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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. My I'm doomed eye roll upon reading the FJ category could be seen from space. I did figure Seventh Day Adventist was an obvious but wrong guess, because "day" in the clue would make it too easy if that was it, so I readily ruled out my first thought, but I never had another one. I'm pretty surprised shiitake was a TS, between "Japanese" in the clue and a picture (which I couldn't see, as I was reading the archive [I still got all the mushrooms just based on the text]) and that Alaska was a TS; when there's no country before state in a J! clue, it means a U.S. state, and I'd have thought "above-average amount of sunlight" would have taken at least one contestant to the state where it's daylight for months in places. I'm also surprised pneumonia took three guesses to get to, and a little surprised no one guessed exile for a forced departure. But none of the other TS raised my eyebrow, and I correctly predicted Hal Blaine = drums would result in crickets.
  2. I'd never heard of it. I didn't do well in that category; I don't watch any of the shows, but I'd heard of the first three so I was able to answer those clues. But then I just stared blankly at the last two - I had no idea Kevin Costner was on a TV show, either (I don't like him, so it's not something I'd seek out, but I'd never even heard about it [which I guess is nice, in that movie stars doing TV is no longer a big deal]).
  3. Probably, but I don't like shirts tucked in (only some blouses).
  4. That's the fundamental flaw of the 2018 film, because by ignoring all the sequels - which I don't otherwise mind, just like I was fine with how H20 ignored major aspects of canon - Laurie has absolutely no reason to center her life around the certainty that one day he will escape and come after her. And since the way she has lived her life and its affect on everyone is what the whole film is about, that's a big problem. Yet I really like it, so kudos to Jamie Lee Curtis. Oh my. The color of the fake blood in II is bad, but that thing is on another level.
  5. I've handled a number of sexual harassment cases, and there's indeed absolutely nothing wrong with your reaction. Reading a victim's account is hard, and sitting across from someone as she recounts her experience is on another level, especially for women. You're going to think about it a lot when it's quiet at home tonight, so I'll be thinking about you - appreciating your compassion and wishing you comfort.
  6. The "no yank tanks" do indeed stay in place. I have a short torso (I'm tall, but it's all from my legs), so they're too long on me; I usually wear mine when I'm working in the yard or garage, which makes me laugh because I feel like I should be one of the women in the commercial.
  7. Sean doesn't contribute to anything, other than the overpopulation crisis. He's been with CNN for a whopping 11 days now, and other anchors/commentators on the network have already lambasted him as "appalling" (among other specific things). Fuck that guy. (To be clear, my ire is with him, not you for reporting on his latest means of exposing the country to his ignorance and hatred.) He's always been a fuck that guy type of dude; I wonder if Rachel would have turned out just as awful without him or if she'd be less annoying - and with half a dozen fewer kids - if she hadn't gotten knocked up and decided she had to saddle herself for life as a result.
  8. I got three of the bible clues, but only because they made it easy by choosing things like "oh ye of little faith" and "physician, heal thyself" (which I never even knew came from the bible). Stonewall and Haymarket were surprising TS. Brawny a bit surprising, too. The California TS was one of those that surprised me only in that no one else took a guess (of Oregon or CA after they knew Washington was wrong). I didn't get "robust" because I was trying to think of something specific to coffee (which I don't drink), which ticked me off because I love language categories. And if I had been watching rather than reading the archive, I'm sure the contestant would have answered before I could have come up with Baum's name in the Oz flag clue. I know very well who the author is, but today could somehow only mentally churn out Frank Braun? Burns? B-something. What the hell is his name?! for several moments. On the archive, the restless leg syndrome website is written as ris.org, not rls, so I was quite perplexed by that clue until I ignored that part and just focused on the rest of it. Thank goodness for the Bringing Up Baby clue (one of my favorite films), because until then I'd only known one other movie (American Beauty) in the category. Add me to the list of those who got Steinbeck, but by thinking it was from Grapes of Wrath.
  9. Monk as a child's only parent? Hell to the no. The kid wouldn't develop a proper immune system and would be taught the world is filled with things to be afraid of.
