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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I don't want a relapse; I don't always want a happy ending, but in this instance I'd prefer it. But I also don't want some dude as her happy ending - I'd much rather she relocate for professional opportunity. I watch sporadically (I mostly catch up when the episodes hit syndication), so I still don't know if she's in the unaccredited law school hers looks like or the accredited school her internship opportunities sound like (TV has no idea what to do with law school, so I wouldn't be surprised if the writers don't even know), but she's halfway through (she's been working all along, suggesting the four-year program) and maybe she's able to transfer to a bigger school in a better market. She couldn't get in any place better based on her college GPA and LSAT, but now that she's shown some aptitude and passion in her lowly law school, she gets an opportunity based on performance and recommendation. It's not like she has kids keeping her in Napa.
  2. I use my computer for any necessary video conferences, as I always have. And while I sometimes read/watch the news on the computer for something breaking, I mostly read the paper in the morning and watch TV in the evening. I don't need my cell phone to be another computer or TV; it's a phone, and one I barely use (it's usually in my briefcase or car, needing to be charged, and very few people have the number). So ye olde flip phone is in no need of an upgrade for how I use it. But, yes, I'm in the minority, and younger than most who use theirs the same way.
  3. The warehouse was donated, as was the RV and some of their other vehicles, and going by their homes and wardrobes, no one - especially Tia - is living a lifestyle that suggests they are drawing an unreasonable salary from the organization, especially given the hours they work. In fact, with the show money (and the money Tia was used to having; she grew up quite comfortable financially and then made good money in the entertainment industry as a wolf trainer/handler), I'm impressed they haven't treated themselves more than they have, especially the younger generation. I've never felt obliged to take a vow of poverty because I choose to work in public interest law for a non-profit; I could make a shit ton more money in a firm, but I'm happy to trade that off for the work-life balance and love of/pride in what I do. I don't need more money; I'm still able (because I didn't have student loan debt and lived below my means in my first career where I did get paid market value) to have a home and treat myself to travel, shoes, and good food/drink because I'm thrifty in other areas so I've always maintained decent savings for my own personal luxuries. But I also don't feel compelled to live in a lesser home, drive a cheaper car, and skip the travel, in order to turn the part of my salary I don't need to fund the bare necessities back to the organization to further help clients in need. If it bothers you, it bothers you, so no ire here. I just don't agree with what seems to be the underlying premise (that they shouldn't have any luxuries because of the work they do). And I've had the "must be nice" experience of pulling up in a Lexus next to a coworker in a dilapidated Kia - to which I say "it is, thank you" because I don't owe anyone the explanation my mom gave me her old car when she got a new one - so I also know not everything someone owns is something they bought, so where a financial ledger is not the issue (as on this show), it's not worth assuming how those things came to be in the first place.
  4. I'm with him. I hardly ever use my cell phone, and only for the occasional call, not texting (unless someone texts me and I have to reply that way), so my flip phone is all I need or want. I think that's the only, or at least one of the few, "you've turned into your parents" things from those commercials I do, though.
  5. I can fanwank Lester just wanting to go home and not calling the cops (at his age in that time, it's entirely possible he, upon learning she thought she was shooting a burglar, found that reasonable, despite all logic to the contrary), but I find it hard to believe the neighbors didn't upon hearing the alarm go off and a gunshot, having no idea what had happened. The houses are fairly close together and it's late at night; that would have woken up even old people, at least one of whom would have called the cops to report what they heard.
  6. There was no question they adopters were going to take the first pair; the others had paired up at VRC and could be adopted separately, while these two had come in together (well, as two of three) and absolutely had to stay together because Leah is so thoroughly dependent on her brother. Let's hope they have long and happy lives, and that when the time comes she goes first, because if he dies, she will just shut down (although I have hope her attachment will lessen after a good bit of time with the security of a happy home). LOL at "I've already made up our minds". Samantha and Emma broke my heart; I sobbed so hard when Samantha apologized to Emma, and when she said she misses her already, that my cat climbed up to see what was the matter with me. What a horrible decision to have to make. Glen's baboon butt is oddly cute.
  7. Interestingly, one of the few other times I've seen colorism addressed on TV also featured Lorraine Toussaint - her first appearance as Lena's mom on The Fosters included a brutally real conversation between mother and bi-racial daughter about their differing experiences as Black women. (That show was way too teen soap for me and I quickly gave it up, but I made sure to watch the episodes with Lorraine Toussaint and Annie Potts [Potts played Stef's mom].)
  8. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I posted about that in the Commercials forum this morning; I love it, too. (And it just came out yesterday, so you didn't miss it.) Everyone featured lip synching was simply asked to record themselves doing so; the ad agency had do idea what they were going to get back.
  9. I am incredibly nervous about the NFL trying to have a season in the middle of COVID, but as a life-long football fan I cannot help but feel giddy about this commercial:
  10. It depends. I have no personal experience with that particular tropical area, but I've had so many but, wait, bugs! experiences among my travels in areas where screen-less open windows are common and there turns out to be no infestation to justify my anxiety that I've long since stopped fearing it and just gone along with the local custom in terms of screens/netting in deciding how to deal with intruders.
