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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Maybe the whole reason Kathryn seems so alone and estranged from the rest of her family is also because of her apparent drug dependency---either she wanted to be closer to town and her preferred dealers, and/or her family kicked her out due to their knowledge of her drugging((or she just didn't want them to notice her frequent drug binges)). At any rate, talk about selfish, common trash...and shame on her trying to point fingers and act like such a tragic victim of bullying when she was out there preggers and skanking around for coke/pot or whatever else god forsaken drug she could greedily suck down. I hope she's booted from the show after this season and gets her ass into rehab where she belongs.
  2. Asa dates/lives with Jermain Jackson's son, I believe? Longtime relationship, obviously; I have no idea what he does, but she maintained very strongly after disclosing the relationship in S2 that she requires complete privacy with her relationships. Sorta reminds me of Cameron on "Southern Charm" who won't film with her husband, but even Cameron mentions her hubby while Asa won't even discuss her man on camera. Kinda weird how tight-lipped she is about her Jackson beau otherwise...I assume they're still going strong because she's been seen on social media recently hanging out with members of the Jackson family, even celebrating Latoya's recent birthday with her, so there you go.
  3. Another TV board I frequently lurk on is currently digesting this douchetastic Instagram pic that Craig recently posted, then very quickly deleted a'la Thomas. I think it was one of those gross streams of thought pics that many dudebros share in a moment of boozy bliss, and then hastily have to get rid of as soon as they sober up and realize how stupid they look: http://gomiblog.com/forums/gomi-tv/southern-charmed/page-51/?p2958836 ((I'd just link the pic here but it was shared via another user's TinyPic account---scroll down near the bottom to take its douchey splendor in)) Oh Craig...I genuinely worry for this dude sometimes. I understand wanting to enjoy all the riches of life that fleeting reality fame can afford you, but hopefully he knows this is just a brief moment in the sun and that he'll need to remain employable after this carnival ride finally ends.
  4. I hear you all on the hugging stuff---mostly because "I'm a hugger" too and it's the native Southerner coming out in me. But I try really hard to read body language and not force myself on folks if I remotely sense that they're not feeling it...sometimes a nice firm back/shoulder pat, rub or touch works just as effectively. What I really don't personally like is kiss greetings, either on the cheeks or the lips! Yes it's so very chic and proper and European, but that's way more awkwardly intimate to me than a simple hug. I dunno how or why all the Real Housewives from BH and NYC manage to do it so regularly and automatically...as a red lipstick-wearer myself, I get tired of having to explain that I don't want to leave lipstick marks on folks' cheeks and/or force myself to rub off my remaining stain from their faces. It just feels so unnatural and forced.
  5. So I just realized that I have a brand new pet-peeve that was unbeknownst to me until I had a temporary assistant working with me in my classroom for the past 6 months who was insanely guilty of this annoying little habit: Repetitive dramatic sighing. At first I didn't notice, but after a week of constantly hearing this guy dramatically huffing and puffing throughout the day like he's a lead on a Spanish telenovela, I quickly realized it annoyed the shit out of me. From the moment he'd walk through the door in the morning, until the very end of the day, it was just, "SIGHHHH..." Or "Whewwww!" Or "Ughhh..." Or "Ahhhh..." I seriously wanted to record every morning sigh he uttered(every.single.morning: "SIGHHH...good morning.") and splice it all together into a super remix just to somehow amuse myself with how annoyingly repetitive his sighing was. And then when he was sick with a cold, oh good Lord, it was on hyper overdrive. I kept wanting to tell him, "Dude, we work in a private high school, not the salt mines. Nut up and shut up." Thankfully, I knew he wouldn't be there permanently so I was polite and just bit my tongue. I'm currently traveling with my mom, and I've sadly realized that she has this dramatic sighing habit as well. Again, just biting my tongue and biding my time in the meantime---this too, and her own melodramatic sighs and gasps, shall soon pass. Serenity now! SIGHHH!!!
  6. Used to be "Oh My God/gosh" that would send me over the edge on these shows. Glad they've seemed to have put the kabosh on that overdone phrase.?