  10. There is no one point in the original series at which we switch to the book version; Roseanne wrote the story of her life, changing along the way things she didn't like about it but couldn't change in real life. In "reality", Becky was with David and Darlene was with Mark, but Roseanne thought the girls would each be better off with the other brother, so she wrote them that way. Going back even further, Jackie had always told Roseanne she was gay, but she wrote her with men. So it's ALL the book, the whole original series, and some of what happened in the book is the same as it was in real life, but some of it is different; most of what's different comes in season nine, as her life after Dan's death is what she re-wrote the most. It doesn't matter, though, because the revival season undoes all that, so the reality as revealed in the original season finale isn't actually reality. Dan's alive, Jackie's straight, Becky was with Mark/Darlene was with David, etc. But Andy doesn't seem to exist and a few other things are different. So most of what happened in seasons one through eight is canon in this revival/spin-off universe, but not everything - and there are things we don't yet know for sure if they've carried over.
  11. I love the original, find two a dull follow-up, never saw three (since it's not part of the Michael Myers arc), like four, will sometimes watch five and six as part of a marathon on TV, like H20, have never seen Resurrection, and really like 2018/Ib/whatever we're calling it. H20 and the 2018 film I saw in theatres opening weekend, because it was just that exciting to have Laurie back, and I'll do the same with Halloween Kills and Halloween Ends when they come out; I would have loved for the ending of 2018 to be the end of the franchise - Michael finally taken out by three generations of Strode women - but I like that they did 2018 with a plan for the following two already in place. It's not like they intended it to be the end and then just decided to keep going because it made money. So I have faith I'll be happy with this modern arc as a whole. I've never seen the Rob Zombie remakes.
  12. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Gods, that fucker. I hate to waste some of my last energy on him, but I am never.letting.that.go so, yeah.
  13. I never participate in Halloween. I just turn the porch light off, and no one bothers me. I only went trick-or-treating once as a child (and stopped after a few houses) because I thought it was dumb, and then once as a young teenager (so tacky, but we were young teenagers and got this notion in our head it would be fun), so I don't feel any sense that it's now my turn to give back. The Diane Whipple case involved two Presa Canarios, not a pit bull.
  14. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Oh, I adore this. There is zero chance of it happening, of course, but if it did (and the Giants beat them, yet again, as nature intended), it would be among the greatest things to happen in my life, and I'd babble about it from my death bed.
  15. In perusing just one day's worth of posts on a pet discussion forum, I have seen the owner of a German Shepherd write it as "Shepard" and the owner of a chihuahua write it as "chiwawa". How do you not know how to spell the breed of your own dog?
  16. Being a fan of college sports definitely makes the colleges & universities categories easier. I was a little surprised Fayetteville was a TS, with Little Rock ruled out, as the universities asked about are usually in cities a decent percentage of people have heard of, and there just aren't that many of those to choose from in Arkansas. I guess the same thing could be said about Utah for the Provo TS, but for some reason it didn't stick out to me in the same way that no one else took a stab at it after Salt Lake City was ruled out. Another mild surprise is that no one even took a guess at which stroke comes third in the medley relay; there aren't all that many to choose from. Maybe all three of them just don't know swimming at all, or didn't put together that it was even referring to swimming to begin with. There were a lot of TS tonight, several more of which were also mildly surprising to me - range, curiosity, emotional, beta-carotene, and illness - but I think what's really surprising is that in a game with a dozen TS, I didn't find any of them truly surprising or have an overall sense that this was a bad game. Thanks to Seinfeld, I cannot help but want to say "the Moops" whenever the answer is the Moors.
  17. I'm sure Joan (his mistress of 20 years) made sure he took care of that once the divorce was finalized. 🙂 And, yes, she got a good divorce settlement; that's why she bought herself a new car, even though hers was perfectly good (Roseanne got her old one and Becky got Roseanne's, after Dan and Roseanne wouldn't let Bev give Becky her car), and why she was able to give Roseanne and Jackie $10k each and then buy into the restaurant when that wasn't enough.
  18. I don't think the commercial is implying otherwise; the song is about him ("there is someone walking behind you ... look at me") and the tag line after the alert does its thing is "We're all on this road together." He's distracted by his phone, she's distracted by her kids, and the car's camera/alert feature prevents that from leading to disaster; let's all hold hands and sing an ode to technology is the vibe I get from it, not ugh, this fucking guy.
