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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I like that one, and the one where the parents are using "fruit bowl" in place of curse words (since the kids are always around now). In fact, the next time one of my football teams does something stupid today, I think I'll yell, "Guys! What the fruit bowl?!"
  2. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Gee, I guess we know why Metcalf doesn't have the number one WR slot. What a stupid, stupid move!
  3. Hmm. If CBS promotes the show, and gives it a chance to find a new audience/for the old audience to find it, this could be a good home for it. But, like Calderón Kellet says, that has traditionally been a big IF for shows about/run by BIPOC people. And this is CBS. It was inevitable that the original plan for the second half of season four would have to be scrapped; they were going to continue it as if the pandemic hadn't happened, and then catch up with real time in season five. That would have worked had COVID life only lasted a few months, but it's not possible now. But hopefully we can get a season five.
  4. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    By the time I got up, made my Bloody Mary, and turned on the TV, the Rams were down 28-3 to the Bills (I hate when one of my teams plays at 10:00 a.m.). That was such a fun comeback … right up until the Rams defense gave up the first down on 3rd and 22. Then the failure to take Allen down for a big loss? Thank goodness he was stupid enough to grab a face mask. Those final few minutes were rough on my blood pressure, especially that pass interference call. Fuck. But if you let yourself get down by 25 points, you set yourself up to lose. Now we've switched to Chicago at Atlanta, so we'll see if the Falcons blow another lead.
  5. Betty's family was the worst! They were supposed to be the real world good guys to the vapid loon bad guys at the magazine, and, yeah, the Mode folks had their share of flaws and most of them didn't treat Betty well for quite some time, but the Suarezes sucked too, yet the show acted like they didn't.
  6. That was a frustrating storyline. We had the realism of Mark and Kerry attempting to hammer out a policy that complied with the various state and federal laws in that early stage of protection for HIV patients – one that existed almost exclusively on paper, as employees were routinely fired/laid off for pretextual reasons. Which is indeed what happened to Jeanie, just as that patient warned her about. There was first Mark’s odious behavior (violating state law and hospital policy by accessing her medical records) being rightly called out when he lectured Jeanie she should have told him about her HIV status and she schooled him with, “No, it’s better it happened this way – now you know about me, and I know a lot more about you.” So she called him out, and Anspaugh was clearly shown as someone who was inventing a protocol to eliminate a position that, oh gee, based on seniority, just happened to be inhabited by the one staffer known to have HIV. But Kerry was nothing but supportive to Jeanie, yet Jeanie treated her like the same shit. Kerry made the only decision she could make under Anspaugh’s mandate; HIS action was discriminatory, not hers, and she networked to find Jeanie another job, all while offering personal support. I’m all in for Jeanie’s lawsuit (I'm a civil rights lawyer, and I'd have happily taken that case), but once she rightly got her job back, she never even bothered to acknowledge Kerry’s support and say implicating her among the others was just a necessary aspect of litigation. And later when Jeanie decided she didn’t want to come to work anymore (because of some boring-ass husband and maybe a baby; I’ve forgotten a lot of that part?), she just didn’t, rather than giving Kerry proper notice.
  7. I managed to miss nearly half of the original airing, and then still come in about five minutes late for the re-run, but it was nice to have this show back. Even though it's a weird time warp seeing people inside the clinic. Because I kept missing the beginning, how did they wind up with Ozzy the 18-year-old -- were the owners who relinquished him clients who didn't want to pay for treatment, or did he come to them some other way? I love that he gets to live out his time with his doppelganger, because he so reminded the new owners of their dog they just could not bear the thought of the old guy being dumped. Folks who adopt truly senior dogs, especially with progressive illness, knowing their time is limited, have my utmost respect. They're going way back for footage (which I know is not unusual) - didn't Dr. Nichols leave quite some time ago? At any rate, I didn't care for that segment; I don't need police infecting my animal shows, and I have issues with their use of animals (less with horses for mounted police than the shit they send K9 "officers" into, but still). But she's always seemed particularly good with horses, and it never fails to fascinate me how you can sedate a horse enough to suture them while they remain standing still. What a balance. Layla's improvised oxygen chamber needed some work, but it made me realize the ones at both my primary vet and the specialty/emergency hospital are also not large enough for big dogs. (Unless there's one I haven't seen.) Dr. Baier's tortoise going to town on lettuce and strawberries fed by hand was cute. (I love how zen he is about his life with his menagerie of animals; he seems to like a nice, quiet existence with a bunch of animals, and that's my kind of person.) I'm glad the person who "found in their backyard" (yeah, right) the two box turtles at least brought them to the right place after a long period of neglect. Poor little porcupine dog Sookie; that has to hurt like hell. Why was her person identified as handler rather than owner - is that something else I missed at the beginning? I love Dr. Jeff's definition of idiopathic; while joking, it correctly focuses on we can't find a reason rather than there is no reason.
