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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Bastet

    The Judges

    When does she say "as fuck"? I can't with adults using cutesy coverings of "bad" language - use your words, either the ones you mean or an actual substitute - so I'm not a fan of "AF" instead of "as fuck" (either say it, or instead say "as hell" or "as all get out" or whatever), but that's what she says at the beginning (about 12 seconds in) and the end (just a couple of minutes before the end) of the video you posted. My ears are racing to catch up with my eyes in the failing department, but I don't don't hear something in between - when does she say it? Or has it been edited in the interim?
  2. Boo to Jennifer's streak ending. I read the archive rather than seeing the game (it's a football night), so I don't have the full sense of how the game played out beyond the numbers (which make it look like the contestants all played a great game, especially Jennifer and Kirby, and Kirby came out just ahead), but I was digging Jennifer. And I say this as someone who is neutral on most contestants as I'm watching much more for the clues than them. At least it's another woman (and I, too, dig that name). The Judy Blume TS made me so sad I can't even decide how surprising it was; other works of hers, quite, but I'm not sure on that one - maybe mildly? Franz Joseph was also mildly surprising as a TS (I didn't know it, either; who ruled what when is one of the things I'd have to bone up on if I ever studied to be a contestant), as was Cuban cigars. But no "wow, I'd have bet money at least one would get that" surprises, and it seemed like a good game. I'm just a little sad it won't be Jennifer playing tomorrow night when I'm available to watch again. FJ sprang to mind a little quicker than I'd have expected going back over the clue and analyzing each piece; something about how they all worked together led me to it, but then I had to re-read and ponder to confirm.
  3. Ooh. You're right, they just travel, not live, in it, so while their space-saving items (including a collapsible collander) help, there is room for plenty of full-size items. But this I must check out, thanks. I had to look that up; thanks for the new word! Dry camping is how I've heard it, and, yes, they do - my dad installed solar panels that feed into the batteries (and they have a generator, if need be), so they're fine without hookups. I have one of those, as does my dad. I agree - fun! Not just you. But when I was a kid, I picked out a patch for every new state we went to, and my mom sewed them onto a windbreaker for me. I can only vaguely picture how hideous that thing was, but my mom may still have it somewhere. Never having been to vacation bible school, or any kind of summer camp, I had to take a moment and picture what you were talking about as the paragraph went on. There is an antenna, but I'm not sure how much they use it (maybe to watch the local channels of the city they're in); they have a satellite dish, and for that you just push a button and it raises itself, spins around to find the satellite, and locks into place -- no crank. Two-way radio headsets, so they're covered there. LOL - they share your peeve with the runway lights. In the evening, they're by a campfire, not under the awning, and my dad likes the outdoors to be dark other than is necessary to see, so the only exterior light they have is the motorhome's "porch" light and then a lantern on the picnic table for when my dad needs to illuminate the grill. I'll look into those (and other) outdoor chairs; their regular chairs aren't very old, but two of the three recliners are getting a little long in the tooth. They have good frames, so my mom has replaced the foam and upholstery a couple of times. If there's something new with good bones, it would be nice to save her the work, though. Thanks for the ideas!
  4. I didn't even realize that's who that is; she looked younger to me, and I figured they were going down the usual road of a nearly 50-year-old guy with woman barely pushing 30. Okay, good, there's not much of an age difference between Maverick and his love interest, then (assuming the characters are the same general ages as the actors).
  5. She never says "we're not Italian", she says "I thought I married an Italian". But then, yes, after he talks about his DNA results, she goes on to inexplicably say of his family tree that one of "our ancestors" they thought was Italian was instead Eastern European. It's quite odd.
  6. I wonder if the actor playing the girl hiding in the bathroom texting her mom has been in anything else, because she does a hauntingly terrific job conveying her character's breath-holding terror as the door opens and footsteps approach. That PSA would have got to me any time, but my best friend's niece was recently traumatized by having to flee a school shooting that started just a few yards away from her, so it really socked me in the stomach.
  7. I had my first McDonald's cheeseburger in high school (we almost never ate fast food when I was growing up, and the rare times we did it was Carl's Jr). It was also my last. I don't know which one I got - whatever my classmate recommended - but it was horrid. Like you, I decided it was far better suited to the rubbish bin than my stomach. When a teenager who just spent money on food decides she'd rather chuck it than eat it, it's bad. The fries were good, so I just ate those rather than trying a different burger.
  8. It's still doing nothing for me, other than a little fun spotting the nods to the first film. (And getting exercise rolling my eyes that this time the motorcycle shot looks like he has his daughter wrapped around him.)
