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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Her whole relationship with Tom makes me kinda sad ---she's so desperate to prove that she's truly met her "soulmate" and that he's her knight in shining armor. Never mind that he's a boozy cad with a sketchy career who's known to boink any moneyed Manhattan woman over the age of 30 that'll have him. She's obviously the kind of woman who can't live without a man in her life. It was interesting to witness just how insecure and lost she seemed back when she was single on the show for a hot minute; then she met Tom and acted like the cat who caught the canary, back to her confident, "cool" self, smugly cackling over yachts and penthouse suites. I just don't see this union lasting, but I hope I'm wrong; as self-absorbed and elitist as she can often be, I still have a soft spot for Lu and wish her well. She's a fun broad who likes to party hard((that's the pirate-loving Countess that I prefer to see!)), and I can't hate on that. Plus, I live for her battles with Bethenny---she ain't afraid to go toe-to-toe with her, which is always fascinating to watch.
  2. Hell, sounds like a plum gig to me! 30 bucks an hour to help Lisa Vanderpump pick out paint colors, buy doggie treats/clothes, pick up sangria bottles, tend to her every fabulous whim? Sign me up for that job, please!!
  3. How damned entertaining was that couple of rich Alabama fellas searching for their Palm Springs dream home? Can we just start making sure we get at least one rich gay male couple on this show every other day?? Because between the charming banter and fantabulous real estate porn, I could watch HH shows like these for endless binges. Loved the house they ended up choosing, although every single property they toured was pretty damned spectacular. I can only imagine how awesome the parties are that those two throw, because they were a hoot.
  4. Poor Sandoval. He really is pretty delusional about his chances of "making a name" for himself still. And his thirst is indeed real. When you think aligning yourself with creepy Papa Joe Simpson is a bigtime professional opportunity, you've pretty much resigned yourself to eternal Z Listdom. And/or eternal ridicule, which that awkward cameo in Peter's movie definitely deserves. Bless Jax's heart, I felt all his bored and uncomfortable pain at that church service: I'm a recovering childhood Catholic too. Nothing much worse than getting organized religion crammed down your throat when you've long since given up on church services. I just don't see much genuine love or sparks coming from him and Brittany, just resigned formality and boredom. Pandora's home is pretty damned adorable and her luncheon was such a lovely and elegant contrast to the stupid Coachella-themed Taco Bell party that Stassi and Kristen slapped together. And real estate porn/rich lifestyle aside, I dunno if someone as vain as Stassi could handle having the Vanderpumps as parents...let's just say Pandy didn't exactly inherit much of her mom's natural visual appeal. Speaking of Stassi, I don't find her kid brother remotely cute, just an annoying know-it-all who acts like one of those bratty commercial kid actors. Her whole family is just way too damned extra onscreen for me.
  5. Oh yes, you NEVER show up at a party empty-handed, potluck or not! Host/hostess gifts are always an expected common courtesy as a guest: a nice bottle of wine, or gourmet candy/treats, a candle, napkins, etc....I love bringing something fun to the hosts. I just hate being made to feel like I'm part of the catering staff, shlepping in a dish of food/bottle of wine to someone else's party. Lord Donia, I'm so there with you on the awful forced merriment of office pot-luck parties---sounds like you've been to a few of mine, complete with the excessive dessert offerings, plastic silverware and general feelings of inadequacy. This past year my boss threw the annual staff pot-luck Christmas party. Never mind that this rich woman lives in a huge McMansion in a nice part of town with her much richer husband: we all still had to bring dishes AND it was BYOB. Never mind that we don't even get any annual Christmas bonuses or gifts. Needless to say, I magically developed a mystery illness that prevented me from attending that fabulous affair.
  6. I'm usually the one who ends up bringing the store-bought food items to pot-lucks because I can't cook whatsoever. Bringing something "homemade" for me is maybe a pre-bagged salad with included dressing/toppings that I simply pour into a bowl and mix together. Otherwise, I'm usually that person who either drags in a bucket of KFC, a lovely Whole Food Pizza or store-bought cake/cookies; and in my experience, that bucket of chicken is almost always a big hit!! Which brings me to a similar pet-peeve: I HATE pot-luck's. Sorry to hurt any feelings here, but I think they almost *always* end up making the hosts look cheap and lazy. Yes, I know many younger folks have to host parties that way due to expenses, but I'm fairly old-fashioned when it comes to my own party hosting: if I'm hosting you in my home, I plan on feeding you and quenching your thirst well with food/drinks we've chosen that will please our guests. My husband and I gladly save up to host our parties with a nice spread for everyone and we have an amazing time every time. Yes it can get expensive, but why even bother having a big party if you can't really afford it? Not gonna lie, but I shudder when I get a party invite that says something to the effect of "Bring a covered dish." And the worst offenders are those folks who even go so far as to say, "Bring a covered dish AND BYOB." Oh hell no---you mean as a host the only thing you're providing to your guests is you and your house?! Nope, maybe save up for a decent party budget before your next event, because my invite will be going into the trash where in belongs. That sounds a bit snooty, but if I'm gonna enjoy my own food and booze I might as well just stay home, not gussy up and drag myself across town just to see folks I normally host in my own home.
