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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Doesn’t bother me one bit. She hasn’t been “Crazy Kristen” for quite a while, which is how she initially gained her reputation as a power player on this show. Then she got fired from SUR. Then she quit dating any SUR staff and was just hanging out. Then she just designed T-shirt’s and met her current fella. Then she got...boring. Just there. Oh she’d try to insert herself into various arguments, but otherwise she had NOTHING ELSE going on. So yeah, she’s dead weight at this point. One could make the same argument of Stassi, but at least she had the whole redemption arc and was able to mend her relationship with the other cast members as well as with Lisa and get small storylines out of these interactions. See, this was Kristen’s biggest mistake: she never tried to repair her relationship with Lisa or interact with any of the Vanderpump clan.
  2. I just think he likes the crazy girls. He probably enjoys their drama and mad passion. And he apparently likes wild women who are freaks in the bedroom while boosting his ego by doting on/obsessing over him otherwise. He’s obviously got a crazy rebellious streak too, hence the reason he never found a nice sane society lady to settle down with and ended up in prison for his coke habit instead. But he still wants to call all the shots and look down his nose at his partners, hence the reason he likely chooses the crazy younger ones who don’t exactly fit the expected Mrs. Ravenel mold. He and Whit and Shep are all cut from the same Peter Pan cloth, just in different versions—-they apparently view settling down as just that: settling! They seem to act as though no woman can ever live up to their self-deluded awesomeness. Unlike T-Rav though, Whit and Shep are just smart enough not to get caught up with the crazy/raging bunny boiler types.
  3. No, @PRgal, obviously *those* meds pictured above aren’t meant for babies. Just saying: the safe meds are out there for children of all ages. And I agree with @riley702 too—-safe alternatives to make traveling easier and less miserable for babies/kids includes calming agents. Even CBD oil works wonders. The anti-meds in children arguments remind me of a former student I taught who had daily raging mood swings/tantrums due to her schizophrenia—-she was 15 and it was especially tough for her during her time of the month. Yet her mother refused to medicate this poor girl because she didn’t want her to be a “pill-popper before she turns 18.” Never mind that her daughter would be so upset and worn out from these near daily episodes, insane episodes in which she’d do everything from strip naked while attacking our staff to trying to run out of the school into the street, that she barely learned anything in the two years I worked with her. With just a few safe meds in her system, she could’ve been able to focus, be less exhausted and stressed, and used to the meds working within her body chemistry to get her through the day with no stress. Better living with chemistry was our motto at that school; it’s no wonder that the students who were prescribed safe meds were our most productive and successful graduates. Just saying: medication is often the best answer for some kids.
  4. Sorry, didn't mean to shock anyone here with my babies on planes gripes, although I did preface my comments on this topic by clarifying that I’m an asshole. ;) But yes indeed, there are very safe doctor-approved meds/methods meant to calm children for long plane trips, especially those on the spectrum who may be overwhelmed and overstimulated by long flights. Believe me, I’m a SPED teacher and know quite a few of these meds and appreciate those parents who find healthy ways to make their trips smoother for both their child and any surrounding travelers; how could you *not* want to ensure that your infant/child is safe and calm in such an unfamiliar and often scary situation? Wouldn’t you rather a baby arrive to its final destination feeling calm and relaxed versus anxious, scared and tired from screaming for hours?? Hell, we make sure adults have safe meds to allow them to calmly travel and coexist without anxiety, so why shouldn’t young children be allowed this same opportunity? Years ago it used to be suggested that babies even be given a few sips of beer back in the retro parenting era. Talk to a pediatrician sometime if you don’t believe me on the meds for calming babies/kids thing though. There’s a wealth of natural products available; several of my students’ parents used to rave about this one:
  5. So many people are just goddamned flakey. How hard is it to make a quick phone call, email or text if you have to suddenly change plans?!
