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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. After the speech, Dorothy thanks her, and Sophia says, "I only have one question. Now that I'm better, why do you still scream and holler at me?" (And then Rose says, "I'm not sure what was best for you is best for Lily," they all continue talking about what Rose should do, and Sophia's final wisecrack is, "But after all is said and done, I would sell Dorothy to the gypsies to get that bedroom.")
  2. Cliff rolling around in the sun is adorable. I'm glad they aired Mariah talking about local honey as a potential aid for allergies, because that's something people need to know for themselves, too, but not everyone does. You have to be very careful with pets and essential oils, though, so I wish that had been said. It was great to see him sprawled out on top of his person at the end! Jessica having her tail tucked between her legs like that after they untied her from the pole was so sad, as was her scared demeanor in general. She needs just the right person, and I hope she finds her/him. That paw maneuver Caim does is pretty damn cute; she's a charmer. What a journey she's had! I'm go glad that couple at the river found her, and brought her to VRC. And now she's in a loving home with lots of attention. I love when animals make themselves at home right away like she did - this is my toy, and this is my couch, and you are my people. She knew she was finally where she belongs.
  3. You got me curious, so I looked up the commercial. The book is called Heroes on Film, and I figured she wrote it (there is no author name on the cover that I can see), but it's a little weird that she didn't say "my writing" when she was listing all the things there are to her besides her HIV. But the book cover is seen in that collage of things that make her who she is. So, in the absence of any other explanation, I'm going to assume she wrote it.
  4. Oh, hell to the no. Did they get confused and think they were making a list of country's worst songs? The CU commentary revealed a horrifying tidbit: There are only seven solo Dolly Parton songs on the whole list. SEVEN. Jason Aldean has 17 fucking songs on this list, but Dolly Parton has less than half his total.
  5. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Same here; this sounds logical to me, so I have no reason not to believe it: And the NFL can miss me with its "found no such evidence" assertion. The evidence is Garrett's statement. If there's no corroborating evidence - and they actually looked for some (in one day?) - fine, but say that. Words have meanings and connotations; choosing the right ones to use matters.
  6. Badminton wasn't a TS, it was another missed DD by Dave. Had I been watching him flounder and fail to come up with either one (rather than just reading the "uh"s and ellipses on the archive), I'd have probably cringed in second-hand embarrassment for him. Because you just know he'd get both of those if he was playing at home.
  7. I basically did, as I read the clues on the archive rather than watching the game, and thus couldn't see the clips. Even though I am not generally a Disney fan, and haven't seen any of the plays and only seen one of them - Mary Poppins - as a film, those were indeed all instagets. So was FJ, even though I never knew the title came from a nursery rhyme; the dates and "direction" were somehow enough to bring it instantly to mind.
  8. I'm fine with this storyline, but I'd have liked it if it turned out Becky's plan was pretty damn good for someone with no business education or training. It would have been nice if she, who was always so book smart, had done some online research and put together a plan that needed some adjustment to the details and some big holes filled in because she doesn't know everything that needs to be considered (and Jackie's prior experience could be helpful there), but something she'd approached like she used to handle writing a report, and that surprised everyone (including her), but also reminded everyone (including her) of the potential Original Recipe Becky had. When she whipped out that binder (rather than a series of cocktail napkins or something) last episode, I thought they might go there, but figured they'd play it for laughs instead - the show is broader and more sitcom-y this time around. But they could have incorporated something like that into this episode, showing that after Darlene said no, Becky did some research and fleshed out her plan to address some of the risks and concerns. Becky could acknowledge to Darlene that she hasn't accomplished much of anything in so long that's become the norm in everyone's eyes, but remind her she used to, because she used to care about herself and her future. And say now that she's straightened her life out some and has a child to provide for, she cares again. That would add some weight to the others (because Jackie needs nothing extra) rallying behind taking this chance and give Darlene an emotional tug towards it rather than just an emotional battering by everyone around her.