  8. Chen makes quite a habit of quitting (three times just from County), and the final time she does so with no notice and causes chaos on Christmas Eve when they were already understaffed and Susan had been cutting her breaks for weeks because of the situation with her dad. But, while I was pretty over her by then, I felt sorry for her exhausted self wandering the ER trying to get someone to cover for her so she could take care of her dad. And that episode ends with Pratt finally not being a dick (I so want to punch him when he's lecturing Jing-Mei about euthanasia!), even signing her dad's death certificate.
  9. Not all nail guns are pneumatic; they do make cordless, battery-powered ones (but I don't know how powerful those are). I don't think I've ever seen a nail gun - of any kind - used on a fictional series, but now I'll be on the lookout.
  10. Ouch for Julissa; the only one to know FJ, but it didn't come to her in time, so instead of winning, she ended up in third place with a dollar. The clue about Twelve Angry Men belonged in the first round - of the Toddler Tournament. Merlin was a surprising TS, as was Antwerp. Supreme Court Justice, St. Louis, and meek were all clues I'd have expected someone to get (deem, too, even though Alex thinks it's an uncommon word), but those were the two that truly surprised me as TS. I only got one of the TV shows in the first round, and that was a lucky guess (Mad Men), so I was not off to a good start once again this week, but I got everything else in the round until they got to the classical music category, at which point I only got one of the three revealed clues (baroque, thanks to the pun). I just missed a few scattered clues in DJ, but I had no idea on FJ other than to know it was someone from a sport I don't follow. So I gave up, but if I'd thought about the age, I'd have at least got as far as "Who is some golfer dude?"
  11. I never saw that, but if Pierce was in it and it was 1988, I think it would have been too soon to pair them up again; it would be difficult not to see Laura and Steele rather than the characters they were playing. I can't think of anything specific, but it would have been nice to see her pop up as a guest star on more shows I watched.
  12. Hell yeah, my gal Maureen is wearing an RBG shirt! (I really miss the red hair, though.) I still haven't watched the first two I downloaded, but I will definitely add this to my collection; thanks for the heads up. I liked the Holly/Gilly relationship, and remember Amelia Marshall - who looks great! - said MG was the first cast member to befriend her, so it will be nice to hear them reminisce.
  13. I'm often in Kerry's corner when others are not, but, yeah, she's awful there. But I'm back to form when Chen comes back, because then she's the asshole (acting like she didn't do anything wrong, when all three of them screwed up).
  14. When that was a TS, I figured none of them watch college football and thus wasn't surprised. Do you live in the area and hear about it that way? Being on the west coast, I doubt I'd have ever heard of it if not for being a football fan. The garrison and advent TS surprised me a bit (I heard about an advent calendar for the first time a few years ago, and remember asking what it was, but did not retain that information so that last one stumped me as well). I had a horrible first round; I only knew one of the actors (Robin Wright) and missed at least one in every other category. I wasn't a whole lot better in DJ; I didn't blow any of those categories, but I didn't run a single one, either. I got FJ, but overall I shouldn't have taken a break from the football game to play. I did enjoy being reminded of my favorite episode of The X-Files, though - the chupacabra clue made me hear Scully in my head, snapping "It's not that Mexican goat-sucker, either" as she did in "Bad Blood".
  15. He's never named in the pilot. Then Tag appears in the series, but he's a boyfriend, not a fiancé. But she can't have been engaged to one guy, broke him with him after the suicide attempt, and then already been seriously involved with Tag in such a compressed timeframe, so it has to be the same guy. I'm sure it all comes down to the fact Carol was supposed to die in the pilot, so the unseen, unnamed fiancé was not given any thought -- they were setting up the coworkers' confusion over why she'd done it, given the good things in her life, and included a fiancé in that list. In the series, he's cast, given a name, and retconned into a boyfriend.
