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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Yes!!! Fellow member of the grammar police force here who gets equally perturbed by those infractions. Add those annoying "_________ of" infractions to "they're/their/there" and "your/you're"....why do so many people get this wrong online?! Just mind-boggling to see....but it's all about making the grammatical corrections fun. Like way back in my single days of online dating, I had a dude pm me once "Your cute." I pm'ed back, "My cute what?" Needless to say, that dude quit pm'ing me. But comon now, who wants to date someone who can't write better than a third grader anyway?!
  2. backformore, your parents sound just like my mom! Right down to the moving pictures around on the wall to the displayed knick-knacks from others(did you also try to beg friends/family not to contribute to the endless collections?). You sure we're not secretly related here? ? I'll see your parents' wicker birdhouse collection<<shudder>> and raise you my mom's obelisk collection. Her living room boasts at least 35 of them on a shelf and a side table, and there are others sprinkled all around the house too. Plus the dreaded obelisk gifts from others. I never understood her affinity for those damned things, which my brother used to laugh at and refer to as "mom's penis towers." Obelisks are now ruined for me forever due to the ever-growing penis tower army at mom's.
  3. Marge, I am SO with you on the clutter stuff: I *loathe* clutter...probably because I grew up around it. My mom is a classic clutter-collector and her house is basically one huge display case of her various collections of tchotchkes and brick-a-brac. She's always been big on antiquing via thrift stores and garage sales, so her house is literally tables beside tables, lamps beside lamps, gallery walls, bowls beside bowls of random balls and more, fake flowers, plate collections, figurine collections, GAH!!! When I step into her house I just get anxious and almost claustrophobic...so much crap everywhere that I'd love to just toss out the window: it's no wonder that I now live in a minimalist loft with very little of that crap((aka "dust collectors")) around. And yep, fellow grocery shopping lover here too. Way back when I was unemployed for nearly a year, getting my weekly unemployment check and using it to carefully select groceries for the week somehow kept me sane and hopeful, so grocery stores are like my happy place...something about selecting food and necessities for the week feels so delightfully domestic and adult, yet oddly primal too. Added bonus if free samples are thrown in!
  4. Okay, Maharincess, your Darlene-flavored memories officially creeped me the Hell out---I'm both fascinated with and terrified by ghosts. Just the idea of unexplained spiritual beings floating all around us, touching stuff and messing with the living folks, it simply makes my skin crawl and my head swim with questions: Do they know they're dead? How long do they have to roam this earth before they finally move on to wherever dead souls go?? Do they have a choice to simply stick around in the ghost world or are they ever given the opportunity to go elsewhere??? From all the accounts I've read and seen, it seems like if someone ends up killed in a horrific accident/murder or a suicide, it's like they're doomed to become ghosts haunting the earth...hope I'm wrong...or maybe I don't? Maybe it's not so bad stuck being a confused ghost left on earth after all?? I had a creepy ghost encounter years ago while driving home from Washington DC((I wasn't really a believer until this event)). It was around 7am and I was driving past fields of Civil War battlegrounds. On the shoulder of the road as I passed by, I happened to see a skinny little tired-looking young man dressed in soldier gear leaning on his musket---I wondered if maybe the man was a reenactor in the area needing a ride and slowed down while checking my rear view mirror not even two seconds later, but then the man was completely gone, like he'd literally disappeared...this was a flat roadside area with nowhere for anyone on the shoulder to quickly run or hide to, so as the hairs on the back of my neck tingled in shock, I quickly realized that I'd just had my first ghost encounter and shook with fear all the way home. I still get that same anxious, terrified feeling just thinking back on that moment.
  5. bmasters9, that same thing happened to me this past weekend, yes! Went to a place for brunch that said they were open for brunch that day on ALL their web accounts. Nope, not open!! Needless to say, they will not be getting me or my friends' brunch business again, the lazy turds...very unprofessional and annoying.