  9. When Darlene was repeating Mark's question of where Dan wanted Louise to sit, I thought Sara Gilbert used just the right tone - a little curious and a little teasing. I think they all know Dan isn't ready to date anyone yet, so they're not threatened by it. I suspect many of them can't even imagine him ever wanting to date anyone; Dan and Roseanne were a pair since the age of 16 and seeing him without her is weird enough, but picturing him with another is not something that even comes to mind. If and when the time comes, though, that he is open to spending time with Louise (or anyone) in a romantic way, some of them will be slow to accept it. Yes, when the building secret came out, it was stated she wanted there to be a decent little estate to pass onto them when she died.
  10. Because she knew she had a college fund - what she didn't know is they'd spent it. They'd also told her from the time it became clear she was a good student that if she worked hard and got good grades, she could go to college. They didn't know shit about getting into college, so they believed it was as simple as that. And she believed them. They were all, for lack of experience and decent guidance counselors, very naive about how it worked. So when she found out they'd made a bit too much money the previous year for her to qualify for full aid, she figured the college fund would make up the difference. But, oops, no college fund; this year sucked, so they used it for other things. Reality hit her hard and she flipped out. She settled down once she had a chance to process, though. She'd have hopefully looked into filing an amended financial aid application based on the change in the family's income, academic scholarships, etc. But then when she also got hit with the Mark moving to Minneapolis situation, that was it; she got into that ugly fight with Dan and Mark proposed before there was enough time for her to settle down and think rationally. So she ran off and married him. But by the time they came back to get her stuff, she already had a decent plan for Minneapolis - other than getting her GED rather than graduating HS, it's probably the same thing she'd have wound up doing in Lanford, going to community college to start. So, like Roseanne said, maybe there's a small chance this isn't the biggest mistake she's ever going to make in her entire life. Becky blows up when the chaos that is life forces her to detour off the tidy little path she'd been sold, but she also always calmed down and regrouped. Except it was all shot to hell when Mark and New Coke Becky returned.
  11. I can't decide yet, but I think I might like it. You don't have to be someone whose every thought and deed is altruistic to accomplish something as incredible as saving a life: Chad's a typical, everyday, utterly non-heroic, even doofus of a dude in the way so many people today are, but he's not as vapid as he seems by his social media postings; he took the simple step of assuring that if he was going to die, any of his organs that could survive to help another would indeed be used. I'd have to follow up on the "Chad's fine; check him out here" thing to see if it undercuts anything, and check out the organization in general, but on the surface, that commercial as one of Oklahoma's ways of encouraging its residents to become donors sits just fine with me. Plus, Chad wears a Golden Girls t-shirt.
  12. Darlene has a fiduciary duty in having power of attorney over Bev's assets, but they're never going to get into that as a reason she should not have okayed this half-assed business plan (just as how they'll never get into why Darlene's appointment wasn't "in the event of" rather than this illogical scenario). But, setting the legalities aside, as one must do with TV, I understand and appreciate the emotions they are getting into. When I read a brief description of Jackie and Darlene's fight, I immediately thought of that brutal showdown between Roseanne and Dan, when he lashed out that the girls were losers and it was because of how she parented them. And it was indeed just as ugly and just as rooted in exaggerations of painful truths. This one was witnessed, and the reactions were particularly well done (Jackie's horrified what did I do? response especially, but also Harris's readiness to throw down in defense of the mom for whom she harbors such resentment). The fact the original Lunch Box "failed" is not per se a reason not to try another restaurant; the overwhelming majority of independent restaurants don't last for decades, and we don't know how long The Lunch Box lasted beyond the time we saw it. It didn't close in the first year like a large percentage of restaurants do, though, so it wasn't a failure. The Conners have always wrestled with whether or not to take a chance on something or play the slow and steady game, from whether to use a "windfall" of a couple hundred bucks to pay off bills or treat themselves to little things like designer perfume they don't normally splurge on to whether to spread a $10,000 gift out over future bills or pursue something that, if it worked, would give them a level of autonomy and potential they don't generally get to experience. Life taught them slow and steady didn't actually win any damn race. A "mom and pop" business was for a long time emblematic of the "American dream" for working-class people, and