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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. When I was a kid, little kids rode on the sidewalks, except for in cul de sacs or other low-traffic streets. Only bigger kids rode in the busier streets, but I can't remember at what age the transition usually occurred; maybe 10? So I don't take notice when I see a kid riding her/his bike down the sidewalk today (as long as they're not being rude or dangerous to pedestrians). If I think anything, it's that it's nice to see a kid getting some fresh air and exercise rather than staring at a screen, because I hardly ever see kids riding bikes anymore.
  2. That shirt has been around for quite some time; it's not about Mutt the person, it's about dog mutts -- digging the mixed breeds rather than insisting on purebred.
  3. I watched this show when it was on, but barely remember anything from it. Michael learning of Gary's death is seared into my brain, and I remember everyone talking about it the next day; it was a true water cooler moment. I remember throwing the remote in disgust when they pulled out the tired trope of woman wanting abortion changes her mind at the last minute with Susannah. And I remember two great quotes from Ellyn: "You know, I lie sometimes when people ask me if I have any plans for the evening, because if I tell them that I just want to hang out at home, there will be this long silence and then they'll say, 'Oh ... well, why don't you join us?' Because I don't want to! I want to be alone!" and "People bump into you on the street, the first thing they say to you is, 'Are you in love? Are you seeing someone?' Nobody asks me about my job. Or my cat." But other than that it's just vague notions of who I liked and didn't. I know I liked Ellyn and Susannah, and I'm pretty sure I liked Nancy, Gary, and Melissa. Hope and Michael I think I went back and forth on, and I know Elliott drove me bonkers. In my office closet is a bag with the entire series on VHS, that I picked up via Freecycle many moons ago. One of these years, I will finally get around to watching it again; maybe this thread popping up will motivate me.
  4. I won't be home tonight, so I just read through the clues on the archive, and can't decide if I'm surprised FJ was a TS - I guess that means I'm not. Carol Channing as a TS, despite a picture, did surprise me, though, as did none of them knowing Fort Knox is in Kentucky. Meter really surprised me until I realized that was the first clue uncovered in that category, at which point I wondered if they thought the answer had to use all the letters in "extremis". But they went on to be just dreadful in that category, so who knows. Margo Channing as a TS surprised me a little; I thought that play/film was well-known enough that at least one of three contestants would know its main characters. Mites, jocular, latitude, Rin Tin Tin, and Clinton all surprised me a little, too. Clinton because it had to be a recent Secretary of State, yet no one even took a guess. Fifteen TS tonight. Add in The Bell Jar DD being a miss, and this was another bad game, two in a row.
  5. I like the interaction between the fathers and daughters in both those commercials; the teasing comes off very natural and affectionate.
  6. Nope. Like I said, either in this thread or another one, when the commercial was first mentioned, you don't smile and hug in response to a crazy gesture like that, you back away slowly while blocking his number and looking up the restraining order process.
  7. It's not just about what radio stations one listens to, that song is in movies, TV shows, and commercials, gets belted out in bars, is played in restaurants/stores as well as people's homes, etc. To have never heard it in the 30-some years she'd been alive at the time she recorded it, despite being in the music industry herself (and long before she landed a recording contract and released that first album - she worked for a music publishing company upon arriving in Nashville and then married a music publishing exec), is quite something.
  8. Oh gods, I had to go look this song up to see if it's as bad as the CU folks make it seem (yep), because the commentary is hilariously scathing: Seriously?! That anemic cover is awful. And I like Faith Hill (rather dim, but quite nice, based on my few brief interactions with her when I worked in the music industry), but I can't with the fact she'd never heard Janis's version when she recorded hers. You have to actively look for a rock to live under to miss that song. This one, though, I love; Conway Twitty has an unparalleled ability to make cheesy, male gaze lyrics sound respectfully admiring. This is now stuck in my head. That's not a bad thing. I almost started off with railing against this list yet again, that "Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes" (weird that CU has it as "Your") was only ranked 719, but then I thought that might just be a knee-jerk reaction; I let that percolate while I pondered the others, and I've decided it is indeed right about where it should be (on a real list of top 1000, that is; as compared just to what's on this list so far, it should be higher).
  9. Why not? It's not her job to feed the family, it's theirs, and how they divvy up that task should be based on interest, time, and skill, not gender. I agree it's ridiculous how many HHs demand a kitchen that was just renovated five minutes ago, with the requisite stainless steel appliances and granite countertops, when apparently all they do in it is slice vegetables for their move-in party. But that applies to all such HHs, not just the women among them.
  10. Sounds like a great trip. I have pretty severe motion sickness that is at its worse on the water, so I've only been to the Channel Islands once (but I did all of them) and Catalina a couple of times, despite being local. They're beautiful, especially Channel Islands - and, yes, the unique animals and plants are something to behold; it feels like seeing an area frozen in a long-ago time. I hope the Anacapa islets are open to visitors this week; I know a construction project is causing intermittent closures. Have a great trip!
  11. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I missed the first half, but I enjoyed the hell out of the second half of tonight's game. I'm going to be a bundle of conflicting emotions and loyalties next week in the Rams-Seahawks game.
  12. I still can't find anything on the local news about a protest/strike today, but they've held them before on this issue. Sorry for the bad timing, but at least it all worked out. Where are you sailing off to? Heh. Yeah. Welcome to L.A. The only time we don't have the lovely smog to look through (and breathe) is during/just after times of high winds.
  13. That was part of the show I didn't see because I was watching football, but in revealing the answer to Mohammed's missed DD in the first round, I thought Alex said "Rockerfeller".
