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Everything posted by Phebemarie

  1. I don’t watch every day. Is this the first time Ben and Ciara have used Romeo and Juliet to communicate? Could this show have been planned to air April 23, Shakespeare’s birthday?
  2. I agree with you (on Ghosts, too). It seems like the writers have lost a thread or two that made this show unique. The way Al is currently being written, he could be Balki from Perfect Strangers rather than someone whose faith and culture influence his actions and decisions. Maybe the writers have avoided stories that feature events in Afghanistan because they have no idea what world events will be happening when they are actually aired.
  3. This is a possibility. Utkarsh Ambudkar was the first Aaron Burr until he got distracted by parties. https://decider.com/2020/07/17/hamilton-original-aaron-burr-utkarsh-ambudkar/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons I had no clue of the connection between the two until I read the articles from the cast's Paleyfest appearance.
  4. Asher Goodman liked my comment on his Instagram post about the season finale. I’m fan-girling here with people who will understand.
  5. Janine telling the kids to “sit down” was the highlight of the episode for me. Sweet little call back to the pilot. Caught me in my retired teacher feels.
  6. I wonder if the writers have been picking up on some subtle things Asher Grodman has done when he's not the focus of the scene and decided to give Trevor a few more redeeming qualities. I remember a tiny moment in Pete's episode when Pete sees his grandchild in the scout uniform. Trevor put his hand over his heart, touched by the moment; not your typical bro-dude reaction. Also, Trevor had that cute dog in his obituary picture (which was actually a picture of Asher Grodman's dog...yes, I found him on Instagram). 😊
  7. That's the one thing that bothers me about this wonderful show. I was a high school teacher. I asked my friend, a fifth grade teacher, if her colleagues drop in on her classroom in the middle of the day for extended periods (like our friends at Abbot Elementary do). Of course, the answer was no. I wish they'd humor us with a throw-away line explaining why all the main characters seem to be free to brain-storm problems . It could be as easy as the kids are in music or art appreciation or at recess (with the non-existent TAs). I suppose we teacher types might be the only group who can't 'suspend disbelief' about it. 😉
  8. Maybe Mayim is one of those people who do well with a script but feel uncomfortable improvising banter. Ken was awkward at first, too, but seems to have really relaxed in his last appearance. Last week he was funny and spontaneous. He laughed with, not at, the contestants' comments. I don't really like that he bonds with the long term champions. It's only then that I find him a bit of a snob with the challengers. I really don't like hunting for the DDs and starting at the bottom. Yesterday, a lot of those 1000 clues were missed by everyone. It changes the rhythm of the game and plays mind-games with the challengers. I guess I prefer a more old-fashioned way to annihilate the opponents. Sure it works; I just don't enjoy watching it.
  9. Maybe the reason why he didn't apologize was because it might be admitting he was at fault...and so make him legally liable for any damages if Chris sued in a civil case.
  10. I'm not trying to promote conspiracy theories, but Will Smith seems over it already...even immediately after he went back stage. Could the whole thing have been a misguided effort to show the Oscars are "must watch" television again? Chris Rock barely moved after the punch/slap and was able to move on to the award after what should have been an extremely traumatizing event. It was just so odd seeing Will Smith in the audience afterwards acting like a happy winner cheering on his colleagues.
  11. I think Chris Rock said “I was just b*tch slapped by Will Smith”.
  12. I think Nicole was using her teacher's voice.
  13. I knew as soon as they started planning Craig would be delayed and force Chad to go farther in his fake seduction of Leo. As soon as they started planning, I knew Craig would be delayed and Chad would have to go further in his fake Leo seduction.
  14. Whoops. I thought Lens Crafter had hired someone who would remind the viewer of Sharon Stone. I didn't realize it was really her. Yikes. How the mighty have fallen. I wondered why the salesperson was so awestruck by a wannabe Sharon Stone.
  15. Here's a link to the article mentioned above. The second link has a expert's explanation of diagnoses. https://people.com/tv/days-of-our-lives-actress-linsey-godfrey-opens-up-about-life-with-mental-illness/ https://people.com/health/hwhat-is-borderpolar-the-medical-expert-who-helped-discover-the-mental-illness-term-explains/
  16. Please only one person speaking at a time during cooking segments. Is there some sort of secret recipe for grilled cheese sandwiches that makes Savannah’s adventures in cooking more newsworthy than say Dylan’s segments with her little boy? What 40+something has never made a grilled cheese sandwich?
  17. This feels more like a political ad than a commercial for a car warranty. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/q0cm/carshield-breaking-point
  18. I watched the pilot episode last night and noticed Sass's first lines were formal with no contractions: "Shh, I think it is happening" and then "This plan of Trevor's fills me with discomfort. The line between the living and the dead is one we should respect. Who are we to..." (Jay walks through Sass) "All right. Let's haunt these bastards out of here." So...was that the writer's attempt to make Sass's speech more "old-fashioned" like Thorfinn's or did Sass's speech change when Jay walked through him?
  19. Are there 10 episodes of The Afterparty (like most Apple TV shows)? This one felt a little bit like filler. After thinking about your post, I think Arc might be onto something. Maybe there is an additional panic room where Fred Savage’s character hid after killing Xavier. Jennifer 2 saw him, and he dragged her inside to keep her from talking.
  20. None of the cakes showcased a lot of decorating finesse. Each had some obvious weakness. Ellora had fingerprints on her fondant (which was floppy), but the other cakes had similar decorating errors. I still think the competition was probably too long for the 9 and 10 year olds. Were they away from home for the entire competition, I wonder? Were there fewer days off because of Covid related restrictions? Maybe it's time to have a Teen Baking Challenge
  21. Judging must have been decided by the quality of the actual bake. The decorations were surprisingly weak compared with other finale cakes produced in earlier seasons. I think it's a little challenging for 9 and 10 year old to boil down the essence of those three cities in the decorations on a cake. I thought as the competition wore on, Ellora seemed to show the tiredness all of the competitors must have been experiencing. Maybe she's an introvert and being around people who are always "on" was especially exhausting. I also wondered if Ellora might have an undisclosed health issue (her little cheeks weren't as full in the older pictures with her family that were shared last night). I'm so sorry. I can't delete the extra lines. ARRRGH!
  22. Teaching is a wonderful profession. It can also be very lonely and difficult...especially right now. However, if you're not retired, and you feel it's truly your calling, it's not too late to go into teaching. Good educators are needed everywhere. Maybe in a future episode, Gregory can file a grievance for harassment against Ava. Someone mentioned upthread how inappropriate we would find it if a male principal was harassing a young female teacher in the same way.
  23. I wonder if there's a chance that Abbott Elementary and Ghosts, with their breakout first seasons, will have a chance at some Emmy nominations this year. (I'm a big fan of Ghosts, too).
  24. The luxurious length of the lunch hour is the only thing that doesn't ring true about Abbott Elementary. Teachers have extended lunches on inservice days (and usually obnoxious team-building activities). Maybe a future episode could be built around an inservice day. I do enjoy this show so much although Ava is my least favorite character. Maybe she's there to keep the show from getting too sweetly sappy for viewers who aren't educators. Jacob was also a bit of a stereotype until last night's episode. I liked that they gave him more depth. I also liked the development in Gregory's story. I'm glad he's finally realizing how important he is to the littles in his classroom. In my district, the elementary teachers and staff were really close. Just last weekend, they had pictures all over their Facebook pages of the latest long weekend they enjoyed away from work. We high school people were too cool (or stubborn) to build too many relationships outside of school.
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