  7. I honestly think both Kathryn and Whitney are fudging on the actual details of their former fling. I don't think it was quite the "relationship" that Kathryn made it out to be, especially when being recounted by such a young and inexperienced partygirl who was likely just swept in by Whit's wealth and lifestyle. It probably felt very exciting to suddenly catch the attention of one of the local bigwig socialites in town as opposed to the usual bumpkin boys she probably dealt with back in Monk's Corner, and she was a bit of an attention-grabbing girl-on-the-move by then, so why not try to appear on a reality show that was being filmed in town? On the flipside, you know Whitney was probably very flattered by her attention and enjoyed having her on his arm. And her living so far away from town, he probably just casually invited her to stay there for a few nights, as opposed to forcing her to make the long and likely drunk drive back home---most gentlemen will go for that in that situation. He probably felt like he was grooming her into a muse of sorts, and thought she'd make for stylishly exciting TV before she suddenly ditched him for Thomas and proceeded to reveal herself as the gauche shrieking nutcase she came off as after she hooked up with him. It sounds like he just offered to let her hang out at his place for an extended weekend, strictly just to randomly bang and party-hop together. In that case, I don't doubt that Patricia only bumped into her in their kitchen one morning over coffee. Or that Whitney tossed out her bag of junk from the weekend the morning after the infamous pool party debacle. I think it just irks him that what he considered just an extended fling is being thrown out there as something deeper---his pride/ego seems hurt more than anything else, not any deep feelings for Kathryn. Honestly, how many guys would admit to being ditched by a hot chick for their buddy? Not too many...I think he just hates that it's being broadcast to the world that he got totally played by some crazy Southern strumpet!
  8. Total agreement...although I know, he probably shouldn't have been planning a trip period after Kathryn told him her news, but she lost me when she just decided to up and disappear like that. And then to childishly ignore Thomas's calls when he was due to come over and help put furniture together for her and see Kensie? Ugh, I can't stand pouters---if you're upset, deal with it and move on, but quit wasting everyone's time with such spineless melodrama! Agreed on how she really has no say over his schedule at this point---they're not married or living together and that's about it...seemed a bit much to me for her to throw a hissyfit over an LA trip that he hadn't even discussed with her yet. And then look how agreeable he was when she finally just chilled out and sweetly said, "I really need you right now..." Proves to me just how much Kathryn fucked up their chances at a real relationship/marriage---her temper tantrums only pushed him farther away, when she could've had him at her loving mercy had she just learned to go with the flow and bite her tongue. Serenity now, KiKi!!
  9. The older I get, the less tolerant I get for children, MOST ESPECIALLY their parents(and I say this as a 39-year-old special education teacher!)....I realize kids are going to be kids and you can only control so much as a parent, but the fact that some parents find it perfectly acceptable to let their nasty little kids run around and scream/be public nuisances at some of my favorite restaurants and sportsbars really ticks me off. Then there's the way they act in stores and on planes, and oh lord, I want to ask *any* mother why she'd even dare attempt to ride planes with an infant/toddler in tow if she didn't have to, if only to spare the rest of the plane's flyers some peace and quiet. I didn't ride a plane until I was 9 or 10, and I never felt like I was "missing out"---I learned how to be mature and appreciative when I finally did board a plane. Seriously, when will airlines start offering baby/child-free flights? Because I'd gladly pay more for that and I know other frequent fliers who feel the same way. Like the last flight I took, I sat right behind some squawking toddler who kept kicking my seat, cried for two hours non-stop, and I swear he shrieked like a demon...and I just about lost it when his binky somehow flew over my seat and into my lap. Ugh, sorry but I'd be mortified if that crotch goblin had sprung from my body!!! Then there's the *one* loud kid in my loft building who lives right next to me, whose hippie parents actually let him ride his scooter through the hallway repeatedly one rainy Saturday afternoon. I took one for the team when I finally threw open my front door and told him to stay inside and try reading a book if he's that bored, but kindly stop the hallway scooter-riding insanity---I think I heard my neighbor across the hallway applaud after that, and we haven't heard another hallway run since then. I just wish he and his hippie parents would just move to the burbs where they belong. Now get off my lawn.
