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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Another archive night for me (NBA playoffs). WIN = Whip the Vote Now? Interesting answer. I joined the contestants in being stumped by Lord High Chancellor, but I got everything else in the first round (a couple of which rather surprised me when they popped out of my mouth). In DJ, I didn't know Ft. Defiance, the brain injury research dude, one of the artists, Regina King, or - sorry, folks - George Takei. And I got FJ (I thought I'd learned he was shot during a speech, and the year made me confident I was remembering correctly), so it was a very good game for me.
  2. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    No, that ESPN article states it violated Nevada regulations, so the league is looking into it because NFL and NFLPA rules are not allowed to attend any event that "violates local and state restrictions". And the venue (a country club in Henderson) was fined $2000 by the city for four violations of those state regulations, including people not wearing masks and more than 50 people at the event.
  3. She pauses and takes in his appearance before she starts speaking, so it doesn't play that way to me. I don't think she's rude; she comes up with the only nice thing she can say about his appearance - he looks really comfortable. She says it with a smile, like she's happy she came up with something nice to say in return. He'd just taken off his sweater as they sat down, and didn't realize his shirt looked so awful. Her hesitation as she took in his appearance caused him to look down and realize what she was seeing, at which point he was embarrassed, but she found something nice to say.
  4. Yeah, I don't have a problem with paying attention being part of the challenge on this show.
  5. Yes, Los Angeles. But wherever I am, I hate mornings. I don't want to be awake before 10:00, so before dawn is something close to torture. Maybe the dog has been ill or constipated, and the return of normal poop is cause for celebration. She needs to wait until they get inside, or at least whisper, but the getting excited itself after all these years may not be weird.
  6. Ew, seriously -- this show featured a cameo by Bill O'Reilly (in season two)? Of course Angela is a fan; like I needed an additional reason to hate her. Also, Charles Hoyt is an even more annoying recurring super-villain than Philip Stroh on The Closer/Major Crimes* and that's saying something! I was paying marginal attention to an episode in which he's back and dying, and suddenly there was a scene where he had Jane and Maura as hostages and I figured it was a nightmare of Jane's because it was such a ridiculous scenario. But no. *I mention this not just because I've watched so few cop shows for comparison, but because these were "sister shows" on TNT under the original network execs, back when things were all positive.
  7. I haven't seen that since I was a kid (many, many moons ago).
  8. I recommend against this; it's obnoxious, even if it's true. It's not an "I'll never hire anyone who says X" situation by any means, but applicants do dig a hole with a "flaw" that's just sucking up - my biggest flaw is how hard I work. Everyone has flaws, so pick one that's negative but not a deal-breaker and give a concrete example of what you've done to improve in that area so it's a flaw, yeah, but not an actual problem for your employer or co-workers.
  9. It was an archive night for me, due to the presidential debate. The Bob Dylan TS made me sad, but it seemed like a good game. I am surprised two bungled the FJ clue so badly, though; not really that none of them got it right, but that two didn't get it was looking for a Native American name (hello, "this Native American name") -- one got the poem, at least. I only knew Who's the Boss? in the pop culture bosses category, and missed three others in the first round, so I was not off to a good start. But I only missed three in DJ and knew FJ, so it wound up okay.
  10. I like that woman, too. I love her delivery, and I especially love the excuses. The ones about her cat are my favorite, but I also love the raccoon outside her door, jury duty at night, making spaghetti for her hamster, her door being glued shut, and "you know, I'm trying to be less popular these days".
  11. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Right. Face shields are considered a replacement for goggles, and are to protect the wearer. They are supposed to be worn in conjunction with a mask, which protects those around the wearer.
  12. I remember this being a conversation back when it was released -- a couple of friends misheard it the same way.
  13. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    He's far from alone, and I've been hollering about this since week one; it's part of why I'm interested to see what comes of this appeal from coaches who are on camera clearly and consistently flouting the mask rule under which they've been fined -- they must be challenging the necessity/fairness of the rule itself (since they can't reasonably claim they didn't violate it), and I'm open to some changes, but if they don't crack down on this ridiculous habit of pulling one's mask down to get right up in someone's face to talk, I'm going to flip.
