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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. None of the recurring judges bother me enough to keep me from enjoying an episode. (I had to fortify myself with a few extra drinks for the one with that "pioneer" woman, though.) Sunny's personality is too much for me, but she does make me laugh sometimes. I think Geoffrey Zakarian and Scott Conant are jerks in life (pay your workers, assholes!) and on Chopped, but they're pretty harmless here. Giada ... I've never even been able to pinpoint why she bugs me so damn much, but she just does. I mean, that smile doesn't help matters, but it's not her fault she looks like she has 27 extra teeth. I can't identify it, but something about her rubs me the wrong way. I love Michael, Ann, and Alex. I also liked when Bobby's daughter was a judge and wish they'd bring her back.
  2. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    THANK YOU. This is what drives me nuts; just breathing near someone means if you were an asymptomatic carrier it would take a good bit of sustained interaction to pass an infectious load of the virus. Cough or, especially, sneeze when you unknowingly have the virus and, good gods, precious little time is necessary to infect. Somewhere in between is talking (we don't yet know how many particles of this specific virus are necessary for infection, but we can guess based on similar viruses and plug that into a general infectious disease formula about how many particles are released per minute via breathing, talking, singing, coughing, sneezing). Thus avoiding people whenever possible, and wearing masks to reduce the risk of every level of exposure that can't be avoided. So hollering at someone a couple of feet from you about a call is when you need to make sure your mask is properly secured, not when you should pull it down! Far too many coaches do not/will not grasp this, so whatever the league needs to do to hammer it home, go for it.
  3. Just as a PSA since Alzheimer's is frequently used to describe any form of dementia, Alzheimer's disease can only be definitively diagnosed by examining the brain tissue at autopsy. But extensive medical evaluation can result in a presumptive diagnosis.
  4. Leland Nally of Mother Jones got a hold of Epstein's address book - and called everyone in it (other than those we knew were victims).
  5. Melissa McEwan's piece in The Guardian that's linked to in that article is also good: And Jezebel ran a piece by Irin Carmon around that same time extolling its feminist virtues:
  6. Oh, dear - you just posted it 9/28. Blame quarantine brain!
  7. He showed up at the end of the season two finale.
  8. I just watched this last night, and I, too, thought it was nice that Shanann was simply shown as she was (easy to do since she recorded her entire fucking life), rather than edited to be the best person ever, because the fact she could be quite annoying is beside the point - this was her life, and he chose to end it. I thought the brief segment (and I love that it was brief; do not give those fuckers attention) on the way internet trolls were tearing her apart after she was killed was set up wonderfully by the honest presentation that had come before; having seen this woman whose worst offense was treating life like something something she was staging rather than living called a bitch and accused of making her husband so crazy he snapped and essentially had to kill her really brought home how women are held to impossible standards - to the extent of being blamed for their own murders. I mean, good gods - even if these people had a reason to think she was a terrible wife and mother, all that would mean is he'd have been perfectly reasonable to divorce her and seek primary custody of the kids. Not that she had it coming! So it would never be right. But to speak about her that way when her greatest flaw was being annoying and exhausting?! Thinking about Shanann is hard enough; those girls' final hour is horrifying to contemplate. I was glad the judge said at sentencing that this was the most horrible crime of the thousands he'd presided over. What a monster. You've lost a bunch of weight and have a girlfriend, so you want to start fresh by killing your family?! Shanann's utter bewilderment at why he was treating her so differently was sad in those text messages. Here she is, eight years into their relationship, pregnant with their third child, and he doesn't want to talk to her or touch her, she figures he must be cheating on her, but he says everything is fine. The confusion and sadness mixed in with her anger was poignant. And then that letter she leaves for him when she goes on her final trip, where she's so committed to fixing their marriage, asking him to just tell her what he needs. And his response is to kill her when she gets home. But people want to harp on her actions?! Such a sad story, and I'm glad the documentary ends with the statistics on just how many Shananns there are.
  9. No, the clue was "He served as governor of Massachusetts from 1793 to 1797". My thought process was the same.
  10. Another archive game for me (tomorrow night will be the first episode I've seen in two weeks). Was there another MA governor with the last name Adams? They're rather inconsistent with BMS prompts. Cigarettes was quite a surprising TS, and Busch a bit surprising too, with Coors (which I also guessed) ruled out. Same with nihilistic being a TS when one contestant had spotted them nihilist. Taking three tries to get Black Thursday was not something I expected, either. I could have sat here until I died and not come up with the guy who painted George Washington's portrait, missed two scattered others, and then batted .500 in the presidents and nursery rhymes categories; not a good first round! DJ was even worse, thanks to categories about James Bond and sci-fi stories (I didn't blow either one entirely, but did not perform well - not my genres) and several more scattered misses. I did get FJ, though.
  11. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    HAHAHAHA! Tom Brady not knowing what down it is gets my NFL week off to a good start. Thank you, Bears; shitty clock management on your final offensive drive, but it came out as nature intended.
  12. Yes, flamingo. The first and nearly last words of the commercial are "It's Gotta Go Flamingo" (plus it's written as the title on that YouTube video).
  13. Did she do anything different, or just replicate the one from the NY pizzeria? There's not much to tweak - it's the pizza version of cacio e pepe plus Brussels sprouts. I love Brussels sprouts, cacio e pepe, and pizza, so when I read a blurb about the pizza a couple of years ago in the paper (it got attention because Ina had raved about it on social media), I promptly made one. It was good. I didn't get as excited as Ina did (of course, mine was likely not as good as the restaurant's), but it was tasty.
