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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I hope she came to her senses about five minutes later. But Sharona has terrible taste in men, so she'd probably stay with him a while because he's not as bad as the others.
  2. Holy hell, yes, I could have made a drinking game out of moments at which Jerry - because of his history and the severity of any given screw-up du jour - should have been canned.
  3. Same. Well, I don't know what the borg and the empire truly mean as I've never seen either movie/show, but these third party delivery services are bad for the drivers they employ (yet get to treat as contractors, not employees) and the restaurants/stores they claim to serve, so I don't care who they get for the commercials, I am not going to applaud. But obviously my lack of familiarity with sci-fi was a stumbling block to begin with; even if this was for a company I didn't hate, I would have had a big "meh" reaction to the commercial. Patrick Stewart has an appealing presence, so that's always nice, but the overall thing is just lost on me.
  4. Ah, damn. I know that was pretty much inevitable given her condition, but damn. I liked her in so many things.
  5. Because he appears as a guest star in that episode, just as he's been credited in all his previous episodes. He's not suddenly listed as part of the main cast for season three; he thus far is, as he's always been, credited as a guest star in any episode in which he appears (such as the upcoming "Keep on Truckin' Six Feet Apart" season premiere) -- unless/until he's added to the main cast credits, at which point such articles wouldn't note his presence, as it would be a given.
  6. The specific genetic thing where one tastes cilantro differently (as opposed to just disliking its actual flavor) makes it taste like soap; I've never heard of that being accompanied by chiles/hot sauces tasting bitter and ashy.
  7. I liked Donna fine in the beginning, but when the show began shoving her down my throat without ever actually showing me any reason she was special compared to the other assistants, I quickly grew tired of her. I had thankfully quit watching by the time she and Josh got together, because just the notion of it makes me want to gag. First, when the show started flirting with it (and viewers started rooting for it), she was his assistant. That kind of direct reporting relationship, especially with it being a male supervisor and a female subordinate and especially where his position is incredibly powerful and hers is incredibly not, is a big hell to the no for me as something appropriate to turn sexual. But even though - at least I think this is how it played out - she no longer worked for him when they got involved, I still shudder at the notion; as I've said in the WW thread, they were this really odd situation in which each one was too good for the other.
  8. Cool - I would never have thought to look for the Roku channel on my Amazon device, so thanks for the heads up. I promptly downloaded it and watched the first three episodes. I'm re-watching a couple too many things at once right now, but it was too tempting to resist. One of the many things I love about "Gleen" (the second episode, where the firefighter blew up his wife with a homemade bomb in a box of laundry detergent) is how Lorraine, the fiancée, is not presented as a ditz who insists he couldn't have done it. She has to be shocked, but she knows - from the evidence, from the fact Gwen is accusing her own father when she's always believed him a hero and thought the killer was the sex offender, and probably from realizing some red flags in his behavior - it has to be true, and thus stays with Gwen to support her, rather than running over to get in his face about all this. "Gleen" is one of my favorite first season episodes because of the performance by the actor playing Gwen; she so perfectly portrays how eternally screwed up Gwen is by having seen her blown-up mom, and then by how further traumatized she is by realizing her dad did it and she can provide evidence against him. What a sympathetic character - I'm especially touched by her first scene, when she says she just turned 25, which is the age her mom was when she died, and she never realized until now just how young that is. And the scene when she's there to tell the cops about her dad's telephone equipment, and she says half to them and half to herself, "If I'm going to do this, I'm going to have to kill myself afterward."
  9. Korsak's dogs were Kojak, Starsky, and Hutch (and maybe more; those are just the ones I remember). And Jane had Jo Friday.
  10. I love sambal oelek and use it in many things that most use sriracha in, because I like the spice level and distinct chile flavor created by leaving out the sugar. Fresh chiles are best, but sometimes I don't have them or don't want to bother, so I always have sambal oelek in the fridge.
  11. Oh, her food is terrible. But so is that hair, the demented clown smile, and her entire lifestyle. She actually gives me a bit of the creeps.
  12. L-Lysine works great for cats whose herpes is flaring up (just like, whether or not they ever show symptoms, most humans carry the herpes virus that causes cold sores [HSV1], most cats have the herpes virus that causes upper respiratory symptoms [FHV1]*); it's almost always enough to tamp down a flare-up (sometimes you'll need an anti-viral like famciclovir, and even an antibiotic for a secondary infection, but that's only when it progresses). I have L-Lysine pills on hand for when I feel a cold sore coming on (or any time I know my immune system is being challenged and thus a cold sore may develop), so when I had a cat prone to flare-ups I'd just crush the appropriate amount of a pill into her food at the first sign of a watery eye. Easy peasy. *There are three other viruses that can be responsible for your garden variety URI in cats, but it's usually herpes.
  13. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    What a great game-winning drive by Seattle! If the damn Giants had managed to eke out a win, I'd have had the perfect football weekend.
  14. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Or the utter stupidity of a coach. Fuck you still, McAdoo! The ankle broke when his foot hit the turf, before the Giants player even came down on him. What a freak thing! I feel so sorry for him.
  15. Oh, I forgot all about that - yeah, those red ones. I just looked it up, and in my area they're available for rent at Home Depot and two grocery store chains.
  16. They do pee a lot, especially when their blood sugar is too high; are you testing her glucose level before insulin injection and at insulin peak (so when her blood sugar will be at its highest and lowest, respectively) to see if maybe she needs a higher dose? A high protein and very low carb diet can help, too. As for the carpet cleaner, in your shoes I'd definitely go get/order one unless there truly was no room to put it (and, really, even if it had to just sit in a corner somewhere, I'd still get one, because smelling urine-stained carpet until the pandemic is over and you can have carpet cleaners come in does not sound like fun!). But then I remembered you've hurt your back and wouldn't want to be using it yourself, and it sounds like your husband might refuse to do it. Hmm. It's not much heavier than a vacuum, so maybe you'd be able to manage a little at a time? Sorry you're having to deal with all this.