  7. Thank you, DJ Muppetbaby, that was every bit as awkwardly amusing as expected. David Silver, your rebuttal?
  8. I'm actually very glad that the Nashville couple didn't choose the third house---not to be a total real estate snob, but it's located in a very sketchy, lower-class neighborhood((not even a gentrified one, just one that sorta has a bad reputation all around)). They wouldn't want their kid going to any of the nearby schools there and the area has a long way to go before it starts redeeming itself; let's just say that we Nashville natives all know that the Antioch area is probably one of the least desirable neighborhoods in the greater Metro area here. Woodbine is much closer to town/better neighborhoods and has more of a trendy buzz about it. Hope they enjoy their yard, because their dog didn't seem to mind it one bit!
  9. No lie: I burst out laughing when DJ James started in on his darling little rap number at his big gig. It was just so delightfully awful in that 1990's David Silver from "Beverly Hills 90210" sort of way---fascinatingly embarrassing and hilarious all at once: Now if only he'd thrown in a cover of "Be My Love", it'd have been perfection.
  10. I somewhat cosign the debate about parenthood being a very selfishly-driven desire---do most people really have children for noble purposes like making the world a better place, aiding with population growth and to assist their family as a whole? Of course not. Most people want children strictly for admittedly selfish reasons: to carry on their genes/family name, to satisfy expected marital roles, to enjoy tax benefits/financial assistance, companionship and personal satisfaction, etc. Never mind that this earth is already insanely overpopulated and how much pollution just one extra human being contributes to the world as a whole: you've wanted to be a parent all your life because your biological programming has force-fed you into having that instinctual need to breed, so there! ((And thank god for that, because I and many other likeminded humans have apparently been born without that breeder mentality.)) I just wish more parents would own up to the fact that YES, having children is every bit as selfish a choice as those of us refusing to have children. And it's okay to admit it! As a proudly ChildFree woman, I'm always going on the record with saying that I'm way too selfish to give up my body/time/money to raise another human being. It's just annoying being told that parents couldn't possibly be equally as selfish as us non-parents---we all have our own selfish reasons for our own personal life choices and I'm tired of some parents acting like they're somehow better and more purposeful adults than the rest of us non-parents just because they chose to create a kid or a brood. Good for you parents, no judgement from me, but let's be honest: your choice to breed was just as selfishly realized as my choice to not breed. And I figure after 15 years of me being a teacher who has served thousands of students from all walks of life, my overall energy is far less selfishly utilized in this way than if I had halted my career strictly to focus on my own offspring.
  11. Damn....that's a whole lot of bitchface in just one photo. I'm always baffled how some women can actually frown that hard when they think no one is looking. It's like their faces are frozen in that position; now I completely understand the term "resting bitchface" and am so not surprised Tinsley & Bethenny have it, given their troubled pasts.
  12. FINALLY, a true Manhattan episode, and with typical New York-style real estate sharks and a cute rich gay couple to boot---seriously, these rare NYC HH episodes make me desperately miss the all-too-short-lived HGTV show "Selling New York". Why did that show have to go off the air? God I miss it. I loved *all* the properties despite the usual Manhattan((so much money for so little space)) sticker-shock. I was actually surprised "Alphabet City" had gotten so high and desirable suddenly; wasn't it not too long ago fairly unsafe and considered farther away then some parts of Brooklyn even? I adored what the guys chose and how they decorated their space. Must be so damned nice to own a posh, comfy little NYC crash pad and be so stylishly bicoastal....I'm willing to bet that the cute front deck along with the under 1m price is what sold them on that place.