  14. It will be interesting to see how they deal with the "social bubble" idea as it applies to the Conners, since there are quite a few non-household folks gathering without distancing or masks, and several of those bubble members are presumably not staying home. To be let in the bubble, how are Jackie and Louise limiting their potential exposure to the virus - if Jackie is still a life coach, that can entirely be done online, and if the restaurant Louise manages is only doing take-out/delivery, she can also dramatically minimize contact. Okay. Same with The Lunchbox - that's another bubble if not customers are allowed in, but it's also another question of who among the few allowed in are protecting themselves and others in their off time. And then Becky and Darlene are going to work every day in a factory, increasing their risk of exposure. The Conner house doesn't allow for proper quarantine, so they're doing the best they can - and relying on a profit-driven company to do right by its workers, ha! - and hoping that's enough to avoid contracting and spreading it. This is a particularly good show to explore how hard it is for those low on the social totem pole to reconcile public health with economic necessity. But realism has never been as sharp this time around as it was originally, plus they have the "I don't want to hear about COVID in my fiction!" contingent to consider. So it could ring false. What's most important, of course, is filming in a safe way (rather tricky), and whatever we get from that is a bonus. But an honest presentation of life today that doesn't make a significant chunk of the audience bellow they just want a brief escape is a tall order, and I'd like to see them lead the way.
  15. She doesn't (at least in the commercial I saw); it's the other woman in the bathroom who does - Amy is the one who doesn't know there are different sizes. I understand many women who would benefit from different sizes on different days just use regular all the time because of the name, out of habit, and because this isn't discussed the way it should be, so I appreciate the sentiment of the commercial and am not bothered by it, but "There's more than one size?" probably wasn't the best call. Anyone who has bought tampons knows there is more than one size. If she'd instead have said it doesn't matter, that would have been a better lead-in.
  16. If you're a rice fan, paella is a delicious way to use saffron. There's also bouillabaisse, or tagine, as traditional uses of saffron. (I've never made any of these, just eaten them.) I like to roast chicken with saffron and lemon. I also make a Rachael Ray (I know, I know) dish with shrimp and scallops whose white wine sauce uses saffron. Sometimes I incorporate saffron into a cream sauce for pasta. And I use it in aioli sometimes. Oh, and I once had crab cakes with saffron. I liked them, because I love a good crab cake (meaning lots of crab and very little binder), but I'm a traditional Old Bay gal, so I didn't seek out the recipe. If you like its flavor, you can use it in many things; just be sure not to have very many other strong flavors.
  17. Another archive night for me, due to the debate. Curry as a "mouth-cooling" dish. Okey-dokey. Add me to the list whose mind wandered down the Bill Cosby path at the cubit clue (he's probably the only reason I knew the answer!); retroactively ruining his comedy for me is the least of that asshole's crimes, but damn him for it anyway. I knew the meaning of "tempus fugit" because of an episode of The X-Files. The Geneva TS surprised me only in that no one even guessed a Swiss city. The Netherlands was a little bit surprising, but it shouldn't be since contestants are so bad at geography. The Animated Films category sunk me in the first round; I only got Missing Link, and only as a guess based on the "evolutionary" part of the clue. I also joined the contestants in being stumped by Hayes and the Oder, but got the rest. In DJ, I was as stumped as the contestants by Wat Tyler and Sandman (I've never heard of either, so could have sat here until I died and not come up with them), and also missed two each of the Latin and Wordsworth clues, but got the rest so I did well. I had no idea on FJ, though.
  18. Friendship. I never saw any romantic chemistry between them; I think even his feelings were rooted in being out of sorts over the divorce and seeking something that wasn't there with someone familiar and comfortable, and hers definitely never came across as anything other than friendship.
  19. I agree; that's really nice to hear about them. My uncle was married and divorced three times (he had kids with two of them), and when all three ex-wives came to his funeral, several people remarked that if all your ex-wives show up at your funeral - to mourn you, not dance on your grave - you did something right with your life.
  20. They obviously shared some with John Goodman to get him to sign on.
  21. There's a "Babies and Booms" Instagram.
  22. I had somehow completely forgotten that Eddie Van Halen had cancer, so I had a total "No way!" reaction to reading he was dead at 65. Fuck cancer. I don't know anything about him as a person, but what a guitar player!
  23. If I was on the show, I'd probably force myself to spit out Reagan, but here at home it's still just good ol' National. I just went to "play" via the archive (I was watching football last night), but it's still being filled in. Among what's there, the Wyatt Earp TS really surprised me (especially with Doc Holliday ruled out)! Touch base was surprising, too. I looked up FJ elsewhere, and it was an IG.
  24. The women in these movies are written in pretty awful ways. They're ostensibly presented as right, with George the unreasonable one, but George is also presented as the funny, lovable, responsible one despite his obsessions; the "this craziness is how women are [the little dears can't help themselves], so just go along to get along" whiff is strong.
  25. There isn't a vomit or anger reaction to choose from among like, sad, surprise, etc., no, but you can easily put those emojis (and oodles more) in a post by clicking on the smiley face in the options bar at the top of your post; that will bring up a shit ton of emojis to choose from.
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