  6. So I went to the post office today to mail a friend in Canada a package. Hadn't mailed a package internationally in years and forgot that I needed to fill out special customs forms. So these customs forms were not put out anywhere for customers to fill out while waiting in those long waiting lines, so rather inexplicably, I had to ASK the post office teller to physically hand over the customs form from behind her desk so I then had to spend another 5 minutes filling it out, then 5 more minutes to wait for the next customer to finish with that same teller after taking my previous spot due to my being told to step aside to fill out this long and detailed customs form. A form I could've already had all filled out and ready while waiting in that 15 minute line if the damned place actually had those damned forms out for customers to grab and fill out themselves! Never mind the fact that one has to make a detailed list of each item in the package on these forms, price/value included---my friend's birthday surprises inside be damned! 35 annoyingly pointless minutes later, my package was finally ready to get sent up to Canada: grrrr...USPS, this is why we hate you and are letting UPS and Fed-Ex gain your former glory. And another thing: why is it so damned difficult to find detailed weekly opening/closing hours online for so many businesses? I go to google a place these days and half the time I'm doing multiple frustrated searches just to find the damned hours listed anywhere---that's just ridiculous!!!
  7. So according to my neighborhood NextDoor boards today, lots of parents had the nerve to actually bring *their very own* candy bags with them while bringing their children around to trick-or-treat, like literally trick-or-treating with their own kids, basically acting like another kid simply along for the fun. Is this a thing now? Should we start blaming the millenials for yet another annoying new trend?? Just seems kinda tacky to me---at least be stealth about it like our parents were and just wait to steal some of your children's candy when they finally go to bed/school.
  8. Thank you! Those moderators there were AWFUL and almost seemed smug with power; I remember one of them actually gave me a "strike"((or was it a "warning"?)) because according to this mod, I "didn't space my post properly"((?!)) And they would lock up certain shows' posts for days over the dumbest little things. The moderators here are so much more professional, fair, and most importantly, sane. Plus, I just prefer the overall tone and vibe here---never going back either!!
  9. Here's an extra dollar from yours truly then! Yes, my husband and I were the SS versions of Joker and Harley. Yes, we knew there'd be excessive and likely much better-executed versions of this duo out there this year. Yes, I proudly cop to wearing the basic bitch outfit of the year---sometimes I embrace a random trip to the land of basic. In my weak defense, we had three party invites and since I wasn't about to bring myself to do any expensive/crowded last minute costume shop runs, I still wanted a couple costume that was fun, current, and easy to recreate: hence our rationale to simply don the eye-rollingly common costumes of the year. I've been told by a few kind folks that I already resembled Margot Robbie's Harley, so I figured it was a super fun excuse to paint my pigtails, grab a bat and rock a fab old punk jacket, don my skankiest fishnets/platform boots/hotpants and make chicks half my age nod in admiration: for a homemade but popular costume, we still looked damned cute and rocked it, and even placed in the neighborhood block party costume competition---I was especially proud of the hair/makeup job I did on my Joker, who also proudly embraced his youthful spirit. And then as the night wore on and we went downtown to gawk at other revelers, we had a blast laughing at all the pathetically half-assed/drunk/generic/fat versions of Harley Quinn((mad props especially to the drunk guy who kept shouting at me, "Miley Cyrus! Miley Cyrus! Show me yer tongue!!")). Our pics from Saturday night were a big hit on Facebook and the whole look probably ranks up there as among our fave Halloween outfits yet. So there's that. I'm gonna say that most of this year's slew of Harley Quinn's were either fans of the recent flick, comic-loving chicks, or gals like me who simply embrace "Slutoween" and just got desperate for a fabulously fun/easy-but-sexy costume. On another note: I love all these folks here who gladly admit to not liking children. I like them when they're well-behaved and raised to not act like complete assholes, but it gets harder to differentiate as the years go on. Halloween seems to bring out the asshole in many children, I've noticed. I remember handing out candy to trick-or-treaters as a teenager and being super annoyed with the kids who didn't even say "trick-or-treat" to me when I answered the door, just sat there staring in a daze like morons---so I was the asshole teen who would then tell them, "Excuse me, but no one here gets *any* candy until I hear you all say 'trick-or-treat' and 'thank you' after I decide to give you candy."
  10. YES!!! Hello, 2nd Biggest SPD celebration in the country: they'd be bigger morons than T-Rav and Kathryn to not capture that Savannah-style madness, so let's hope the production properly captures that city's annual celebration.
