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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. No, I'd have definitely remembered, since "The Sweetest Thing" is my favorite Juice Newton song. We can add Lauryn Hill to the list. (Actually, the Refugee Camp All-Stars featuring Lauryn Hill, I believe.)
  2. How horrible, and it's especially heartbreaking how the pandemic is affecting his care. Lots more information can be found on the GoFundMe set up to help his family. For anyone who doesn't know, his wife, actor Susan Hogan, played the head judge at Baltar's trial. Check out Col. Tigh with lots of hair in their wedding photo:
  3. They didn't. They found Earth - of their recorded history, where the 13th tribe settled, where you could see all the constellations, etc. - but it was a nuclear wasteland and they couldn't live there. The planet they stumbled upon at the end was an entirely different one, one they knew nothing about, and when Laura asked if it had a name, Bill said they'd call it Earth (ah, colonization - the planet they didn't bother to ascertain the name of is what they called, and thus we still call, Earth) on the theory that Earth was ultimately the name for the new home they'd been searching for rather than a specific place from ancient stories. As to the series finale, I don't love the Lee Adama decrees we abandon all technology policy the survivors inexplicably agree on, but I ultimately don't care - I still love the BSG finale on the whole. And I like that the story winds up being our ancient history rather than something in the future (I like the "all of this has happened before, but does it have to happen again?" aspect of it, so I love the present-day tag), so I accept that plot as a way to get there. I've watched it several times in just the three years since I first watched the series, because I get caught up in the characters each time and wind up quite emotional. It is not without flaws, but I find it powerful and moving. The finale of The X-Files (the only other sci-fi show I've watched), however - that's shit, and the only emotion I feel is anger.
  4. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    This just shows you how team owners wipe their asses with money, since no one has called down to Sean Payton to say, "You are going to cost us $250k (and yourself $100k) - your mask is not a turtleneck, pull it up!" I've missed a good bit of this game due to yard work and a much-needed shower, followed by some indoor chores that have me listening as much as I'm watching, but I literally have not once seen it on his face. (And if that's how it has been the whole game, the fine should be doubled.) And I love me some Pete Carroll, but he completely deserves to be among the first three fined. They all had warning after week one, and he wore his like a turtleneck more than he had it pulled up over his face last night. And he's one of those who, when he did have it on, would pull it down to have a conversation with someone. Switching to the game itself, I can't believe how this is going so far! My inner child is happy (I grew up a Raiders fan and we used to go to a couple of games a year, as they were in L.A. at the time and tickets were reasonably priced), but I'm an NFC woman as an adult and I've rather liked the Saints for years, so I'm a bit conflicted. And I still can't get used to hearing "Las Vegas" uttered during a game.
  5. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Mostly habit, and partly that some of these coaches aren't wearing their masks, especially as the game goes on. What really gets me is how many of them pull it down when they walk right up to someone's face to talk to them. Hello! That's when it's most important to have it on.
  6. Oh yeah, there's no way of knowing if that would have led to more feature film roles for her. I was just confirming it happened. Zimbalist has said, and I have much respect for this, that she realized her acting skills could use some beefing up; every time they had a guest star who was really good, it was someone with extensive theatre experience. So after the show was over, she started doing a lot of stage work to hone her craft, and did the TV movies to further pad the nest egg this series had allowed her to sock away and maintain visibility. I've seen her in several plays over the years, and she's really good on stage. So I think it all worked out, as she found her niche as an actor plus wound up with a level of celebrity that better suits her private nature.
  7. I saw it several years ago on one of the premium cable networks while I was cat-sitting at my parents' house. I don't remember which one; their package just includes Starz, but it might have been during a free preview of Showtime or HBO. It wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, but there were some good performances and affecting moments.
  8. I don't get many packages delivered, so I don't have as much data to go on as many people do, but in my experience USPS and UPS drivers are better than FedEx. I have a stone column on my front porch, and the first two grasp that if I'm not home (which, again - hello, ascertain that by knocking/ringing, especially now when so many people are home during the day!) it's best to leave the package behind that, while FedEx just leans it up against the wall next to the door or on the mat in front of the door. (For a while, I had a UPS driver who would, if I was not home, leave packages on my back porch.)
  9. Yes, that is true. It doesn't get anywhere near the attention as the Bond thing, but, yes - she was the first choice, had been cast, and then had to drop out because of the scheduling conflict.