it's pretty hard to let go of that - especially when you don't feel any other of the dwindling paths into the ever-shrinking middle class are at your fingertips. The tug of something more is always going to exist in this family, and all that's going to change is who's on what side of the fence each time the issue comes up. Throw in the emotional tie to the past that is so strongly compounded by Roseanne's absence and it wouldn't make sense if some of them - Jackie, especially - didn't want to do this. So the stage is logically set. (Mary and Mark should in no way be given a vote, though - WTF? Once decided, let them have a stab at naming it, like D.J. named the original.) And Dan shouldn't be haranguing Darlene to "fix all this", but that, too, is consistent. As with any Conner Thanksgiving, there were some amusing moments in the midst of combat: Darlene's "invitation" text to Jackie and Becky. Everyone using the kids to guilt trip everyone else. The long-delayed turkey, reminding me of the painful "when will it be ready/did you know when swordfish is overcooked it shrinks/let's just have burgers" dinner from hell with Chip's family. Darlene finding being hugged worse than being hit. And Jackie and her broom of talent show resentment is Laurie Metcalf at her most Laurie Metcalf. I like that Roseanne remains very present in Dan and Louise's interaction. But, Dan, it's not the first time alcohol has flowed from the house to the garage - remember Super Bowl Sunday with Non-Alcoholic Beverage?
  13. I wasn't home last night, and didn't have time to check the archive today, which worked out fine since last night's episode is airing tonight. World Leaders Revealed had to include Putin, so I laughed at the wording of his clue. The seemingly inexplicable Tom Hanks TS has been explained (and should have been on the show), but I still cannot believe flower power and crop top were TS. Cliff and Buddy Holly surprised me a little. I correctly predicted only one would get FJ, though (I had no idea who, just that it was a 1 of 3 type of clue). Despite the missed DD of Woolworth (I thought he'd get that!), Kevin played an impressive game.
  14. Had Phoenix lived, he may well have largely transitioned out of acting by now, since he was most passionate about his activism. I could see him concentrating on that and his music, occasionally taking a role because it and/or the project resonated with him in some way. It's sad that we'll never know. It also saddens me to think about what a shit show those kids grew up in -- no education, no structure, limited socialization outside the cult, all pushed into the entertainment industry to support the family, etc.
  15. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Exactly. The NFL gave him only a few days notice, picked the date (and quite deliberately one in which coaches and the number one scouts are busy), location and coach, insisted on no press, and tried to foist the "nope, no collusion here" waiver on him. Kaep let them think they were getting away with this charade, and then exposed it for what it was. As he said, "I’ve been ready for three years. I’ve been denied for three years. We all know why. I came out there and showed it today in front of everybody.” But I'm supposed to give him the side eye? No thanks, sports media, I see you just like I see the league. The Monday before, in accepting Glamour magazine's Woman of the Year award, Megan Rapinoe went all in thanking Kaepernick and calling out not only the unfairness of his treatment, but the discrepancy between his and hers. You can find the speech in its entirety many places, but here's part:
  16. It seems to be a series, with those singers, because when I went looking for the Future Stalker one, I found this one: And this one which, for a Jared commercial, isn't horrible ("this may not completely rhyme" is funny):
  17. Boy, Reba isn't kidding when she says she can't walk in heels. I was not wowed by that. The fit of the first two outfits made obvious there was something underneath them all, so the costume changes were telegraphed and thus lost a lot of their oomph. But I understand she does that routine as an encore at a lot of her concerts (I haven't seen her on stage in eons), so I guess it's her signature thing and that - plus Bobbie Gentry's lyrics - is why she/they went with Fancy for this celebration of women in country.
  18. I didn't see the episode, so I'm a little confused by the discussion: If she is apparently the one purchasing the place, why on earth would she put his name on the deed? Plenty of couples live together in a home that is owned by only one of them, and they agree on a fair financial arrangement that doesn't involve conferring ownership and equity on the other one without the concomitant financial responsibility. (On the flip side, I have a friend who despite being of above-average intelligence and being repeatedly warned against this, bought a house with both her and her boyfriend's name on the title, but because of his poor credit, secured the mortgage in her name only. No separate contract between them. So they owned it equally, but she alone was legally responsible for paying for it. Anyone not see what's coming? Anyone? ["Bueller?"] You guessed it: They split the mortgage payments ... right up until a few years later when they broke up, when he never paid another dime.)
