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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Man, all I have to say is that this dude had better double-wrap his member every time he hooks up with Fertile Myrtle.
  2. I'll admit that I'm saddened that Patricia and Cooper are no longer close---I think they were far more entertaining together than this lifeless new coupling with Kathryn and her fake Birkin(and even a really good faux Birkin can cost upwards of $350-$3000). Of course, maybe this is indeed producer-driven and he was told to get closer to Kathryn for filming purposes, much like Jennifer. It is interesting that he seemed less than thrilled with Jennifer's constant presence in Kathryn's life too, go figure...maybe he doesn't want to compete for his filmed scenes with Kathryn? I'm still wondering if Cameron is genuinely unwilling to hang out with Kathryn or if she was told by producers to ice Kathryn out as well...in all fairness, she and Kathryn were never all that close to begin with, and they never seemed to spend time with each other outside of the show, even before and after her marriage. Plus, maybe she was indeed taking cues from Patricia and not willing to risk that relationship---she does seem quite close to Patricia both on and offscreen, so she probably didn't want to have Patricia ice her out the way she iced out Cooper after he began hanging with Kathryn. Landon is quite the uppity snob we always suspected her to be, isn't she? Such the stealth bitch!! She honestly seems threatened by other girls who don't "fit" into her own self-absorbed social hierarchy. If she didn't want to invite Kathryn, she should've just been honest with Shep and stood her ground---otherwise, honor the guest of honor and respect his guest list wishes. However, I do understand her aversion to Kathryn; Kathryn has been a catty bitch towards her since last season. If she really does ignore her in public as well, I can't say that I blame Landon for avoiding her when possible---and yes, for once she *did* make a statement that I agree with when she mentions how Kathryn is the black cloud that sucks all the positivity out of every room. I get that vibe from Kathryn every time she skulks into a party with that constant pout she wears. On the flipside I can't wait to see Landon's ridiculous girlish magazine dreams get dashed next week!! I can't help but like Shep...he may be goofy and seem vapid in all his frattish male slut glory, but I think he's a nice guy at the end of the day. That was decent of him to at least smooth things over with Kathryn, even if it was producer-driven. And I'm with him on the birthday party thing---that stupid-looking party wasn't for him at all, but just another pathetic half-assed Landon whim. I forget how tiny a town Charleston really is and that it's highly likely that they indeed don't have a nearby skate place/billiards joint that offers booze. Whitney appears to have stepped out of the main fray so far this season and has been content to be a bit-player in the onscreen stories, mainly just hamming it up with his mom and making his usual random comments on the sidelines. It'll be nice to see his bitchy self get back to the main stage and squick everyone out again. I do find his comments and talking-heads oddly amusing. I'm baffled by his current living situation though; he's apparently just renting out another random place downtown. RIP, "Stabbin Cabin" with the Home Depot furniture!! Kathryn's new cottage is very cute, actually. Glad she's content there, even though she was already nit-picking about how it wasn't big enough compared to Thomas's house((as he whined that HE needed a bigger house, oh both of you can just shut up already!)). Not much Thomas, but I was okay with it; so long as he brings the real estate porn, I'm okay with more brief onscreen appearances out of him. Oh Craig...much as I like JD, I think he's going to break Craig's heart and put him back down into his self-imposed lowly place next week. Craig's just everybody's favorite punching bag. Okay, one more time I actually agreed with Landon: Bailey's painting of Shep was truly awful. But I'm sure it would fit in just fine hanging on the wall of Shep's divebar.
  3. I'm thinking if it IS an engagement ring and not just thirsty posturing with her own ring placed there just for gossip's sake, its someone else, especially since she just posted this shot on her IG: https://instagram.com/p/BE6YKYBhnzN/
  4. I'm so perplexed by GG's condo situation---it's obviously the same one she's lived in the past several seasons, and it seems spacious and nice, but would it kill the gal to maybe add a few decorations and some interior design that would make it look a bit more homey and a bit less like a sad hotel room? No wonder the girl is so depressed if she's often stuck at home in pain in that grim and personality-devoid condo. I know not everyone is into interior design and all, but sheesh, just a few paintings and elegant personalized items spread around there would at least put a nice personal touch on that sad place...for chrissakes, your home is being filmed for national television audiences, so why not jazz it up a bit? Even the sad apartments of the "Vanderpump Rules" gang have more going on in them than her condo! Also, I usually find Asa's mom sweetly goofy, but she was beyond extra annoying on that beach photoshoot. Tone it down a few notches, lady.