  19. Last season, we saw Jackie breaking down in the Chinese restaurant that had taken its place. She had been really happy there, co-owning something and working with Roseanne, so after Roseanne's death she found herself going back there - drunk and upset, of course, so they had to drag her out. So we already knew they weren't treating it like Andy and pretending it never happened.
  20. "Staves" was the only TS that also stumped me - I just could not pull the word from my brain! - but "the land of the free" was the only TS that really surprised me. "Tent maker" had me yelling "Come on, Omar the Tent Maker!" at the screen, and "teak" is something I'd have thought a contestant would at least guess, but that was my well, I'd have lost money on that prediction clue. (And who says TV isn't educational; the only reason I knew Pallas was an asteroid was an episode of Major Crimes.) I watched Rear Window a year or two ago for the first time in decades, so FJ was instaget. I'm pretty sure I'd have come up with it regardless, but I'm also certain it wouldn't have come so quickly.
  21. I'm not a Halloween person, but I've always enjoyed watching the Conners get so into it. They've had some great costumes over the years; I appreciate the creativity. Bev Rose (or Audrey, heh) as a Chicago Dog was cute, but Mary needs to step it up. Her aunts never went so basic at her age, and just saying she's a queen rather than a princess is not going to hack it. Ripped Van Winkle isn't Dan's best, but it's not bad. Darlene as Becky before the baby gave me a good laugh. (As did Dan hoping Bev getting ready for bed on his couch was a Bev's Ghost costume.) Mary's scene at the restaurant was touching, with D.J. knowing what was possibly coming and trying to get rid of that woman before it could happen, and Mary wanting to skip ice cream just to get the hell out of there. The scene between Mary and Mark, with the two kids tempering their parents' advice with reality, was nice. Bev giving Darlene so much authority via POA proves Roseanne's "oh yeah, and she's nuts" summation in the original series finale. And one has to do some fanwanking for the missing years to come up with how Bev has sole ownership of the building. But her not telling anyone about it, then Darlene signing on - the resentment and ugly actions in all their lack of nuance are an undercurrent of this modern version of the franchise, and the various showdowns were fun so I just go with it. Most independent restaurants do not make it long term, but The Lunch Box could give them another good run for a time. Jackie was its biggest proponent the first time around, and she enjoyed it, so it makes sense for her to be gung-ho again, and for Becky to latch on, and for the family to once again be divided on whether it's a good idea. It would be nice for a new version of the old set to be a mainstay again. Dan's grossed-out reaction to Darlene's confession was perfect, and him endorsing killing David as a romantic gesture was even better. The Darlene and Ben relationship is so ridiculous and forced to me - and he's still, you know, HER BOSS - but he's written better this season than last, and if it's what has to happen to finally let Darlene and David move the fuck on, I'm in. But if Darlene's love life could become less of a focus, I'd be happier about the whole thing. Because, good gods, she's infinitely more interesting with her dad, sister, aunt, or kids than she is with either guy.
  22. I have a hard enough time getting out of bed in the morning with sunlight in the room; if the bedroom was cave-like, I'd sleep until noon.
  23. I vaguely remember falling asleep to that movie with friends (in someone's living room after a night of drinking and other films, not in the theatre, so no judgment on its cinematic merits) and just realized I never got back around to watching it. I suspect it might be quite of its time. Anyway, I haven't listened to it in eons, but I have the soundtrack on CD, and it has several covers. It's probably most known for the theme song - Madonna's "I'll Remember" - but a close second to that must be the Pretenders' cover of "Forever Young," and there's also a Butch Vig remix of The Cult's "She Sells Sanctuary," a Belly cover of "It's Not Unusual," Lyle Lovett doing "Blue Skies," and the aforementioned Duran Duran cover of "Thank You". (It also has Grant Lee Buffalo's "Fuzzy," one of my favorite songs, and Kristin Hersh's "Your Ghost" [with Michael Stipe], which is why I snagged it back in the day, when I worked in the music industry.)
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