  6. I used to genuinely enjoy flying. I’d get dressed up, often made a point to be friendly and chat with passengers beside me if they seemed like they wanted to talk, didn’t recline unless it was a night flight. Loved all the complimentary treats and the adorable little in-flight meals. Nowadays though, man, flying is such a goddamned bitch. Constantly cramped, overcrowded flights. Luggage fees. Longassed security checks. No more free in-flight snacks or meals. And then there’s the rude and/or loud, entitled fellow passengers—-if you ever go to the “Passenger Shaming” Instagram account, you’ll get a harsh reminder of just how much we as a society have devolved, especially while flying. How anyone can actually believe that it’s perfectly acceptable to trash their seating area with everything from old food to dirty diapers or prop up one’s bare feet on seat trays and other passengers’ arm rests is just beyond me! Speaking of dirty diapers, I’m the asshole who groans the minute I see a parent dragging a baby and/or toddler onto my flight. Because 9 times out of 10, that thing is gonna start squawking while the parent either does that useless, annoying “shhhh-shhhhh” routine or just completely ignores the squawking. Just last year I was on a flight with my husband and we had some tantrum-throwing three-year-old right behind us who didn’t shut up for the entire three hour flight. Damned beast sounded like he was possessed by a pack of demons, kept kicking my seat and even tossed his nasty pacifier over the seats and it landed in my husband’s lap. You think that parent did anything? All I heard was the endless “shhhhh....shhhhhhhh...” sounds that were about as annoying as his satanic shrieks. A low dose of Robitusum beforehand would’ve kept little Lucifer blessedly quiet. And why are so many parents dragging their babies on flights these days anyway? I get it that families are more mobile these days, but it’s like every goddamned flight I’m on now there’s a shrieking baby or three whereas I used to hardly ever see babies on planes—-flying is stressful enough without adding a fussy baby to the equation. If you gotta drag your baby/kid on a flight and you know it’s likely gonna scream, how about giving him/her some kind of safe medication to calm him/her down? I recently saw video footage of that kid who loudly screamed non-stop on an 8 hour international flight—-by the sound of it, that kid was likely on the spectrum. Why in the fuck would you not do that kid and fellow passengers a favor and give it some kind of calming meds beforehand?! That kind of thoughtless parental entitlement is probably my number one complaint about flying these days.
  7. Nope, I remember his talking head when he said he gave himself “a mental high five” for wearing a condom. And he seemed to have mentioned that he regularly did anyway, but my memory on that part is fuzzy. If he’s randomly hooking up regularly though, he better be using rubbers—-imagine all the STD’s that would be eating him up otherwise((not unlike his buddy Jax from “Vanderpump Rules” who was rumored to have spread his taint to Stassi way back when)). As for Kathryn’s laughable claims that she “doesn’t lie”, this is the chick who repeatedly lied and swore up and down to Thomas and others initially that she didn’t sleep with Whitney. She’s scary good at lying, which is typical of addicts. Having watched some of the S1 marathon yesterday, it’s amazing how much Thomas and Shep have aged in just a few years—-aside from Whitney and his longer hair then((and Jena, who looks like a braided-out freakshow these days)), the rest of the cast looks pretty much the same. Shep and T-Rav might need to ramp their drinking down a bit.
  8. Every season, we can usually count on Kathryn to look completely ridiculous with her OTT fashion pageantry. Good for the other gals though, keeping it cute and classy otherwise. They may look a bit tame in comparison to other reality star divas, but at least they don’t look like they got lost on the way to the RHoA reunion stage. Kadooz to Shep for *finally* pulling himself together—-based on his Instastory, he was very proud of getting suited up in Ferragamo for this year’s shindig. And I still wish T-Rav could’ve made an appearance; his onscreen spats with Kathryn on these shows are classic! Guess this means those two definitely won’t be having their annual post-reunion show romp this time around.
  9. My mom hastily married a Jax type with her second marriage. And just like Brittany, mom thought she could tame the bad boy with her honest, sweet ways while his family/friends gratefully fawned over her for “saving” their hopeless bad boy womanizer. A little over a week after they got married, my mom caught her Jax-type husband sleeping with a random skank on his houseboat. When my mom confronted him about it and asked how he could do such a thing, his answer was, “You knew what kind of person I was when you married me; you should’ve expected this to happen.” 20+ years later of her turning a blind eye to his various conquests, endless fights and therapy sessions and pricy divorce issues, and she still refers to him as her best/worst mistake and curses wasting her best years on him. I really hope Brittany isn’t doomed to end up like my mother. Because no matter how much therapy they get, there is just no real success for fully reforming men with sexual addictions and/or commitment issues.