  5. Amen to all of this!! I hate the way Cameron's ambivalence over becoming a mother is being pushed so hardcore on this show. I sincerely hope for the sake of her older husband that they both talked very openly and honestly about parenting and that she didn't promise him motherhood just to ensure a marriage. I've seen way too many marriages implode because one spouse wasn't 100% sure or honest with the other spouse about his/her feelings on potentially having children. As a proudly ChildFree Southern wife though, I do find the attitudes down here to be so archaic in that respect; the deeper South you get, the harder the pro-natal agenda is pushed. I think Cameron should chill out and just enjoy a ChildFree, low-stress marriage if her husband is equally cool with that. Something seems so off with the way Landon seems so smitten with Thomas suddenly and is now seemingly ready to become some pampered rich housewife pursuing rich lady vanity gigs. That's totally against her whole storyline last season of being the proud new divorcee living on her own on a boat and enjoying her newfound independence. I thought she was so unhappy in her first marriage because she was married to a rich guy who was never around enough and she was always alone? Sounds to me like he slept around on her or maybe he was just over her and ditched her and she's using the whole "abandoned/bored rich housewife who needed more attention" story as an easy excuse to save face.
  6. Kathryn has been flashing a ring on *that* finger on her past few Instagram pics---talk about desperate. She is truly the definition of "thirsty."
  7. Thanks for all the kind words, folks. It's nice to know others have dealt with similar tough "conscious uncoupling" with former friends! And I sure didn't mean to drag out any tired "men are from Mars, women are from Venus"-style stereotypes. It's indeed true that while men can be typically easier to hang with socially, women are often there for friends on a deeper, more emotional level. I do love having girltime and have a few longtime girlfriends spread all around the country that I wouldn't trade for the world. Shoot, I went to an all girls private high school, which turned out to be a wonderful and character-building 4 years! But I've also been accused of being like a dude because I often choose to keep my deeper feelings to myself and prefer to keep things light among friends. I'm not overly emotional or weepy and I don't like to hold grudges, preferring to simply deal with any BS and then move on. But on the flipside, my easygoing, positive nature tends to lend itself well with dominant, type-A female figures...so inevitably, I end up checking out after a while of dealing with such dramatics. Hence the reason I had to break up with this former supposed best friend, after over ten years of what I thought were good times...friends don't call friends "fake" just because they have the adult courtesy to not call you on your cunty behavior, and they sure don't shame you for not fawning over them.
  8. I do begrudgingly like Reza too, despite how selfish and ridiculous he often is...he's pretty much the only reason I keep watching this mess, since he's the OTT glue that holds this messy gang together. He is so silly and theatrical that you can't help but enjoy his ongoing quips and hijinks, but he's definitely got a bitchy streak too.I think what makes GG's drinking binges so much worse than the others' is the fact that she takes it to such a self-destructive level, even more so than everyone else in this hard-partying cast. This has been steadily getting worse with her every season, and I think now that she's getting older and feeling more pain in more areas of her life, she's having to come to terms with the sad fact that she can't handle the excessive booze anymore. She always used to get violent/aggressive with her drinking binges, but I think she didn't party nearly as frequently and as hard as she does now---and now it's gone from something fun and recreational to her to almost a daily necessity, if her anger over the booze-free dinner with MJ was any indication. Maybe she just sees the clock ticking for her((no real job, no relationship, no hope of marriage/motherhood anytime soon)) and realizes finally that she needs to curb it already, but she's already too addicted to the hooch and self-medicating to dare curb her urges. And what was fun and silly in your 20's can get dangerous and pretty pathetic as you hit your mid-30's, after all.