  10. I was obsessed with the space program as a kid, but didn't see the Challenger disaster in real time because we were on a field trip that day. They told us on the bus, and I remember my friend punching the back of the seat in front of us. I thought this was well done, informative and emotional. I think the only thing I didn't already know was Sally Ride's role in getting the o-ring information out there. Go ahead, Sally. It did a good job of setting the national context, how the space program had become mundane to a country that had previously held it as a national obsession and the deliberate attempts to rekindle interest (because, when the public loses interest, Congress loses interest in funding it) and the ensuing pressure to hold to a promised schedule that couldn't actually be delivered. It's so typical that those who knew the risk but didn't have the power to stop the launch are still haunted, and those who knew, did have the power, and chose to roll the dice have no remorse. They should follow up with a Columbia documentary, since NASA also knew about the foam problem yet didn't say ya know, we made this mistake with Challenger, we're not going to jeopardize lives again, but instead did the same thing - because, as the commission report detailed, the toxic culture of hubris and miscommunication identified in the Challenger commission report still existed - and ultimately got the whole space shuttle fleet shitcanned. And it would be nice to bring attention to those who gave their lives in the mission, since it - unlike previous ones focused on building the ISS - was dedicated to research; they performed about 80 scientific experiments during their time in orbit (working 24 hours a day in two shifts), doing some interesting stuff.
  11. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    According to this article from ESPN: Wherever he is, my heart goes out to him; that's a horrible shock to be hit with.
  12. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    YES! I feared disaster when Seattle had to punt with nearly two minutes left, but they held on. I'm still pissed at the Falcons. If I'm going to bother to root for your shit-ass team, the least you can do is not blow a massive lead over the gods-forsaken Cowboys. Come on! No, I don't care that it's week two. It's the Cowboys.
  13. Galecki also has a child who isn't even a year old, so he may be focusing on parenting for now.
  14. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Are you fucking kidding me, Falcons?
  15. They used to be so good about it, but I had something delivered (via FedEx) a couple of weeks ago and no knock or ring to let me know. They sent me an email saying "your package has been delivered", but I didn't happen to check email until about an hour later. Yet a few days later, the rest of the shipment arrived (so, also FedEx), and that time the driver rang the doorbell so I was able to bring it in right away.
  16. I cannot hear Gore-Tex without thinking of George Costanza:
  17. Theirs is my favorite relationship of the show, and I love things like Benton being the one to give Carter his white coat but doing so by shoving it in a box and having someone take it to him and Benton responding to the token gift and story by pointing out the El doesn't use tokens anymore, but I also absolutely love this scene -- Peter kisses his head!
  18. Yes, Harper (Christine Elise's character).
  19. Roch being reunited with his buddy Whitney is great! They were cute at VRC, but at the house?! That brought me pure joy to watch. She's so good for him, and the owners think his slobber is cute; after a terrible beginning and a long wait, he has his first and forever home. That's a great yard for two dogs to be able to run around in together. Mariah getting a face full of cone when she picked up Gris Gris was cute. Samson had such a terrible ordeal in a short time (it doesn't take long in heat!). Hopefully his owner - and, I have to say, good for him letting his negligence and its consequences be shown with his face and name attached - realizes love needs to manifest itself in proper care. I think Mariah struck the right balance, offering help but being clear Samson was suffering and this could not happen again.
  20. Jordache jeans were the must-haves at my school in the early 80s. Later it was Guess that we just had to have - jeans, jean skirts, denim jackets, logo t-shirts ... I was a damn walking billboard for a while. We used to go downtown to the garment district; you had to avoid the knockoffs, but you could find great deals on overstock or slightly damaged/irregular of the real thing.
  21. He had one nice moment where he finally got over himself, stopped pontificating, shut the hell up, and helped Chen end her father's misery.
  22. His med student in the pilot, but maybe she was the only one? The sheer delight Carter takes in it is perfectly played.
  23. I think most women today don't even realize how many of their basic legal protections are due to the truly excellent work RBG did as a lawyer (and did in an era when she faced fierce, blatant opposition to her very existence as a law student and then lawyer simply for being a woman) - her expert handling of individual cases and her vision for the overall legal framework she was laying. Being a civil rights lawyer focused on women's rights myself, RBG will always remain one of my greatest heroes. I need nothing more than her professional record, but her reputation as a friend (one of my favorite law school professors was quite close with her, so I've heard even more anecdotes than those which are well known) made me admire her even more. I'm having a very hard time with this loss; I've felt sick to stomach ever since I heard.
  24. I'm so upset about RBG's death, it was impossible to concentrate, so I gave up early on. But in the little bit I saw, I'm a bit surprised no one figured out ageism from the clue.
  25. To be fair, it's not actually her first thought, and there is some logical context to her "we're down two people" statement when she makes it. But the horror of the situation is completely missing from her delivery. She just heard, she wasn't there for any of it - maybe it's surreal to her. But Carol has such a bad personality by that point in the show, I tend not to give her the benefit of the doubt.
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