  13. Backseat drivers are the worst!!! And though I love him to death otherwise, my husband is the biggest backseat driver I've ever met, so it's always been a stressful experience whenever I'm giving him a ride. Because I'm a bit of a fast driver, you can imagine how well our longer drives go; we're pretty much biting each other's heads off by the end of these excursions. In my defense, he's the type of person who even tells cabs and Lyft/Uber drivers where to go and how to drive. One day it got so bad that I stopped the car at a roadside gas station and told him to get out---he got out and grabbed a soda in shock, I circled the block and cooled off and picked him up in 5 minutes. He's been *much* better ever since then, and now we like to laugh to friends about how I've kicked people out of my car for being annoying backseat drivers, so watch out. ;)
  14. According to several cast members' social media accounts, sometime this Spring!
  15. I saw both those deleted IG pics---what is wrong with him?! It's almost like he enjoys the negative attention. I just can't believe the guy gets so stupidly drunk that he somehow composes these long screeds beneath his pics he uploads and then wakes up the next day feeling embarrassed over them to the point of quick morning-after deletion. He has to like the negative attention on some level, because he got ripped a new asshole in the comments on that post he made all about Kathryn. I don't even like the gal and think she's nuts as well, but I don't think it's fair or proper to publicly disparage the mother of your children either, no matter what. Like Trump, someone seriously needs to take away his social media privileges for his own good and that of his poor children.
  16. Amen to all this, but especially Arianna totally shitting right on Stassi's face and telling her how useless she truly is---couldn't have happened to a more deserving cast member! It's beyond creepy how obsessively she and Kristen meddle into other cast members' business and insert themselves into their lives. I know they have to just to remain relevant and part of the cast, but still, it just reeks of pathetic desperation, like the once cool Senior who graduated from high school a few years ago yet still hangs out around the high school and its students... I remember that Sandoval and Stassi were never all that cool with each other anyway, so it makes sense that he and Adrianna are over her ongoing theatrics. Can't imagine how *any* female((or male, heyo!)) would consider Jax to be marriage material. And Brittany's mom was just being super annoying with the way she kept pushing the issue. Plus, as a native Southern gal, I got really annoyed with the stereotypical "Southern girls are like this..." talk from the guys((no, we don't all want to marry and start having babies by age 20)) and Brittany's mom doing the tired old "Come to MY church and you'll like it!"((no, church services are ALL the same when forcing a non-religious person to attend a church service)) after asking about Jax's church going. Obviously the guy isn't too religious and isn't ready to settle down and start a family, so leave him alone already before you scare him any further!! LaLa still sucks, of course; self-absorption and selfish narcissism to the core with that one.
  17. Seriously, Katie fights really dirty. Like Kelly Dobbs from RHofOC dirty. I had no idea what a massive bitch she truly is until this season, and using the old "bridezilla" excuse isn't working for me. She really should've gone with Kristen to a few of those necessary therapist visits; at least Kristen realized how unhinged she was coming off as onscreen and decided to do something about it. If Katie got some anger management therapy it would work wonders for her and her marriage with Schwartz. Cruelly putting down her fiancé's penis on national television is unforgivable in my book. Heaven help him if he'd shouted out a reply about the state of her vagina, but he seems like too decent of a dude to dare throw back what she tosses at him.
  18. For a while someone had uploaded very condensed versions of GG on YouTube, FYI---dunno if those are still up or not, but they were good for a nice fix when I watched them on there a few months ago.((YouTube also had these same condensed-style episodes up of "Southern Charm", "The City", "Miss Advised", "Courtney Loves Dallas", etc...)) So Stassi and Kyle were just on her Snapchat sporting similar turtlenecks and mentioning Steve Jobs, so at least there's no hard feelings there. But I'm assuming that Stassi really needs to up her flirting/dating skills lately because she's coming off as way too intense and hard-edged for any man to dare ask her out and crack that shell. I just wanna tell the gal to just relax and get over herself already: have fun and date a few duds! Extra practice is good if you're supposedly throwing yourself back into the dating game.
  19. You folks mentioning your mutual love of "Gallery Girls" here are giving me LIFE! It really had a similar snarky vibe as "Vanderpump Rules," the girls were all as oddly charismatic in their vague unlikability factor as the VR cast, and it was a window into such a creative and interesting world that still has barely been touched upon in television. Last I heard, Chantal bleached her hair blonde and is now living in LA, so it'd be a hoot to imagine her somehow ending up at SUR, sipping French press coffee and rolling her eyes at the chucklefucks.((the GG theme song is "Classic Girl" by Diedre & The Dark, available on iTunes, btw ivygirl!)) I forgot that Scheana has her fake teeth up front and therefore needs her precious straw, likely just to make sure they don't get stained to the point of not matching her other teeth. Her severe narcissism, lack of polish and picky Debbie Downer nature just severely depresses me---hopefully she's more fun when she's drunk. I'm sure she and Tequila Katie have had more than a few drunken words...