  9. I didn't like her rendition of "Blue Bayou," but good job on "When Will I Be Loved". I can't stand that song, no matter who sings it. Wow; that reminded me just how much I love Linda's version, and why hers is the most popular, because as great as Trisha sounded, it still paled in comparison to Linda's performances. (And, ugh, to the shot of Trisha's toad of a husband - at least there was just the one.) It had to be a bittersweet night for Ronstadt; an incredible honor, and beautiful tributes, but to watch others performing your songs when you know you can't do it yourself anymore has to hurt, too.
  10. Or conveniently written on a snow globe sitting next to the monitor. In a super duper secret research facility. Sorry, that will only make sense to X-Files fans, but it was possibly the stupidest thing I've ever seen writers come up with for how a character figures out someone's password (to the surprise of no XF fan, it was a Chris Carter idea).
  11. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    They're giving me whiplash with how they're great, then they suck, then they're great, then they suck. At least the Giants have the consideration to suck consistently, so I know what to expect. The least the Rams could do was not pick their game against the fucking Cowboys as a suck week. I'd have been fine with them losing to the Seahawks. I am not okay with this.
  12. I don't think it's any big deal not to invite your romantic partner of less than a year to your family holiday, either. No big deal if you want to, either. But no big deal if you don't, for whatever reason. Hell, I know three married couples (all child free) who spend Christmas separately - he goes to his family, she goes to hers - simply because it's easier and a little more enjoyable that way.
  13. No (I'm not home for Christmas). Hey, maybe that's why she never brings me a Bloody Mary in bed on Mother's Day.
  14. I dislike more of those than I like, but I do like some. My favorite is "Hokey Pokey" in the "Chinga" episode of The X-Files.
  15. I'll read it once I recover from my disgust that a 2200-word piece, with an estimated read time of nine minutes, is housed on a site dedicated to "long reads". ... Okay, I read it (in about seven minutes), and I think it's a superficial but accurate summary of the series' trajectory. Nothing that hasn't been said before, but worthy of repeating:
  16. This is typical, at least in recent years; I just checked, and 2018 was released on the 14th and 2017 on the 17th.
  17. The TCM Remembers for 2019 is up on TCM's YouTube channel. It's a good one, but might be a little more difficult than usual to edit to include any additional deaths between now and the end of the year - so that's another reason to hope we don't have any more. (TCM has now taken it down for some reason; stay tuned.) (And now it's back up, edited.)
  18. There is also a "No Time" by Australian indie group Frente.
  19. One of them did. But none of them knew the character's name (nor did I; I knew it was someone from a Matrix movie, but I've never seen them and Neo is the only name from them I've picked up through cultural osmosis, so I had no shot at guessing who was talking to him [him? her? it?]).
  20. I laughed at that one, because until it came up in the House Hunters thread a while back, I had no idea how many people said "hot water heater" -- I guess it's common enough to be an acceptable J! answer. I didn't find anything wrong with the clue ("it's the last name of the man who said {quote}" is straightforward and the category is "business namesakes" so that last name has to be part of the business), just her answer; his last name is McDonald, not McDonald's.
  21. Smokey Colbert. Because it's Stephen Colbert. Betty White and Al Roker each did one, too. Possibly other celebrities as well; it's a series commemorating the 75th anniversary of the campaign.
  22. I won't be home tonight, so I checked the archive, and according to what's written there, Lisa was given credit for "McDonald's" in FJ. If accurate, that's bullshit; the clue asked for the guy's last name, not the name of his restaurant. I don't care that it still put her in third place; having to avoid making that dumb mistake was the only thing that made the clue slightly more challenging than Toddler Tournament level to begin with. Bar was a surprising TS. While I didn't know the Matrix character (but did know that was the film; I've somehow picked up Neo = The Matrix via cultural osmosis), I was a little surprised none of them did, either. Isn't that franchise incredibly popular? (So are Star Wars and The Princess Bride, and I didn't know those, either - bad category for me after the first two clues.) I didn't know a single one of the Literary TV Adaptations clues, either, yikes. But I did get everything else in DJ, including all the Pope clues, even though Vatican II was my joke guess.
  23. I never knew anything about Aiello beyond his roles until reading that THR obituary just now; he had an interesting background and career trajectory. I like this about how he came to be in Do The Right Thing:
  24. Between skipping the airing for football and Christmas shopping fatigue, I was pleasantly buzzed by the time I read the archive last night. There were only two TS I'd have thought someone would know - CSI (I've never seen a minute of any of those shows, but the main casts of the big ones are easy to pick up via pop culture osmosis, never mind when studying for this game) and Luna/Lunik - and neither truly surprised me; it seemed like a good game on "paper". Go ahead, Jennifer! The Rhymes With a Season category belonged in the first round, not DJ, but I'll grant "up-and-comer" was a tough one in context. Another Women Authors category. It's basically trolling at this point.
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