  10. No lie, I was at a fire pit this weekend at a BBQ party, and they had those giant forks nearby for guests to roast wieners. Let's just say that I had way too much goofy, drunken amusement from my friend and fellow "Southern Charm" viewer there literally reenacting T-Rav's awful "Raise the Roof" commercial.
  11. YES!!! I realize those whole "you need to settle down and find a good wife" pep-talks Cam gives Shep are mostly part of their ongoing shtick, but it does get old after a while. Everybody has their own clocks set at their own speed, and Shep has regularly maintained that he does hope to settle down to family man life one day, but he's certainly not sweating it happening anytime soon now, so neither should she, the woman of the "I don't think I want kids so something must be wrong with me" mindset(which truly bothers me more than Shep's man-whoring ways; it's okay to not want kids, Cam, and there's nothing "wrong" with you for feeling that way, ugh, get with the 21st century already!!). Granted, she might be hoping to see him with a good woman before he hits 40, else he'll turn out like Whitney and Thomas, pathetic old aging bachelors who can't rate anything but crazy younger women. And add me to the list of Whitney apologists: he cracks me up too! Sure, he can be bitchy and awkward queening about the way he does in his often creepy, dour manner, but his droll self is an interesting twist of flavor among these other guys. Plus, he does give good talking heads that are often delivered in a rather amusing, intelligently dry manner. As for Shep, I think women like him because he's like a lovely Golden Retriever: he's friendly, charming, and just wants to have a fun and laidback time. He's also very respectful and well-mannered with women, unlike drunken T-Rav, and gals appreciate his old-fashioned Southern gentleman ways. Plus, he's silly and doesn't seem to take himself too seriously; a healthy sense of humor about oneself is always an attractive quality in men, after all. Plus, he seems like a genuinely nice dude and good person. Maybe Landon could've landed Shep if she were a nicer person---Shep totally outted her as a mean girl/stealth bitch, after all.
  12. Agreed, she's a terrible liar. But this is also the same girl who blatantly lied right into Thomas's face on multiple occasions that she had slept with Whitney, even fighting/storming out of rooms over it when confronted by Thomas. The same girl who who misleads people about everything from her financial status to her pregnancy issues and the dangerous habits she may or may not engage in. Not that I think Whitney is completely up front with all his business either, but even so-called "truth cannons" like her and her ilk can't always be trusted for 100% honesty.
  13. Nope, now you're misinterpreting my entire post, Neurochick: I never implied that "finding an aging alcoholic to breed with beats being single" or that Kathryn's own choice to be a babymama for T-Rav is remotely an accomplishment because of course it isn't. But the way Landon was looking down her nose at Kathryn's lifestyle and sitting there making such bitchy judgements against her seemed undeserved and unnecessary, especially coming from her own unaccomplished self. Yes, some of the other cast members have made equally undeserved comments concerning Kathryn as well, but Landon's comments in particular seemed to be wrapped in an extra layer of nastiness and jealousy.
  14. With most anyone else, I'd easily agree on this---I'm proudly ChildFree myself and am so squicked out by the ProNatal agenda and worship of pregnancy/parenthood that is tossed about to most women. But seeing vapid hopeful-rich housewife dilettante Landon making those comments, as if SHE has so much more going on professionally/personally than Kathryn, was just ridiculous and laughable. And plus, it smacked of pointless mean girl teasing just to make her own sad self look more accomplished.