  9. I had to break up with a longtime friend several weeks ago. I hated to do it and my door is still open ajar for her if she truly wants to re-enter my life, but I'm just too old and over her mind games anymore to allow her to constantly friend shame me. Which brings me to my pet-peeve: friends((mostly female)) who expect you to read their minds and know *exactly* what they need from you on their schedule. I no longer have the time or patience to play guessing games: You want me to visit and spend time with you? Ask me! Name a time/place and let's do it!! But if I've offered countless invites and texts from my end and they go unanswered, pardon me if I quit trying after a while. You get annoyed when I hang out with other friends instead of you? Join us! You're always welcome and are never excluded!! But I'm not going to chase you down if you regularly don't show up for past invites or if you don't even bother to respond to prior texts/invites. You don't think I call/text you enough? You think I hang with my husband too much instead of my girlfriends?? The phone works both ways: how about actually extending an invite to ME for once, instead of forcing me to constantly be on hostess duty? Better yet, quit being such a difficult drama queen and I might actually make a point to hang out with you and your equally picky mutual girlfriends! Pardon me if I love how mellow and easygoing my husband is and how we don't bicker over petty bullshit!! Whew....Sorry, felt good to get that out... Guess I'm feeling less and less like the supposed "girls' girl" the Real Housewives are always mentioning for these reasons: women, especially older ones, can be so damned difficult. Probably also makes a difference that I don't have children, so I don't relate to many of the women in my local social circles. I appreciate the simplicity of typical men as I get older---no drama or games, no cheese to match the wine, just beer, wings, uncomplicated conversation and an easygoing good time.
  10. No, I see the similarity too, hahah!!!And I don't get what "beauty" everyone else on these boards seem to see in MJ, because all I see is a lumpy, dumpy mess in too-tight clothes and trashy make-up---not to mention how she acts stoned most of the time, like she's deadened all her senses on pain meds. Not that I'd blame her for being heavily medicated since she has that godawful excuse of a mother to deal with regularly. I do think she'd look a trillion times lovelier if she classed up her wardrobe and lost a good 20 pounds, both from her body and from her usual hair/makeup(trimming that long mop of hers up would also update and lighten her look)---a makeunder would seriously do wonders for her.
  11. For starters, every housewife so far that's met up with her for dinner/lunch has noticed that she hasn't yet ordered her own food and that she nibbles off her husband's plate and/or mostly plays with her food rather than actually eating it(classic sign of disordered eating). Then there was the freak out over mistakenly eating a bit of fried shrimp, followed by spitting it out and giving her hands an ice bath---yes, she claimed it was religious-based fear, but it was just weird and over the top. And that's just the past several episodes...I'm sure we'll see a few more little examples of food issues as the show goes on this season. I do feel bad for the way the other small skinny girls are snarking about her size so far---she's likely the same size or similar to them, it just looks worse since she's much taller and lankier. If you stretched Carole and Bethenny up to her height they'd likely all look just the same.
  12. I'll be the first to admit that I LOVED Gretchen during her first several seasons---I thought she was so gorgeous back then, and she brought such a bubbly and fab presence to a cast that desperately needed a younger and more fun "Housewife" to shake things up. Even though I did find her inexplicably vague relationship with that dying older dude a bit suspect, I still rooted for her and hated the way the other Housewives((mainly Tamrah and Vikki)) picked on her and how easily she ruffled their feathers. And I'll always be disgusted over how determined Tamrah was to embarrass/humiliate Gretchen during the infamous "Naked Wasted" dinner party episode((although to her credit, Gretchen was hilarious in her drunken behavior and was somehow able to keep herself composed before/after that mess)). It's still probably one of my fave guilty pleasure episodes from RH of OC: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ninIwtmdwbo But like everyone else, I was so grossed out by her hooking up with Slade Slimey...he definitely downgraded her status on the show, and that was the beginning of the end for her. She was so much more fun when she wasn't exclusive and partied it up with other men and when she simply hung out alone with the other ladies, but the minute she laid down with that dog, she totally caught all his nasty fleas and became insufferable. Those two are just gross together, with their weird side hustle and awkward romantic moments and their mysterious sources of income...just knowing his deadbeat dad status and his toolish fame-whore tendencies only ups the gross factor. I hope she's happy with the guy though, because she definitely sacrificed her slot on the show and her likability factor just to hook up with him.