  14. I was watching football during tonight's episode, then got distracted by other things for a while, and just got around to checking the archive. It seemed "on paper" like a good game, but the iodine TS was a bit surprising. I missed two in the first round, and three in DJ, and FJ was an instaget, so I had a good game - probably helped by me reading the archive rather than watching (I limit my time for responding, but still - it's not the same as needing to spit the answer out before a contestant).
  15. Yay - it's that time of year, and the Halloween-themed Geico commercials are back in rotation. I don't care for the Casper one, but I like the one with the creepy attic, and they could air the horror movie spoof for the rest of my life and I'd never get sick of it. "Why can't we just get in the running car?" is all it needs to be great, but then the killer's eye roll makes it art. And they still top it off with, "Head for the cemetery!" It's perfect.
  16. Do you really want the crude answer to this? Since I loathe mornings, I have indeed said "the ass crack of dawn" since the profanity better illustrates my hatred the rare times I have to be conscious that early.
  17. The pandemic special was a repeat, yes. Then there was a new episode.
  18. I'm not a huge Tracy Lawrence fan, but I love this one. I had completely forgotten about this song, so I'm rather impressed by its inclusion. I have to go with the one of the three CU writers who said this placement is about right, while acknowledging while it feels too low. Fuck this song. The only thing I like about it is the opening it gave K.T. Oslin to school some radio guy when he was among those refusing to play "Younger Men" because poor little men might be offended by it -- she asked if they played this song, he said yes, she asked if he didn't think women might find it offensive, and he hung up on her. HA - and then I read the CU commentary to see one of them said the same thing!
  19. Such imaginations. I just figure the father felt quite awkward having the adult child with whom he had a strained relationship around just the two of them in a foreign city, and suggested the excursion to another city to reduce that one-on-one time (and provide a safe opportunity to explore another city), and then fixated on the suitcase as a way to be helpful, irrationally digging his heels in when this turned into yet another thing to disagree on.
  20. I just came across that one recently, and it doesn't play that way to me, either. The kid's reaction seems proportionate to Stottlemeyer's actions throughout his life, currently exacerbated by the adolescent's emotions about the divorce.
  21. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    YES! Thank you, Seattle, for salvaging my NFL day in such lovely fashion.
  22. I gave up on the reunion about halfway through. It was nice seeing everyone, and the stuff with George driving Nina nuts and thus being banished to his own room, and him declaring he'd have to buy the house next door in order to accommodate a table large enough for them to eat together, was funny, but I don't care about the creepy-eyed kid marrying someone I don't know. But it was nice of them to do this for such a wonderful charity. And I liked the "baby" sister (I had completely forgotten about the lame dual pregnancies plot of part two; I never saw that other than a few minutes here and there on TV).
  23. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    According to Ian Rapoport, the five coaches fined for not wearing masks correctly last week have appealed, and there will be a hearing later this week. I'm interested to hear on what grounds, since it's clearly not "I had my mask on consistently and properly" -- they're on camera quite decidedly failing to follow protocol. So I wonder if they're going to challenge the requirement itself (saying the communication equipment the league provides doesn't work adequately with masks, or that it's unnecessary given all the tests and isolation coming into the game, and players don't have to wear one)?
  24. I just learned this via a phone call from my mom. Mind you, I am going to my parents' house for dinner in a few hours, yet she called to say, "I just started watching last night's Dr. Jeff, and I am so mad at those people who dumped Ozzy!" So I was able to ask her about the circumstances I'd missed, and she told me it was because they were moving. The owners who surrendered the eight-year-old cat my parents wound up adopting said it was because they were moving, but the shelter staff and the vet figure it was actually because he'd started having massive diarrhea (my parents took him for ultrasound and colonoscopy when all the lesser suspects were ruled out; he had IBD [which is now small cell lymphoma], and that's the age at which it most commonly presents itself) -- they all said people are too embarrassed to admit they're dumping a sick cat, so they say they're moving. How are you any less embarrassed to claim you've packed up t-shirts and silverware but are unwilling to take your pet with you to your new location?!
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