  16. Yes, he's referred to her as her fiancé.
  17. I was off to a good start, getting the first two even though I've never seen them, but I bombed the rest. And I missed all but one in the musical instruments category, so I did not have a good first round. I did better in DJ and FJ was an instaget, so not a bad game, but disappointing after my performance last night. Add me to those happy the answer in an "American Authors" category was a woman. Please keep it up, writers. I can't believe cheese was a TS. No one even guessing the Rockies was also surprising. Censure and conjunction a bit, too. They had a lot of TS tonight - it seemed like nearly a dozen.
  18. Bingo - not something only men do, but definitely something women are more likely to be scolded for doing.
  19. That's what pissed me off the most about my limited options. In junior high, it was expected that girls would take Home Ec and boys would take one of the other couple of options. If there had been an auto shop class I'd have definitely taken that, not just because it interested me and I'd have done well (I loved helping my dad work on the family cars, and I still do my own routine maintenance) but because it would have been a feminist protest. But I wasn't remotely interested in either of the "boy" classes - there was drafting and something else I can't remember - so couldn't bring myself to sit through it just to make a point. So I took Home Ec; I already knew how to cook and sew (I swear, that's all I remember it being; at least Darlene's class branched out into the budgeting and meal planning aspect), so I knew I'd do well -- and I'd get some food and clothes out of it. Plus I'd be with my friends. (What I should have done as my protest was made some serious noise about the lack of options, as this was a private school, so there was no "budget cuts" excuse!)
  20. I wish we'd had that many options at my school; choices were much more limited. That may have been the case at Darlene's school, too, in which case I can see her being equally uninterested in the few options, and just taking the class her friends were taking. I can also imagine her choosing Home-Ec hoping she could ask Roseanne for help with her projects and then con her into doing most of the work. Or picking it because she thought it would be easy (since she didn't realize how hard Roseanne's job was).
  21. Given where the company is based, you're wise to hone in on whether the work-life balance you require will be provided. I hope it works out, because it sounds like everything else is a good fit.
  22. It was 2003 that it started airing on Bravo; it was a big bidding war, and Bravo won by paying something like $1 million per episode. I don't remember how long it ran.
  23. Because they were completely oblivious to the schedule demands on a medical resident; that's not a role anyone in the family had ever previously inhabited. Peter is already "getting above his raising" (which results in both pride and suspicion) and - even among those family members who support the overall process - missing his mom's birthday can be a really big deal.
  24. Me too. And I got reincarnation because of "The List" episode of The X-Files (but that one I think I'd have come up with even if not for Neech Manley). I'm surprised no one at least guessed burned at the stake, and Vandals and starch as TS surprised me a bit, too. I instantly said Thailand for FJ and didn't even consider anything else. When the middle contestant guessed India and Alex said they figured someone would go there, I thought, "Oh, yeah." I had a great game. Not my elusive perfect game, but a great one. I loved the music festivals category, and answered all of those just based the first halves of the clues. I missed two in the fighters category (a boxer and a UFC fighter; not my sports!), but otherwise ran the first round, and only missed Sugar Daddies in DJ (never heard of it as a candy).
  25. Regarding the seven people who lost their lives as collateral damage on the road to progress and comparing them to settlers who died along the journey westward was particularly galling. Fuck that guy. Some loss was inevitable in the frontier scenario - one could do everything right and still run afoul of fatal illness or encounter, variables that could not be controlled. Not so with Challenger - they died because NASA didn't do everything right. And it wasn't even a matter of anyone saying the entire shuttle program should be suspended until they could figure out what was causing the o-ring problem and redesign the SRBs to correct it; it was simply a matter of listening to the people who build the damn things say the data is inconclusive thus far, but we're investigating a theory that cold weather increases the chances of failure, and could possibly even result in catastrophic failure, so we think it's better to delay launch until the cold snap is over. They were being advised to wait mere days, not years. The data shouldn't need to be conclusive for that; they were still investigating, but the only variable they'd identified so far to differentiate that one flight where the first o-ring was in so much worse shape and there was even damage to the second from previous flights with far lesser o-ring damage was the colder temperature at liftoff and this was going to be even colder. To, with the benefit of hindsight, still not acknowledge that launching under those circumstances was an unreasonable risk to take requires a particularly skewed mindset, and there are too damn many people with that mindset in positions of power.
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