  13. And based on what I've seen of her appearances on TV/social media, she definitely has a taste for pricy designer purses. Thomas already seems well aware of this based on his asking her at Craig's party, "Is that a new bag?"((followed by her quickly snatching it away from his sight, almost guiltily as she snapped "No!"))If you can afford purses that are in the $1000 and above price range, you can afford to keep your electricity on. But of course, this princess claims she shops at Target...whatever.
  14. This is definitely the first time we've seen various cast members show up on WWHL on a regular basis, which is pretty damned refreshing. I'm just waiting for yet another sloppy T-Rav appearance---he's always drunk and goofy on there, which makes for unintentionally hilarious television. Also THANK YOU for sharing that pic, *methodwriter85*....I totally understand the hype on that dude now!!
  15. I'm 39, so I guess I'm old to most millennials. But damned if I can't help but feel that a young woman intentionally sounding like she's smoked a pack of cigars daily makes me stabby. Get off my lawn, vocal fry.
  16. Lord, I feel your pain---I'm an unwillingly vocal fry-focused listener too, and I immediately cringe the minute I hear that scratchy stupidity hit my ears. But then again, I'm a high school teacher, so I get to hear all the ridiculous slang/upspeak/vocal fry on a frightening daily basis; it's like this generation's own lame spin on the Valley Girl epidemic of the 80's. Upspeak seems to have dwindled a bit, but it's nowhere near as widespread still as vocal fry. The thing that irks me is when I hear fellow teachers vocal frying it up in staff meetings---lots of teachers on my faculty here are white gals under 30, and I literally want to throat punch them when they start croaking out that unprofessional mess. I'm blaming the Kardashians, Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, since they really brought the intentional vocal fry on out into the national spotlight, trying to seem so sexy and world-weary. Now we get to hear idiot scratchy-voiced young women on commercials croaking themselves silly. Ugh...please stop already---you don't sound cute or sexy, you sound like a dumbass.
  17. Okay, that reminds me: what is UP with the dumbasses who choose to ride their bikes on busy sidewalks nowadays? I live in a fairly touristy downtown area, and I can't tell you how many times I've seen idiot tourists who have rented those public bikes parked everywhere at B-stations, ringing their bike bells at people walking on the sidewalks to move for them! I lost it on the last moron who did that to me. I was caught in a sidewalk throng on a busy day, and this asshole starts ringing his bell at me. I finally turned around and yelled, "In case you haven't noticed, this is a sidewalk full of people WALKING; and it's *illegal* in this state to ride your bikes on the sidewalk!!" This idiot man had the nerve to say back, "No it's not." Me: "Yes it is!" Idiot: "No it's not." Me: ((muttering under my breath)) "Oh just fuck off already." Isn't it illegal to ride bikes on sidewalks in most areas? I was always taught that...why isn't this actually practiced and enforced more then??
  18. Her priorities are all out of whack though. And I certainly don't blame it on her age or her hormones---she's made scenes and stormed out of parties/events in a huff from the first episode or two she appeared on this show. Yes, Thomas may be just as much of a partier/boozer as she is, but he also doesn't conduct himself like that in public and he doesn't have "primary custody" of Kensington((as Kathryn repeatedly reminds everyone when she's mad as a wet hen)). He's tried to at least see Kensie more, but Kathryn is obviously the type who only wants visitation on HER terms and will selfishly deny him time with his daughter if it doesn't agree with HER. I certainly do hope Thomas has gone to bat finally and gotten a court order for more visitation/joint custody of those poor babies---this seems like such a hopeless situation, especially since KiKi is such a loose cannon who really just wants the good life and a good time for herself.