  11. I'm not thrilled that Kathryn's back, but more than likely she's been asked back because the new girl in the cast must be so boring that they need someone like Kathryn to stir up some real drama/action. Just the fact that the new girl has barely been mentioned and seems all but barely there in the cast snapshots on Instagram so far is reason enough for me to believe she's a dud already. As for SC Savannah? I cannot *wait* to finally see a prominent reality show display just how awesomely fun and fabulous that beautiful gem of a city it truly is---it's such a cooler, wackier, more hard-partying city than Charleston; a lot of locals there jokingly refer to it as "Charleston's Slutty/Naughty Little Sister". There's also a funny saying among Georgian folks: "If you go to Atlanta, the first question people ask you is, "What's your business?" In Macon they ask, "Where do you go to church?" But in Savannah the first question people ask you is "What would you like to drink?" My family has owned a rental home in the heart of Savannah's downtown historic district for most of my life, so we've known and seen quite a few local eccentrics around there, several of whom I'm hoping might even end up as part of the cast((or at least featured at a few parties/gatherings))---I'll be down there for the Christmas season and am hoping this show will be shooting around there then, but I'm willing to bet shooting won't even begin until the Spring, which is absolutely gorgeous in Savannah. Would love to see the Charleston cast finally film a weekend partying in Savannah since it's barely two hours away from them!
  12. Just read on two different sites that the cast is the same and that no one was fired, only Jules left, of course. Plus Tinsley, who may or may not be in the "friend of" category, I'm still not sure. Sounds good!
  13. So according to all the gossip sites on the upcoming season, fallen socialite extraordinaire Tinsley Mortimer is joining the cast: http://www.realmrhousewife.com/2016/10/25/rhony-new-cast-member-revealed/ If this is indeed true, I'm beyond thrilled!! I always was a fan of Tinsley's fame-whorey ways and how thirsty yet beloved she was back in the mid-to-late aught's---she was actually well-liked for her sweet Southern ways and her love of color and glitter and vampy glam style in NYC. She hung with the fabulosity fashion crowd a'la Kelly Bensimon and supposedly competed for gossip page/photo mentions with Olivia Palermo as OP's own society star rose((she's another one I sincerely wish would join this cast, especially since she was so delightfully bitchy on "The City")). When Tinsley got divorced and moved to Palm Beach her life sorta unraveled and she lost her Manhattan social rank, so joining this cast would actually be a wise move for her, especially since she was just on bazaar.com claiming she wants a "comeback" to the scene. She has the potential to be a weepy mess, so this might be the perfect addition to this cast!
  14. Pair the upspeak with vocal fry and I'm considering throat-punching that speaker---yet another annoying millennial habit that I see regularly pop up on these newer episodes.
  15. Bravo just posted the S3 preview((sorry, unable to post link: Google it!))---there's no more Annabelle((was that the name of the morose brunette/former McQueen "muse"?)), and Caroline's sister-in-law is now a full-time cast member. And I believe yet another generic blonde is being introduced as a "friend of" several cast members. Also, Caroline's Dubai move will be her big plot this season. Looks as lame yet London-centric and silly as usual, so of course I'll be watching.
  16. I remember going to a few jobs in my younger years and spending as much time as possible in the job site parking lot sitting in my car blaring my music and preparing myself mentally for a long day of soul-crushing professional torture. I'd literally be sick to my stomach as I sat there blaring the car stereo while preparing myself for 8 hours of sheer gloom and doom. On the flipside, I remember having several roommate situations that made sitting in the car enjoying music outside our house somewhat more bearable for sanity's sake.
  17. Wow, could she look anymore posed and unnatural? Yikes...I know she wants to show off her gams and her body is contorted to look extra "hot" in her mind, but she just looks so extra desperate and thirsty here that she's not even attractive, which is pretty much my summary of Ramona in general.
  18. I've worked with teenagers all over the Autism spectrum, and it really just varies on a case-by-case level. Some of them are very aware of being "different" and were raised by parents who let them know about their situations. Others either don't get it or refuse to understand it and live in their happy little bubbles---I think Kelly would definitely fall into the latter category and I'm willing to bet that she remains undiagnosed, especially given her age((autism wasn't as known or as studied back when she was younger in the 70's-early 80's)) and how quickly she was forced to grow up and go into modeling. From what I've learned over the years, there are *many* undiagnosed Aspergers cases who are usually in fields like IT, but Daryl Hannah is one of the rare cases of a mature female working in a creative field who was actually diagnosed with autism as an adult. People wrongfully thought of her as vapid or stupid or aloof too, when really, that was just symptomatic of her natural disorder---so maybe behind Kelly's seemingly inane babblings and repeated random phrases(("Al Sharpton!")) and her claims of living a happy jelly bean/gummy bear hippie life, it's just her natural makeup due to this disorder. It'd sure explain a lot of her odder behaviors.
