and mature adult relationship with a nice responsible guy. Based on all her exes she obviously thrives on drama and excitement and typical glitzy entertainment industry type douches. She's at the age where she still finds stable regular guys "boring" and hasn't yet outgrown her bad boy phase---I would know, since I was still exactly like that when I was around her age. Then I hit age 30 and realized that I was going nowhere but to a life of unfulfilled singledom if I didn't open my eyes to more nice regular guys and less "creative" types. Hopefully she'll similarly wise up and be more open to dating guys a bit more like this one, ones that will respect her and treat her like a lady, not just a girl of the moment. And maybe she should also invest in a few more deep life interests beyond shopping, late lunching and sleeping.
  21. I'm a teacher of 15+ years; I've seen numerous colleagues get fired thanks to social media, either from oversharing negative things about themselves or their students online. The number one rule of any teacher should be to NEVER even mention any students by name to others online and to certainly never air classroom dirty laundry like that. Hence the reason I'm leery of befriending coworkers, and I don't attach my school's name to mine online anywhere but via my LinkedIn; and NEVER socialize with current students on social media, oh lord no! I'd tell your friend to immediately either make that mess she's posting out a private account, ari333, or warn her to change her name and/or the names of all the students she mentions. Or just delete that mess completely and quit using her students as social media comic relief/horror stories. Otherwise she WILL have someone find that blog and she WILL be fired immediately. Rumors of gossipy teacher online activity like those travel fast in school communities, and either other students/parents at her school or other co-workers will find her postings and send them to her superiors. I'd hate to see yet another smart teacher fired for online stupidity, but it happens quite regularly thanks to documented unprofessionalism via Twitter/Facebook. I'd also like to add: yearsssss ago I myself lost a PT teaching position at a Christian school simply because of an old blog post on my MySpace poking good-natured fun at some of the school's parent behaviors. Never mind that my school/position was listed nowhere on my account, no names were mentioned at all, and it was private. Some creepy student at the school somehow got into my account, showed HER mom that old blog post and some of my old modeling pics I had on this account, and then her mom sent copies of everything to my principal. I literally had another student email me to warn me that kids all over the school were giggling at screenshots of my entire private account. I was mortified and deleted the whole account that same day, but the damage was already done: after my principal and her colleague read me back my blog posts and shamed me for my pics, I was fired on the spot. Talk about wanting the earth to suck me into a black hole at that very moment: it's still one of my most cringeworthy moments ever. I was bitter for many years after that incident and still am to some extent, but it at least taught me a valuable lesson I'll never forget: unfortunately, if you wanna work with students under 18, you're still expected to keep most of your online behavior either extremely guarded or locked down. Just remember, fellow teachers: be so careful of what you tweet. Don't share too much about your job/students unless it's blindingly positive and glowing. Keep anything too radically sexual/political/racially-charged OFF your social media feeds. And when in doubt, don't post it. Private accounts are your friends. Unless you get some determined kid who will find ways to befriend friends of your friends just to look at your account, so lock those accounts down tight; middle schoolers are sorta creepy like that.
  22. My prediction is Stassi will be sucking face with Katie back in LA. Her devotion is creepy.
  23. I've always been oddly obsessed with goats. I just think they're hilarious and every bit as cute, friendly and lovable as doggies and kitties. Nice to see other goat lovers are finding them fashionable nowadays; I find myself seeing more and more cute baby goat videos pop up on YouTube and Facebook. I'm also rather smitten with alpacas/lamas, camels and giraffes. Otters and foxes are starting to really get lots more social media love lately. Some chickens and ducks. Couldn't care less about pigs and horses.
  24. You're just missing one key word in this true statement: "...she prefers being with a rich man more." Obviously she'll put up with most anything so long as he's wealthy enough to keep her lavished with luxury and doesn't flaunt his side pieces. I don't see her bothering with a poor man unless it's a fun little fling a'la Captain Depp Pirate or crazy drunk Rey.
  25. Oh my word, I remember that hilarious "Chaotic" thread from TWoP!!! It was fairly easy material to mock; I think I watched that awkwardly cringe-worthy show footage just to read all the comments posted right afterwards. K-Fed/Cletus was also referred to as "Popo Zao"((from that shiteous single he released as a wannabe rapper)), which still sends me into fits of giggles. I'm actually very disappointed that we didn't get to see K-Fed's rap career pursuits as depicted in "Britney Ever After". I feel so cheated, y'all. That's the best part of the whole story! Wow, this campy bile was every bit as uncomfortable to watch as I expected. It surpassed all my hopes!! So that actress that played Britney was an Aussie, I hear? That explains so much. She must come from the same school of acting as that other annoying Aussie actress who plays Scarlet on "Nashville": overly innocent, overexaggerated Southern twang, overwrought acting skills, bad extensions....and way too skinny. This gal could've at least beefed up a little to play Britney---Britney was always known for her curves and strong, muscular body; this chick just looked like a mop with a set of balloons strapped on her chest. And yes, WTF with the constant donkey laugh? Beyond annoying; that actress took it to an almost maniacal level. And yes, we know Britney has a nail biting habit but this chick looked like she had a full on finger-eating oral fixation. Restraint was obviously not part of her contract. The dudes were all extra creepy, as expected. Sam Lufti was on there being extra gross too, but where was her other skeevy paparazzo buddy from that era, Adnon or whatever?? I liked how the various "live" scenes were all obviously filmed on the exact same stage as the Britney actress lip-synced and limped her way through laughably choreographed scenes. Who even choreographed that mess? I've seen edgier performances on a cruise ship!
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