  15. My husband and I visit Asheville at least 2-3 times a year, so I was psyched when I saw that this gang was going to spend a wild night out there---Shep is so right too, it *is* such a fun little party city indeed, so it was very cool to see them hitting up some of my own favorite Ashe haunts and watching the guys attempting to engage with the funkier tattooed artsy chicks all over that city. It's like the Brooklyn/SanFran of the Blue Ridge down there, that's for sure. I laughed my ass off at drunken T-Rav though---I'm sorry, he may be a dirty old man, but I find him downright hilarious when he's partying like that. That one particular exchange that left me snort-laughing is: Tattooed Chick((to T-Rav getting too close)): I will cut you. T-Rav((thinking she said she'd bite him)): Come and get me, vampire!" Tattooed Chick((disgusted)): You wanna buy me a drink? T-Rav: Fuck yeah!!! ((Tattooed Chick then rushes back to Shep and immediately chats him up before T-Rav notices in sheepish defeat)) Please don't ever change, drunk T-Rav. Except when you're playing father for a few days, of course. I like Craig and all, but he acted like a total pouty baby during his chat with JD. Yes, maybe JD dicked him around for a bit and promised more than he actually allowed, but I'm Team JD on the bourbon thing---Craig needs to just suck it up, be a man and prove that with time and experience he very well *could* help run the bourbon division. Typical millennial behavior, unfortunately....also, he's obviously having to move this plot along for the show's benefit, but yeah, it's weird how invested he is in the past relationship between Whitney and Kathryn. Kathryn actually appeared sane and logical this episode. Even somewhat likable! That'll change, of course---it was interesting to learn that those infamous icky Anne Taylor clothes on Whitney's bedside floor that Patricia was sneering at in the very first ever episode from S1 were indeed Kathryn's. Interesting that Kathryn "liked" Thomas the best from the beginning, she mentioned; he is the richest of this bunch, so that makes sense. Shep proved how wealthy his family really is this episode, but it somehow didn't make him any less likable---I appreciate his humble gratitude to have been raised within such a wealthy, intelligent and well-respected family. It's such a nice contrast to Whitney's rather snooty entitlement. So Landon is indeed a confirmed stealth bitch and Cameron is an elitist---even though I understand their mutual aversion to Kathryn, it's still not a very becoming look for those ladies. And Landon seriously needs to get over herself already, slut-shaming and questioning the accomplishments of a 23-year-old single mother. At least Kathryn was able to find a well-bred man willing to procreate with her, unlike Squinty McLaughs-A-Lot, the Bitchy Special Snowflake who can't even string together a coherent sentence.
  16. Remind me to never buy a place in Manhattan until I at least have 1million in the bank to play with...which means I'll likely never live in Manhattan, but that's okay with me...not to be Captain Obvious as usual, but talk about a waste of money for such tiny old places with no real amenities! I'm assuming his place he chose didn't have its own washer-dryer or a dishwasher either?? Wow...it still shocks me how much New Yorkers give up for the privilege of living in New York City. I can understand giving up such comforts for vibrant and more exotic cities like Paris or London, but unless you're of a certain socioeconomic status, I can't see the allure of living in some overpriced hovel in the fast-paced and high-priced hoods of NYC. So that dude was an actor? Mmmmkay, good luck with that; he had about as much onscreen charisma as my big toe, but whatever. Nice of late granny to fund his fun new lifestyle/vanity career though. And nope, as convenient as it may seem, you *never* want to be right beside a building's outside common area. Yeah, you might think it's fun for all those potential parties and BBQ's you could easily host, until you see that the entire building also feels the same way and you get to hear all their loud ongoing gatherings out there anytime the weather is remotely nice.
  17. I have no idea about Danni's actual gig, but I'm willing to bet that she was a wine/spirits wholesaler for various bars/restaurants/shops in Charleston and maybe other areas. I have a friend who does that in DC and she makes a good living doing it, but it took years to develop her client base and it can be very cutthroat in certain markets. She basically had to have extensive, almost sommelier-level knowledge of various wines and their regions, as well as a more advanced knowledge of certain liquors---she also had to get certifications to sell different wines/liquors and she regularly sets up tastings with her various markets/clients. I could see where Danni likely got to know this crew from having JD's restaurants/bars on her client list. And much like women working in medical sales(like half those "Bachelor" ladies), the more attractive and engaging the women, the better they do. I used to read Jennifer's fashion/interior design blog when she still wrote on it regularly. Apparently she was once a rather successful realtor. Which makes sense to me---she comes off like a realtor type to me.