  11. I sleep mostly on my side, but I always fall asleep on my back (I fall asleep reading or watching TV every night), and then change positions throughout the night - left side, right side, on my stomach (well, sort of; more kind of on my stomach, kind of on my side), on my back again in the morning so the cat can roll around on my chest and rub my face before I get up. It's not about being unable to find a comfortable position, it's just how I've always slept - they're all comfortable, I just don't want to be in one of them all night. So maybe it's inevitable I'll never find a pillow that's just perfect for me, since I'm lying on it in so many different ways.
  12. I got a Sleep Number mattress about 15 years ago, and can't imagine ever having anything else - I can basically dial up whatever mattress I want at any given time. Pillows, though, I am with you in not having much luck in finding ones I love. I had a set I bought at Costco a long time ago I quite liked, but didn't write down the brand so could never find them again. The ones I've had since are okay, but I want to love my pillow the way I love my mattress. My parents have two different expensive pillows designed for the way they each sleep, but I guess I don't sleep like either one of them. When they're gone (back when they could go anywhere) and I cat-sit, I sleep in their bed since it's a king-size Sleep Number and there's a big TV in that bedroom. So I've tried both pillows, and neither one feels oh that's it! for me to spend that kind of money on.
  13. I loved Ginger! Ginger and Donna together, but especially Ginger. Anyway, after Wendy, Christy is the character I would miss least, but this is still going to be a significant change to the ensemble. I think the remaining group will work fine without her, but I wish she'd stuck out her contract and said season eight would be her last, so they could write to her exit all along; this way, I worry what sort of explanation they're going to write for Christy no longer being there.
  14. Oh, hell to the no. People who don't even like country music like this song. FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY SIX SONGS are better than this? I don't think so. Crack smoking monkeys could have compiled a better list than the folks at Sirius. This is obscenely low, too.
  15. Cockroaches face instant death in my house. The only other bugs I kill are ants, simply because it's not feasible to relocate gazillions of miniscule critters to the outdoors. Thankfully, I don't encounter one very often, but I once had a family of cockroaches living in the drain of my bathtub (which I don't use very often any more, as it's nice and deep but not long enough for a properly decadent bubble bath so I fell out of the habit - maybe when I shrink in my old age I'll finally start using it regularly again).
  16. She was in an episode of Major Crimes (in one of the comedic episodes, playing a shady doctor whose practice is built on supplying her celebrity clients with their pill stashes), and I never thought of her as Flo. I recognized her, of course, but I believed her as the character even though I'd only ever seen her - and had been seeing her for what seems like decades - as Flo.
  17. Yes, it's another commercial in which she plays her whole family (although this time we just see Mom and Dad). Jamie is just a guest.
  18. There are a (very) few amusing scenes, or moments within scenes, in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, but I don't understand the film as a whole having a fan base beyond 13-year-old boys; Ferris is a jackass, and doesn't deserve to get away with his shenanigans. Team Jeanie!
  19. I haven't yet decided what dinner is going to be (I went grocery shopping this afternoon, so I have many options), but I'm currently having some Talenti salted caramel truffle gelato as an "appetizer".
  20. I don't think anyone is considered a former addict; an addict always has the addiction, and the question is whether they're in recovery. Relapses are common, but at least Earl has consistently wanted the help offered to him. This is what Tia posted on the VRC Facebook page about Saturday's episode:
  21. The writers were (on the DVD special features) honest about the fact they wrote episode after episode with a final scene that would naturally lead to sex, and then continually wrote subsequent episodes confirming they hadn't in fact had sex because they wanted to draw it out. They don't try to claim any logic, just "hey, that's television" (especially '80s will they or won't they television). For a while you can fanwank they keep getting interrupted, but four years of that? There are only so many times Mildred and dead bodies can have such horrible timing. Even for '80s TV, I can really only hang with it for about three seasons. But some of those final scenes are pretty great, so on the other hand I guess I have to applaud them going there even if they weren't going to follow through logically.
  22. Yeah, Tia told Mariah about having to go get all the dogs. Oh, absolutely; that's why they treat him like family. He's a big part of running the parolee program, he gives tours, etc. VRC is meant to be a stepping stone for 99% of parolees, but Earl is the perfect guy to be there forever. At his age, with one working arm, and with so much of his life spent in prison, employers wouldn't exactly be tripping over each other to hire him. At VRC he has responsibility and respect.
  23. I lived with my parents for about a year after college, and when I moved out after that I took everything with me - I had plenty of storage space. My mom immediately filled "my" closet, but they didn't do much to redecorate the room until my dad renovated the house.
  24. Not your imagination; that's the end of "Steele At Your Service" (where Steele is undercover as the butler).
  25. The election night simulation segment had me sweating like Allana Harkin!
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