  19. I think a while back some people were saying on various message boards that they believed Kelly might be on the autism spectrum, like high-level Aspergers that remains undiagnosed---given her tendency to not seemingly understand various social situations and subtleties, yet still be able to capably function and even thrive on her own in her upper echelon Manhattan social circles, I'm beginning to wonder that myself. Perhaps the reason she would blurt out seemingly bitchy/blunt retorts or flitter in and out of various parties and events without partaking of deeper conversations and emotional confrontations is for that very reason: people higher up on the spectrum often share these tendencies as well. Or maybe she really is just craycray a'la Kelly Dodd from RHoOC this season((who comes off like the mean drunk version of Kelly Bensimon)).
  20. Agreed---that was the one and only time I genuinely hated Sonja; I thought she acted like a fame-hungry bitch that day. Yes, Simon was obnoxious and being extra pushy, but he was also very passionate about the cause and at least wanted a moment to offer some supportive words; unfortunately Sonja was in full on caburlesque/"it's all about ME and performing for my gays" mode and selfishly refused to share her spotlight for even a few minutes. It just felt ununsually cruel and pompous, especially for an otherwise sweet, sensitive and gleefully campy HW like her otherwise. In her slightest defense though, maybe she was already drunk by then and was unable to sanely deal with rainbow-sequined Simon anymore. Speaking of unable to sanely deal, I saw Kelly Bensimon's new book at the library last week and couldn't help but check it out---I'm a sucker for sexy modern Manhattan chick-lit, and figured that much like RHoNYC, her first attempt at fiction would be a wacky dose of brain candy. I'm already halfway through it and am pleasantly surprised by how well the book is actually written! It's fast-paced and action-packed, with decent character-development and glam details. Some of it does sound halfway autobiographical((the lead character is a former teen model who met and quickly married a much older successful artist upon moving to NYC, she's friends with vapid socialites and fashionistas, one of which is hoping to be on a reality show, etc.))...the book mentions that it was written "with" another known author, whom I'm assuming is the actual ghost writer behind the entire book because it's wayyy too coherently and cleverly written to have come out of that bubblehead's babbling brain.
  21. Shep just Instagrammed a pic of him and T-Rav hanging out at a bar in Charlotte tonight. Now that we know Thomas is a Trump fan, let's hope he and Shep both grabbed their evacuation by the pussy.
  22. Thank you, Topanga: I do strongly believe that we're not here for a long time, but a good time! That said, I've indeed learned so much from visiting a few dispensaries around here in Denver, and yes, they offer pot in every form there, from liquid sports drinks/sodas/wine, to baked goods/snacks to hard candy/candy bars and straight blunts and buds. Cash only, no pics, no large groups---lotsa regulations. Facinating stuff and the legalization has actually been quite beneficial to the state economy. Believe me, I'm not into supporting the drug scene at all and have witnessed it ruin folks around me as well, but I don't think marijuana falls into the same category as coccaine, heroin, meth or even prescription drugs. It might get folks a bit loopy and lazy, but it sure doesn't have the adverse effects of those harder drugs, nor do I think it's the "gateway drug" that most people wrongfully fear. If anything, prescription drugs scare me more than anything. All those feel-good ads they show promoting various ones on TV really don't need to be plastered everywhere, especially when there's happy images and bouncy music played while the narrator gleefully announces all the side effects of those same drugs. No thanks!
  23. Not so much a peeve as a random observation: wish I could find the joy that others out there seem to in pot. Over the years I've smoked it, injested it, drank it and all, yet despite my ongoing experimentations, the only thing it *ever* seems to do for me is turn me into a braindead zombie. Maybe for some folks they like turning off their brains for a bit and just going into that gleeful haze, but after being on vacation in Denver for the past few days and revisiting my former curiosity with the green stuff, I've officially come to accept that it's just not the right vice for me. Guess I'll just stick to good ol' booze for kicks then. I will add that I think pot should in fact be legalized in all of America, and that cannabis, especially when used medicinally, offers far more pros than cons to the world.
  24. Now T-Rav's on Instagram endorsing Trump and trashing Hillary....I shouldn't be surprised by his political leanings, but it still makes my skin crawl seeing him so proudly defending someone like Trump---I guess he considers himself quite similar to Donald Trump, and he wouldn't be too far off that mark...
  25. That older couple with the glass-blowing business who moved from Rochester, NY to Asheville,NC last night? I was just in too much shock over the fact that the wife actually wore socks and sandals on national television to even concentrate. Have some self respect, lady!
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