  19. Yikes! I just searched for that one, and it's creepy. You don't smile and hug at something like that, you back slowly away from the table while blocking his number. She'll need a restraining order within a month.
  20. Right, but those things are occasionally and casually mentioned in a way periods, cramps, tampons, etc. aren't. It's that lack of occasionally being a benign background reference on TV in the same way other routine parts of life are that's one problem, perpetuating the taboo against women's natural bodies and functions. We get a character taking off a pair of heels and rubbing - or having rubbed - her feet as the background of a conversation, a character unloading groceries that include toilet paper in the midst of the scene's conversation/action, etc. but symptoms and products related to periods are not casually included in the same way. Periods only exist as a plot point, and almost always in a narrow way that too often revolves around how the men in a menstruating or menopausal woman's life are affected by her cycle -- she's moody, she doesn't want to have sex, she's got the bedroom windows open and the ceiling fan going in January, etc. and Poor Befuddled Male is just hanging on for the ride.
  21. What's wrong with the donut that it needs to also be replaced? It doesn't sound like you came even close to using up its limited lifespan. Don't spend money you don't need to. Your car is so new you can just replace the one busted tire (typically, you replace two or four at a time, depending on mileage and tread, when one is damaged beyond repair, but with such a new car that's the time you can just replace one with no drawback), and the spare used just this once can go back in the trunk for the next time you again need it temporarily. One new tire, and you're good to go. I'm glad you still had a good time at the event; that's hard to do with something like this hanging over your head.
  22. Oh, dear, I certainly wasn't suggesting this cat was part of a feral colony - clearly not! - or even that she'd originated in one and been removed young and socialized some time ago, having lived in a home since (her ear isn't tipped and I wouldn't know about a tattoo from the photo). I was just wondering about the means of detecting a spay in this case because none of the typical means - which is all I was listing - are apparent from the story and picture and I'm curious.
  23. I just looked up the recipe, and that Tuscan Turkey Roulade looks good. It's only three of us, and we're in a motorhome for Thanksgiving, so we always just do a turkey breast (boned, rolled, and tied up so it's like a roast, then brined and cooked on a charcoal grill, basted occasionally with butter) rather than a whole turkey. Between starting with a fresh, natural turkey and doing the brining and basting, it's tasty (on its own, and certainly compared to the nasty-ass frozen breast from some factory farm we threw on the grill during my childhood - for years, I thought I hated turkey!). So we don't need anything more, but that roulade recipe looks and sounds good. It might need a little tweaking (I'm thinking about the placement of the sage) to do on the grill, but I may try that this year or next, so I'm glad you mentioned it. In looking at the episode's other recipes, I wouldn't eat either of the side dishes, because I don't like potatoes or sweet potatoes (and I really don't understand two starchy sides; why not a green vegetable dish, Ina?), or the pumpkin flan dessert, because I'm not much of a pumpkin fan (I don't eat the traditional pumpkin pie my mom makes) and the flan with maple caramel sounds way too sweet for me. But my best friend would love that dessert. She's not much of a cook, but I'll make it for her when I go visit next month. So I'm doubly glad you posted about the episode (I never see them; they're on too early, and I'm not much of a recorder).
  24. How could you tell? The only way I know that doesn't involve a vet is to shave the belly and look for a scar, or if she has a tipped or tattooed ear (which usually means she was spayed as part of a TNR program). Much easier on a male! I'm glad you had such excellent company while you waited. I wish people would put ID tags on their pets, even if they're microchipped. When I go for a walk, I sometimes see cats I assume are just chilling in their neighborhood, but without a tag I don't know for sure. (Of course, they could be among the cats whose asshole owners moved and left them behind.) All around, visible ID is helpful. Some people who find a lost pet can't or don't know to take her/him to be scanned, so if there's a phone number right there on the pet, notification and reunion can happen much faster.
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