  18. Oh Shep has maintained from S1 that he likes to play up his "dumb good ol'boy" charms and intentionally plays down his intelligence---I think he especially played it up to know-it-all Craig back then for shits n'giggles, before they got to know each other better. Plus, I think just like typical smart girls who play dumb to seem more likable and less intimidating, Shep does the same thing just to level his social playing field in various situations, especially trying to score younger and less brainy chicks in bars. This is a guy who regularly quotes classic literature and often makes obscure political/historical/pop culture references, not to mention he has a Masters from Southern Ivy League Vanderbilt and has multiple successful investments/business ventures, so I really do think he's the secret genius of this entire cast. Well, minus having unprotected sex with Kathryn(and likely other gals) and the inability to get up before 11am daily, that is---but really, would any of us get up early every day if we didn't have to? I think he played up his unprofessional behavior with Cameron and the house showing just for laughs.
  19. LeeAnne is scary. Anyone who would go off like that in public, on a busy street of all places, screeching/whacking at cameramen and cable cars, has some serious rage issues. It's a wonder that carnie nutbag has any friends, let alone a loyal friend who puts up with her shit like Tiffany. I just broke up with a longtime friend who is just like LeeAnne---she had an equally abusive, crazy childhood and would often use that as an excuse to fly into similar rages and make me feel like shit over things that didn't even matter/weren't even slights when she wasn't constantly saying I "didn't have her back." Yes, friends like that are beyond exhausting and will cost you to lose other friends in the same circles. After ten years of her crazy mood swings, I gladly put my foot down and broke all contact---Tiffany needs to do the same for her own sanity. My heart broke for Brandi. Her husband is quite possibly the douchiest, grossest RH franchise husband to ever be featured yet. There was no excuse whatsoever for him to behave in such a selfishly cold manner after arriving LATE and DRUNK from his "business trip", especially in light of his wife's party and how important it was for her to meet her grandfather that night. Yep, he's totally sleeping around on Brandi and is a dick to boot.
  20. Oh Landon...I was just cringing in embarrassment over that entire mess of a "pitch meeting" she barely whined her way through in NYC...she had no presentation, no clear vision, and she was just all over the place with her random ideas, "and like, art and travel and stuff." She makes Kukoo Kelly Killoran Bensimon look logical and intelligent. What a waste of her time and money. She seriously needs to get over herself and get her shit together. Why not incorporate her love of travel/art and pop-up shops and open an actual antique shop somehow? Guess that's just way too much work for her. She really is more like Craig, the self-professed "smart" guy who doesn't even know that to keep a job at a lawfirm you need to show up before noon daily and not be out partying every night. But he's JD's bitch now, since he paid 15k for the pleasure of going to construction sites and sending evites to his buddies for a bourbon tasting, so he's ready at age 25 to manage all operations at the fledgling Gentry Bourbon empire! Lord, I hope this was just a storyline for the show and he's not nearly *that* naive. Now Landon, I do believe in her dumbassery. No way anyone could pretend to be that daft. Stick to your guns, Cameron: you don't need to explain to anyone why you refuse to expose yourself to any more of Kathryn's insanity. Sometimes you just don't want to surround yourself with toxic people like her, especially when your own life is moving at a positive, mature pace. Cam's not even all that close to Thomas either, so it'll be interesting to watch him completely blow up at her and Landon both at his dinner party. Elizabeth is definitely the sanest, kindest person on this show, by far. Ditto Dani---it was so refreshing to see her speak up and display her business savvy. I'd love to learn more about her 15 years in "this business" and what exactly she does now!
  21. Hate to say it, but as much as I adore this show, I agree that it may not have more than one season left before it wears out its welcome. Then again, I'm still in shock that "Shahs of Sunset" is on its 5th season yet, so anything is possible, I suppose. How many more shows can revolve around Kuckoo Kathryn feuding with Thomas and everyone else? How many more shows are going to question Cameron's lack of maternal/domestic instincts? How many more shows are going to highlight Craig's underserved cockiness versus Shep's self-assured rich kid sluttiness? How many more creepy moments featuring Whitney and Thomas can we stomach? Landon bores/irritates us, Patricia's lavish snobbery is getting less endearing with every episode....and I'm definitely Team Cameron as well: she doesn't suffer fools gladly and she and Kathryn have barely anything in common anyway. I'd back away from the cray as well, reality show or not!