  14. Yep. Alex once screwed that up, but I can't remember the specifics anymore. Northern Ireland is a delicate dance in and of itself in terms of how you speak about it depending on where you are and whom you're talking to; calling Ireland part of Great Britain or the U.K. is a good way to get a pint of Guinness dumped on your head. I only watched tonight's game during breaks in football, and it was painfully bad just from that limited exposure; I was stunned to read through the archive and see how many more TS and boneheaded wrong answers there were in the parts I didn't see. For FJ, I said "Martin Luther's ..." and then sat here trying to come up with what to call them. I wound up with protests; I could not come up with theses.
  15. LAX recently banned curbside pick-up by taxis, Uber, Lyft, etc. and shunted them off to a separate lot, LAX-it, which is probably where you are. It pissed off everyone, especially taxi drivers, so while there isn't a strike (unless one started today), there are fewer taxi drivers willing to deal with it. The wait for a taxi still tends to be shorter than for the rideshares, though. You can reach the green line (metro rail) from LAX, but without knowing where you're going, I don't know if it or one of the connecting lines would get you there; you may be better off just waiting for a taxi. Good luck. You can still be dropped off curbside via taxi, so you won't deal with that LAX-it lot on the way home. I regret to inform you the weather is only going to get worse, but if you think today's is great - it's cold to us - you may not mind. I hope you enjoy your trip.
  16. I watched the long version, and it's all the parents ever do with them. Yes, everyone is grieving - including those girls - but if I of all people feel sorry for two kids constantly getting told to knock it off when they're just being kids, it's excessive. Whether they're doing something they actually need to be redirected from, like fighting in the backseat or pushing the light on and off on the airplane, or just existing, they get handed a device and shooed away. The grandpa can barely be bothered to say hello to them, and when they move on to the dog, who might actually be as excited to see them as they are to see her/him, they get told to “settle down”. When they make their own non-electronic fun playing with the dog, all they get is “Make sure you clean that up.” Why not wait and see if they don’t do it on their own? They’re constantly herded into another room and handed a screen. They’re nice enough to ask if grandpa is still sad, and get told to keep busy and not annoy grandpa. On and on. They find photos and videos on their own and do this really nice thing for a family that has spent the entire visit excluding them, and finally everyone talks to each other.
  17. I was gone last week, so perhaps I'm missing something by just reading about it, but it seems to me the answer to this question as part of the overall discussion of the FJ clue is that they wouldn't put such a novel under any [Nationality Novels] category. While a novel such as Dracula, written and set in England, would be classified a British novel, despite its author's place of birth and residency history. This clue under the heading British Novelists (or Authors), I'd join in calling bullshit. But Classic British Novels? I don't take issue. (I couldn't come up with it, either, mind you, but I did a V8 head smack when I clicked on the answer.)
  18. Having only seen the Mayhem ad with Tina Fey in which he's her dog, not her mother-in-law, I too was initially confused, but looked it up: Here's elf on the shelf (which I'd never seen, either):
  19. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Happy Thanksgiving weekend to me. The Giants are a lost cause this season, so my weekend has long since stopped being ruined when they lose. The Rams rebounded from an abysmal showing Monday night to beat a pathetic team, but it was still a needed win and their playoff hopes are alive. Remote, and wouldn't be deserved, but alive. But, really, it was all about whose losses filled me with glee. The Cowboys lost Thursday, Alabama lost yesterday (collateral damage; I only care that the walking turd that is Nick Saban loses), and now the Patriots lost tonight. For all this I give thanks.
  20. I didn't watch the show, but during that time she was my friend's landlord; I remember her as a nice woman with good stories.
  21. No, it was a Netflix decision. When it was announced a few months ago that it was renewed for season seven, and that would be the last, Lily and Jane issued a statement saying, "We are both delighted and heartbroken that Grace and Frankie will be back for its seventh, though final, season." They also said, "We’ll miss these two old gals, Grace and Frankie, as much as many of their fans will, but we’ll still be around. We’ve outlasted so many things – just hope we don’t outlast the planet.”
  22. Oh, my. The ET one didn't do anything to me, as I have no emotional attachment to the film (I saw it when it came out, it was good, I think I re-watched it once as an adult, it was good - that's it), but this made me burst into fat tears. The adults keep shoving a device in those girls' face instead of interacting with them, yet they're still loving kids who have fun with the dog and then use the technology used to get them out of everyone's hair to make a thoughtful gift for the family.
  23. I was highly annoyed by how many people thought it was an original song when Whitney's version came out, but I knew Dolly was laughing all the way to the bank (and seemed to genuinely like Whitney's take on it). That It's not new! frustration colored my reception of it, I think, and the movie was awful, so it took me a while to let everything go and just appreciate Whitney's version in a vacuum, but I did come to really like it. Of all Dolly's versions of the song, I like her Best Little Whorehouse in Texas rendition best.
  24. Any Thanksgiving in which Jerry Jones walks away pissed off is a good one, and the holiday weekend got even better when Saban watched his team get knocked out of playoff contention. I won't have a team to truly root for unless OU winds up number four, but I'd root for Utah on Pac-12 solidarity grounds. With Alabama (irrevocably tainted by Saban; I don't care about them otherwise) out, at least I no longer have to worry about loathing one of the final four. (Ohio St. I hate, but not loathe.)
  25. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Yes. Unless you live in Los Angeles or Arizona, and then we don't have a damn morning game on FOX. I'm okay having the Browns-Steelers game on instead, as it will motivate me to go put the Christmas lights up before the Rams-Cardinals game starts, but I'd rather watch the battle between the two teams having stellar seasons.
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