  10. Me three. I’m all about women openly expressing and enjoying their sexuality, but the idea of basing one’s self-worth and desirability on using this sexuality to get “stuff” is harmful, shameless behavior and detrimental to one’s self-respect in the long run. And then swindling otherwise gross/undesirable guys just to get this “stuff” is essentially using them as much as these women are being used for their youth/sexuality/looks. LaLa and her ilk are enjoying the spoils of their game right now just because they’re young and hot enough to benefit from this behavior. But once she gets over 30ish and is still unclaimed, it’s going to get tougher and tougher for her to maintain this luxe life—-gals like her are a dime a dozen in LA and there’s always someone younger and hotter around the corner. I’d say the time is now for her to sink her hooks into Randall to secure her future, but what an awful prospect for a girl like her; as soon as she has a kid and gets older like his first wife did, he’ll already be looking for her next replacement. It’s an ugly cycle for the LaLa types, and you can already sense her underlying desperation with the early plastic surgery treatments and false bravado.
  11. I’m sincerely bummed about Thomas not being on the show after this season—-yes, of course he’s a sleazebag who shouldn’t be ‘rewarded’ with continual exposure, but still...he *made* the show for me. All the best drama and storylines centered around him. He brought the wealth and Southern good ol’boy stupidity to the cast. He made me laugh the most just being his typical goofy, drunken lout self. And it seems like every season, the other cast members are basically all left reacting to his own hijinks and main stories while their own dramas/subplots are just used as extra filler to pad each episode. Hell, even with his more limited role this season he’s STILL bringing all the main action to each episode via his reacting to Ashley the psycho and hanging out with his kids. Kathryn simply isn’t all that interesting unless she’s reacting to T-Rav and/or his latest love interest. I just don’t see this show surviving without him...it’ll sputter on another season, but Shep, Craig and Cameron can’t carry this show alone.
  12. Agreed. I’m trying my best to be sympathetic to Kate Spade’s mental plight and I do agree that depression is a powerful sickness that needs more understanding, but I still consider her act extemely selfish and cruel to her poor young daughter. I feel that once you have a child, it’s not about YOU anymore, and you have to live your life with consideration of your child’s ongoing care—-if she had these kinds of demons and emotions, she should’ve been getting her shit together for the sake of her daughter. It doesn’t matter how much she explains it otherwise in that half-assed note she left behind; that girl is going to need years of therapy to deal with this loss and she’s always inevitably going to somehow partially blame herself for her mom’s suicide. Or at the very least, you know she’s going to be left thinking, “I wasn’t enough for my mom; mom just didn’t love me enough to get healthy and stay alive to care for me.”
  13. When she started essentially stalking Mr. Big and his family/ex-wife? When she ditched Big before he was supposed to take her in a beach vacay because he couldn’t tell her she was “the one” yet?? When she threw a burger at Big in a fitful rage before they broke up the second time??? When she repeatedly cheated on Aiden with a very married Mr. Big???? When she told Aiden he “had to” forgive her for her affair after he somehow took her back????? And that’s just the first three or four seasons!
  14. I watched this episode again because it was chock full of so many nuances I missed the first time around; and good Lord, the cast wasn’t kidding when some of them were joking on Instagram that this is one of the “craziest” SC episodes ever. We always knew Thomas was a loon, but he has totally met his match with that whackadoodle Ashley. And I’m convinced that wasn’t just booze working on her—-I’m guessing she either brought her own stash of special candy to wash down with all the booze, or maybe her Adderall finally started to kick in by the second night. I keep hoping that surely she’s just playing up a character, surely she just wanted to ensure camera time, surely she wanted to get Katherine into a crazed screamfest just so Ash would somehow look less nutty...but no, she must’ve legitimately thought she’d come out looking like a graceful comic book heroine after this trip, proudly defending her man’s honor a’la her idol Melania Trump...but Hell, even Melania has enough dignity to not even attempt to fight with her man’s smarter, saner attackers. I’d be so embarrassed if I were her. And does she work in a nurse’s office somewhere now? She just better hope she can hold onto her job after coming off so unhinged on national television...
  15. I had a feeling they were headed for divorce—-she’s way too happy spending time away from him and he’s obviously going to need a spouse to care for him intensively as he ages and his brain deteriorates. I think she’s just too much of a self-centered, spoiled diva to ever play caretaker to any man. Poor Jeff though...he seemed so sweet and has had it so tough.
  16. Dear God...even next to LeeAnne’s creeptastic pic, that photo of Brandi is frightening. Step away from the plastic surgery clinic, girl. And they all obviously enjoy their Botox.