  17. I watched bits and pieces of "Chain Reaction" during breaks in football play, and I love it, but the timing always bugs me: Day one is, according to Sharon’s phone, 12/22, and the party is scheduled for the next night (which makes sense; work on the 23rd, get together at Sharon's that night, and then spend the 24th and 25th with their families). But the next day is suddenly – as stated twice – Christmas Eve instead. I also always think how ticked I'd be if I was Provenza's family that he - who admits he only sees his kids and grandkids on holidays - was ditching family Christmas to spend with some random new person (he and Patrice aren't even dating at this point!). (In theory, I'd be annoyed if I was Patrice’s family, too, but in her first episode she was written like she either didn’t have family in town or was estranged from them, since it was noted that no one came to sit with her during the 24+ hours she spent at the hospital waiting to see if Keisha was going to make it, so at this point it's written like she isn't changing plans; it's only later that she's written as being regularly involved with her family, even though they still don't like Provenza.) But, like I said, I love the episode; sticking with the Provenza theme, it has one of my favorite of his lines: When Sharon recounts to the public defender how they found the choreographer’s body under his client’s bed, stuffed in one of the kid’s cello cases, Provenza says, “Thank God he doesn’t play the triangle.”
  18. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    14-3, but yeah - it turns out the Giants do know where the end zone is after all.
  19. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I don't either, and we didn't get the game until nearly five minutes of play time had elapsed because they stuck with the ending of the Raiders/Chiefs game.
  20. Bissell makes good carpet cleaners, and Costco has good prices on them. I think if you use one of its ubiquitous coupons (especially if combined with a sale), Bed Bath & Beyond is another good option. (I got mine at Costco; I only have carpet in one room, but I'd rather clean it myself.) Make sure you use an enzyme-based cleaner (e.g. Anti-Icky Poo [I know, terrible name, but good product] or Nature's Miracle) rather than a carpet shampoo; otherwise, while you won't smell pee anymore, your cat still will, and will return to the scene of the crime. And, given the condition you describe, soak the ever-loving hell out of the carpet and let it sit (so it can penetrate the pad and sub-floor). (Have you had kitty checked for a UTI, to make sure it's not a new medical issue causing the wayward peeing problem?) Good luck, and best wishes for your cat.
  21. When the Columbia disaster happened, I was up on the roof of the bonus room attached to my garage, replacing the rolled asphalt roofing. It was a beautiful day, and I was in a really good rhythm, with the radio playing through my old boom box (and I mean old; that thing - which still works - plays AM/FM, cassette -- and 8-track), when the news was announced. My first thought was how horrible, but my second was "They did it again". I just knew NASA had ignored another problem.
  22. And if you have nine cats that are all related to each other, you've been breeding them. So, yeah, add in not knowing the basics about litter boxes, and I wasn't very impressed with them.
  23. Usually when a patient isn't fixed, they include Dr. Jeff (or someone) noting they'll do that while doing the other surgery (to further promote the Planned Pethood mission). Since they didn't - nor did they note he wasn't fixed and for some rare reason the neuter would be done later as a separate surgery - odds are Gunner was already fixed when he came in. I didn't pay that close attention, but dogs who aren't neutered fairly young can have a scrotum that looks like testicles from a distance; maybe that was the situation with Gunner? Or maybe the owner is one of those guys really obsessed with his dog's balls, and had used a vet who'll do a vasectomy rather than a neuter so the balls remain back whenever he had Gunner fixed - or he was even crazier and went for neuticles. Thatcher must really be tall for his breed; everyone who met him commented on it. Charlie is a cutie (those ears!). I wouldn't want to do my first hip surgery on camera, but those interns worked nicely together. (They seem so young!) Finn cleaning his face after Dr. Amy messed with his eyes was cute, but Hoodie crawling in a garbage can to pee took the cake. That urine sample was horrible looking to the naked eye; my parents' cat once had urine that looked like that, and it was also idiopathic cystitis (which is almost always stress-related [as best as anyone can tell, since, of course, idiopathic means no known cause]). Dr. B. did a good job of explaining the litter box situation to them, about the need to have them in various places. Hector trying not to make the goats faint was cute. When I can tell my cat is looking for just the right spot to fall over and present herself for petting, I tell her, "Do fainting goat". And now I want to go have some goat therapy. Pumpkin Spice living alongside a cat intrigues me as to how much interaction it takes to feel comfortable your cat will treat a rat as a housemate rather than prey.
  24. I love the fabric on Allison Janney's sofa. I don't want to mess with signing up for a trial of yet another streaming service just to watch the benefit special, but the trailer sure makes it tempting. I like him as an actor, and this show could use some extra melanin. It'll be weird to see/hear someone else as Leo, and the chemistry between Leo and Bartlet, especially, will obviously be different with another actor, but I think Brown will fit in well and have the right presence.
  25. I just checked the archive for last night's game (I thought I'd finally be able to watch, but it was preempted by basketball). I did not have a good game; in the first round, I missed most of the TV clues, and only ran one category (Snap, Crackle, or Pop). In DJ, the only Before & After I got was He-Mansplaining, which made me laugh. I technically only got one of the church/cathedrals clues, but I'm giving myself credit for "gothic" since I believe I'd have got it if I'd seen the picture. I only ran the Oxford Alumni and "C" categories, but I did know all but one song and knew/guessed (mostly the latter!) one Hittites clue. Thankfully, FJ was an instaget to make me feel a little better.
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