  19. So much poop. So much pretension. So much stupidity. So much for seeing so many more cool hats than these broads.' Believe it or not, I kinda dug Brandi's shitty bonnet. Hey, it was creative, it was daring and her dress and accessories matched it nicely. She decided to go for the jugular and have some potty humor fun with her theme---I sure liked it better than that try-hard Crystal Carrington crap Leeanne was sporting with her extra 40 pounds of pearls and blush. Leeanne is definitely a social-climbing psycho, that's for sure. She really takes herself and this Dallas society bullshit beyond seriously. Wish she'd remove that string of pearls from her ass already and chill out. Although the fake poop on the chair trick was so middle school...normally I have the humor of a tween boy, but even I rolled my eyes over that lame gag---and then I rolled them even harder after Leeanne tattled on Brandi's fake poop gag to another "well-connected" socialite. Because of all the horrors, the very thought of being crossed off an invite list to yet another hoity-toity Dallas social event, GASP! Whatever else IS there in life?! What, why don't *you* party with a purpose like Leeanne?!! Lord...stick a fork into this poopy mess already: it's so done. Edited to add: I did have a soft spot for Brandi and her hat because I did the same thing at a local Southern big hat charity event a few years back. I found the most hilariously obnoxious big church hat I could find for $20 off eBay, tossed a bunch of feathers and matching flowers all over it to match my dress, and strutted around at that event like a human peacock, proudly displaying my homemade masterpiece as all the other society matrons gasped at me while wearing their own overpriced prissy church hats. But guess who ended up starring in all the local social mags' spreads and ended up with the prize-winning hat? That's right, my goofy ass! So fist bumps to other gals who don't overthink their charity day ensembles and just have fun...for a PURPOSE!!
  20. Kathryn, THIS is why no one of any higher caliber wants to be around you or invite you to nice parties: you're a completely self-absorbed, spoiled, childish, selfish psycho hosebeast. And you need to close your legs to older men. Thomas is just as self-absorbed and spoiled, but at least the dude has an ounce of breeding and knows how to properly interact with other well-mannered adults. I did have to snort to myself when he basically said in so many words something to the effect that Kathryn conducts herself in public like common trash. Yes, T-Rav, it really is all about her: drama, drama, drama....and yet, you allowed her to breed with you twice!! Stupid, stupid, stupid.... Good for JD and Elizabeth---definitely the classiest couple on this show and they tried their best to try to make the best of the awkward situation and make Kathryn feel welcome in all her bitchy glory. Can't wait to see her sad sycophant Jennifer get tossed from Patricia's party next week. And kudos to Patricia for politely sticking to her guns and telling Thomas to shove it with his pathetic pleads for an invite extension to Kathryn to her party! Damned straight she needs to stay home and be a mom, not worry about partying with T-Rav...I thought she didn't like "those people" anymore anyway?? Also, that big fancy candle Thomas gave Patricia is worth at least $250---French-made by Dyptique, so I was quite envious of her gift...must be nice to throw around money for upscale offerings to acquaintances so casually. Thomas has grown serious "dad bod" since his first season on this show---I remember first thinking he had a great, fit physique back then for his age...not so much after that topless post-polo game performance tonight. Shep in real estate? I could actually see him doing quite well in real estate, possibly even better than Cameron---he's got that well-bred good ol' boy charm that most successful Southern male realtors display. Craig, just slow down a bit, buddy...he seems wayyyy too much in a hurry to prove himself as "new Craig" to these folks. Landon, you have the professional aspirations of a pre-teen. Grow up and get a regular gig so you can save up for those big silly dreams---obviously she's a Daddy's Girl---she grew up thinking every man could just treat her like dad and give her money, which likely explains her young marriage to a rich guy who apparently didn't treat her as well as Daddy.
  21. Maybe they've had it redecorated since then, because the living room area is totally different from the living room last season??
  22. Thank you!! I seriously don't get all the Whitney hate. Sure, he's a pretentious, self-absorbed snob with a creepy asexual vibe, but at least he's good for some witty talking heads and intelligently well-put comments. Plus, I think his snarky chats with his mom are so delightfully wicked and sinister, I seriously live for their educated judgements and witty banter---they both are like the villains you love to hate on this show. And who really cares if he's a judgemental snoot and she's a hypocritical drunk? They're great TV and they both torment Kuckoo KiKi with their mere presence((the way Whitney referred to her in S1 as "a bit of a pill" still makes me snicker)). I think it's hilarious watching Kathryn even attempt to match wits with Whitney just before she devolves into a blubbering mess. He calls it like he sees it!
  23. It's definitely a different house than last season---her current kitchen and living room were completely opposite last season. I dunno if they were renting before and finally bought a place, or maybe she and her husband could finally afford a fancier home with both their combined incomes, I have no idea. Whatever it is, it's quite elegant and tastefully decorated, more so than I would've expected for the self-proclaimed "simple country girl."
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