  20. Agreed!!! I find it so insulting and so ridiculous on a myriad of levels that the US is so over-protective about our precious booze laws, especially when 18 is the age when people can choose to fight for our country. A man at 18 can use his gun to shoot folks but can't even buy himself a beer?! Meanwhile, kids in Europe and other countries don't go nuts after they hit 18 because booze is treated like some forbidden fruit desperately hidden from them: they've been taught from an early age that a little wine with a meal and a beer is okay within reasonable limits. No idea how or why they changed the drinking laws in this country, but I think it was an awful idea. Those years when I was 19-20 and just wanted to sip a beer with my parents at a restaurant were especially annoying.
  21. Speaking of the pet-peeve a page back about addressing someone as "Doctor" when necessary, it reminded me of how annoyed I get about the "Ms. versus Mrs." and last names debate many of my fellow females endure. My pet peeve has always been the tradition of Western women feeling forced into changing their last names when they get married. I've always felt like it's a wife's choice and very archaic to automatically expect a woman to change her last name once she marries a man, unless children are involved((no kid should ever be saddled with two last names just because his/her parents were being "progressive")). Not to mention there's all the paperwork and time/money/effort necessary to change that last name, from ID's to banking accounts and credit cards....what a hassle!! I let my husband know early on that I was keeping my name and he was totally cool with that. I got married at 34, wasn't planning on having children and I love my last name, so why would I change it? Cue the endless questions from family/friends why I didn't change my last name. Cue the endless mail and invites addressed either under us both with his last name or my last name. Cue Facebook friends/former classmates messaging me while mistakenly assuming I'm still single just because I don't have a bajillion extra last names on my profile and not all my profile pics are couple shots with my husband. If I dare add a Mrs. to my own last name just to enjoy a wifely status, then I get questioned about why I'm using it period....I even had some bitchy acquaintance claim I was "disrespecting my husband" by not "claiming his family name". Its just odd to me that's it's still formally expected that women should change their last names in marriage. Lots of other cultures don't expect this of wives, not even the Latin culture. Maybe I'd take such a tradition more seriously if men were willing to change *their* names after marriage. Why must it always be the female who changes her name just because "that's the way it's always been done"? Who says?!((never mind: probably a man))
  22. That's what amazes and amuses me the most about this cast: their shameless pride in a complete lack of knowledge of general vocabulary, social terms and personality types. No idea what WASP means, utter confusion over the term "misogynist", befuddlement over clam bakes and charcuterie...no wonder Ariana considers herself such a genius intellectual after hanging out with these mouth breathers for so long...
  23. Yikes, I take back what I said earlier about giving this show a chance---I could barely last through 15 minutes of "Summer House". Talk about yet another random cast of thirsty fameho's thrown together to desperately grasp for relevance. Total wannabe WASP's with vague "stressful" careers trying to convince the world they're special and unique enough to watch for nearly an hour weekly. Please, that's what watching the cast of VR is for, only without the WASPy pretension, so don't steal their lovably crass, dim-witted thunder! And as for Kyle, as pathetically amusing as his drunken attempts to flirt with Stassi truly were, he actually makes that warthog Jax seem likable in comparison. I'd seriously rather watch sweaty Jax farting in his castmates' faces repeatedly than watch weasley Kyle do his drunken tai-chi, no joke.
  24. I'm always willing to give these desperate new series a few looks,((although these ski lodge shows with charmless fameho's that they keep tossing at us are **all** such flaming turds)) since my reality television bar is apparently set fairly low. Like I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed short-lived shows like "Gallery Girls", "Miss Advised"((that was mainly good just for hate-watching)) and "Blood, Sweat & Heels." Hell, even "Courtney Loves Dallas" and "100 Days of Summer" were pleasant enough in my book for something to watch as background fodder. So yeah, I'll watch 2-3 episodes of "Summer House" before I make my final judgement on these rich douchecanoes. They'll be good for real estate porn, at least. Very wise of Bravo to attempt the magic striking twice with the strategic reality show cross-over.
  25. Evan Rachel Wood *also* just came out and said that she's bisexual; I dunno if this is just her latest odd new phase or not, but I give the gal kudos for being so refreshingly honest and open while working in Hollyweird. Her recent work on "Westworld" has really made me appreciate her more. And no offense to Brad Pitt, but I think Justin Theroux is good-looking in his own right, so good for Jennifer Aniston marrying two Hollywood hotties! It'll definitely be interesting to see who Brad ends up with next. I see him totally pulling a Clooney and ending up with some similarly younger non-actress/intellectual type. He looked great tonight. Ryan Gossling made me literally swoon with his acceptance speech tonight. What a classy, all around awesome dude. Eva Mendez is one lucky woman to come home to that, that's all I'm saying! Nice to see "Moonlight" end up with a major win. I personally wished we could've seen "Nocturnal Animals" win a few more awards. Was thrilled to see the "LaLa Land" sweep---what a charming, well-acted and beautifully done ode to musicals!
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