  22. Seriously, T-Rav's online drunken rampages are the stuff of legend. Between the Instagram hookup selfies, angry tweets and Facebook rages, he just keeps bringing the hilarity. My personal fave drunken Instagram video that he quickly yanked down was Kathryn twerking as he jeered at her...it perfectly summed up their entire relationship, her displaying her "physicality" for a dirty old man and all.
  23. Agreed, even I'm just not that into Carole as much this season, and I consider myself quite a fan of hers! Mean-girling with Bethenny and desperately latching onto her boy-toy Adam isn't a good look on her at all---what happened to the self-assured "Cool Carole", the hip and happily unattached girl about town? I was just cringing for her during that Skype scene in her bedroom, her excitedly calling a definitely disinterested Adam and practically begging him to flatter her---homeboy could've cared less about her random call and it showed. Like damn, could he have at least faked some enthusiasm a bit harder before rushing her off the phone? And THAT is why I could never date cute younger dudes...most of them seem to have that similar air of dude-brah indifference that drives my sappy romantic self batty---hey, Dorinda's dumpy dude John may not exactly be a smooth operator, but at least he adores Dor and isn't afraid to fully express his feelings for her. I'm also saddened to see the sudden downfall of Lu after her triumphant previous season; she really seems a bit lost and down on her luck so far, especially having to bunk with Sonja, of all folks. Of course my sympathy for her wavered after I saw her completely half-ass her birthday gift to Ramona at Ramona's own birthday luncheon while gifting Bethenny with a far more awesome belated birthday gift right under Ramona's nose! Speaking of Ramona, I hate those ridiculous hair extensions she's wearing this season...one thing I always liked about her and most of the other NYC Housewives was the fact that they mostly rock sensibly realistic hairstyles and not those ridiculously long fake locks the HW's do on so many of the other franchises, and damned if Moaner had to ruin that and done bought herself some extra hair! Maybe Dor, Bethenny, and Countess can stage a sensible hair-tervention on her, since they all rock some seriously cute short haircuts that truly flatter them. Although all will be forgiven in my book if we can at least get some frantic scenes of Moaner's odd desperation to never get her hair wet, complete with the ubiquitous curler in her bangs.
  24. Oh, I'm loving the exclusion of Kathryn, even though I know she's part of the reason this show is so successful, so the cast almost has to respect her and her villainous vixen act/hussy-hustle. I still love to hate her though, as sad as her and Thomas's situation with those kids truly is---I should hate Thomas just as much, but her angry public outbursts, jealous rages and childishly self-absorbed nature just bugs me far more than gross old T-Rav and his own crude antics. Honestly though, she does seem so tiring and gloomy to be around---she even snarks on her own few friends who film with her! She's been a rude, snarky bitch to every person in this cast at some point, after all, not to mention having slept with at least 3 of the male cast members on there, which has gotta be a bit awkward for everyone involved. Again, I fail to see all this "charm", humor and sweetness that everyone else on the cast promises she exudes when she's not onscreen---after seeing her on WWHL and the reunion shows too, I still don't get it. I do find it interesting that everyone who claims she's so cool and awesome are men, gay or straight; maybe her beauty is just that enchanting and she's such the bedroom goddess that she charms anyone possessing a penis? She'd better hope and pray her looks stay youthful and fresh, because she doesn't appear to have much else going for her beyond her sexual charms and her old Southern linage.
  25. The thirst, the thirst is so very, very real. I still can't decide who's worse yet, LeeAnne or the equally thirsty and self-unaware Karen Huger of RH of Potomac, but both are equally repugnant, try-hard strivers who really think they're farrrrr more fabulous, classy and television-worthy than they actually are. I do think LeeAnne is performing for her life...between the soap opera-esque emoting in that CHARITY scene with the wine glass toss and the angry ragefest, I don't even think she cares how batshit crazy she appears so long as she emerges from this shitshow as the breakout star everyone knows. This is a former pageant queen/actress/reality show-veteran, after all---she's the fame-whoriest of them all on this cast and has the resume to prove it. I mostly hate that she's actually making me root for a trashy former cheerleader with bad fillers who loves poop and guzzles "Jesus juice".
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