  17. Oh god, its 2000-late Julia Allison—-that thirsty bitch is nuttier than a fruitcake and has been insanely desperate for attention for years. She’s pretty much the Phoebe Price of the internet. And she’d be nothing without her initial online obsession with being the “Real Life Carrie Bradshaw.” I even knew of her infamy before she made a total ass of herself on that “Miss Advised” Bravo shitshow a few years ago. There’s a good reason she has a hate site: www.rebloggingdonk.com
  18. Yeah, Dorinda definitely gives me alcoholic vibes: not just a fun drunk, but a literal semi-functioning alcoholic. I think she takes sips throughout the day/every day and her lifestyle allows for it: wake up with a workout and/or charity meeting followed by a long boozy brunch/lunch, take her daily afternoon nap to sorta sleep it off, then hit up happy hour, then either hit a drink-laden social event and/or dinner, maybe post-dinner drinks...lather, rinse repeat. Doesn’t sound like such a bad lifestyle, actually, but apparently the cracks have been starting to slow for a while—-that lifestyle doesn’t work well long-term for most otherwise healthy people.
  19. Oh yeah, both her first two or three apartments on this show and BEA were fairly awful—-I know she was still somewhat ‘poor’ by typical RH standards, but it was fascinating to see how sparsely she decorated her places pre-success. We finally saw a bit more artwork/decorative flourishes in her space during BEA’s first season, but it was a long time coming. Her place truly did resemble a hospital suite for the longest!
  20. SCARY ISLAND IS ON TODAY!!! Just finished watching the Kell-amity dinner incident, now enjoying Jill suddenly honking “HIIIiiiiIiiII!” at all the shocked girls back at the beach house on her little ‘surprise’ visit. S3 was some good shit, man; for my money, seasons 2-3 are still the best seasons, with last season rounding it all out. Much as I hated Kelly and Jill and Alex kinda annoyed me, they were good foils to all the early drama; this was also pre-crazy Sonja and pre-bitchtastic Beth.
  21. Exactly!!! That’s so cruel and it really burns me up when mothers feed such hypocritical “do as I say, not as I do” bullshit to their daughters. It’s exactly the same as when mom’s won’t let their pre-teen/teenage daughters wear makeup, wear stylish hair/clothes or paint their nails even though those same mom’s do that themselves. And it’s not even like Tamica can’t afford to get her daughter’s hair done!
  22. See, this is exactly what still isn’t working for me. At all. I’m totally buying the actress playing Tess—-she’s so cute and innocent and filled with wonder, right at that awkward young adult age of just trying to find herself and where exactly she fits in. She totally looks up to someone older and far more worldly/sophisticated like Simone and clings to her maternal energy since she obviously didn’t have a real mother figure. She’s desperate to find her “tribe” and a group of friends she can trust, hence her inviting herself on the staff’s random group outings. In the book, Tess’s intense attraction to the bartender makes a bit more sense. His character comes off far less “pouty” and more just endearingly enigmatic—-he draws her in with his vaguely friendly yet alluringly diffident behavior. Plus, his physical description in the book painted him in a far more handsome, artsy light—-think dreamy, arty hipster type a’la Jared Leto or Ryan Gossling. Therefore I’m still *hating* this guy cast in the bartender role—-not only is he butt-ugly, but he’s playing the character as a typical pouty asshole without an ounce of charisma. And yes, he and the actress playing Tess have zero chemistry so far. Zilch. Horrible casting decision.
  23. Well, supposedly Lu’s finally quit drinking, and it’s SHOCKING how much weight you can lose when you give up the regular wine/beer/cocktail habit. All those sugars add up! Factor in that she’s also part American Indian(red don’t tread!), plus her build is naturally tall and slim, and the genes were quite good to her. Plus, you know she likely gets subtle little enhancements here and there to keep herself looking so fresh and put together. ((See also pre-Amber Heard divorce Johnny Depp, a similar half-American Indian around her age who also didn’t seem to age until these past several years of his career/romance woes)) It’s a wonder she still looks good with all the smoking she does though—-obviously her voice/lungs have suffered the most damage. I doubt she’s quit that vice and it’s likely going to take its toll eventually.
  24. Ugh...not that FabFitFun box bullshit again...Carole pushed those first last season...then a few weeks ago Tinsley began pushing them. Now Dorinda?! I guess I hate that shit less than the ridiculous teas/shakes every other reality star pushes at some point, but it’s still just so obvious and vaguely pathetic when you see these same exact items being peddled by every other cast member on these shows.
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